10 MORE Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Young Children

Here are 10 MORE super fun stocking stuffer ideas for small children.

***Scroll down to add your own ideas so we can put together a comprehensive list.***

Stretch Island Fruit Leathers (these things are yummy...and healthy too!)

stretch island fruit leathers

Glow-in-the-Dark Space Stickers

glow in the dark space stickers


paintbrushes for kids

Hair clippies or Colorful tights (for little girls).

rainbow hair clippies

Crayon Rocks

crayon rocks

Rainbow-Striped Leg Warmers

rainbow babylegs

A hand puppet

lion hand puppet

A board book: Sounds Funny or Put Me In the Zoo.

sounds funny board book


washable glue sticks

Travel-sized baby lotion

weleda baby lotion

YOUR TURN: What are your favorite stocking stuffers for small children?

* Some of the above links are affiliate links.

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16 comments on “10 MORE Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Young Children”

  1. I like those foam shapes (animals, vehicles, dinos) that come in capsules that you dissolve in water. We never put them on the counter in a glass, we always put them in the tub!

  2. I always give my daughter chap stick. Oh, and silly putty and flashcards. We love flashcards - perfect size and so very useful!

  3. For my little Lucy I bought some new sippy cups. The poor thing (kidding, of course) has everything in blue from hand-me-downs from her little brother. I thought a nice pink and purple cup would be great!

  4. I love the idea of fruit leathers. I'm going to have to do that. I've got some little playdough, a mini fairy, some little squirt toys, crayons and coloring placemats for stockings. I also always put in an orange.

  5. Hey you posted what my girls are getting! I hope they don't look!! ;)

    They are getting the paintbrushes, crayon rocks, healthy snacks, hair clipies and little puppets.

    Such a great list! They are getting mini harmonicas too :)

    You do such a great job with all of your posts I love reading them.

  6. if you don't mind the music/noise... a harmonica, recorder or kazoo make fun stocking stuffers. i agree that art suppiles, toothbrushes, and stickers make great stocking stuffers. if the kids aren't too little, jump ropes can be fun. also card games ~ uno, go fish, old maid, etc.

  7. Fruit leathers are a great idea! I've asked that we limit the candy this year... we'll see how it goes.

    Other ideas - new colors or colored pencils, new coloring book or activity book, music, little things for their purses (the girls), matchbox cars, bouncy balls, punch balls (those are a big hit around here!), stickers, toe socks, hot chocolate packs, rubber animals - all my nieces, nephew and my kids love those things and they are great to throw in the diaper bag or the purse to just have something impromptu to play with when you are gone longer than you expect to be! Also the kids around here like having a "special" cup that is "their's" that is another fun thing to put in a stocking! And as always... I could go on and on!

  8. Oooh I'm gonna try to make some of those crayon rocks from all these broken crayons we have in our craft box. I'm also making some granola bars to put in there stockings so they have a little something in their tummies.

  9. I think buying stocking stuffers is my favorite part of Christmas shopping! I love to get lots of little, fun toys from Cost Plus World Market - they always have the coolest stuff. I also like to carry over the tradition from when I was growing up, and put a few of the little round "Baby Bel" cheeses in each stocking.

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