Category: Babies

Babies are miracles. Follow along for articles on pregnancy, breastfeeding, baby products, birth, vaccines, and baby care.

Ask Dr. Sears: Sick Child on Day of Vaccines

Please welcome Dr. Bob Sears back to Metropolitan Mama. Sears is a nationally known pediatrician, father of three, and author of The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child. Sears has graciously offered to extend his expertise about vaccines through a bi-monthly column where YOU ask the questions...and he answers them. See the […]

Now I know my ABC's (a review of Arbonne Baby Care)

Our nightly bedtime routine involves quite a few baby care products - hair and body wash in the bathtub, a generous dollop of diaper cream on our baby's bum, and a gentle lotion massage to add some moisture to our Little Beauty's dry skin. Recently, Rachel told me about Arbonne Baby Care (ABC, for short). […]

itzbeen - Clever Name, Clever Gadget

I remember the early days after my baby made her arrival. That exhausting, milky oblivion. The wonder. The inexplainable love and magic. The overwhelming chaos in which time stood still. In the midst of being tired beyond comprehension, I was supposed to remember when my baby ate last and what color her poop was and […]

Birth Centers 101

If you are pregnant, you are probably aware that you have three options when it comes to the location of your impending birth: a hospital, a birth center, or your home. Today we'll focus on the birth center option. I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Cynthia Flynn, the newly elected President of the American […]

Breastfeeding as Birth Control

Fact or Fiction? Breastfeeding will prevent you from getting pregnant. That's a trick question, actually. It can and does, depending on the circumstances. Because there are so many rumors and half-truths flying around on the topic, I thought I'd give you a quick look at the facts. All information is taken from the Ask Dr. […]

Book Review: The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers

I loved Elizabeth Pantley's first book so I was eager to get my hands on her second book - The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers. The issue of sleep is one of the best kept secrets of parenthood. Pre-baby, I certainly knew that those first few months would be difficult as the baby […]

Sleep Surveys

How new parents decide to get a good night's rest is a personal matter and the different "plans" people put in place vary greatly depending on the parents' personalities and work schedules, the baby's temperament, health concerns, available space in the home, etc. Sometimes it's nice to know that other parents are doing it the […]

Protecting Your Mattress from Baby Stains and Smells

If you have a baby or toddler who co-sleeps with you for part or all of the night, then you are probably very familiar with this scenario.Beginning of the night: Snuggles, Sweetness, Sleeping... YOU: Uh-oh. (Groggy, sitting up quickly)HUSBAND: What? What is it? (looks down) Oh no! Not again!YOU: (pulling the sheets off quickly)HUSBAND: (running […]

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