Working Mom Wednesday: Mommy Track'd

Working Mom Wednesday: Mommy Track'd 1Intelligent. Successful. Driven. These words describe Amy Keroes, the founder of Mommy Track'd - a "multitasking site" for moms who "work full full time, work part time, or are taking some time off but plan to go back." 

Check out Amy's credentials...

  • received her undergraduate degree from Northwestern University and her law degree from UCLA.
  • worked at Gap for six years, managing the Company’s intellectual property litigation and all marketing related partnerships and promotions.
  • lives in Mill Valley, California with her husband Jeff, her seven-year-old son Matty and her five-year-old daughter Jessie.
Please give a warm welcome to Amy and read on to find out more about Mommy Track'd.      

ME: How long has Mommy Track'd been around and why did you create it?

Working Mom Wednesday: Mommy Track'd 2

AMY: In 2005, I was living the harried life of working motherhood. I started to look for something - a resource that helped and entertained working moms. When I couldn't find it, I set out to create what I was looking for. 

I launched Mommy Track'd in May of 2006. About six months in (in September 2006), I took on a partner - Dawn Dobras. Now, I’m working "full time" on the site. 

ME: What is your long-term vision for the site and what new features/layers would you like to add in the future?

AMY: This spring, we will host our 3rd bay area event (our last one was sold out at over 600). We'd like to take those events to new levels and offer new formulas to help moms manage working motherhood.

We also hope that 2008 takes us to new levels in terms of traffic and ad revenue.

My new book also just came out last month: Mom’s Ultimate Family Organizer: A One-Stop Planner for Busy Moms (Chronicle Books, 2008). It has calendar sections, pull-out to-do lists, emergency lists, and more. 

Of course, we'd also like to add more and more diverse content on the site and we're working to improve the community section of the site. 

ME: On average, how many unique visitors currently log on to your site per month?

AMY: We’re at about 50,000 per month.


Amy stresses that the site is not a "working moms against non-working moms site. We are a place to discuss issues – both practical and ridiculous."

Amy has graciously offered a copy of her new book to one Metropolitan Mama reader. To enter, all you have to do is stop in at the Mommy Track'd website. Then, leave a comment below about something that "strikes" you about the site - what is your favorite feature, what is your impression of the site, etc. 

Working Mom Wednesday: Mommy Track'd 3WIN IT! One winner will receive a copy of Amy Keroe's new book - Mom's Ultimate Family Organizer: A One-Stop Planner for Busy Moms. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post (see instructions above) prior to Wednesday, April 16 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Thursday, April 17. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #11 Aimee. Congratulations!

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100 comments on “Working Mom Wednesday: Mommy Track'd”

  1. I love the site, but as a mother with a 12 year old softball player, I sure could use a vacation. Any tips. Some times you just to to escape and inexpensively. Sure could use the planner. I am ready to fill in my getaway.

  2. Life gets chaotic at any age I thought by middle age it wouldbe so much easier to plan/store/organize/ Forget It!!! Nice wonderful asset to help us all!!! Best of luck to all who Enter!!! Many Thanks !!!! SW

  3. I like the concept of the website and the colors and layout are great but I (upon a quick look) did not really find good laid out plans for a Mom who might use the site. There were stories, anecdotes and tips that could be useful but those seemed to be randomly placed on their respective pages. I would like to be able to go there for a specific need/problem and find a solution.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. First of all, great website! I added it to one of my favorites! This first thing that got my attention were the survival tips- isn't that what motherhood is all about? :) There were some really great ideas from other moms that we ALL need to be reminded of!! The second thing that caught my attention were the books that were reviewed and recommended. I love to read and especially about my passion - being a mom!

  5. Love the resources for moms — Also the tips and articles and timesavers and a store with great tools - seemed positive and encouraging - like the b-day planning page as well!

  6. what a great prize...I would love to give this to my super-busy daughter-in-law...Talk about scoring brownie points. :)

  7. I love your blogroll. It's fun to read through and look at some other sites/Moms and see what they are able to do to. I love seeing women balance being a Mom with other things!

  8. I will be homeschooling my kids next year and I can see so much benifit to this item and staying organized!

  9. OOOH, fun! This would be such a huge help, with running my own business plus helping with 2 (all from home), plus taking care of a 2 1/2 year old and being 5 months pregnant. :) Thanks!

  10. Oh my heck...where has this site been all my life! I love the funny stuff, I love the serious stuff. I really love the products. It's wonderful to find a site that really supports me as a working mom!!!

  11. oh wow! there are so many different aspects of this organizer that'll help me stay organized even when things are crazy!

  12. The Stay Connected part is great. I am 7 months pregnant and I already feel a distance between me and my childless friends. This tool will help me focus on staying connected.

  13. I am a mom of two little kids and also I am a daycare provider, organization is my LIFE! this would be awesome to win, please please sign me up!!

  14. I like the section "Books, viewed and reviewed" with so little time to read, I like to have an opinion on a book before I spend time reading it.

  15. I would love this to help me get my cluttered calendar under control. Such a fantastic site, btw, really nice layout.

  16. Finally a site with an amazing sense of humor...I love this about the site...and the colors and layout catch your eye immediately...have book marked and can't wait to read more.
    Thanks for great contest :)

  17. I like the THREE martini complaint section.

    Hilarious and I could relate to the writer ;)

    Please count me in to win this.

    I need all the organizing tools to manage my life with a busy toddler and a young adult.

    Thank you :)

  18. Boy....would my daughter ever love this! She LOVES to organize and schedule things. This would help her out tremendously! Thanks!

  19. Interesting interview as always. As a work at home Mom I have the challenge of balancing business and kids, too. Not easy, but well worth it.

  20. Hello! Her site is a little retro looking. The style and the colors! I like it. It is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for. The one thing that really spoke to me are her columns. Some are about the funny side of being a harried working mom and others are a little more serious. All in
    all, it is a great place to learn a lot. Your book looks and sounds great. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks very much.....Cindi

  21. I would have to say those eyes in the header are beautiful! I've been here before and that was the first thing that jumped out at me! Just gorgeous;)

  22. I absolutely LOVE the newsflash items, especially about how men could get more lucky...LOL!! The background and colors are great, easy on the eyes. Keep up the good work!

  23. The first thing that impressed me was the fact that the home page wasn't busy and full of "clutter". Colors are pleasing to the eye, yet capture your interest. Overall, the website gets an A+. Thanks for sharing!!

  24. The website was very interesting! I like that they have so many resources for moms -- from tips and articles to timesavers to a store with great tools. It seemed so positive and encouraging by the nature of what they offer. That made me like to even more!

  25. That was fun!I liked the Mommytackd news desk and got a laugh from the Funny Papers by Betsey Streeker!

  26. The way it's set up, it very much emulates exactly what it's for, a working mommy. It's busy, but not overly so, which is not usually the case for a mommy, working or not. I like the way it's set up, it's easy to maneuver your way through it, and the style is fun!

  27. I'm not a working mom, per se, but I am a nearly-full-time student in addition to staying home with my daughter. Between home, family, and school I've got a lot of things to keep track of. I'd love a planner that could help me with that.

  28. I don't know the proper bloggy words for it, but the fact that her site rolls/rotates through some of the pictures and links is kind of nice; it creates less clutter and keeps the reader looking and interested. The site looks modern and up-to-date. The planner looks really useful for all kinds of moms, and I'd love to try it! Thanks!

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