1st Bday: ionator HOM by Activeion

1st Bday: ionator HOM by Activeion 1We parted ways with our Swiffer and started using a Monster EZ1 Steam Mop and Floor Cleaner about 9 months ago.

It just seemed like a wiser option with a crawling baby and a playful preschooler in the house. We spend so much time on the floor - picnicing, playing pretend, reading books, and building roads out of wooden blocks. I don't like the idea of sitting, lying, and playing on surfaces that have poisonous chemical residue so that steam mop has been a great thing for our floors.

But what about our countertops, mirrors, and tables?

1st Bday: ionator HOM by Activeion 2Recently, we had an opportunity to try the ionator HOM ($169.99) by Activeion - and I am quite impressed. It's a product that uses ordinary tap water, activated by electricity...to clean, sanitize, and disinfect any surface. Skeptical? I was too, but it really does seem to work!

You can learn a little more about the "science" behind the whole thing by watching as Bill Nye the Science Guy explains how it works.

It's super easy to use - and almost...fun! Even my 3-year-old likes to get in on the cleaning action.

I feel good knowing that our home is tidy and clean WITHOUT chemicals. We don't have to worry about poisons - in bottles or airborne - due to our cleaning products...and that gives me tremendous peace of mind.

P.S. I am still a little bit skeptical, but not because it doesn't work (it does!). It just one of those things that seems too good to be true, you know?

1st Bday: ionator HOM by Activeion 3WIN IT! One winner will receive an ionator HOM ($169) by Activeion. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Tuesday, March 9th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

* I received a product for review purposes.

*UPDATE* The winner is #78 Jessica. Congratulations!

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199 comments on “1st Bday: ionator HOM by Activeion”

  1. I love the idea of cleaning without chemicals. With a newborn at home, I'm definitely more aware of the products I use that could affect the baby!

  2. I keep wondering what something like that would do with water that stinks. It literally stinks. It also has lots of calcium and chlorine, so I would hate to think that the water would ruin the unit within a year.
    I do love the idea of just cleaning with water, though. Hot, steamy water. :-)

  3. I really want one of these but I'm wary of plopping down a bunch of moola without knowing it works. (I don't know anyone who has one). It sounds, like y'all are saying, simply too good to be true! But I hope it is true!

  4. We share our home with nine cats. We love them, but they do tend to get into everything. I'd feel much better using water to clean than chemical cleaners.

  5. This ionator is so amazing, I've wanted one for a long time now! I personally am warring with germs on a daily basis and this would be my sidekick! I absolutely love how it can even be used on food, I would definitely use it!

  6. This looks pretty fantastic! I have pets and a messy kid so I need all the help I can while cleaning and I love that this is totally safe to use around them!

  7. With two school aged children at home, 4 cats, a dog, and a Marine for a husband (who happens to go fishing. A LOT!)...I could sure use something like this for cleaning myriad things around the house, including lunch boxes (for all three of the other people in my house) countertops, pet dishes and assorted things, toys, backpacks, fishing accoutrements, etc.

  8. I would love to clean my home without using chemicals. The ionator HOM by Activeion sounds great.

  9. This looking awesome. Cleaning without harsh chemicals is the stuff of the future! And what a perfect tool for the family.

  10. Thanks for the giveaway...The technology of ionizing water for cleaning has been used for decades in food processing plants, four-star restaurants, and large hotels; if Bill Nye the Science Guy endorses it, then this should be a pretty good piece of equipment !

  11. Wow! This seems really cool! I don't really understand how it actually works, but I'd love to try it!

  12. This would be absolutely amazing!!! I love that it can kill the H1N1 virus. I would love to rid myself of all of my bottled cleaners Thanks!

  13. I am so amazed by this, I would love to be able to keep things clean with out all of the chemicals. I always worry about the kids, and put gates up while I clean.

  14. Oh the places I could use this ionator and I think the kids would actually do some cleaning with this baby!

  15. This sounds crazy to me, but I love it! And I like the Bill Nye explanation. I appreciate that it's safe - that's a priority now.

  16. I'm not sure how it works but I read the testimonials from professional cleaners and I'm ready to try it for myself.

  17. this is a great item. i hate to use all these chemicals in my house so i try to buy earth friendly products and this definitley is.

  18. This sounds pretty neat! I like that I don't need to use chemicals or buy anything (which saves money)! My son is always eating snacks then touch everything in the house so this would be great to have around!

  19. We too have also gotten rid of most of the chemicals in the house. I stick to vinegar, 7th generation- but still keep bleach to disinfect the toilet. This machine looks awesome, but a bit pricey.

  20. wow - cleaning the house with water instead of chemicals? Count me in! Sounds great.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I have always wanted to try the concept of steam cleaning and this product looks like a good way to do that .

  22. I definitely agree that it seems too good to be true, but based on your testimonial, and that of a few friends who have the ActiveIon and swear by it, I'm completely sold - would love the chance to try it out in our home and get the added peace of mind that it brings. Thanks!

  23. This sounds really interesting. I'm having trouble believing that it works because it seems so simple that somebody could have come up with this a long time ago. Maybe BJs will have somebody demonstrating it someday and then I can go see.

  24. With kids with allergies, a hubby with allergies, and three rescued MinPins running around the house all all the time - not to mention the occasional short-term foster babies - being able to clean without adding chemicals into the house sounds too good to be true... but I do believe in technology and I've heard about this process and how great it is supposed to work. Now I can only hope I'm lucky enough to win what I can't afford to buy. LOL


  25. My friend has a brand new baby who is about at the walking age and already at the "sticking everything in her mouth and licking everything. I worry about her and cleaning products so this would be a great gift to mommy and baby.

  26. I would love to give this a try. I am always concerned about using chemicals with the little love around and this could provide a great alternative.

  27. This looks like such a great product. I heard about it a few weeks ago from a friend and looked up some stuff on it and everyone seems to say it works wonderfully! What a nice eco friendly and safe way to clean :)
    Amanda Barnes

  28. Seeems like it would pay for itself over time, eventually if you don't have to buy cleaners to go with it. We bought a carpet cleaner and that thing really goes through a ton of carpet cleaner solution. We didn't think about that part when we bought the machine.

  29. this sounds great, I have allergies and asthma and cleaning with chemicals can trigger an attack

  30. I love how all it takes is water to get a deep cleaning. I hate using chemicals not only are they bad for the air they eat up my hands. Would love to win this.

  31. I have heard about this and wondered if it worked or not. Now I really want one of these, I am always worried about germs and bacteria with havin children around

  32. I would love to try this. I'm always worried about what harmful chemicals are getting on us or what's going down the drain. Thanks!

  33. Sounds interesting. I also use a swiffer on our tile floors, but this sounds like a great alternative. I'm slowly using more vinigar and baking soda in our household cleaning - in attempts to use less chemicals and so far it's working great.

  34. I've been reading about this and it seems pretty great. I love that your whole family is taking part in the cleaning!

  35. Looks like a power drill to me... Maybe it's a conspiracy to get us guys to do more cleaning in the kitchen - ha-ha

  36. I am skeptical too so I would like to try it "in person". Bill Nye says it works so I want to believe it.

  37. I would love to have one of these for the bathroom in my home. Much easier on the septic than harsh chemicals.

  38. Okay, so the ionator HOM by Activeion uses ordinary tap water activated by electricity to clean, sanitize, and disinfect any surface. Does that include three puppies? :)

  39. THis is exactly the type product to feature in a giveaway so people can try it for themselves rather than possibly getting duped in the hype.

  40. Such a unique idea! This gadget will free us from using toxic cleaners and if it catches on, it could put some big companies out of business!

  41. I love the whole idea of avoiding chemicals...and what I like equally well: space saving! I've got tons of cleaners taking up too much space. Most of which did not work as well as advertised. I'm wondering how if it would work on stains. If I can't win one, would sure love to test one.

  42. My friend has one of these and she SWEARS it's the best thing she's ever bought. I've been meaning to look into them, and I'm super impressed with what I just read here.

    Looks like the ionator is a real time/money saver!

  43. This really does look too good to be true! It's expensive, but I think it would pay for itself eventually in money saved on products. It looks fairly lightweight too.

  44. I have been on the website and read the claims and although it does sound too good to be true I want to clean without chemicals. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  45. I have visions of Activeion dancing in my head. There I am against the dirt and dust accumulated in out home with the ionizer in 1 hand and cleaning cloth in the other. SpringCleaning! WinterCleaning Anytime cleaning I'm on it with my new gizmo. Hope my dreams come true.

  46. Wow, I've never even heard of the ionator HOM before until I read this post. It sounds like a great thing to have around the house. And it sanitizes only using water and electricity, no chemicals. It does sound too good to be true!

  47. I've always wanted to try one of these out so I could see for myself how well it actually works. You're right! It does seem almost too good to be true.

  48. This looks like a great product to keep my home clean and sanitary, but without using those harsh chemicals that I truly hate to keep in the house with my kids and out pets.

  49. This seems like a great alternative to chemicals! We gave up harsh chemicals a few years ago, because of all the babies on the floor.. yuck!

  50. I totally agree with the too good to be true and I've read about this product before however I love the idea that it doesn't use chemicals so you don't have to worry about your little ones. I love the idea of naturally cleaning!

  51. I would love to try this. I don't like chemical cleaners and "natural" cleaners are just the same with some disguises.

  52. I have a litter of puppies running around the house. This would be great for keeping things fresh, clean and germ free.

  53. I had someone recommend me get a steam mop not too long ago. It's good to have a recommendation of one. Not having to use chemicals is always a good thing in my book.

  54. I really do like the idea of cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing without using harsh chemicals. I purchased a steam mop and love the way it cleans without chemicals...and it really does work. I see no reason why the ionator HOM wouldn't work equally as well. I certainly would like to try it.

    Thank you for the review and the giveaway. :-)

  55. Seriously? That sounds too good to be true! I would love it! I'm all about the swiffer and the lysol and all that so this would be a great safe alternative. Thanks!

  56. we are a swiffer family. this product looks like it would do great for our wood/tile floors. it's very difficult keeping the floors clean (we don't wear shoes in the house) & i would like it to stay super clean for my little baby girl...

  57. I would love to be able to get rid of all of my chemical cleaners and use just this to clean my kitchen and bathroom. I don't have kids, but I do have a kitty. I think we'd both benefit from a more non-toxic environment. :)

  58. This thing is so neat. I love this idea. I don't like using chemicals to clean the house with new babies around, this is the perfect solution.

  59. I just finished deep cleaning bathrooms today. I must confess that I get tired of sending my kids outside to play so I can disinfect bathrooms with all the windows open and fans running to rid the house of that fine clorox smell!!! Steam cleaning sounds like a WONDERFUL alternative! One concern, how would steam remove hard water???

  60. The other day I was in my shower and looking at the grout, wondering how it got to be that funny color, and realizing I was going to have to devote precious hours to scrubbing it. If this saves me from spending my elbow grease on cleaning bathroom grout I am all for it.

  61. I have 10 cats and 4 dogs. I don't like to use chemicals around the home especially since one cat has asthma. This would be perfect.

  62. I am a neat freak. I'm not proud and I try not to put it on other people, but I just like things clean. This is a really interesting item that I'd love to try out.

  63. Yeah, I'm not too sure about this product! Is it like a squirt bottle, then you wipe down the water with a cloth? VERY curious....!

  64. I have seen these around the web and it seems so weird that it would work. I'm slightly skeptical. Does it work on toilets? I really like not using chemicals on the surfaces the littlest's tongue might end up on. She licks things.

  65. I have been comparing these steam mops for a few weeks now. I had not heard of this product and am quite impressed. I like that it only uses water. Thankful that we now have choices of products that do not use chemicals.

  66. That's a really cool idea! My husband wipes the counters with (too much) bleach and I hate the smell. I would love to try this!

  67. Perfect for a house with small children & a new puppy. The fewer chemicals in the home, the better! Thanks!

  68. I'm one of those who always has a bottle of Windex nearby, because there's alwasy something to clean up. This product would definitely save money for me in the long run.

  69. Living out in the boonies I get a lot of dirt flying around my house. I'm curious to see how this works and see how it would fit with our family :)

  70. I have been wanting one of these. I have four kids and a dog and toxic cleaning products are definitely a worry. I would love to try this product.

  71. I would love to win this. This product is supposed to attract dirt like a magnet lifting it up so it is easily wiped off the surface.

  72. "Fascinating" would be the appropriate comment about this item which in design is reminiscent of a weapon from the old Star Trek series! But hey if it works, I'm all for it!

    Thanks for sharing this latest addition to the family of "green" products.

  73. I've wanted one of these for awhile, and I definitely must have one after watching Bill Nye explain the magic behind it. My family has migrated to using chemical-free cleaning products and I think that this would be a very nice addition to our safe cleaning regime. Thanks for posting about this!!

  74. I'm not a fan of chemical cleaners and would love to try this out. I have begun using a steam mop for my floors and love being able to clean and disinfect with plain old H2O.

  75. I can understand you being skeptical. I can't help but be too. It is amazing to just have to use regular tap water. I hope I win so I can curb my skepticism too.

  76. I would love to try one of these! I am trying to be more “green”. We have two teenage sons and two dogs, so I am constantly cleaning something!

  77. "Clean The World!" I enjoyed that statement by Bill Nye in the beginning of the video! The Activeion
    Ionator sounds terrific. It saves so much in various energy and disposal of waste products! It would be great for all of my windows where our little rescue Beagle; Daisy, seems to get nose prints everywhere! Also, I love the idea of no chemicals mixing with the dirt, only tap water!
    Many thanks, Cindi

  78. I have never heard about this before, but it seems like it would work and I would love to have one!

  79. this giveaway gave me chills because my soon to be husband was talking about products liek this just yesterday - lol - he is the floor washing man and i love the vacuum heehee

  80. I recently switched to doing almost all my cleaning with vinegar and water to cut down our use of chemical cleaners, but I have to admit that it'd be nice to not have the house smell like vinegar all the time.

  81. I know what you mean about being skeptical that it works... I think our culture thinks it has to stink or we don't think it *really* cleans. I loved how Bill Nye explained it, though and I can't see how it wouldn't work!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!! :)

  82. I remember when this technology first came out and you had to buy this giant box that ionized the water (hospitals started using it first) and then gradually the 'inonizer' got smaller and smaller and now it's a spray bottle apparently! I want one!

  83. I was just thinking about buying a steam mop because they sanitize while they clean. I think this would work just as good (or better).

  84. I have such bad OCD. My son will be 2 next month so I am constantly cleaning because hes into everything. I am a single parent, work full time and go to school part time so anything that would help my work load just alittle bit would be wonderful.

  85. I've never heard of this product, but after checking out the website, I'm really impressed with how many different surfaces it will clean.

  86. That looks like a great product...and a fun one too. I would love to win one, I've been looking for ways to not use so many chemicals in my house.

  87. I love anything that uses scientific and technological innovations at home and for everyday use. I would love to win this for sure!

  88. Using an ionator seems like a great way of cleaning. Lately I've been trying to use organic and natural cleaning supplies, so I'd love the opportunity to use this, too.

  89. I'm a little skeptical too, but the website seems pretty convincing! :) We try to use baking powder and vinegar when we can or at least use the "greener" cleaning products. Every little bit helps!

  90. I've seen this product mentioned on a lot of blogs so far. I would really love to try it out, especially since I have a 5 year old and a new baby on the way. Harsh cleaning products don't seem like such a great idea when you know a tiny child is going to put his mouth on absolutely everything.

  91. How fantastic is it to be able to clean well and kill germs without all the chemicals! Would love to try this. Thank you!

  92. That does sound like a great concept. I agree with you that's I'd be skeptical too. I started keeping a spray bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar on my counter and I use that to sanitize/clean my kitchen counters. I feel better about using that since it's not a chemical. This product sounds amazing though and I'd love to win it!! With kids and pets the fewer chemicals, the better!

  93. I have something like this but not as good, I love the idea that it doesn't use any harsh chemicals. It would be great with kids in the house!

  94. I love the idea of no harsh chemicals. Anything that can help me get my house clean is a plus. This thing looks so cool.

  95. OOh, I love the idea of cleaning without chemicals! I use Simple Green for cleaning now because it is safer, but chemical free would be even better.

  96. I clean everything without chemicals making all my own cleaners for the most part. I'd love to try this product as well! Chemicals give me BAD headaches. I can't imagine what they do to our kids' bodies.

  97. I am a little skeptical, but extremely interested. This would be a great product for any toddler mom, but also any pregnant mama, as it makes me leary to use ANYTHING for fear of the fumes!


  99. I love the concept! Bill Bye, the Science Guy is a wise man, so I'm pretty sure it sanitizes as promised. I'd love to give it a try, thank for the offer!

  100. I started using a steam floor cleaner when my kids were little, over 10 years ago. I still use it today. This hand held version would be great for bathrooms!

  101. I clean houses, so if this actually did work, it could save me a lot of money! Plus, I would love to get away from harsh chemicals!

  102. I have to agree with everyone else that this sounds almost too good to be true! I've been looking into alternative cleaning options...but one that just uses water?! Amazing!

  103. Wow! This is so neat. Keeping everything cleaned and sanatized is a MUST in our house with a 1 1/2 year old and a 4 year old running around! I use pretty much all Melaleuca products but I would absolutely LOVE to try this!

  104. we have a steam mop and love it! but now that we moved and don't have much besides carpet we don't use it. this would be great for the other household stuff!

  105. I would love to try this. You are right, it does sound almost too good to be true. It would be great to have though!

  106. I am in complete and total love with this gadget! It suits two needs that I have for this year. First and foremost, I am trying to reduce my own carbon-footprint and being able to use just water and no chemicals for cleaning is a major step in the right direction while second, it's just water so it's safe for my pets who are into everything!

  107. That looks like a great gadget to have... I just never feel like the counters are clean... and I hate using possibly dangerous cleaning products on them since our food might touch them.

  108. I've looked at this and thought how awesome it would be. I'm a germ a phobe :) so I would love to try it out.

    :) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  109. This looks great! I am always cleaning and love a clean house. We also are always on the floor. What a cool product it looks like!

  110. This looks like a dream come true! I also hate using chemicals... our lives are like yours where we are constantly ON THE FLOOR, and I LIKE it that way! I don't want to worry about what else is on my "clean" floor with my kids and myself!

  111. I would love to try one of these! I am trying to be more "green". We have two teenage sons and two dogs, so I am constantly cleaning something!

  112. I like that it kills so many germs. I hate using chemical products in my home, but things have to be cleaned properly.

  113. This looks like it would take on germs efficiently and easily, definitely a plus in our house.

  114. Bill Nye has a lot of fun with this and explains it very well for us non-scientific folks. What's not to love? The ionator HOM will get your house clean without chemicals (and without the cost of all those products). I'd love to have one.

  115. That looks awesome. I just broke down and bought a steam mop. My kitchen floor is much cleaner and I actually use it way more than I ever mopped.

  116. That sounds great! I love my steam mop and find that I mop even more often because it's so easy to fill with water and throw the pads in the washer afterwards. My daughter would love to help me clean also!

  117. I've seen this on TV & it seems like it should be too good to be true. We have a Shark steam mop for the floors & have been looking for a new way of cleaning without chemicals for other areas of our home.

    autumn398 @yahoo.com

  118. This thing looks crazy! I've never seen or heard of anything like it, I'll definitely have to do some research.

    1. An ionator ! Never heard of them before but it looks cool - looks like it could make a good Christmas present

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