10 Movies From My Childhood (Plus, win FREE popcorn)

As I mentioned previously, I grew up in a family of six kids - five girls and one boy. Our family was a bit "unconventional," I suppose. We were all birthed at home in my parents' bedroom (with the exception of my oldest sister). We weren't vaccinated. We were homeschooled. We didn't own a TV for many of my early childhood years...and we weren't allowed to watch PG-13 movies until we were 13. 


In many ways, I'm grateful for my somewhat "sheltered" childhood and the innocence that my parents protected. 

When we finally did buy a TV (I was probably about age 8), we watched rather simple and classic movies in our house. We'd go down to the local video shop and pick up films that - in today's climate - would be considered "mild" and squeaky clean, full of positive messages. Almost all of the movies we watched were rated G and many were very old. But we loved them just the same. 

a-little-princessA Little Princess (1986) - This 1980's version has always been my favorite. When the 1995 version came out, I was very excited...but then very disappointed. Because the "Sarah" in the 90's version just wasn't quite "right" with her lighter hair and open-mouthed expressions.

beauty-and-the-beastBeauty and the Beast (1991) - We watched other Disney cartoons too, but this one is the one that got played the most. I think I related to Belle with her book in her nose and her slightly feministic ways. And, of course, the music was enchanting. 


the-flight-of-the-navigatorFlight of the Navigator (1986) - An ordinary boy gets caught up in a marvelous adventure. I hardly remember the details; I just remember that it was so much fun.



north-by-northwestNorth by Northwest (1959) - My dad was a fan of Alfred Hitchcock so we often watched his films (and "The Twilight Zone Series" TV episodes, of course...cue theme song in your head here...). N X NW was one of his favorites and - actually - I liked it a lot too. The final scene at Mount Rushmore always made me catch my breath.

pollyannaPollyanna (1960) - I think I always secretly wanted to be a little bit like Hayley Mills. Or Pollyanna, really. In her pretty dresses and huge bowties.



rear-windowRear Window (1954) - Another Alfred Hitchcock classic. This one scarier than the last. This was slumber party fare. And we'd all gasp in fright at the end...



teenage-mutant-ninja-turtlesTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Movie (1990) - I first saw this at the drive-in with my family. Under piles of blankets. Propped up in the back of or on top of our car. With plenty of snacks. Those were the days...before drive-ins were "shady."


the-lady-vanishesThe Lady Vanishes (1938) - An old lady gets on a train and then disappears. And everyone pretends like they never saw her... That's the premise of the story and, oh boy, it's a goodie.


the-parent-trapThe Parent Trap (1961) - Hayley Mills, again. Oh, how I loved the antics of those twin sisters. And the happy ending with the "Let's Get Together" song is just so wonderful. If only every unhappily married couple's story could end so blissfully in real life. 


the-sound-of-musicThe Sound of Music (1965) - Such a positively beautiful love story. And, oh the music! "My Favorite Things" and "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" and "Do-Re-Mi" - the whole score was spectacular.


We especially enjoyed watching movies in the summertime. With a giant bowl of popcorn.


kernelseasons_logo...Which is why this post is "brought to you by" Kernel Seasons, a brand that sells "great tasting and healthy popcorn" and "all-natural seasonings."

Kernel Season's sells popcorn seasonings in 14 different flavors:

  • White Cheddar
  • Butter
  • Nacho Cheddar
  • Parmesan & Garlic
  • Ranch
  • Sour Cream & Onion
  • Salt
  • Caramel
  • Kettle Corn
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  • Apple Cinnamon
  • Chocolate Marshmallow

The seasonings are only $3.99 per "shaker"...and one shaker should last you quite a long time. 

Best of all, popcorn is a healthy treat. You can read all about it on the Kernel Season's website: Is Popcorn Nutritious? 

Kernel Season's popcorn and seasonings can be purchased online and at a variety of grocery/big-box stores (like Safeway, Target, Wal-Mart, etc.). 

YOUR TURN: What movies did YOU watch as a child? Or...what movies will you watch with your child(ren) this summer?

popcorn gift crate kernel season'sWIN IT! One winner will receive a Popcorn Gift Crate ($24.99) that includes 3 bags of microwave popcorn, 5 popcorn seasonings, 2 popcorn forks, and a recipe book. To enter, leave any topic-related comment prior to Sunday, May 10 at midnight (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.). 

*UPDATE* The winner is #145 Pamela S. Congratulations!

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305 comments on “10 Movies From My Childhood (Plus, win FREE popcorn)”

  1. wizard of oz, grease, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, mary poppins, and gone with the wind were my favorites.

  2. I'm sorry I'm too late for this one, but wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading about the movies you watched as a child. Some of my faves...Parent Trap and Sound of Music, and some of never heard of....The Lady Vanishes.

    thanks for a great blog!

  3. Disney movies are always a favorite in my house, whether it was when I was growing up or now with my own munchkins. We have also added new favorites like the X-men and now and then Harry Potter. And who can resist the Star Wars movies or the Lord of the Rings. We really are a movie family at heart.

  4. Popcorn is THE best snack to have with a movie - and healthy too - thanks for the chance to win it! I also agree with you that The Sound Of Music was the best!

  5. My dad raised me on the classics and I loved movies such as "The Sound of Music", "Easter Parade", "Holiday Inn" and all the Disney classics. I

  6. I was a big Dr. Suesses fan when I was little & hope to watch more of these with my kids this summer.

    I also am crazy about Alice in Wonderland!

    The love anything Disney.

    I want to get more classics that are G rated from the pawn shops($2.50 each) for them to watch.
    My girls love Anything with Shirely Temple & my son love Charlie Chaplan silent movies......he laughs & laughs.

  7. I am a late 80's child so I grew up on Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Neverending Story, and Swiss Family Robinson.


  8. The first movie I saw in the theater was Charlotte's Web. I remember being traumatized because they showed a short cartoon of THe Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Headless Horseman) before it and it was so scary!

  9. We didn't watch movies much as a child, but I can remember my daddy getting in trouble for letting me watch Jaws the night before I started first grade. Needless to say, I didn't want to go to sleep that night...LOL

  10. We didn't watch movies when I was a child, but I'm looking forward to watching some movies with my kids this summer when we're out of school. Looks like Up! is first on our list. We eat a lot of popcorn, and just last week my youngest was asking about getting some popcorn flavoring.

  11. I can remember seeing the Love Bug in the movie theater (the old version). I also loved the original Parent Trap.

  12. My favorites were Pollyanna and The Parent Trap!!
    Nothing beats the originals!!



  13. All the great 60's Disney movies, like Flubber, The Love Bug, Pollyanna, etc. And the Elvis movies! Who could forget those! Plus I used to love sitting up late on Saturday night to watch creature features horror movies, anything with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing!

  14. We lived across the street from the Village Community House where they had a smallish movie theatre - which tended to get movies about the same time they were showing them on TV!

    Anyway, I loved Breakfast at Tiffanys, Camelot, West Side Story, The Parent Trap, anything Alfred Hitchcock! We still rent/watch them all the time! (And we still love popcorn - we just don't throw it at the screen anymore!

  15. My dad is also a huge Hitchcock and Twilight Zone fan. I just gave him a DVD of old Hitchcock shows for Easter. We used to watch spooky black and white shows every Friday night when I was little. We'd make homemade popcorn and put M&M's in it so they would get all gooey. Popcorn is still my favorite snack. Had some Jiffy Pop last night.

  16. I'm so glad you include 2 Hitchcocks. My early movie memories are Old Yeller, Gone with the Wind, Wizard of Oz and Lady and the Tramp.

  17. i remember many times watching old yeller,willie wonka and the chocolate factory and my favorite the wizard of oz..even though the witch scared me to death

  18. What a great collection of movies! I'd love to watch them with my oldest. Now that he's getting older, I really look forward to watching some classics together.

  19. Watching the Sound of Music and the Wizard of Oz when it came on TV every year was a HUGE deal in our house. Also the Sunday night disney movies on TV. My kids won't watch the Sound of Music with me and that makes me sad.

  20. I used to and still do watch classics like Pollyanna, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Pete's Dragon and the list goes on!

  21. What is it about popcorn that makes watching a movie complete? It really does though! I like the idea of adding a touch of flavor to popcorn for a change now and then!

  22. My son is looking forward to the new disney movie UP this summer. I think it looks cute too. We always loved Disney movies when we were young too. BTW I am the oldest of 6 kids..5 girls and one boy! :) Thanks for the chance!

  23. Coming from a family of 10 we would have movie night at home every Sunday with a big bowl of popcorn. Family Trap and Sound of Muisc were two movies that we watched every time they were on TV.

  24. I was a big fan of all the Herbie the love bug movies. I haven't seen the newest version .. who is it, Lindsey Lohan or something...it just doesn't seem right! Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. The Wizard of Oz, Bambi and Shirley Temple movies are some of the ones that I remember watching. Thanks!

    braaisjo at gmail dot com

  26. I loved watching the Wizard of Oz as a kid and also all of the Charlie Brown Holiday movies!! My kids loved anything DISNEY. Thanks for the cool giveaway - would be fun to share with my kids/grandkids!! :-}

  27. I still remember when there were only five channels to choose from when watching TV, but my fondest movie memory is when my father took us kids (there were 4 of us at the time) to go see Young Frankenstein, my little brother really wanted to see it and my father never did anything with us, he was always working so this was a real treat for us. Since we always struggled financially, this kind of treat was few and far between so it made it a very special evening for all of us.

  28. Do you remember the Disney (was it Disney movies?) that used to come on on Sunday nights..we always made sure to watch those.

  29. As a child, my first drive-in movie which I remember was 'The Parent Trap'. I remember wishing that I was a twin, or that at least, I had a sister. (I had/have two brothers) I also liked the Elvis movies that were always playing on the black and white. Thanks for this chance.

  30. Popcorn is a great snack if your on a diet, especially the white cheddar!
    Thanks for the chance to win this

  31. As a child and with my children it was all about Disney- and now my grandson is following the Disney/Pixar tradition.
    This summer when we have lazzzzzzzzzzy hot days the girls and I will watch movies when we get a chance and they will go from cartoons all the way to horror and anything in between. WE adore having hours-long marathons, it is just something we do to chill and bond.
    Oh and we'll probably do the Johnny Depp one/s over and over and over. ;-) We ALL LOVE HIM MADLY. Major talent and gorgeousity in one awesome package.

  32. My favorite all-time childhood movie..is A Christmas Story. I never get tired of watching it.


  33. oh I used to love the movies I watched growing up back in the 60's. I used to love The Wizard of Oz and A Christmas Carol. I've tried not to miss A Christmas Carol each year when they show it around Christmas time, it brings back such great memories of Christmases long past, was somewhat of a tradition to be watching that every year when I was a kid.
    wombatspurple at yahoo dot com

  34. We always watched The Wizard of Oz on tv, it used to be a BIG deal when they aired it on tv every year! I also remember seeing Bambi and the Jungle Book in the theater. Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. My favorite movie was actually Old Yeller. Cried the whole time. Also, Rodan. Giant tarydactyl. Very cool.

  36. Some of my favorite movies when I was a kid were Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and wizard of OZ.

  37. I loved watching Anne of Green Gables when I was growing up and also loved Life Goes On! Thanks!
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  38. I haven't seen a few of those movies, but my family loves watching movies. Those popcorn seasoning flavors sound yummy too.

  39. Godzilla all the way. My ultimate childhood movie. Still one of my all time favorite movies. ET was another of my childhood favorites.

  40. As a child my favorite movies were
    Peter Pan with Mary Martin- I can still sing all the songs perfectly
    Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
    The Witches
    The Carebears movie- although the spirit scared me
    Who framed Roger Rabbit
    The Witching of Ben Wagner- Not a known one but a good one.
    Mirthworm's Christmas

  41. Of course any Disney movie was big when I was a kid. I liked all of them and I'm trying to collect them as they come out on DVD now. They defintiely stand the test of time, not something that can be said for many of the things that emerged from the 80's.

  42. We are land before time addicts. I also made my kids watch Charlie and the chocolate factory (the original) about a hundred times. Oh and then there is escape to witch mountain (can not wait to see new one) Wow just realized we really spend a lot of time watching movies.

  43. My favorite movie as a kid was the original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I still absolutely love it!

  44. My favorite movies as a child were Freaky Friday {with Jodie Foster}, the original Escape to Witch Mountain, and Son of Flubber.

  45. Way back when... I remember my mother getting us up from bed (something that would only happen if the house was on fire) because there was a Shirley Temple movie on TV. I don't know what movie it was, but I'll always remember that night.

  46. I watched "The Wizard Of Oz" and "The Sound Of Music" as a child. I continued the tradition with my kids -- and STILL watch both of them every time they are on TV!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  47. Pollyanna was a favorite of mine growing up too!
    As well as the Little Princess, I was a sucker for those girly movies with all the pretty dresses!

  48. Movies I watched as a kid were Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, all the John Wayne westerns, Old Yeller, the Disney animated movies, etc. My kids grew up watching Lion King, Fox and the Hound, Robin Hood and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  49. When I was a child we lived on a boat in alaska and had no tv, when I turned 13 we moved and got a tv but I only wanted to watch movies, I remember when Darby O'Gill and the little people came out my mother took all 6 of us kids to see it at a theater, well my little brother screamed so loud and cried when the banshee came out we had to leave and miss the rest of the movie, I rented it for my children and they thought it was no so good and couldn't understand why their uncle cried, sadly my brother and his wife were killed in a auto accident so they can't tease him about it.

    Thank you so much


    Happy Mother's Day To All

  50. well growing up we didn't own a tv or went to movies , but I remember when my daughter was born we had a real treat and I took her to see ET. Now I have movie night and this prize would be great ! Thanks for giving me a chance to win!

  51. I always try and have my kids sit down and watch either older or newer movies with me, and of course always some popcorn or it wouldn't be the same! I believe it is a great time to have on topic discussions and share with eachother :D We have watched movies like Lost Boys and now Twilight. This change but they stay the same!

  52. I loved watching Sound of Music and Annie as a kid. It was learning all the words and singing along!

  53. Favorite movie as a kid was Oliver. Got to see the amazing stage version of this musical in London last month. Made me feel like a kid again.

  54. I was always a big fan of Peanuts cartoons and now whenever they are on I make sure my kids and I watch.

  55. Movie night was a tradition when I was a kid and one I continue with my family. We gravitate towards humor and of course see all of the animated children's movies once they come out on DVD. If there's nothing new on, our standby is any Jim Carey movie - The Mast, Ace Ventura, Liar, Liar, etc.

  56. Growing up in the 70's I used to take my younger brother to all the Disney movies - Robin Hood, Aristocats but I remember seeing Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

  57. I remember going to see "Where the Red Fern Grows" and "Sounder" as a kid. The first "adult" movie I saw was the original "Poseiden Adventure" -- it was awesome!

  58. One of the movies we had to see every year was the Wizzard of Oz and yes I am from Kansas. Another favorite was Charlie and the Choc factory. Those two movies were wonderful with a little imagaination. I still like them today.

  59. Old yeller always stick in my mind one of my favorite movies that was sooo powerful when I was a kid.

  60. i was a dr.doolittle fan and jungle book, but the kids love musicals so thats what we will be watching..

  61. We watched old black and white horror and monster movies on Friday nights. We always had popcorn too!

  62. We are big movie buffs around here and my daughter is always asking me to pop some popcorn, "like the movie theater". Chitty Chitty and Mary Poppins are favorites of my daughter. My son is more a Flight of the Navigator kind of kid.

  63. I watched what my parents liked as a kid. I think their favorite were Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...cuz that's what I remember watching! Thanks!

  64. I absolutely love "Flight of the Navigator", and my children and I watch it often. So much fun to sit down on a Saturday night with a huge bowl of popcorn and watch a movie the whole family enjoys.

    Thank you. :-)

  65. We watched a lot of the old Disney movies like Apple Dumpling Gang, Toby Tyler and Shaggy Dog.

  66. I have watched tons of Disney movies with my children, one of our favorites being Mary Poppins

  67. We love popcorn in our house. We use it as a snack instead of chips and other not so healthy snacks. We have movie night (mostly Disney movies) about once a month and we make up a huge batch of popcorn and sit on the floor and pretend we are at a drive-in. (We don't have any around here anymore)

  68. My parents let us watch family oriented movies. Disney movies were big on their list, but I can remember watching most of the so-called Children's/Family classics like Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, etc.

  69. For me it was Lassie Come Home and the Black Stallion and Bambi and tubs and tubs of popcorn. Sweet now to be able to share the same with the grandkids.

  70. I am like you and your family--I loved watching Beauty and the Beast as a child. The enchanting stories and beautiful message inspired me, and now I work for Disney! And I still watch the movie all the time :)


  71. When I was little it was all about Sunday nights when Walt Disney came on.When I was a little older I remember going to the theater to watch The Wilderness Family movies.
    darbie1962 at yahoo dot com

  72. There would be nothing better than eating some popcorn and watching the Emperors New Groove. Thanks for the chance

  73. I still watch Sound of Music when it comes on TV-- I LOVE that movie-my gram used to sing the songs from that to me all the time. We really liked the movie Vacation growing up- we watched it so much that we pretty much know it by heart. It still makes me giggle. Chevy Chase & Rand Quaid are so goofy in that.

  74. I've been using Kernel Seasons Butter flavor lately for my vegetables (I like butter on all my veggies but get a frown from my wife when I do that). It gives my veggies butter flavor without the butter fat...and as far as movies go, my 5 yr old daughter LOVES The Sound Of Music (especially the goat herder song).

  75. We usually do movie night about once a week with a family friendly title from our Netflix subscription. I must admit that I do like all of the High School Musical movies.

  76. I love both Parent Trap movies! We watched a lot of old movies. The Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, John Wayne. Classics. One of my favorites was (and is!) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Love it. The skirts, the songs, the brides, the brothers! So much fun! And so funny! The humor in it!

  77. I was definately a Disney movie child, my favorite was The Lion King and I also loved the old Witch Mountain movies.

  78. If it's Disney, I love it and know all the words :-) My favorite Disney movie is probably The Little Mermaid - I saw that when I was 8 months pregnant with my first child, so it feels like the first movie we saw together :-)

  79. We used to watch Disney every Sunday night as a family when I was a kid. That's where I got to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, Robin Hood (there all the characters are animals). It's too bad that they just don't show all those classics every week.
    I love popcorn too, and it was my duty to make popcorn for the family. I'd love to try the white cheddar and maybe the jalapeno.

  80. I loved the old musicals. With my kids it was things like Lion King, Little Mermaids, and my daughter's all time fave: Dirty Dancing!

  81. My favorite movie was E.T.!!! Didn't you just want to be Gertie? Now my favorite genre is horror, oh how times change! LOL

  82. we love to watch movies, we used to go to the drive in but it has gotten a little too expensive-we would love to win this package, it would be loads of fun

  83. As a child we saw a lot of Disney movies in the theater. The two that I remember the most were Mary Poppins and Bambi. To this day I still cry when I watch Bambi lol.
    Every since January I have been buying movies that I know the kids will love such as Hotel Dogs and saving them for summer vacation.
    That way when it is really hot out we can pop in a movie,turn on the air and cuddle up to watch a movie together.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  84. My faves as a child were Beauty & The Beast, The Fox and The Hound and The Goonies. I loved those and still do.

  85. I remember watching all of the Muppet movies as a kid. I also liked all the old black and white vampire movies.

  86. As a child I remember watching Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. It's still one of my favorite movies.

  87. I loved the wizard of oz as a kid, and still do. But the flying monkeys scare the heck out of me.

  88. LOL!! I watched most of those too! We also liked "Goonies", "The Princess Bride", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", TONS of musicals, and some other old mystery ones I can't remember the names of now! My mom got tons of Alfred Hitchcock ones for us to watch all the time.

  89. mary poppins and willy wonka were my favorites. and i like that these products are certified kosher too!

  90. My all time favorit is the chevy chase vacation, and chevy chase christmas. I have watched them a million times. And I have a tradition of watching the christmas version with my best friend every Christmas Holiday. To pop popcorn and get out my fav movie is so much fun. Thnaks for the great giveaway.

  91. When I was a kid, my favorite movies were the Rainbow Brite movie, the Care Bears movie, Dot and the Kangaroo, and Lady and the Tramp. I'd love to get my hands on those movies and watch them all over again! :)

  92. At the movies my favorites were Wizard Of Oz, Godzilla, The Incredible Shrinking Man and any Martin & Lewis. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  93. I have lots of good memories of watching movies with my family when I was young. I especially remember watching The Wizard of Oz every Thanksgiving Day!

  94. Every Sunday afternoon there was a Shirley Temple movie on and I always watched. I also used to watch the Kukla, Fran and Ollie CBS Children's Film Festival and for some reason always remembered The Red Balloon.

  95. I grew up in a Pastor's home, so we didn't go to the movies. Although, times have changed and my daugthers are looking forward to the Night at the Museum sequel this summer!!! We LOVE popcorn at our house and would love to try this!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  96. We also led a sheltered childhood. The movies we watched were Disney movies. I enjoyed Cinderella, Snow White and Bambi to name a few.

  97. Growing up some of my favorites were: Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, Charlotte's Web, Scrooge (Albert Finney musical version), The Poseidon Adventure and anything with John Wayne in it.

  98. Most of the movies that I can remember watching as a child is "The Sound of Music", "Mary Poppins", "The Parent Trap", "Swiss Family Robinson" and "Pollyanna" all disney of course. But I always use to watch "Gone with the Wind" with my mom every year that it was on. I just thought it was a grown up movie, and I still love all thoes movies today and I hope my kids will too.

  99. I also grew up in a family that didn't get a TV or VCR until I was older, and we loved the classic family movies. "Swiss Family Robinson" was a favorite, Disney's animated "Robin Hood", and any Danny Kaye movie, but especially "The Court Jester". I enjoyed your list and will have to add some of them that I haven't seen yet to my Netflix list.

  100. This prize sounds great. I've really been in a popcorn mood lately. I'm still trying to lose some baby weight and have found that I can eat a lot of popcorn, which will fill me up and doesn't have a lot of calories. I love it!

  101. Sorry to say,but I came from a generation that didn't have movies to watch. We were naturally more sheltered than you because there were 3 t.v. channels,no vcr's or dvd's and movies came for one weekend and then were gone forever. We had saturday morning matinee cartoon showings where wew got to see the latest bugs bunny and road runner type cartoons and once in a while a Disney feature would come around. So I think you probably turned out o.k. watching your g rated movies.

  102. My favorite movie as a child was Gone with the Wind. Looking back on it, it seems like a completely random movie for a young girl to love...I think my enjoyment of it stems from a summer where I was pretty sick and had to stay indoors most of the time. My aunt and uncle (with whom I was spending that particular summer) had few books for kids and fewer movies..so after I exhausted the books I moved on to Gone with the Wind. I don't think I watched another movie that summer...just Gone with the Wind over and over again. I made my parents buy it later...I think my father was pretty disturbed that his 7 year-old daughter had spent so much time watching a movie about a woman loved another woman's husband, but oh well...that's what you get for leaving your 7 year-old alone for the summer with people whose children are long grown up!

    Many have already mentioned it, but the Sound of Music is possibly the best movie ever. What can match the perfection of Julie Andrews' voice, unless it is the incredible scenery of the Austrian Alps? And what teenage girl doesn't secretly sing "I am sixteen, going on seventeen" in the shower? I know I did...and still do, truth be told :) It's a movie that shouldn't be missed.

  103. Two of my favorite movies from my childhood are Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins. I still love them both.

  104. My son's favorite movie when he was small was "Jungle Book". He begged for it constantly. My daughter loved the Madeline and Babar movies. We're into the oldie goldies too!

  105. My favorite childhood movie was Ol Yeller. I loved that movie and had to get it on dvd for my kids. Of course they thought it was dumb. Oh well, it's still my favorite.

  106. Boy it was a big deal at our house when a Clint Eastwood movie was on TV. We organized our whole night around it.

  107. I'll be watching all the Star Trek movies and TV series on Blu-ray that are showing up this month

  108. What is a Popcorn Fork?! I would love this prize. My husband loves popcorn and we have never tried any of the popcorn seasonings but they sound yummy!
    [email protected]

  109. The Sound of Music will always remind me of my childhood - and my granny - it was her favorite movie and we watched it together many times:)

  110. We watched the Wizard of Oz on TV every year it came on when I was growing up. My family watches it now too. I remember watching all the holiday classics as a kid too, The Peanuts, Rudolph, The Grinch...I have them all now on DVD and we pick one and watch one every day in December.

  111. i remember watching charlie and the chocolate factory, bedknobs and broomsticks, mary poppins,bambi, snowwhite,most disney movies.

  112. One of my favorites was always Wizard of Oz especially the part where they get all made up. I also loved Willy Wonka. Thanks for the chance.

  113. The ones I remember watching repeatedly were Penny Serenade, Gone With The Wind, To Kill A Mockingbird and all of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musicals, and Camelot.

  114. It sounds like your parents really knew what they were doing and knew why they had to raise you and your sibling the way they did. I'm very similar, and I find it disturbing how permissive parents these days are.

  115. I can't believe the caramel topping has so few calories. They all sound so good! Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  116. You know, I have four children, aged 1 yr. to 21-years, and I still make sure the movies in our house are wholesome, even for the older two. I get a lot of hassle for it, but I don't care.

    Popcorn is big in our house, so this would be a spectacular win.

    Thank you.

  117. When I was young and still now, I love horror movies. Poltergeist scared the h*** out of me but I loved it. Kept me up for days after, I could not put my feet or arms out of the bed in case I got sucked under. I also watched Gremlins about 100 times when it came out in VHS, that would probably be my favorite childhood movie. It's been a while since I was a kid and these are the only 2 movies I can think of that I watched when I was a kid. Thanks for the amazing giveaway. [email protected]

  118. When I was a kid, it was Disney all the way. For my grandkids, I will take them to the IMAX movie on mummies and maybe something in the Madagascar movies. They like those a lot.

  119. The wizzard of Oz was my favorite as my Mom and Grandma took me to see it at the movies which wwas a special treat.

  120. A lot of those movies were in our house too. (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made me laugh! Oh leonardo, donatello...). We loved old musicals, like 7 brides for 7 brothers. I actually wish my parents had limited my TV a bit more though - I got hooked when I was about 11, and I used to decline going out to play with friends in order to lay on the couch watching TV. Bad, bad, bad. I hope to be better with our kids, and not just limiting TV, but creating fun and stimulating alternatives that they want to choose over watching TV.

  121. As a kid, my younger sister and I grew up on Disney movies. Often we'd watch "Beauty and the Beast," "The Little Mermaid," "Aladdin," "Sleeping Beauty," and/or "Pinocchio." I still love these movies, I just wish they meant as much to me now as they did when I was a kid. When I have kids, they're definitely watching some of these with me, haha.


  122. I totally love all those classics! My 4 year old has been singing "So long, farewell," from the Sound of Music for over a year - yes, she knows the words! I have to say that Gone with the Wind was a huge favorite of mine, and I still love the Princess Bride.

  123. Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz were my favorites when I was a child. They are both included now and then when we have family movie night.

  124. When I was a kid, we didn't have vcrs. We were limited to what we watched, but we did watch The Wizard of Oz once a year.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  125. We had a t.v. growing up but it only had 2 channels that worked, and they were very fuzzy. We never really watched it, instead we went outside and made forts in the woods (I grew up in Michigan)and between us four sisters, there was always something to do. I loved it!! However, when we did settle down and watch t.v. we would watch movies like, The Buttercream Gang, The Babysitters Club,Rookie of the Year, The Secret Garden. I believe we belonged to a movie club called, Family Classics. Ahhh those were the good old days!! Thanks for helping me remember my wonderful childhood!

  126. I remember my Great Aunt taking me to see old movies in the theater when I was a kid - I still remember seeing Gone with the Wind.

  127. I remember going to see ET for the first time. I thought he was such a cute alien, I wanted to take him home. My kids now feel the same way.

  128. We are major popcorn addicts at my house, and I've wanted to try this brand for a while. Never heard of popcorn forks ;-) The other thing my whole family loves - that goes perfectly with popcorn! - is watching movies.

  129. I plan to watch Atar Wars w/ my children this summer- I watched the first ones as a child. It's pretty cool that this movie has been around for so long.

  130. Movies and Popcorn -- what a great memory from my childhood. I would love to share this gift with my family.

  131. What a neato giveaway. I'd love to watch these with my children. A flash back to safer days. Oh we'll enjoy the pop corn w/ these fantastic movies.

  132. My Dad got a whole collection of the original Little Rascals shows and we used to watch those all the time. We loved them!

  133. Cinderella, The Parent Trap, Sound of Music, The The Gnome Mobile, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I really could go on & on

  134. I can remember when the Wizard of Oz was on T.V. it was such a big event because the movie was so long. I always fell asleep before it ended!

  135. we had black/white tv when i was little and sat morning westerns were our thing now so many movies out there hard to choose

  136. I remember I loved to watch all the black & white westerns when I was little. I loved seeing all the horses!

  137. Both my favorite and the first film I remember watching with my family is Labyrinth - though the tunnel of hands part gave me nightmares and I still have to cover my eyes!

  138. I watched Disney movies when I was a child. I loved Marry Poppins, Cinderella, Snow White, Swiss Family Robinson, and I loved to watch Alfred Hitchcock movies. Rear Window is one of my favorites.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  139. The first movie that comes to mind when I think of my childhood is a cartoon movie called "Super Ted." It was about a teddy bear who turned into a super hero. We had my mom rent that movie for us so many times. When we got a little older our favorite was Clue.

  140. I loved all the old Disney movies,Wizard of Oz, and The Incredible Journey.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  141. Wizard of Oz was my favorite when I was young~I remember it being on once a year and I couldn't wait to watch it!

  142. lol oh geez... I used to watch Labryinth with David Bowie in it all the time. I liked Uncle Buck and Home Alone. And my fav was Secret Admirer.

  143. I remember all the old Disney movies like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. We saw them all. One of the most impressive movies I remember watching when I was small though was the Ten Commandments. When Moses parted the sea, it was so cool as a kid to watch.

  144. My favorite movies growing up were Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Wizard of Oz, and Disney's Alice in Wonderland and Sleeping Beauty. I could watch all of those movies over and over again.

    These popcorn seasonings sound great. I'd like to try the Jalapeno and the Parmesan & Garlic.

  145. As a younger age child my parents tried to monitor what we watched, so I'd have to say the ones that stand out in my mind are: Old Yeller, Huckleberry Finn, Treasure Island, Bambi, The Sound Of Music, Pollyanna, Heidi, many of the Shirley Temple movies, Mary Poppins, Cheaper By The Dozen (the original not the remake).
    By the time I was a high school student I remember watching so many westerns and war movies because my Dad was into that sort of thing. However some of the westerns we watched were fun ones too because they had Doris Day or other women who were singers in them (they were more comedy westerns). I also watched soap operas (when I was high school age) in the summer months because my mom liked them. I can tell you that as an adult I do not like soap operas.

  146. As a kid my mom would watch Shirley Temple movies with me, one of my favorites was broadway baby. This summer with my daughter I am passing the tradition. we also will be watching shirley temple.

  147. One of our favorite 'old' movies to watch together is the Neverending Story! But my husband's all time favorite is The Princess Bride.

  148. I'm really wanting to see Hotel For Dogs but my daughter is small with an even smaller attention span so we will probably just watch Clifford the Big Red Dog at home again for the hundredth time. Oh, and she is a popcorn FREAK so she would be thrilled if I won this prize!

  149. Flight of the Navigator was a great movie! I could probably take you through it step by step I watched it so many times. I was a Disney kid. Anything Disney I was allowed to watch. I think I'll be the same with my girls. They have just now started to watch cartoons and it's been fun sharing all the ones I owned before they were even thought of. My oldest loves Monsters, Inc. and thinks Cinderella is pretty. Although I still have to skip the Nemo scene where Nemo gets taken away from his Dad because that flips her out.

  150. What a fun give away. My husband and I are hooked on having popcorn almost every night after our little guy goes to sleep. And I love each of these classic films. Sound of Music, Julie Andrews, ahhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh....

  151. please do not enter me but i wanted to leave a comment anyways. You watched some of MY favorite childhood films! sounds like you and i had a similar childhood only i have less sibling and ended up in the school system earlier on and eventually vaccinated. i thought that was neat. i don't remember reading that stuff about you. great insight.

  152. The movie I remember from my childhood is Escape from Witch Mountain (and all of its follow-ups).

  153. I originally felt like I was "MAKING" my daughter see some of my favorites but now they seem to be her favs too. The Little Princess, The Wizard of Oz, Any Indiana Jones movie, Charlie and the Chocolate factory (she just stared as an Oompa Loompa in her theater groups version), Secret Garden, The Parent Trap, Full House (the TV show), Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, and Grease ( a little advanced but she LOVES it). She loves her own stuff too but it is nice to enjoy the classics with her.

  154. well i didn't have cable when i was a kid. So i watched what ever i could get to come in as for the grandchildren its regulated

  155. I was weird..when I as 8 I loved Marx Brothers movies along with South Pacific, and anything with Elvis...Laurel and Hardy...The Bowery Boys. I spent many a Satrday afternoon with these guys!

  156. Mary Poppins was one of my favorites- I became a brittish wannabee- later, My fair lady captured my heart- and I dreamed of living in London England. Never happened.

  157. You named some great classic movies. As a child, we used to love watching the Magical World of Disney on Sunday nights. We got to watch westerns and lots of great nature shows. I will never forget the crazy antics of those narrated animal "documentaries". Love those movies.

  158. I would love to watch wall-e this summer. I loved The Wizard of Oz when I was a kid I only saw it in black and white as a kid and was disappointed when the good whitch's dress was blue I imagined it to be pink.

  159. I used to watch all the Shirley Temple black and white movies and, of course, The Wizard of Oz every year when it came on. And white cheddar popcorn is my favorite!!

  160. We reserve going out to a movie for special times because of the expense of not only the movies but treats at the concession stands. We love to view a enjoyable classic movie and popcorn at home.

  161. we didn't watch much tv but 2 I remember were Wizard of Oz and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

  162. I love all these movies...however, I never did see the "Rear Window" one. But North By Northwest was a required movie for a film class I took in High School. We got to analyze it. I really like the original Parent Trap...the remakes and subsequent movies never did live up to the original!

    By the way, the popcorn seasoning in the giveaway is a favorite...they are so good! I love the kettle corn flavor the best. Our local theatre has them out to put on your popcorn...YUMMY!! Looking forward to being in your drawing!

  163. I loved The Never Ending Story, Ghostbusters, Lady and the Tramp and The Princess Bride!! Those was my repeat watching movies as a kid.

  164. Oops- was going to add that I love popcorn! And have recently branched out and have been making my own with coconut oil, or canola oil, or a little butter and sea salt for flavor. SO good! Popcorn popping on the stove reminds me of my grandparents and a riviting game of penny dominos!

  165. Honestly, I don't remember if it was my childhood, or my poor memory - but movies? I don't remember any "grown up" movies in our house! We mostly watched McGee N Me, Davey and Goliath, and other slow-paced, morally sound, super kid-friendly movies. And I loved them all!

  166. I love all the movies on your list (except I don't think I've ever seen the 1986 version of A Little Princess, but I love the Shirley Temple version). My Mom was always big on taking us to see Disney movies.

  167. I watched ET growing up and was so terrified... but I still think of it as a childhood movie. I also watched All Dogs Go to Heaven!

  168. I loved musicals and have introduced my kids to Annie and Grease.

    Also our latest was watching the Back to the Future series!

  169. Bambi was favorite movie growing up as well as All Dogs go to heaven series or Homeward bound. Thanks for the giveaway

    sharr1226 @ yahoo dot com

  170. we get netflixs and love to watch movies, mostly comedys and disney movies LOL but he always has a big bowl of pop corn.

  171. My fave childhood movie is goonies. I had two older brothers so we watched it a lot. My dad would make us home made popcorn and we would all snuggle up!

  172. as a child I loved the Teenage mutant ninja turtles. (TMNT)I saw all three movies in the theater as a kid. I also liked Willow and Labryanth. and of course who dosen't like popcorn.

  173. I watched a lot of animated movies (I still do, actually) more than live-action stuff. My favorites included The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Care Bears Movie II, and The Chipmunk Adventure. I also watched horror movies as a child, but that's not as touching/sweet natured. LoL.

  174. I remember watching The sound of Music with my husband and children so many times. What a great family picture, too bad that there are not more movies made like that one. To this day when it turns up on TV we drop everything and sit glued to the show and walk around for a week after singing or humming the beautiful music.

  175. My mother took me to the theater to see "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" when I was very young (1962 or so). It was a matinee, and I got chosen to go up on the stage & play a game to win a prize. I won a Fizzy Fountain! (remember those?) Anyway, I always liked thrillers from then on.

  176. Wow, well when I was little my favorites were Singing in the Rain, The Sound of Music, Monty Python and the Holy Grail (my parents were strange... let's not go there) and Robin Hood. The thought of Apple Cinnamon popcorn is making me drool a little!

  177. I came from a large family too. 3 girls, 3 boys and not much money to go round. We never went to the movies, but we did watch TV movies and eat popcorn. I'm the oldest and was allowed to stay up later than the others. I'd watch any scary movie that came on TV and to this day my favorites are sci-fi, especially those cheesy B- movies. I've always loved the original "The Day The Earth Stood Still"! Haven't seen the remake yet, afraid I'll be disappointed. And I'm thinking that chocolate marshmallow on popcorn is gonna be fantastic! Thanks.

  178. My favorit movie is and always has been wizrd of oz. My favorite cartoon casper the ghost for obvious reasons. My favorite snack///popcorn

  179. My Dad was real protective of us so when we watched movies they were always old Disney also.

    My favorites were The original Parent Trap. We (my twin sisters and I) loved Haley Mills and our parents were divorced so we connected with it. Although we were never separated.

    I also love the Gnome Mobile. It has fun music, the Mary Poppins kids and magical Gnomes. What's not to love?

    I can't eat popcorn (it gives me a terrible stomach ache) so please don't enter me in the giveaway. I just wanted to comment. :)

  180. Aww...I really love The Parent Trap - but Lindsay Lohan's version was even better. *sigh* back when she was cute and more or less normal, a good role model etc.

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  181. Well you named all the movies that I watched with my children! I remember wonderful nights of going to the drive-in with my dad, my mom never wanted to go. He'd pile us all in. We'd pop our own popcorn and bring it in a big bag. We'd see all the disney movies. I especially remember us going to see Snow White.

  182. i was never much into cartoons but did love the musicals and alfred hitchcock even as a child thanks for the giveaway

  183. The movie that I watched as a child was Freaky Friday. (The original one with Jodie Foster). Also another movie that I just loves was Where Angels Go Trouble Follows.

  184. We share a lot of the same favorites. I too loved Pollyanna, Parent Trap and The Sound of Music. Mary Poppins was one of my all time favorites. I'm pretty sure it's the first I ever saw in a movie theater. Oh and I just saw the above comment, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was another goodie!
    I just checked out the Shirley Temple version of The Little Princess and Allison loves it.

  185. Me and my daughter always watch all the Disney classics. They are timeless movies and wonderful for kids of all ages including myself. I still love watching Alice in Wonderland.

  186. OH! Love this<3 My most favorite movies when I was little were Shelly Duvall's Faerie Tale Theater productions. Then my little brother came along and it was Harry and the Henderson's, Howard the Duck, Karate Kid, Ghostbusters, Gremlins. My most vivid movie moment from childhood is watching Lawrence of Arabia as a family because it was one of my Dad's favorites. Never realized how bizarre my movie history was until now...

  187. I don't really remember lots of family time with my folks when I was a child, but I have made a concerted effort to build a close knit relationship with each of my children. This is especially true now that my husband and I are beginning the adventure again with our 2yo and 3yo (our adult children are 29, 27, 25, and 23). Movies are an integral part of every evening. We all pile into the big king-size bed and watch movies like "Shrek", "Over the Hedge", "The Blue Elephant", "Daddy Day Care", "Cars". i haven't watched a grownup movie in months!!! But, who cares? Thanks for the opportunity.

  188. Huh, I don't remember you saying you were from a family of 5 girls/1 boy. I didn't know I had that much in common with you! It's an interesting family dynamic... definitely not in favor of the brother, in our family, at least! He's the 5th born, in ours.

    You listed a lot of my favorite movies there! And a lot I haven't ever seen. The Lady Vanishes looks particularly interesting to me. I'll have to add it to my list!

    We mostly binged on Disney movies, when I was growing up. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite, too. :) Once I got into my teenage years, one of my favorite movies was "What's Up Doc?" with Barbara Streisand.

    This popcorn prize sounds really interesting! I remember in college one time, a group of friends added jalepeno oil to their popcorn as it was popping. It was AMAZING popcorn... and I don't usually like spicy snacks! I've been dying to try jalepeno popcorn again ever since then. But this whole idea of seasonings to shake on sounds really yummy, too!

  189. I used to watch all of the Shirley Temple movies. They came on, in black and white mostly, at 11:30am on weekends and I didn't miss them.

  190. I didn't see Rear Window till I was an adult but hubby and I watch it every so often.

    Movies that I enjoyed as a kid were TMNT (was a huge fan, watched the cartoon every day after school) and of course I loved teh Disney movies. Beauty and the Beast was also a big favorite.

    We weren't allowed to watch PG-13 movies till we were 13 too. I'm following the same pattern with my kids and trying to let them stay youthful as long as possible.

  191. I remember "The Wonderful World of Disney" on TV (I think on Sundays at 7pm or maybe 8). We saw all the Disney animated movies - Bambi was always my favorite (and still is) even though I cried everytime

  192. I watch all the disney movies, thats all my mother and dad would let me watch and that what my kids whatch

  193. What movies did YOU watch as a child? Or…what movies will you watch with your child(ren) this summer?:

    I LOVED Swiss Family Robinson, watched it many times. I also loved Mary Poppins. This summer,my kids and I will continue to watch our Disney movies, like Cinderella, Lady and the Tramp, and The Rescuers.

  194. As a child, I remember seeing a lot of the Disney movies. Now that I have kids, we have movie night every Friday night and pop popcorn. We recently got a Roku for our Netflix so we'll be watching lots of movies this summer.

  195. Being a child in the 60's, my parents took me to a lot of spaghetti westerns LOL - but I also enjoyed all the Disney releases on the big screen, and vividly remember loving Cinderella and Mary Poppins (I was spoiled, too Mom always bought me the movie record or story book that they sold at the theater in conjunction with the movie)
    And I LUVS my popcorn!!!

  196. Well - we don't really watch movies at all... we've chosen not to have a television in our home and as a result we don't watch much of anything - if we do want to see something we watch it on one of the computers. But we love live theatre and I especially enjoy musicals. My favorites from childhood - Fiddler on the Roof, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma!, South Pacific... there are so many more I'd love to see - we're hoping to catch one this summer, just waiting to see what comes through town. We missed Annie Get Your Gun this spring because Hubby was laid off and we didn't feel like we should spend the money - that was a bummer.

    Oh and we don't eat much popcorn around here, so don't enter us into the giveaway but that does sound like a neat way to change it up a bit - with the flavored seasonings!

  197. A couple of my favorite movies as a child was Please Don't Eat The Daisies,Cheaper By The Dozen and The Shaggy Dog. The chocolate marshmallow sounds really tasty. Thank you!

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