random thoughts from my morning run

random thoughts from my morning run 1Have you ever seen the movie "What Women Want," starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt? Quick Overview: Mel's character gains the ability to read womens' thoughts...and he quickly discovers that their thoughts are going in a hundred different directions at about a mile a minute.

I laughed out loud; the producer got it exactly right.

Here's a snapshot of where my mind went this morning on my 1.5 mile run. I was rockin' to Third Day, Sondre Lerche, Mark Schultz, and Black Eyed Peas (a motley crew, I know).

  • Walmart has terrible meat. We've almost become temporary vegetarians because of it. Somehow we never park at a campground near Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, or other respectable grocery stores.
  • You would think that produce would be bountiful here on this green coast, but that's not the case. Tim & I are convinced that all good produce goes to Whole Foods and Costco - regardless of where the farms are or where you live. Supply and Demand, baby.
  • My one material wish these days is for a Kindle. I already know what books I'm going to purchase as soon as the device is in my hands - the top 5 bestselling business books, One Thousand Gifts, Hunger Games, and Colleen's new book.
  • I also need shorts. I have none. But it's getting too hot for jeans.
  • We are living very frugally this year though. After all, we did manage to save up and travel the country in an RV for a year - without debt. I'm proud of that (and willing to not have shorts and a Kindle just yet).
  • Metropolitan Mama is ready for a fresh blog design. New colors - pink has to go. I like pink, but...I want my first impression to be stronger, more diverse.
  • New header. My first choice is to hire an artist to hand-draw the header for me (know anyone?).
  • I hope people understand what this year is about for us - it's infinitely more than volunteering. It's about learning HOW to give, how to live. It's about taking a risk. It's about seeing the world. It's about breaking free. It's about pressing in. It's about holding my kids close...and learning to let go. It's about re-discovering what matters most.
  • How can we possibly write about everything that we are experiencing?
  • How can I take what is in my heart and type it out on your screen?
  • Should I write short snippets? Or wait to reflect?
  • I can't wait to go west.
  • I wonder where we'll end up.
What are your random thoughts right now? C'mon. List one or two. [At least tell me what you're reading...].

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47 comments on “random thoughts from my morning run”

  1. Hello, this is a food tip coming from someone who was raised in California and now lives on the East Coast. The key to good meat and produce is the smaller stores. Here in NJ we have "meat markets" that specialized in a variety of meats and make their own sausages etc. Just Google the area you are going to be in and "meat market" Also, throughout the summer, the best local produce is sold at farmers markets. Check out http://www.local-farmers-markets.com and you might be able to plan ahead to buy produce in your next city. Good luck!

  2. Those are some pretty random thoughts, but totally how my mind works too.

    I'd love a Kindle too, but trying to be frugal for right now. I'm also afraid that even if I have on I'll never use it. I haven't figured out how to read while having a toddler yet. After she goes to sleep I'm too drained to try and read, all I want to do is veg.

  3. There are so many great farmer's markets around here in the summer. I'm sure veggies and fruit are hard to find at grocery stores, but look for some farmer's markets. Visit http://www.localharvest.org/ to find stuff that might be near you. You guys are headed out of some of the best produce area soon, so get it now before you get to the middle of the country!

    I'm reading 10 habits of happy mothers (http://www.amazon.com/10-Habits-Happy-Mothers-Reclaiming/dp/0345518063) which I'm enjoying. It is getting some great reviews from bloggers who I know and follow. I don't have a kindle, but I think I want one. I have an iPad, which allows me to use the kindle app. Although, my amazon account was hacked and fraudulent purchases were made two nights ago and now amazon closed my account, so I'm wondering what will happen to the books I downloaded, I hope they don't disappear.

    My random thoughts this morning are about this whole amazon hacking thing. So frustrating. We can't figure out how it happened. I'm wondering if I need to cancel my credit card or just keep an eye on it for a while. I'm wondering when we should pull out our squash and zucchini plants from the garden. They seem to be mostly done producing and we want the room to be able to move around. I'm looking forward to our first vine ripe tomatoes today.

  4. Steph - I am sure someone has already said this, I know I am commenting a few days after you wrote...but, all the best produce is found in the farmers markets and farm stalls. Do a google search for local markets and times for where you guys are. I spend $20.00 a week at most during the summer & end up with counters overflowing with fresh fruits & veggies. We have so many markets that I have one within 10 miles of me every day except Sunday.

    You guys should see if you can do a "pick your own" fruit patch too...there are some blueberry patches near us that are in season - with a $2.00 a pound price tag. I know you guys have already passed through NC, but I am sure you can find some farm direct veggies & fruit to the north of us!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, Teresa.

      Here's a funny story for you: We saw a big sign that said "Farmer's Market" in Pennsylvania so we parked and walked into an open barn. There were little tables with fruits, veggies, and baked goods. We picked up some apricots, berries, and squash...and went to pay. "Do you grow these right here?" we asked the woman at the counter. "Oh no," she said, "those are from California." "What about these?" we asked, holding up the berries. "New Jersey," she said. "We'd like to buy something from Pennsylvania," we smiled. "We don't have anything local yet...there should be corn next month," she replied.

      We'll try again soon. :)

  5. I wasn't willing to pay money for a Kindle just yet either but then my mom surprised me with one for my birthday in March. We are both avid readers so she knew I would love it. I have to admit though I'm holding back a little bit on the e-book buying in anticipation for the new library-borrowing program to begin later this year. I'm just not big on spending money on books that I can get for free!

    PS...Good for you for keeping up with the running! I've been sorely lacking in the routine exercise department. We do go on family walks every night after dinner but that's about it. Yikes!

    1. Won't that library lending program be wonderful? Then, I'll HAVE to get a Kindle. ;)

      Thanks for the encouragement about running. I think I might get off my laptop and go right now...

  6. My random thoughts aren't particularly interesting, but rather unrandomly I wanted to say that I'm enjoying your blog:) As for reading, I got a Nook as a gift for Christmas and have been enjoying checking out ebooks from the library on it. Right now I'm simultaneously reading:
    : an Agatha Christie mystery
    : a book on social media (301 Ways to Use Social Media...or something like that)
    : Why She Buys on marketing to women
    : ...and Twilight's Eclipse. Again. (I'm a teeny bopper at heart, and those books are like comfort food for me...)

    Oh...and we have neither a Costco nor a Trader Joe's in my town, so I can't speak to those. But Walmart's meat is indeed sketchy....

    Stephanie from Make Home Make Sense

  7. My thoughts are centered around our upcoming road trip this weekend. We are going to my parents' lake house where we have an annual family reunion. My grandpa also stays with us and my son loves being around my parents and grandpa. I like that he is able to interact with people of all ages. So my thoughts are all about what to pack, what needs to be done before leaving, etc.

    We live in Wisconsin, and yes there is good cheese here! You'll probably take Interstate 90/94 from Chicago to Eau Claire, and there is a good shop called Ehlenbach's just north of Madison that has great Wisconsin products. I think you'll like Eau Claire. The glaciers created beautiful hills and valleys up there.

    Also, in the Midwest, you should try frozen custard from Culver's!

    Hunger Games was one of the first books I downloaded on my Kindle. It's disturbing yet imaginative.

  8. My random thoughts last night while going for my 2.5 mile run:
    I wonder what kind of life Casey Anthony is going to have outside of prison.
    I need to find an accurate pedometer to track my distance while running.
    Is there really a mountain lion lurking in my neighborhood?
    I can't wait to see my parents on Saturday.
    I hope it doesn't start raining.
    What should we have for dinner tomorrow?
    I hope I hear back from that company that I applied for a job for.
    I really want to go back to school.

  9. Should I get my masters NOW or wait until January? Is this "uncomfortable" feeling about moving forward FEAR or God's Spirit nudging me to wait?

    I have lost a little weight since I went to Haiti for 10 days. Can I keep it off and lose a bit more?

    I REALLY want to do the whole couponing thing successfully, but I just get overwhelmed with the details and follow up and I want BIG savings if I am going to invest my time.

    I miss being in a "community" of girlfriends, although I do have many friends, just not all in the same community.

    I wonder when the house thing is going to work out since we have been searching for about 6 months now.

    Overall, I have a limbo feeling in this season of life - different yet not so unlike how I am sure you feel as you look into the near future with so many questions.

    So I am RANDOM ALL THE TIME!! These are just a FEW! :) :)

    Answers to your randomness....

    Yeah...I have not experience whole foods living on the East Coast like people talk about in other parts of the country.

    Love the idea of an artist drawing your header....but I honestly don't have anyone to suggest to you!

    Enjoying the HOW you are sharing your heart!

  10. I am currently reading "Green Business Strategy" by the Havard Business Review. My husband and I are looking to start an Energy company under the green model. Its amazing how much I already know and how much I still need to learn. I have never been to Whole Foods as odd as that sounds. I love your purple shorts, they look so airy, you should probably check Old Navy for cheap stylish shorts.

    I want a Kindle too but i'd rather save for the ipad2, my only issue is Apple gets innovative every year and thats why I dont like buying their products because it becomes obsolete as soon as you get it.

  11. I'm thinking:
    Bummer that you aren't coming through my town :(
    I wonder what size shorts you wear...would the ones I'm considering donating to goodwill for you? Why is it so hard for me to tell if people are bigger or smaller than me?
    I am in love with Trader Joe's faux-Oreos-cheaper than real Oreos and no artificial ingredients.
    I wonder whether the paint colors I picked for my new house will actually work once I try them in the house
    I can't wait for my son's birthday even though we aren't having a party
    I hope he can move his new trike on his own so I don't have to push it constantly

  12. My head has been in a whirlwind for the past month. Last night I broke down to my husband because I've just got too much on my plate right now, but don't feel like I can/should get rid of any of it.

    * I offered to throw a baby shower for a girl who just had her first boy. Nobody was offering to throw her one (not even her family who live minutes away) and I knew she wanted one. I did a free photo shoot for her newborn and 2 year old daughter a week and a half ago, made the shower invites that same day, invited everyone she wanted to come, delegated some of the responsibilities, and then decided that I would do all of the treats for the shower. Her mother-in law and sister-in law were going to provide the drinks and a game. They both can't come and I am now left to do those things as well and the shower is today. I'm also hand-making a necktie onesie for the baby and I'm not really very good at sewing. It's a bit daunting.

    *I am driving to Utah with all 3 of my kids, by myself in less than 2 weeks. It's a 10.5 hr drive and I am feeling sick about it. 2 of my cousins are getting married within a day of each other. One of my cousins has almost nothing financially speaking. They bought the bride's dress off of craigslist for $25 and they weren't going to have a reception because they couldn't afford it. All of our family is coming together to chip in where we can. I am going to be their photographer and although I am very happy and willing to donate my talent to them, shooting weddings are VERY HARD AND STRESSFUL! I almost stopped taking pictures all together because shooting weddings burnt me out and made me not enjoy photography. I need to do this though because THEY need it and I can help. It feels good to give when you can, but sometimes the giving is really hard on you. I'm sure you MIGHT know something about that ;-)

    *I've also got a teenage girl who goes to my church that wants me to do her senior pictures. I told her I would a few months ago and that I would do it for free. This girl lost her mom in January and is living with her grandmother on welfare. She has had an extremely hard life, and if I don't do her senior pictures, she won't be able to have that experience. She is not the most physically attractive girl and has very little self-esteem. I want to help her feel beautiful through my pictures. I want to help, but she wants to do the pictures this month or early next month and I'm so swamped. I have to try and fit her in there somewhere.

    *For the first week in August, my husband and I are putting on a GIANT family reunion. Like 100-150 people are coming to this thing. The second week in August is a reunion with just his immediate family, and the week after that I am running the Hood to Coast relay in Oregon. I am not ready.

    I have many, many other thoughts and worries going on in my head about my girls, my day-to-day responsibilities, trying to work on myself and how I can become better, keeping up with my physical health, keeping my connection to God as strong as possible, showing my husband how much I love and appreciate him, making new friends, nurturing the friendships that I have, and on and on. I feel a bit like a robot who is just going and not really emotionally connected to anything right now. I don't feel like I can stop until it's done, and then I will cry and let out all of the stress and tension. I wish I could just pause everything and take a breath. I want to enjoy the things that I do instead of get through them. How do you do that?

    1. Wow, Ashleigh. You DO have a lot on your plate. I wish you peace, patience, creativity, energy, and joy as you cross things off your to-do list in the coming months.

  13. Just finished reading Eat, Pray, Love last week, currently reading a few things, The Joy of Less, The Flexitarian Diet (although I'm a pescatarian...what is it with all those labels?) I eat fish, no other meats. A book I just recently bought was The New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    Things going on in my head:

    Will I be able to meet up with you guys while you're in Chicago (I commented on Tim's post)

    How will I do bench dips today without a chair ha ha Can't believe we don't have any chairs in this house that I could use.

    Whenever will this shed get built so we can finish our home gym

    I could go on but I'll spare you ha ha

  14. Oh the craziness going on in my head this morning :)

    Is it safe to start the shower or will the kids wake up crying for me as soon as I step into it? How will hubby's interview for the promotion at work go today? What to pack for the whirlwind family reunion weekend trip we're supposed to make? Is the laundry ever going to be done? Am I ever going to get our closets painted and organized? And finally... what am I forgetting :D

    I totally agree with you on the WalMart meat situation! Fortunately my grocery store here has good meat. And... Trader Joe's finally came to Kansas City - we've got one open now, and a Whole Foods too - unfortunately they are both about 45 minutes from me, but it will still be worth the trek over there one a monthish.

  15. It's midnight and I should be going to bed. But this is the only "quiet" time I get for actually doing things. And then I say I'm going to bed at 10... or 11... and pretty soon I've had too much fun reading up on all my friend's adventures and it's later than it should be.
    My in-laws are coming tomorrow and I'm going to a funeral. My friend from middle school's step father.
    I do my best thinking in the shower... when I don't have little boys peeking in at me or crying at each other because their wrestling match got too rowdy again.
    Why do my summers always seem to go by faster than the rest of the year when we have more time off? I think it's because they're actually less structured. They're also more stressful. I'm thinking summer is not my favorite time of the year anymore.
    I think I really am going to bed now. Can't wait to see your blog redesign and I really hope that somehow it works out for us to meet you in September.

  16. About making your page different/ hiring someone to do art. Dane Snyder is really good. Anyway Love you and hope u are doing well!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, Betsy. Tim just designed a new header for me last night - and I LOVE it. It's not what I originally envisioned, but - actually - I think I like it even better than what was in my mind.

  17. when are they going to build a Tradre Joe closer than an hour away? Never realized Costco has good food. Maybe I should get membership. I have to remember to go the the farmers market this Friday... It is only open for a couple of hours but all the good stuff will be gone in the first 30 min

    1. Costco has a large selection of high-quality foods. We are rarely disappointed with products there - especially meats, frozen fruits, dried fruits, bakery items, and snack foods.

      Fair warning - it's easy to spend a fortune there so it may not be the most budget-conscious way to shop. ;)

      1. It is OH so easy so spend a fortune at Costco, but I've found if you go with a list and stick to it it will definitely be cheaper in the long run than the regular grocery store. It's just that all the "extras" come in bulk just like the regular stuff so they cost more than a $2 bag of chips at the regular store! ;)
        We really want to get a membership, but can't even afford that right now. So we mooch off my parents and at least have them buy us our meat there and a few other things if the timing works out.

        1. You're probably right, Krista. I always get tempted by all of the amazing snacks there though (I could spend $200 on those alone). I especially love the dried mangoes. :)

  18. My most pressing thought - how can I quit work to be a stay at home mom? How do I fnd the emotional and financial backing? It's what I feel like I should do. What I want most. But I don't have the support. Makes me sad.

    1. That makes me sad too, Sara. I wish you creativity, hope, discernment, and unexpected support from family & friends in the days ahead.

  19. Just finished reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin - so good! I loved it. And random thoughts?? Um, I guess I didn't take the time to specifically notice what they were today!

  20. Hi Steph! I love when you write about things that are running around in your mind:) We refuse to buy meat from Walmart...so gross! Costco really has awesome food! We are never let down! I shopped at Trader Joe's the other day and was very disappointed. I brought home moldy cheese and pita bread without even knowing it:( I will continue to shop there though....they have some yummy stuff!

    I am always thinking about random things (ask Gary) sometimes I will just blurt things out and he wonders how I came up with that thought:) So here it goes......

    * I have been thinking about going back to school to get a communications degree. I dream about being a motivational speaker some day.

    *I was thinking how I can entertain the kids while Gary is at the fire station for 24 hours today......we made a lemonade stand.

    * I have been looking out the window praying for another Monsoon! Do you miss them? It has been cooling off to about 70 degrees after the rain stops!

    * I want to buy a new book, but I seriously get so wrapped up in reading that I can't put down a good book! I'm afraid my laundry will pile up again:) I just googled One Thousand Gifts, it looks interesting....maybe I will buy that one today. P.S. You would love a Kindle! I have a Nook....and nothing is better than buying a book on demand!

    1. Hi Ashley! I miss you! I miss the monsoons!

      But – we’re having the adventure of a lifetime.

      I’m sorry to hear about your Trader Joe’s experience. Eek. I hope they get their act together. I usually really enjoy my shopping experience there.

      You would be an EXCELLENT motivational speaker – Communications degree or not. :)

  21. I shouldn't be reading your blog right now, cuz just burnt a batch of cookies. Got so much to do for the carnival. What I am going to pull off for date night tonight? I wish I had looked at this t-shirt for more than 3 seconds before buying it at Target. I'm not sure it is the right color purple. I can't believe all the kids napped today. I hope they still go to bed at a decent hour tonight. I want to read The Help. I need to finish applying for adoption grants & loans. We need to come up with some serious money before we can submit our dossier. I hope the can pull the carnival together, & get sleep & not go crazy. Can't wait until next week.

  22. Enjoyed your post and enjoy keeping up with your family and your adventures! Totally admire what you are doing and completely jealous at the same time : )
    Just finished reading The Lost Symbol....not a new book, but I had not read it. Read it immediately after reading 'Angels and Demons'. It made me think...and since I have lots of questions regarding faith, it was good for me to think.
    Take care and enjoy your adventure!

  23. do i really have the flu? but i never get sick.. this is a crappy way to have to spend a day free of responsibilities.

    wait til you get to wisconsin...road side stands is the place to buy produce!

    1. I hope you don't! Feel better soon!

      I bet there will be good cheese in Wisconsin too. At least that's what I hear... :)

  24. I can't believe I actually slept 8 hours straight last night! I miss NY. I wonder if he's left Shanghai yet. I wish my head didn't hurt. When are the antibiotics going to kick in? Am I up to the grands coming over this afternoon? I need to get some fresh fruit & vegi's before NY gets home. I really don't wat to be awake yet.....

    1. I was just on antibiotics last week for a tooth infection. Not fun at all. I hope you are well in absolutely no time!

  25. I was running with you this morning as well! I see you are getting at it more often and I need to get back to it - I have been slacking off lately. My thoughts are normally just like the movie when I am running but today it was mostly about putting one foot in front of the other - I am really struggling on my runs as well lately. I hate buying groceries at wal-mart since they have the world's smallest organic section.

    1. Yes, I'm slowly trying to carve out a running schedule for myself. It helps that I've been able to go running with friends a few times...they keep me motivated!

  26. I am reading The Help. Really enjoying it. I am amazed that we haven't had any fog for over a week. It is usually always foggy at my house in July. How can I get my kids to not argue or be discontent for one full day. Why am I so tired. I am thankful for great friends. I am behind in my Bible study reading. What am I going to make for dinner and what shall I make for my friend who just had a baby? When is Stephanie coming to Santa Cruz? I can't wait to get my living room the way I want it...it's on it's way. Just need to find the right turquoise. I can go from one random thought to the next with very little difficulty. Good times.

  27. my random thoughts... how can I reshape my blogging to reflect more of what's in my heart instead of what's in my head?
    should I go totally organic or just do what we can when we can?
    is the house clean (had a friend over?)
    When will I have time for... organizin my photos, my closets, my spice rack, sewing my little projects...
    I'm reading... lots of blogs lately... like BloggingWithAmy.com - I should probably tweet what I'm reading but I click through here and there and forget as I wander the internet.

    1. I'd love to go "totally organic," but it's too pricey for us right now. For now, we do what we can...which means we buy organic milk, organic meats, and some organic fruits & veggies.

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