Meet Audrey Jane

Meet Audrey Jane 1 Meet Audrey Jane 2 Meet Audrey Jane 3

Born on Friday, April 13


8 pounds 10 ounces

20.5 inches long

We are at home - resting, grateful.

More photos + a birth story soon.

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68 comments on “Meet Audrey Jane”

  1. Congrats!! She is beautiful, love the name. And she is a April 13th baby like me! Friday too! Welcome to the world baby girl!

  2. Congratulations! Friday the 13th is always a lucky day for my family! This year, I went to the doctor prepared to be told I had to be induced (low fluid levels) and was told that my levels were starting to creep back up. I was so relieved! We also found our Darah was a girl on Friday the 13th back in 2009.

    She is beautiful and has a really lovely name! Looking forward to hearing the birth story.

  3. Congratulations! Love, love, love her name! She is beautiful. Those cheeks are perfectly suited for lots of kisses! Can't wait to read the birth story!

  4. I'm so happy for you! She is precious and I love her name. I'm excited to see pictures of the sisters all together, I bet they love her so much!

  5. Congratulations! She's soooo beautiful. Looking forward to the birth story. Is this really your second baby born on a Friday the 13th??

  6. Congratulations!! Been waiting for the big announcement. Hope all are well and adjusting to a family of five!!

  7. Congratulations! She is gorgeous and so are you! I wish I could visit, bring you dinner, start a load of laundry and whatever else to help!

  8. Congratulations on your Friday the 13 baby. My husband was born on a Friday the 13th too. And I love the name, it's lovely!

  9. Oh she is beautiful Stephanie and I LOVE her name! It totally fits in with your other girls! :) I can't wait to hear how the birth went.

    P.S. I'm SO looking forward to reading your adventures of having three girls. You will love it! :)

  10. Aw...she's gorgeous Stephanie and Tim...fearfully and wonderfully made:) And what a beautiful name! We're so happy for y'all:) xoxo

  11. Yay! Yay! Congratulations! She is beautiful! You are beautiful! Love her name and can't wait to hear more! Praying that getting to know each other goes smoothly and that nursing is pain free!

  12. Oh, Stephanie! She is just beautiful. Congratulations! I just love the name you chose, it is perfect.

    Enjoy your sweet addition. I'm sure your other girls are just loving her.



    P.S. You look great and so at peace in the middle picture. :)

  13. Congratulations! You both look so beautiful.
    Perfect pictures, too. I can almost smell her sweet little head:)
    And you *know* I love the name. Kayla's got great taste. Audrey sounds classic with a splash of whimsy. Love it!

  14. She is so beautiful just like the other two. Congratulations on your new blessing. I am sure you two are being taken good care of by Tim and the girls. Take care and God Bless you all.

    1. We didn't officially decide on the name until five hours AFTER she was born. ;)

      Now, though? She's definitely "Audrey" - and we love the meaning: "noble strength."

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