Book Review: The No-Cry Discipline Solution

Book Review: The No-Cry Discipline Solution 1At age one, our daughter's personality began shining through in vibrant and electrifying colors. She began walking - and she was already giggling and exploring and finding awe in simple wonders like blowing bubbles, singing songs, and going down slides at the park.

At the same time, we began to realize that soon enough we would need to institute boundaries and create some kind of discipline structure. Of course, as Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Discipline Solution: Gentle Ways to Encourage Good Behavior Without Whining, Tantrums & Tears points out, "discipline is not about punishment...Parental discipline is about helping our children create a foundation of strong values, morals, and guidelines that they can use for a lifetime of self-discipline. The teaching of these principles occurs with nearly every interaction we have with our children."

I especially appreciated the fact that Pantley pointed out that we "discipline" our children, all day, every day - we are constantly teaching them how to behave by our own words and actions. We need to be more concerned about the messages that we are conveying and the people that we are than simply getting our children to comply with our wishes.

Pantley also highlights the fact that what we do now will effect our little ones as they grow: "When it comes to the typical misconduct that parents of teenagers struggle with, the seeds of those behaviors were planted way, way, way back - when the teen was a baby and toddler."

The book has a solid foundation, but it also offers plenty of practical tips to help parents with common issues - from baby talk to biting to bossiness to interrupting to tantrums. You'll find a list of potential solutions and things to try in this comprehensive manual.

Pantley's first two books - The No-Cry Sleep Solution and The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers - were both excellent. This one is equally helpful. I highly recommend this book for parents of children in the 12-month to 5-year category.

WIN IT! One mama will win "The No-Cry Discipline Solution: Gentle Ways to Encourage Good Behavior Without Whining, Tantrums & Tears" by Elizabeth Pantley. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post prior to Thursday, Mar. 20, at midnight (don't forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Friday, March 21. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

* UPDATE * The winner is #54 arbrashears. Congratulations!

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139 comments on “Book Review: The No-Cry Discipline Solution”

  1. I agree that children are always watching their parents behaviors and that we teach our children how to act by example. I also agree that discipline is needed to guide children. I currently work with challenged children as a career and while I love my job it has made me concerned about proper ways of discipling. I would love to use this book as a resource for my daughter.

  2. Each child is an individual, so finding the right discipline is a challenge. What works for one might not work on another. I would love to see what their strategy is and possibly find a fresh approach to an age old problem. Thank you so much for this giveaway.

  3. I am really interested in this book and probably need to read it NOW to stay ahead of my son. He is only 8 months old now but I'm already dreading the days when he will need discipline. I grew up in a spanking household and I don't want to go that route!

  4. OMG, I am still going to enter this, I am not sure what time zone you are, I would love to have this one for our toddler! With dad deployed I am putting so much pressure on myself for his toddler acting out and how to correct it.

  5. i need this book so my baby won't grow up to be spoiled and unsatisfied all the time like me! i used to throw tantrums as a kid until one day instead of getting my way, i got a bucket of cold water thrown on me. that stopped my fits at least!

  6. Man, I'd LOVE to get my hands on the section about whining. We are working very hard on that lately in our house!!

  7. I've got a three year old princess who also claims to be queen of the world. Help! What a great resource for myself and other families I work with professionally. Thanks!

  8. I am really interested in what this has to say. I really like the non- discipline approach presented by Alfie Kohn and others, I'm interested in what approach Padley has. I have loved her "No Cry Sleep Solution" books!

  9. I have a 1 year old just starting to walk...and push boundaries! We could use some help.
    jenni_aja at hotmail dot com

  10. Wow--I am starting to wonder when the right time to draw boundaries is (my little guys is still under 9 months old), but now I know why it is so hard to get your toddler to behave. What a tricky dance discipline and development seem to be. :) I would look forward to learning what this book has to say!


  11. We are starting to have some tantrums now that my toddler is 17 months old. It makes me wary of the Terrible Twos. Oh no. I'm all about positive discipline and using healthy boundaries (this worked very well when I was a classroom teacher), but for some reason I am floundering in the discipline department with my own child. How could I keep 25 fifth graders in check 7 hours a day with no problems and not be able to keep my tiny toddler from putting the cat's tail in her mouth? I need help!

  12. Well, I keep reading books and my husband keep saying 'it's not working!' because our almost-three-year-old has developed quite the attitude. But maybe THIS book will be just what the doctor ordered because I NEED HELP!!! :)

  13. It's trying at times having 2 young children in the house. This book looks like it would be a helpful addition.

  14. I desperately need a book like this! My 2 1/2 year old thinks he rules the roost. He throws the worst tantrums I've ever seen.

  15. This looks like a great book. I could really use this right now. I have a three year old who is very stubborn and is very difficult to discipline.

  16. My daughter hasn't quite reached her first birthday and the whining has already begun. I'm sure crying and tantrums aren't far behind. I really need to check this book out!

  17. I've been considering buying these books, so it's good to hear that you and your other readers like them. Thanks for the review and the chance to win.

  18. I love this approach, and after I read it, the book would find a good home with my Positive Discipline and Redirecting Children's Behavior course material.

  19. Disciplining with grace is always so hard! I was once told that discipline is discipling - helping them become like you. An interesting way to think about it, I guess. I could really use some new ideas! Thanks!

  20. oh my gracious, I so need this! I have a 6 year old that cries way too much, not to mention my other kids :)

  21. I have never read any of this series, but am constantly curious about insights on toddlerdom! I've been through it twice -- soon will be again. It really is amazing how much of your child's personality does start to come out around that first birthday. Experience and things I've learned in school :) have taught me indeed that we learn more through the actions of those above us than our words. I'd like to use this book to have that reinforced for me and to learn what behaviors of my own would most help my child behave appropriately. I appreciate your honest insights on the book. I'd like so much to win it and read ir to hopefully take even one small step towards being the best parent I can for my daughter -- and create an environment which will allow her to be the best that she can. Thanks for the chance!


    arbrashears at msn dot com

  22. Looks like a great book, I'd love to get this book now, so I can have time to read it before newborn gets to toddler stage!

    nifferjeno at gmail dot com

  23. Wow, what parent wouldn't want to read this book. It looks like a good one to pass around at our playgroup discussions... who says playgrounds are just for the kids! ;)
    md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

  24. I read the No Cry Sleep Solution and found it very interesting. I'd love to give this book a look.

    disarray at onebox dot com

  25. My daughter can be a bit challenging as well... I know discipline is very important, but sometimes I'm not sure what ways of discipline are truly effective - this book would help a lot, I'm sure!
    Thank you so much again for letting me participate in a wonderful giveaway!! Love to you and yous, take care and God Bless!

  26. Sounds like this book is for me, my 4 yo son is very challenging. Almost anything he can do wrong he does...
    And our methods of discipline aren't
    working anymore. I hope I win!

  27. I would LOVE to have this book as I have a son who is almost 3 and I hate to yell at him but I need to find a way to discipline him without yelling. It makes me feel like a bad mother when I yell at him..Please help me....

  28. My son is 10 months, so I'm sure discipline is going to be more on an issue. He is already getting into everything and i"m not sure how stern to be.

  29. I read "Happiest Baby on the Block" and found it to be one of the more helpful parenting books out there. I'm on my 3rd baby now--definitely going to need to read up again on Toddlers!

  30. I have the No-Cry Sleep Solution and she had some good tips. My son will be one in June, so I guess its never too early to read up on what I can expect.

  31. Another great book. I think that getting ideas for other people on how to raise are kids are great, I might not follow everything but more knowledge is a very good thing

  32. I used the no-cry sleep solution and liked it very much. My 14 month old has just discovered hitting, so it would be great to win this book.


  33. Goodness, two great book reviews. This one looks lovely too, and so useful. I really liked the no cry sleep solution so I'm guessing I'd really like this one too.

  34. I would love this book right now. My 2yo son hit me this morning, even after I told him it was naughty and warned him that if he did it again, he'd be disciplined. I ended up spanking him AND gave him a timeout. He was remorseful and apologetic afterwards, but I felt terrible. I need this book.

  35. Oh, discipline is so difficult at this age, and so many books say so many different things! It seems that the "best" way to do things changes from year to year (to spank or not to spank, are time outs useful or useless, etc). I think it ends up being more what works for your family and your child (but of course some things are NEVER okay), but I like to read up on the different ideas and see what will work for us and our kids. I'd like to give this one a read and see what I can add to what we're already doing. Thanks! gumbi1313 at msn dot com

  36. My son is coming to that age where he needs some kind of discipline. My husband and I were talking about it the other day, unsure of how to go about it. This book sounds like it could help a lot!

  37. I hope this book works with toddlers too. Discipline is the hardest part of being a parent and any help would be greatly appreciated!

  38. I would love to read this. My daughter is entering toddlerhood and is already throwing tantrums when we tell her 'no'. Thanks! katebeth45 (at) gmail

  39. I've enjoyed all the Pantley books that I've read. I'd love to give this one a try, too!

  40. I am sore need of this right now. My youngest is seriously challenging me in all my efforts of discipline, and I am about at my wits end.

  41. I would love to win this for my stepdaughter. I only wish I had this for myself when my son was this age. Thank you for the contest!

  42. I need this. I will be happy to receive a copy even if there are highlighted marks all over the book. I really need this.

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