6.5 hours of sleep per night {what's your average?}

The average person will spend 1/3 of their lifetime sleeping.

As in: 30%.

Since I generally operate on about 6.5 hours of sleep per night (with no naps during the day), my percentage is probably a bit lower than that.

That said, all of us still spend a large chunk of our lives under our sheets, our eyelids fluttering with dreams.

Our beds are places that we relax, get revived, experience intimacy, and recover from illness. Our beds are our resting places.

percale sheeting williams-sonoma homeRecently, Williams-Sonoma Home sent me a set of Percale sheets to review - and I'm beginning to wonder why we haven't invested in a high-quality set of sheets before (oh, wait, I know the answer...the price). Nice sheets really do make all of the difference. Tailored from 800-thread-count four-ply Egyptian cotton, the crisp white sheets are cool and satiny to the touch, soft and luxurious to slip into at the end of each day. I totally look forward to gliding under those sheets and laying my head on those pillowcases every night. Pure bliss.

P.S. I do realize that I should probably be getting more than 6 hours of sleep every night. I need to think about how to add in an hour more. But not tonight. I have too much (fun) work to do...

YOUR TURN: How many hours of sleep do you get per night? Do you nap during the day?

williams sonoma home logoWIN IT! One winner will receive a Percale sheet set (fitted sheet, flat sheet, 2 pillowcases) from Williams-Sonoma Home {valued at over $800; winner's choice of color and size}. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Sunday, November 1st at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

*UPDATE* The winner is #375 Helen S. Congratulations!

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437 comments on “6.5 hours of sleep per night {what's your average?}”

  1. We get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night usually. I do believe that the better quality of sheet helps you to sleep better. We would love to have these sheet set..and get more sleep.

  2. Unfortunately, I don't sleep very well, due to back problems. I only get a couple of hours at a time, so I'm not shy about taking naps when I can!! These sheets would be great!

  3. I have been unemployed since April, and would love Williams-Sonoma Home Percale sheets to sleep on instead of the old ones I have it seems forever. I belive the quality of the sheets makes a big difference in one's life and how they feel for the day.

  4. I get about 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Well, I should say that I am in bed 8 or 9 hours per night... but I am not necessarily sleeping that long. That's because I don't fall asleep right away. And also, I wake up during the night to go to the bathroom. So for sure, no naps for me. I've learned that if I take one then I have an even harder time falling asleep at night, so it isn't worth it.

  5. I am getting up every 3 hours as I have a 6 wk old son. I am super tired, not to mention just got out of the hospital due to a staph infection. Home health comes out and my bedroom is the changing area for my wound. It would be nice to have the one luxury of having super nice sheets. Great giveaway!

  6. Quality cotton sheets really do make a huge difference in the quality of sleep achieved. I have yet to try 800 count.

    judy7885 at gmail dot com

  7. I'm getting 6 - 6.5 hours right now. It's not enough, but with two babies who wake up at alternating times, I do what I can! I rarely nap during the day, but I'd love to. I'd nap every day if I could.

    What a lovely giveaway! Fabulous sheets are a must!

  8. I firmly believe that the quality of my sleep and how much rest I get is directly related to the environment, i.e. the sheets, pillowcases, blanket, comforter, etc. I have got one set of fairly decent sheets and the rest are bargain basement stock. I can really tell a difference when I've changed sheets because I rest so much better with the quality sheets. Strange, yes, but true! I'd love to win this set, then I'd never have to use my bargain basement sheets again. :)

  9. I get from 7 to 8 hours usually. I get cranky if I don't get enough sleep. I rarely take naps. Thanks for the contest.

  10. I get approximately 7 and 1/2 hours of sleep per night. I don't nap during the day. I think this is about right for me. I probably sleep an hour more on the weekends though.

  11. I get 5.5 to 6 hours of sleep per night. I don't think it's enough because I have to drag myself out of bed in the morning.

  12. I wish I had time to nap. I get about 6 hours of sleep a night, on average. I could probably function, but I usually wake up at least once during the night. Blame the cat for most of those interruptions, but sometimes it's a bad dream, gotta go to the bathroom, or a noise outside that does it. I wish I could get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep once a week. That would do wonders for my health and sanity.

  13. I have a hard time sleeping period. Ugh. I wish I could fall asleep in 2.45 seconds like my husband. That is one thing I've never been able to do! It takes me a good 1 to 2 hours to finally fall asleep. I probably average 5 hours of sleep a night. More on weekends as I sneak in a nap. If I had three wishes, one would be to fall asleep fast! Seriously.

  14. I sleep about 4 hrs a night, and work the sunrise shift at Starbucks (4:30am). When I get home from work, I'll take a 2-3 hr nap and then go about my business. It's not the best arrangement, but for now it works! It would be great to have nice sheets because they might help me relax and wind down so that I'm refreshed and ready to go at 3:30am

  15. i have MS so when i go to sleep everything has to be perfect. i have to be comfortable very..I get I would say at least 8 hours. Sometimes I need more. Great giveaway thanks..

  16. I get about 6 hours of sleep if I'm lucky, but since my son wakes up every few hours... it's never continuous. Sigh.

  17. I feel my best when I get at least 7 but no more than 9 hours of sleep. Of course, the perfect number seems to be the average of 8. I do nap on the weekends when I can.

  18. I average less than 4 hours per night unless I use pain blockers. Spurs in my lower vertebrae wake me up each time I move wrong. It is frustrating. I try to get a one hour nap in the afternoon before I prepare dinner; I am about 60% successful. I sleep on egyptian cotton sheets covered by a very thin down throw (both of which I have used every night for years) and they make me feel snug. Great giveaway. Thank you.

  19. I believe that comfortable bedding,nice fluffy pillow does help me sleep better.And I am in dire need of new sheets.I only average about 6 hours of sleep.I do need more.

  20. A little pricey you say? They look wonderful and the only problem will be deciding whether to keep them for myself or give them to someone I love. An average night's sleep - no such thing. I try for eight hours and consider myself lucky to get 5. On the other hand, I've been known to take a two hour nap!

  21. I retire nightly at about 10 pm and rise early (between 4:30 and 5:00). My kids catch the bus at 6 a.m. I sleep so soundly it's scary. When my kids were really young , my husband was always the one who had to get up for diaper changes and feedings. I wake up energized which helps me to accomplish so much in the morning before heading off to work.

  22. Breast cancer impacts many women. I also try to support buying merchandise for breast cancer awareness or that donates part of their profits to find a cure.

  23. During the work week I get about 6, I'd like to get more but I often stay up late. But on the weekend, I get about 10! I loves my sleep, and when I get to sleep in I take advantage :D

  24. I average about 8 hours of sleep a night, but I wish I got more! LOL! I could go for 10-12, how sad is that? hee hee!


  25. I have no idea what uninterrupted sleep is , it's not the waterbed since we love how it keeps us warm and is so comfortable. I have invested in flannel sheets for my waterbed and it makes a big difference.

  26. My ideal number of sleeping hours would be 9 hours. That is what my body asks for. Doesn't often get it, but when I do, I feel the most awake. The highest thread count sheet I have had is a 500, I think. And, oh the joy. Now, 800 thread count...that would be a dream!!

  27. Unfortunately..I have a real hard time functioning on less than 8 hours sleep...I wish I could get by on just 6 hours.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. I usually get a combined total of about 6 hours a night. If I could break myself from drinking tea in the evening, I could skip that bathroom break that wakes me about 3 hours in.

  29. I sleep about 7 hours a night. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I LOVE weekends, and school vacations, because I don't have to wake up to an alarm clock. Even though sleeping late to me is sleeping until about 9 at the latest, sleeping until you FEEL like waking up is a wonderful luxury!

  30. Before having kids I got great night sleep. But now, I am lucky to get 6 or 7 hours a night. And my face and eyes pay the price.

  31. The older I get the less sleep I get. I wonder if it is because of age or if it is because I have too much on my mind and too much to do the next day. This bedding sounds amazing, I would be so glad to give something a try to get a few more zzzz's in at night.

  32. wow would it be nice to have these in a size king. my bed is my favorite place to be and living in New York, as the snow comes, the more a set of nice sheets would be.

  33. I average around 4 hours per night of sleep. I will admit that after a month, I end up getting about 12 hours of sleep in just one day. This has been going on for over 2 years now. I do agree on the better sets of sheets being more comfortable. I think that's why they're so much more expensive. I used to think it was just to get us to spend more money. But since buying a few sets, I have really noticed a difference.

  34. I usually get to bed about 11 or 12pm, sleep about 3 hours, then up and down every hour or so and finally get up about 7am. I probably get 5 to 6 hours sleep and unless I am sick I just can't seem to nap during the day, but I get awfully tired about 4pm, but by 5:30pm I have revived.

  35. Due to my many medical problems, there are nights I never go to sleep -- I just lie there with my eyes open. A good night I get three hours of sleep. I'm wondering if very fine percale sheets and pillowcases might help some with the restless leg syndrome. Now, if the doctors could just get this autoimmune disease of the neuroendocrine system under control.

  36. These sheets sound soooo nice! I know I should invest in a good set of sheets, but the cash flow right now is not the best. I know it is so important health wise to get a good night sleep. and they are so right, if I have a lousy night sleep it really shows in my work performance. I would love to win! thanks for the contest!

  37. Typically, about 7 hours, but, if it's been a really busy day, I may also take a 30-60 minute nap in the late afternoon or early evening

  38. I get about 5-6 hours of sleep a night, but that's only because I have an 8 month old who never sleeps and who is teething. If that wasn't the case I'd probably sleep 10 hours straight! These sheets looks comfy!

  39. I have a horrible sleep pattern since I work 2nd shift. I get home around midnight and stay up until 2am. I then sleep until 6:45 and get up to get my daughter off to school. I then usually go back to sleep until 10am. Weekends I try to sleep in until at least 9am.

  40. It's difficult to say how many hours I actually get at night because I toss and turn awake a lot during the night. I do usually take a little nap many afternoons because I'm dragging by then! These look like WONDERFUL sheets. Thanks.

  41. Between 3 and 6 hours of sleep, depending, unless I am low on blood then it seems like I am at best in a twilight funky haze.

    I only nap when it is getting close to transfusion time and insurance makes me wait to get it until I have less than half the blood I need.

  42. I only get about 4 hours of sleep, I just don't sleep well at all. During the day, I have to make sure I don't sit on the couch, or I will fall asleep, that is, until one of my 4 kids jumps on me. My bed is due for an update, that is for sure. It's been the same for about 12 years, with the exception of new pillows once in a while. Help!

  43. I get between 6-7 hours a sleep each night, which seems to serve me well - I try to avoid napping in the afternoon unless I'm under the weather or under extreme stress and just want a break!

  44. If I get 5 hours straight a night it means I had a good nights sleep. I usually take a 20 minute power nap in the early afternoon.

    I get bouts of insomnia that make sleep impossiblle, so I do a lot of short naps during the day.

  45. With three kids, one being only 2 months old, I average about 5 hours of sleep a night. I usually feel like I'm running on empty. I would LOVE to have nice sheets for the little sleep I do manage to get!!

  46. After many decades of sleepless nights, I now have the luxury of sleeping 8-10 hours a night. I even get an hour nap during the day. Beds, and sheets are an important part of a good nights.

  47. I toss and turn all night so I know that there is no way I am getting enough sleep. I have invested in a very comfortable organic pillow. However I do sleep on cheap sheets and a very uncomfortable mattress. I keep telling myself that I am going to invest in a quality mattress.

  48. I think I do my best work on 6 hours of sleep-on Sundays I usually get 8 hours and I get nothing done all day long--I'm just lazy. I would kill to get uninterrupted sleep --I don't think I ever get more than 5 hours at a time without my husband, children, or cat needing something.
    [email protected]

  49. I get about 7hrs, but not 7 straight hours. My 2 boys seem to always wake up when I just lay down and again when I'm in my deepest sleep. I try to get a nap atleast twice a week :)

  50. I average about 6 hours of sleep. Whenever I sleep longer than 7 hours, I wake up with a headache. I wonder why?

  51. We recieved from a friend a sheet set from You and I was like wow sheets but 10 years later and finally We had to give them up and nothing matches them...in softness and care PLEASE PICK ME thanks

  52. It depends. During the week I average around 6-7. On the weekends I generally get at least eight. I do not nap because I find it hard to sleep at night if I do.

  53. i guess i average about 5 to 6 hours, while i go to bed early enough to get 8 i wake up often during the night and am not able to stay asleep

  54. I try to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep at night, but that usually turns into only about 6 total. I do try to grab an hour nap or so during the day whenever my work schedule allows.

  55. I get about 6.5 hours sleep a night, sometimes I'll get in 7.5 on the weekends. I don't even have little ones around for an excuse. Just so many things to do/things I want to do.

  56. i am not a sleeper never have been 4-5hrs once i wake up i am not a languish in bed person i get up make the coffee and start my day

  57. Now I get about 7 hours of sleep. This is pretty new since my twins were born. I don't get a nap during the day. The "sleep while your baby sleeps" thing doesn't work since I have two babies that don't want to sleep at the same time during the day. I'm fine with that, now, since I do get sleep at night.

  58. These sheets look awesome! We just moved house and finally got our bed sent down from across country after sleeping on an airbed for three months (I am seriously not kidding.. oh how I wish I was!)
    My husbands idea of being "cheap" sigh!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win these, that would be awesome! I average on about 6 hours right now but hey, its better than falling down the side of an airbed!

  59. I usually get about 7.5/night, but am having hot flashes now. So, I'm awake and flashing some nights every hour or so. About once a week I crash for 10-11 hours & it's wonderful.

  60. Most of the time I get 7 to 8 hours. It's not entirely in my control, however, because we apartment dwellers must put up with neighbors' habits (one was lifting and dropping weights at 2 and 3 a.m. directly overhead and I DID have to speak with him about it!) I've read that it's best to turn in and get up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Now that I don't do! Thanks for the giveaway - the sheets look out of this world.

  61. Wow, you have a lot of people that want the sheet set. I usually get about 6 to 7 hours on a good night. Extra sheets in the house is a must, with 4 little kids. When the cold and flu season hits and we all come down with something we are all in my bed. Then I end up changing the sheets once or twice a night. Fun stuff!!

  62. My husband hates when I change the sheets. He swears that it takes him a few nights to readjust and be able to sleep again. I love the feel of clean sheets, and he can't stand it. When you find out how to work in that extra hour of sleep, be sure to share with us all!

  63. I aim for 8 houses but usually get 7- 7 1/2. But i am one of those people that without and alarm clock would sleep 9+ hours per night.

  64. I am not a big napper so when my daughter was little and nursing in the night I was running on 5-6 hours. Now that she sleeps through the night I get about 8-9 hours and I love every minute of it!

  65. I wish I had the luxury of napping during the day! I need at least 7 hours of sleep a night to make it through the day though.

    thanks for hosting this contest!
    adri327 @ optonline.net

  66. I work nights, so sometimes I sleep at night and sometimes during the day. If I sleep at night, I sleep for 7-9 hours at a time. If I sleep during the day, it is usually for 4-6 hours at a time. I try once a week or so to sleep for 12-16 hours to recharge.

  67. I also get about 6.5 hours of sleep a night, sometimes less but hardly ever more! I try, it just never works. Those sheets sound amazing! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  68. I believe sleep is very important so I try to get 8 hours minimum. Don't really get to nap to often though since I have small children.

  69. I love all things William Sonoma in the kitchen.....so why not try it in the bedroom. I visited one of their home retail stores once and was ready to move in! I'm sure the sheets are heavenly......hopefully I'll find out first hand!


  70. I feel like I need twice as much sleep as normal people. Not that I usually get it, but I am always tired. Back in college, I was able to make do with pulling all-nighters or getting a couple hours each night. Not so anymore! I guess I also used to take naps a lot more often back then. Now I rarely take naps.

  71. That's usually around the amount of sleep I get too. Gosh, I'd be in heaven on those sheets.. I might get another hour or 2 of sleep!

  72. Sleep? What is sleep? :) I usually get about 3-4 hours sleep at a time. It's not unusual to have at least 1 of the boys come in to "visit" me in the middle of the night at least once and my baby girl sleeps with us and is nursing. I usually don't nap, but I do dream of doing so. My husband actually teases me because I used to be one of those people whose brain wouldn't stop for at least 30 minutes after I went to bed. Now...I am asleep within 30 seconds of saying goodnight and I love you. Someday my husband and I will again sleep all night, lay in bed chatting in the morning and get up only to read the paper and drink our coffee. For now, I'm happy to share my night with my kiddos.

  73. Strive for eight, and am successful in that except for when my work call for me to be in before sunrise (then I survive on 5 hrs or so, and naps). Whenn I go to sleep tonite, I will be dreaming of 800 thread count.

  74. I try to get 8 hours every night. I am a witch without proper sleep. No naps unless I am really dragging.

  75. Six hours is about the best I can do. Occasionally I will get 7 or 8 and believe me it is cause for celebration.

  76. I get 5 solid hours of sleep a night... and 1-2 fitfull hours of sleep per night. I get to take naps on Tuesday and Thursday.

  77. hi, it seems like i get a good,solid 8 hours of sleep every other night. the other nights are hit or miss. sometimes i cant sleep at all, while other times i toss and turn and wake up all the time.
    one thing i do know is that i sleep better in comfy cool sheets. thanks!

  78. Since my youngest started Kindergarten, I probably get about 9 hrs. of sleep a night. I have to lay down with her to put her to sleep and I usually just end up falling asleep with her. lol Thank you!

  79. I'm usually in bed for eight hours, but after taking an hour to fall asleep, I get woken up by a 5 year old at least once or twice every night. So it always feels like I'm not getting enough rest. When he's at school, I usually do sneak in a nap though, which is wonderfully peaceful!

  80. I actually get enough sleep, but my husband doesn't. On the ocassions when he does get a few good nights of sleep, he's almost like a different person.

  81. Wow, to get more sleep....I don't know what it feels like to sleep in. We describe our two-year old as the ultimate morning person. His mornings start around 5, everyday! That means that my mornings start then too. I would love to get more sleep.... maybe when my little guy gets older. My sleep future sure looks grim. :)

  82. I usually get 5-6 hours per night on average, and I would love to nap, but unfortunately my three kids refuse to, so I have to stay up as well.

  83. These sound awesome! Right now, I'm averaging about 8.5 hours of sleep a night, but only because I'm self employed and very slow right now. It's one of the few benefits of the poor economy! :)

  84. I rarely can sleep for more than a few hours at a time. I would guess that I get an average of 5 to 7 hours total a night. Sure wish that it would be sleeping straight through time.

  85. I average about 6 hrs of sleep each night and I know it is not nearly enough. I try to catch up on weekends even though I know it does not help.

  86. There is nothing better than getting into a bed with a good set of bedsheets. This is especially after a hard day of work or play.

  87. I can't sleep lately. I roll around for at least 2 hours and wake up too early. I think it's hormones. Hey young ladies - this is one of the things you can look forward to when you hit around 50.

  88. I get around 8 hours most nights, but I LOVE to sleep. Now that my little man weaned himself and sleeps a good 12 hours a night I relish the coziness of my bed (instead of the recliner in his room) and uninterrupted snoozing. I am enjoying every minute because as we hope to add to our family - it will be back to that awkward pregnant sleep and newborn feedings every few hours. I'll take what I can get for now.

    And no I do not nap during the day unless I absolutely need it.

  89. I definitely do not get enough sleep, but I do consider my bed to be a haven from the stress in the world. Those sheets sound like they would definitely make the time I do get to sleep a lot more comfortable.

  90. I toss and turn all night long so it's hard to say how many hours of sleep I get. Recently retired so I can take a nap if I need it. I would love to have 6-8 hours of good sleep. Love sleeping in high quality sheets.

  91. One of the worst things I do is get 5 hours one night, 4 hours the next, then 9 hours the next...totally throwing off my schedule. Im trying to be more disciplined (like my very disciplined husband) and go to bed every night at the same time. Makes 6:00 a.m. and the school morning rush a lot easier to handle. ;)

  92. I get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I do not nap during the day except on Weekends. And I look forward to those. On weekends I sleep less at night, and my toddlers nap about 2 hours, so I join them. It's bliss, my boyfriend has found he loves it as well.

  93. I average about six and a half hours of sleep a night which works great for me.
    Any less and I am tired the next day.
    But any more and I wake up groggy.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  94. lately I've had trouble adding up the minutes to figure out how much sleep I get through the night! My little one has had a rough two or so weeks of sleep...so really I should be in bead right now! but first I need to start a load of laundry and wash the dinner dishes....
    but these sheets sound oh so very lovely! Thanks!

  95. oh man!
    DO i wake up in the middle of the night. . .and get SO annoyed looking at the clock
    counting down the hours to when i need to wake up.
    it truely messes up my work day,
    and my attitude!

    If these sheets really do help??
    you will make matress companies angry::

  96. I love sleep but with two kids going to preschool and me attending classes as well as being 6 months pregnant and also having so much housework and homework to do it is crazy, I would love to nap during the day but there is just no time. I usually pass out around 10pm if my 4 year old is finally sleeping and I am done with homework. Unfortunately that doesn't leave me much time to do anything for myself. Anyway, sheets would be great, especially nice and comfortable ones that won't cost me an arm and a leg. I have always wanted some nice sheets but the price is rough. This would be really nice to win though I have to say if I am buying it will be regular cheap sheets because babies and $800 sheets don't mix.

  97. When my children were little, I got very little sleep. Now that they are adults, and my husband and I are older, I really enjoy sleeping late in the mornings. It's such a treat. But we have never spent a lot of money on our king-size sheets. But now that I have read about these 800 count ones, I'm ready to try them. I am SURE they are luxury!

  98. I've had sleep problems my whole life. Sometimes I sleep way too much, other times I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, so I get way too little sleep. It would be nice to fall somewhere in the middle.

  99. I actually love percale because of the crisp cool feeling in the bed---makes it feel like you changed to fresh sheets everyday!

  100. Babies leach my sleep. As they age, then I slowly get more sleep each night. My husband is trying to convince me to go for #3. I think of the sleep deprivation and as I get older, I think of how nice sleep is and how 2 kids is enough. But for real, new high quality sheets would be nice. Ours are starting to shred.

  101. My dream is new sheets--always! Last year for our anniversary, my husband and I headed to a condo right on the beach. We were getting ready to go to dinner, so we decided to pull the mattress out of the bedroom and sleep on the floor in the living room so we could better hear the waves. As soon as we walked into the room, I let out a few bad words! I had forgotten to bring sheets and towels! Oops! We headed to Bed Bath & Beyond, bought sheets and towels and spent the evening at the laundermat! (Happy Anniversary, honey!) The sheets we bought were on sale and were jersey. My husband usually gets hot and refuses to sleep with flannel sheets, so I wasn't sure how he would handle these. Well--he loved them then, and he still loves them now on our bed at home! My dream is to have more beautiful, comfy, cozy sheets for the rest of my life!

  102. I HAVE to have at least 7 to function. I usually get 8. A couple of years ago I was working 60 hours a week - 10-12 hour days and only getting 6 at the most. As a result, my health suffered. I developed all sorts of things. However, I AM 57!

  103. How many hours of sleep do you get per night? We have two young kids and at least once per night, they wake us up. I'd fingure I get 6.5 hours of interrupted sleep...yawn. Do you nap during the day? Napping is frowned on where I work or I'd tap a nap daily. Around 2:30 pm, I start feeling tired.

  104. I am a single Mom of two, and although I would love a full night sleep that is almost impossible with a three year old that is still not sleeping through the night. I average about four to five hours of sleep a night. Sometimes when I get even less sleep then that I run home during lunch and take a cat nap. Although I don't get much sleep I would love the sleep I do get to be in wonderful comfortable sheets.

  105. I get between 5-7 hours of sleep each night. I always seem to wake up at the same time, so it all depends on when I get to bed. Very occasionally, I will nap for an hour or two, but that is rare.

  106. I normally get between 7-8 hours of sleep. Lucky me I fall asleep almost instantly when I go to bed and sleep mostly straight through

  107. The closest I have come to having soft and slick sheets are the Jersey sheets from Target. I would love, love, LOVE to win a set of these sheets!

    I get about 5-6.5 hrs a sleep a night right now. Part of that is self-inflicted though. I have a 4 month old and a 5 and 6 year old but I stay up late reading the dumb vampire books my sister got me hooked on. HA!

  108. Right now we are co-sleeping with our 22 month old son so sleep is lacking in our house. I maybe get 5 hours max. But I would not trade the experience for anything in the world right now. I would love new king sheets that do not pop off the corners of my bed every night. It drives me crazy!

  109. I can stay up all night as long as I dont go to sleep but once I do go to sleep I have to have 8 full hours of sleep.(or no one can stand me,I am so ill) I dont nap during the day unless I have a migraine(my meds knock me out) We have never had any really nice sheets and like you its because they are so expensive.

  110. Oh how I would love to get the sleep my body needs! Unfortunately I work midnights & my sleep pattern is all out of wack. Even with a prescribed sleeping pill I sometimes get only five hours sleep a day, if I'm lucky a little more. Now I know you are supposed to keep the same sleeping patterns on weekends, but let's get real, I'm not going to stay up all night & sleep during the day. Needless to say, I'm sleepy lots of the time!

  111. I sleep from 5-7 hours each night. I get up at night to go to the bathroom, and depending on how many times. I sometimes can't get any sleep.

  112. I try to get 8 nightly, usually get 7. For years and years I lived on 5 a night, napped alot and I now believe it had long-term (bad) effects on my health. Nice sheets and a decent bed can make a big difference.

  113. 8 hours maybe but not consecutively. does that count. My 4 year old is still in and out of my bed so of course I wake up put him back to bed and then fall asleep as he comes in again and again...

  114. I think really high-quality sheets are the nicest luxury we can give ourselves! Nothing beats a good night's sleep!

  115. I really like to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night (and maybe up to 10 on the weekends!). I nap all the time lately, but that's because I'm pregnant, haha.

  116. Sleep??? What is that??? My sleep habits have fluctuated drastically over the past 5 years or so. When my hubby started his career, it was on the graveyard shift - who can sleep with that schedule? I struggled sleeping with him gone, and worked during the day. Then after baby 1, he switched to swings - a little better, but I'd wait up for him until sometimes 2 a.m. and be back up at 6 with baby. Then 2 years ago he finally got full days shift. At that point we started going to bed around 9 or 10 because he'd get up at 5ish. I'd join him to fix his breakfast and lunch. SO, now I actually usually get quite a bit of sleep - about 7+ hours a night. However, as you are well aware, it is nomination season for my job, which I love, but the nomination writing does tend to limit my hours between my less than fabulous sheets. (The first time I washed them, they shrunk to the point I can't even tuck them in between the mattresses on the sides.) The last 2 1/2 to 3 weeks I have been averaging about 5 hours a night. These new sheets would be a great way to get back to those 7+ hours a night! ;)

  117. Those look heavenly! Last night was pretty typical, slept 3 hours, woke up, couldn't go back to sleep, read for an hour, then fell asleep for another 3 hours!
    greenlancer at comcast dot net

  118. With three young babies and a husband who I have to wake up at four every morning, then make his breakfast and lunch sleep is something I do not get much of. I have never had the money for expensive bedding maybe if I win what sleep I do get will be peaceful. Pick me PLEASE.


  120. These sheets would be wonderful~~ I've been getting up around 10-20 times per night (7.5 months preggoooo)....It's been difficult. I think nice sheets would definitely help me doze at least a little bit more until my Xmas due date :)

  121. A comfortable bed with yummy linens is a great thing to look forward to. It is a great bonus when you are trying to get more sleep in.

  122. I need at least 8 hours! Good thing my kids like to sleep in. I think once my kids have to get up early for school my number will go down. Naps? Only in my dreams!

  123. I sleep about 7.5 hours. Yes I love to nap! I really only nap on the weekends (while the hubby is watching football!). I would looooove good sheets.

  124. I sleep for eight hours. No alarm needed. However when I can a snag an afternoon nap for 45 minutes I do. In fact I really like to get that nap. But hopefully I will get that job and naps will be no more.

  125. It depends on if my husband decides to sleep in my room or not - for the last couple years he's stayed in the guest room when he has to work the next day due to my snoring. When he sleeps in there I get at least a good 8 hours - BUT - when he sleeps with me, I probably only get 6.

  126. It's funny because I'm an early bird, whereas my hubby is a night owl...but it works for us! I used to need around 8-9 hours of sleep. I'm good with 6 now. Last night, 3 hours. And I'm still going strong!

    A few years ago, when I was pregnant with Paige we bought a new bed...and honestly, that is probably one of my favorite things in the house (a wonderfully soft and big pillowtop!). I love my bed, and I'm very grateful for it. That may sound silly...but I am! We get by with plain sheets...because of the price, like you mentioned. My guess, I'd love that bed even more with those sheets (in the ever lovely taupe). In fact, it would probably be like having a brand new bed again!

  127. I usually sleep 8 hrs. per night but it's not a restful sleep because my legs ache horribly and I toss and turn like crazy. My doctor gave me medicine the other week to help the leg pains. I took 2 pills for the first time on Friday night...luckily I didn't have to work the next day because I slept from 1:30 Friday night until 6:30 Saturday evening. 17 hours I slept!!! Hubby kept checking on me to make sure I hadn't died in my sleep. Now I only take one pill at night which helps a little.

  128. On average, I get about 7 hours of sleep a night. Occasionally I will take a two-hour nap and I figure I just need one. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  129. I currently have 600 thread count sheets on my bed and love them. They just get softer and softer as you launder them. I guess that's why I get at least 8 hours every night.

  130. Those sheets sound incredibly wonderful. Dr. Oz says that the best place to spend your money is on your bed and linens! He must be right! I get by on about 6 hours of sleep per night, no naps. Maybe with the right sheets, I can up that to 7 or 8!!! Thanks for the chance!

  131. I can't get by on less than 10 hours a night. Sucks, but I'm groggy all day if I get less and can't concentrate. But when do I ever have time to sleep 10 hours. Almost never.

  132. i get around 8 hours a night (now that the kids are older).. i feel so much more rested and can handle stress better..

  133. I love good sheets, the higher the thread count the better. My husband and I are currently sleeping on 600 count sheets now and we sleep about 6-7 hours a night. I get to nap during the day so I make up if I get less at night

  134. Thank you for the giveaway.

    I hardly get any sleep during the night, I don't know why I have insomnia! I'll usually nap after the kids go to school.

    These sheets look comfy!

  135. My best friend has these sheets on every bed in her house. I love sleeping over there and told her one day I will get these sheets! I need to win this!

  136. I usually get about 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
    I am one of those people that need my sleep!
    I could use a nice set of sheets. These sheets sound wonderful!

  137. I used to be able to sleep through anything. Now I would be happy to sleep through six hours. Maybe new sheets are the answer! Thanks -

  138. I only get about 7 hours of sleep a night. And you know how it is with kids...there is absolutely no chance on the weekends of making up for any lost time!

  139. I stay in bed for about 8 hours a night, but I wake frequently due to arthritis pain, so I'm not sure how much I actually sleep, maybe about 7 hours. I do get a nice 45 minute nap each afternoon. After reading some of the other comments, I feel very lucky about the amount of sleep that I get.

  140. Even with a two- and five-year-old, I get at least eight hours of sleep each night. All four of my children have been well-versed since they were young on preoccupying themselves until I get up to make breakfast. They have also been well-versed on the do's and don't's rules.

  141. I normally get 7-8 hours of sleep. When I was younger I could run on 6 hours of sleep easily. Now that I am 50+ I can't anymore. Sometimes I even have to take a nap!! These sheets would be wonderful.

  142. I average around 7 hours each night. Hmmmm, I can honestly say I never slept on $800 sheets before...unless I will! :) My current bedding is anything on clearance. King bedding is expensive so I hope to win!

  143. Between my "power surges", the cats and hubby's snores, I do well to get 7 on a GREAT night. I can't even imagine sheets like those!

  144. With the baby waking up a couple time at night for feedings, I get about 6 to 7 hours. Sometimes I manage to squeese a nap in on weekend. What a treat!

  145. I sleep about eight hours a night. The only time I get a nap during the day is when my toddler wants to take a rest.

  146. I average about 7-8 hours of sleep at night. I have the opportunity to take a nap during the day for the moswt part but I don't because if I do take a nap I cannot fall asleep at night. Please count me in. These sheets seem fabulous.

  147. These sheets sound amazing. I probably get around 7 hrs. of sleep - who knows? I get up twice to go to the bathroom, sometimes it's SO hard falling back to sleep

  148. I usually get 5-6 hours of sleep per night for 4 or 5 nights in a row then on about the 6th night, I will be so tired, I will fall asleep at 7 pm and get about 10 hours. I have an awful sleep pattern!

  149. Because I'm a college student, my sleep schedule is always all over the place. Some nights it's five hours, others it's 12 and during exams, forget about it. If I don't get enough sleep, I will usually go to class and come home and nap, which ultimately ends up messing up my entire week's sleep cycle because I will stay up too late. But I must say, naps are one of my favorite things. These sheets sound awesome. I'm a fifth year senior (running the victory lap) and I have slept on a twin bed for the last five years with sheets from target. Graduation doesn't only mean a degree but also an opportunity to invest in a new sleeping haven! Also, I've always wanted to feel egyptian cotton sheets after watching the movie Uptown Girls with Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning because of the song "Sheets of Egyptian Cotton" that the guy in the movie sings. Thanks for the review, I will definitely try something like these out when I venture into the real world.

  150. Didn't answer your questions, did I? I get about seven hours of sleep a night, but my body would like nine or ten. On days I have to be up extra early I try to take a nap when I get home. Thanks again!

  151. I never get enough sleep. I end up going to bed really late and having to get up so early. I think the stress and anxieties that go along with trying to get by these days is really starting to catch up with me as far as my sleep goes.

  152. I just love climbing into a bed freshly made with crisp, cool sheets in the summer, and soft warm flannel sheets in the winter. I remember being shocked at how expensive our sheets were the last time I bought them, but nice ones are supposed to last almost forever. Thanks so much for the offer!

  153. Sheets look amazing!!
    Thanks for hosting such awesome giveaways...
    Too bad I never win on here! :)
    Maybe I need to enter sooner....im always trying to beat the clock! LOL

    Either that or I need MORE sleep!!

  154. If I managed to sleep straight through the night I would be getting a nice 8 or 9 hours. Haha, wouldn't that be nice! We co-sleep so I don't have to get up to nurse but I spend a huge chunk of the night awake nursing.

  155. Sleep? Lets see...as a single Mom of a 6 month old and a 2 1/2 year old, who worked rotating shifts (mostly nights)...I don't think I slept at all. God blessed me with this amazing gift of resting with my eyes and ears wide open! As time went on and the kids began school (1/2 days), I was able to sleep after dropping them off and before picking them up, so I averaged 3 hours a day. I survived by telling myself it will get better in a few years. LOL. Then they began full days and my sleep progressed to 4 or 5 hours, less if we had appointments and baseball practice. And yes, the interrupting phone calls from well meaning friend checking in. But, I was right! It's getting better. :) Now my kids are in High School! You would think I would sleep, finally! But, no, now one of my wonderful kids drive, so I am constantly worrying about their safety (still). LOL, but I have progressed to between 6 & 7 hours of sleep a day! Still with interrupting phone calls and door bells ringing! However, I do retire soon...so I'm sure it will get better! :)

  156. I love my sleep and I love my new bed but I only have one set of sheets. They are are not even close to these sheets that I bet are amazing and I would love to get my beauty sleep on them =).

  157. I love good sheets - we have a set of $100 sheets that are pretty awesome. Those you are giving away sound heavenly.

    I sleep from 2 or 3 AM until Sugar wakes up sometime between 7 and 9 AM every day with a wake-up call from my 4 month old around 4 or 4:30 every morning. I'd like un-interrupted sleep but I do ok if I'm getting an average of 6 hours a night.

  158. I always notice the difference in a higher thread count sheet. I have never spent $800 on a set of sheets but almost everything from Williams Sonoma is quality, I am really curious how well they hold up.

  159. I get about 7 hours of not-so-straight sleep. I should be happy my almost-3 year old wakes up in the middle of the night EVERY NIGHT to potty, right? :)

  160. I'm about the same as you - 6.5 hours with no nap. Between 3 kids (one a 2 yr. old who gave up naps last July) and working part-time not getting the sleep I really need. (And yes, health is suffering for it) These sheets look amazing and our current ones have holes in the corners! Fingers crossed!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  161. I usually get at least 7hrs of sleep on weekdays, and 9hrs on weekends. Comfortable sheets really make a big difference. I would love to try 800 thread count percale. The highest thread count we have tried is 300.

  162. I get about 8 hours right now but that's because my son is 20 months old and I'm trying to get it all in now since I am pregnant. I just bought 600 thread count on overstock and can't wait to try them out but 800 sounds like heaven!!!

  163. I know that I need several hours of sleep after being diagnosed with cancer. It is important to have plenty of sleep to face each day of treatment.

  164. The first time I bought decent quality sheets, I was surprised at how much better they were. The more you wash them, the softer they get. I say decent quality because I can't even imagine what $800 sheets feel like!

  165. Right now between 5-6 and thats up from 3-4 a few months ago with a newborn. I have been been able to get a great night though

  166. I need my sleep. I have finally come to realize that after skimping at times. I can operate with so much more energy when I am well rested. That to say I get about 8 hours of sleep most nights (not that much on the weekend when I tend to stay up late) plus I take a 10-20 mintute nap each day.

    I am afraid that makes me sound lazy but I'm not, I have lots of people ask me how I get everything done and I am convince it is because I get enough rest.

  167. I am lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a night. I am a very light sleeper and hear every little creak. Really hard when you live in an old house that you are remodeling!!! Thanks!

    sherri419 at gmail dot com

  168. wow 6.5! i'm a minimum of 8 hours of sleep kind of girl. more is usually better. i max out at 10 though.
    unfortunately i find i can't nap or my sleep at night is restless and not as sound.
    as for the importance of good sheets? i would agree about the lure and comfort of quality. i bought a set for our bed that were on clearance......and well...there was a reason they were on clearance. it just didn't feel right.....strange eh?

  169. If I am being good to myself, I get a solid eight hours, but when I'm playing around on the computer late into the night I'll get about 4-5 and then sneak in a nap during my daughters TV time!

  170. I think I get about 10 hours of sleep each night and I dont usually take naps during the day unless I am exhausted

  171. During the week I get about 6 1/2 but really make up for it during the weekends. I love to sleep in on Saturdays and can usually squeeze a nap in during the football game on Sunday afternoon.

  172. I have insomnia & falling asleep is incredibly difficult, so it varies from 3 hours a night to about 6. I do usually end up taking about an hour nap each day though.

  173. I have to get 8-10 hours a night. I would definitely take a 1-2 nap during the day if I could only find the time!

  174. I would say that I get about 8 hours of sleep a night, on average. I know I need a lot of sleep, and I do what I can to make sure I get it!

  175. Not a great sleeper since any noise wakes me and I rarely sleep 8 hours and hardly ever wake feeling refreshed. I would say if I am lucky I might get 7 hours.
    I haven't seen sheets like this before! Beautiful!

  176. I probably spend more hours in bed reading than I do sleeping. A good book can keep me reading until morning. I am lucky I can function on a few hours' sleep. Luxurious sheets would make this time more pleasurable.

  177. I can sleep thru the night if I am exhausted otherwise its for a few hours then get up and do chores and then take a nap

  178. I am getting around 6 - 7 hours of sleep but I really need at least 8 hours. I work 40 hours a week so naps are out, however I do try to get at least a small nap on the weekends. New sheets (especially these) would be great.

  179. Oh yes Percale with a high thread count spells luxury. It is difficult to find high thread counts cheaper. This prize is fantastic even if I have to sleep through most of enjoying it.

  180. I probably get about 5-6hrs after waking up 2-3x per night. Sometimes I nap during the day, usually about twice a week. Maybe some new sheets would keep me snoozing-thanks for the chance!

  181. I get 8-9 hours per night. I listen to Soundscapes on cable and it's so pleasant and relax, I fall right to sleep. I would die for those sheets!
    smchester at gmail dot com

  182. Like most busy moms there aren't enough hours in the day to get a good nights sleep. I know that great sheets definetely help sleep quality - just not sleep quantity. wowowow

  183. I am one of those people that needs a good, solid 8 hours of sleep or I am a miserable person the next day. Hubby can do with a lot less, so sweet man that he is, he volunteered for night duty when our first came home, and it has been that way until just recently when Ina started taking herself to the bathroom in the middle of the night! I don't mind getting up early, so it worked out well for us.

    We got our first set of high-end sheets as a wedding gift, and we haven't looked back since. Yes, they are pricey, but they are worth every penny!!

  184. I can't sleep! It's been a problem all of my life. I feel lucky to get six hours. But at least I get a lot of reading done while everyone else is snoozing.

  185. I get six hours of sleep a night. Like to have more sleep but there is just so much stuff to do before bedtime.

  186. I used to get by on 7 hours of sleep. Then I had a stroke and it was all I could do to get a couple of good hours awake! I'm slowly getting in tune with my new circumstance and am finding that nine hours seems to leave me rested and ready for the new day.

  187. My tot *just* started sleeping thru the nite!! So now I get almost 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep at nite!! Its such a big improvement from the last few years!!

  188. about 8 I think- If not I definitely nap espeically if the kids are sick. I wish we would have gotten a california king instead of our queen as DS comes into our bed at night!

  189. Six hours of sleep is my average per night...having a three year old is tough work! Oy Vey! These sheets would definitely help me sleep better!

  190. Oh, boy! That's a good question. I probably am in bed about 8 hours but hardly sleeping straight through. Missy Moo (the toddler girl) is still waking me up to nurse during the night. And then I actually have to get back to sleep after the sporadic feedings that last about 5 minutes each. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not sleeping at all. I daydream of a night without getting my breasts invaded (at least by my baby) and a nice dose of Ambien...just one.

  191. I need more sleep than the average person. I would be thrilled if I got 10-12 hours a night. Having a new born nearly killed me. I was a zombie. My toddler still doesn't sleep through the night but id getting better. I probably get 6-9 hours of interrupted (at least 2x a night) sleep a night.

  192. I get about 9hrs of sleep a night and i take a nap almost everyday. I guess I need more sleep then most:) However with a baby on the way things may have to change, I would love some nice quality sheets to sleep under.

  193. Anywhere from 5 to 8 depending on how I'm feeling. On the nights that I don't sleep well, a nap is almost always required the next day!

  194. I barely function at 5-6 a day. I work nights so it's extremely difficult to get go sleep with my 4 year grandson staying with me . So I crash on my days off when I have them. these sheets sound comfy and would be great to sleep on......dreaming big.

  195. These sheets really sound wonderful. I'm good for nothing without having at least 6 1/2 hours of sleep per night. I really would rather get 8, but that doesn't happen often.
    Thanks so much for offering this wonderful prize.

  196. 800 thread count sounds marvelous, i never splurge and get the good thread counts cause im so frugal! I bet the comfy sheets really help you sleep better.

  197. I am one of those people that has to have at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If I don't get my sleep it interferes with a disorder that I have and makes me a not so nice person.

  198. I am not a day time napper...never have been. If I do nap during the day, I feel more groggy than before I took the nap. Now that both my kiddos are sleeping through the night, I am finally getting a bit more sleep...however I, like you am averaging about 6.5 hours a night...maybe 5 of that is solid, uninterrupted sleep. My youngest just started sleeping through the night, so I am still tuned into every sound that I hear. My house is small enough that I don't need a monitor, however I still hear the noises my little ones make when they roll over or talk in their sleep. I think two night ago was actually the longest stretch of sleep I have gotten in over 2 1/2 years and that was about 5 hours straight! (I never slept well while pregnant, and as soon as #1 started sleeping through the night, I was pregnant with #2!) Here's to looking at more sleep in the near future!

  199. I usually go 6.5-7 hours before I wake up. Getting on the computer and checking email then back to bed. I used to catch up on sleep on the week ends, but that stopped as I got older. I would hope that these sheets would be the "sleeping pill'' of my dreams.

  200. Now that I am what is called a senior citizen I noticed that even though I can lay-a-bed as long as I want to I rarely get more than 6-7 hours sleep a night and that is usually interrupted by a potty call sometime during that time. I researched it an found that the older one gets the less sleep one requires and in my case that seems to be true. The 20 year hiatus between child rearing and senior citizeness my sleep requirements have diminished. OK by me as it gives me more time to read and surf the net. TV is the pits these days so it doesn't enter into the equasion.

  201. About 9 hours of sleep a day. I'm taking the semester off from college due to medical leave, though. When I was in school, it would be more like 7 hours a day, with no extra rests or naps.

  202. I probably get about 6 and a half hours sleep total. But I wake up two or three times for about 30 minutes.

  203. I could really use some new sheets!!! Mine were $20 from Walmart. I can only imagine what $800 sheets would feel like!!!

  204. For a long time, I have averaged 5 hours of sleep per night. I am trying to boost that up to seven. Good sheets do make a difference!

  205. Oh. My. Gosh. You can't IMAGINE how old and threadbare our sheets are. Quality sheets are so worth it. I may need to invest.

    I need about 8 hours. If I don't get 7-8 hours consistently, I'm a bear. I really could use 9. And I'll nap whenever I'm given the opportunity. I LOVE TO SLEEP!!

  206. What a great contest. With the price of sheets, I can not afford to buy any. I usually get around 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. I also take a 2 hour nap everyday. Only because I have numerous health problems and I have to take one. I am always up by 5:00 am.

  207. I get about 7 hours sleep most nights but it doesnt seem like enough! Im still tired. We could use some really nice sheets, they are So expensive for a King. I wear a set out before I buy another, only have one set at a time!

  208. I can definitely attest to the importance of a good night's sleep. Which is why I would love to win these sheets! I try to get 8 hours of sleep a night, and it would be made all the more fitful with these comfy Percale sheets!

  209. I probably get 4-5 hours of sleep at night lately which is a challenge for me. I can't seem to function very well on anything less than 7 hours of sleep.

  210. I think I get about 7 hours of very broken sleep?? Our baby is getting up so much at night right now, I'm not too sure! Hoping to get more solid sleep soon (she's 8 months old)!! The sheets look wonderful!!

  211. I get 4 to 6 hours of sleep a night in 2-3 segments of wake and sleep. Due to small fiber neuropathy, i am in pain which wakes me at night. I would love to try better sheets but the cost is prohibitive. Thanks for a chance to win.

  212. I get about 7 hours, but I totally think that I could get more sleeping on these beautiful sheets! Thank you so much for the chance to win these!

  213. I get about 8 hours of sleep a night. It is not nearly enough. I think 8 1/2 to 9 would be sufficient, but I need to get things done in my home.

  214. I get about 6 hours of sleep a night.I toss and turn most of the night.
    I do not take a nap during the day.I wish I could.I feel tired most of the time.
    Thanks for the giveaway:)

  215. I would have to say..I get no sleep at night. I normally sleep at around 5 am. Also my bed is a hand me down with no box spring and the size of it is to massive for me to afford sheets. Although any bed I've managed to crawl into the colder and more comfortable the sheets, It's much easier to get some shut eye.

  216. We have 4 month old who (sometimes) sleeps through the night, and I, heartbreakingly, had to go back to work as a teacher this last week. I am committed to breastfeeding and co-sleeping, but the change has been hard on my little girl. She sleeps the best in our bed, cuddled up with my hubby and I. Our bed has become a place of family love, and it's wonderful! Nice sheets would be such a blessing!

  217. I get my fair share of sleep...I would say at least 7-8 hrs per night. Altho there are those nights I can't sleep at all. And I do get naps 2-3 times per week...and I love it. And so does my doggies. They average about 20 hrs. a day I think...haha. And we would love some nice sheets!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  218. I'm honestly not sure what I'm getting for sleep currently. My 10 month old has decided to wake up almost every hour at night lately and then I lay awake once shes back sleep, so I'm guessing 5 total hours at night. And no naps during the day... Yeah I'm tired writing this!

  219. Oh I so wish I could get more sleep than I do. I aberage about 5-6 hours. I treasure the nights that I can get anywhere between 6-8/ Those nights though are rare.

  220. My current sleep disorder is to get up between 3 and 4 AM and try like hell to get back to sleep...seems to be my "worry time".

  221. YOUR TURN: How many hours of sleep do you get per night? Do you nap during the day?

    I'd sleep a lot better on these sheets!! I get 6 hrs a night, and grab a half hour nap around 2PM each day, right before the kids need picking up.

  222. Maybe I'm stuck in teenage mode but I seem to do best on exactly 9 hours of sleep-no more no less. Am I the only one? With three kids though it RARELY happens. Good sheet sets and a sleep mask really do make a difference in the quality of sleep though.

  223. I get about 6 hours before my dog begins barking to get me up for food and walking. Once in a while I'll take a nap during the day, but I often feel sleepier afterward. My favorite nap, which I can only do a few times a year, is to be up for an hour or so and then go back to bed til noon!

  224. I average 7 - 8 hours of sleep a night . How can sheets make a diff. in how good & how much you sleep ? Guess if I win them ,double bed, I'll find out ! Thanks for the chance !

  225. I try to get 6 hrs of sleep, but lately been having a lot of trouble sleeping. These sheets sound awesome - maybe they could help??!!!

  226. I get around six hours of sleep a night. About once every couple of weeks, though, my body will crash and I will sleep a solid 10-11 hours. I know it's not healthy, but there are just not enough hours in a day! Those sheets sound so luxurious ... would be hard to get out of bed!

  227. I'm a night person, and I love sleep... sometimes I wish I didn't have to sleep at all, though. I usually get around 7 hours of sleep, but I think 9 would be ideal for me. If only... :)

  228. I can't believe sheets can cost that much!! Wow! I usually get about 7 hours of sleep a night. Anything more than 8 and I feel like I am MORE tired during the day! I do love the feeling of my head hitting my pillow and being completely exhausted, it's good!

  229. I probably get about 6 or 7 hours of sleep a night. It is hard to figure out sometimes though because it seems like someone needs my attention in the middle of the night. My kids are currently sick so I am not getting much rest at all. I try to nap once every week, but I don't always get to do that. I have not been very successful in getting the kids to nap at the same time.

  230. These sheets sound AMAZING! I can't believe how much they cost though...obviously I never shop at Williams Sonoma! :)

    I cannot sleep less than 7 hrs per night, or I don't function. I do best with just over 8...and right now, with the pregnancy fatigue, I'd much prefer 9, but that never seems to be possible. So I try and squeak by with a little more than 7 and then catch up with naps on the weekends!!

  231. Oh you sound so much like me! I rarely get 8 hours of sleep. Probably more like 6-7 each night. It works for me though as I love to stay up late at night after everyone else is asleep and get things done.

    Nice cozy sheets-that would be awesome! :)

  232. Wow! I think the most I have spent on a set of sheets is about $70. And we wash them and put them right back on because they are so comfortable... I need at least 7 hours of sleep every night to be functional. If I won these sheets, I might have to increase that a little. :-)

  233. I loved the nights of 8+ hours of sleep; but since having kids that has been lost. Up until last week, I was getting about 7 hours each night. Now, with a new little one, it's much less!

  234. my sleep is so horrible lately! six hours uninterrupted is a dream. i think i sleep more like five hours, maybe, two hours at a time. but i get by, and i know it won't last forever. :) i love my sheets-- they're organic bamboo and i got them super on sale. i agree that investing in quality soft silky ones is totally worth it!

  235. Pre kiddo's I got at least 8 most of the time. I now average about 6 or 7. I NEVER napped till I became pregnant with my first. Now I grab one on occasion. I find though that if I don't nap for the "right" amount of time I wake feeling worse.

    I was never one to think that the sheets made a difference, and like you, price has always hindered us trying something with a higher thread count. I'd love to win these. We sure could use a foew more restful hours in this house :)

  236. I'd been getting slack this year, barely getting 6-7 hours a night -- but I find that I truly require 8. I have been getting 8 hours consistently for a couple of months and feel GREAT! The only drawback is time goes by even faster -- and my children are growing up too fast as it is! :(

    Thanks for the chance,
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  237. UUGH I'm such a night person that I'm lucky if I crawl in bed before 2am. I'm horrible in the morning but luckily can usually catch a nap with my twins from 10-12

  238. I usually get around 7-8 hours a night. I need my sleep, and luckily, my children take after me! They're already in bed, and it's only 7:45 (we had a busy day). On occasion, I'll get a nap in on the weekends, especially if I have gotten less sleep during the week.

    The sheets sound wonderful to snuggle into!

  239. I generally get around 6-7 hours give or take. I have four children that range in age from 2-12, so I don't usually have problems with them sleeping at night, but there is always something else to do before turning in at night. I also have to rise fairly early to take my daughter to her school, then my two oldest sons to their school, which is 20 miles away. So, even if I stay up till midnight, or so, I still have to get up around 6:30-7:00 daily. My husband and I have fairly old sheets, with some holes even, lol. We would love to try the percale! :-)

  240. I get about 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep each night, as well. Very rarely will I nap during the day, and since I'm headed back to work next week from maternity leave, naps will become even more rare! Those sheet sound absolutely heavenly, by the way!

  241. I do a lot better now that I am no longer in college! There were a number of nights back then that I did only get 1-4 hours of sleep! Not good when you are a single mother! I don't recommend it at all!

    Now, I get anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep. It all depends on the little man and the hubby. The number of times my little man might come in during the night and the amount of time it takes to get back to sleep. Then, my hubby is now in college and he has many late nights, so he might come in very late at night and I will wake up when he does that.

    As for naps, there are some days that I do take a nap, but usually only days that my little man is in school. And I try not to do it too much because it throws my nightly routine off and sometimes I have a hard time falling/staying asleep.

    I would love to have some very nice sheets to enjoy while sleeping....might help with the itching during the night.

  242. I love to sleep. Probably too much. My son just started sleeping through the night so I have been getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

    We love high thread count sheets, although we have never gone as high as 800...I would almost be afraid to use them!

  243. Before school I would get about 8 and now it's about 6. But I do try and get a small nap during the day.


  244. I need around 8 hours of sleep and night to be able be at my best. I usually don't get quite that much. I do not have small children any more, my sons are teenagers, but I have to get up early to get my son to school by 7:25. I also have two dogs that demand a walk first thing in the morning, so I have to get up at 6:00am everyday.

  245. I'm finding that the perimenopausal years are tough on sleep. I get about 6 1/2 a night right now because it takes me too long to fall asleep. When I get 7 or 8 -- ahhhhh! Bliss! Trying to get more exercise during the day and trying to avoid caffeine at night to help me get to sleep faster. Would love to hear others' tips!

  246. To feel my best, I need a good 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I rarely get that though -- many nights, it's more like 4 or 5 hours. I've been surprised a my ability to function with so little sleep (I never used to be able to do that). My best stategy for making it work is to pepper in at least a couple nights' of good sleep to get me through the rest of the week.

  247. I've been going to bed pretty much when my daughter does just in case the night doesn't go so well...but she's now 4 months and sleeping through the night (7-7), time for me to toughen up and not worry about sleep so much. Maybe I'll be able to accomplish something if I stay up a little. I've always needed a good 8 hours though. I love good sheets. I've been pretty lucky finding good deals at TJMaxx but nothing that sounds as nice as those.

  248. I wish I averaged 8-10 hours!! I usually go to bed at midnight or close to and wake up at7:30-8ish so depends on what I get accomplished during the day, and if I can wind down with the Tv..

    Those sheets look great! I hope you start getting more sleep!!

  249. Those sheets look fabulous! I am currently getting about 6-7 hours of sleep a night-unfortunately that is still interrupted sleep by my 10 month old-so it does not feel like enough! About once a week I need a nap to keep going. When not pregnant or getting up in the night regularly I can function well on about 7 hours.

  250. I get about 6 hours a night...no naps. I really should get more, but there's just too much stuff that I want to do. Sleep gets an undeserved lower priority.
    I'm pretty picky about my sheets, but I won't pay a high price for them. Nice sheets really do make a difference. There are a couple of good discount stores around here where I usually buy mine.

  251. I never sleep...sleep is for the weak...heh. No seriously, with 4 boys two of them under 3 I range in hours of sleep from 5-6 a night. Those 5-6 though are interrupted every other hour by one child or the other. If I can I ABSOLUTELY take a nap while the oldest two are at school and the youngest two are napping themselves. If it wasn't for those random naps I think I'd be a zombie.


  252. Probably averages out to about 8 hours a night, sometimes more sometimes less. I will take a nap when my kids are sleeping maybe a few times a week. I feel so much more energized and alert when I do.

  253. I average 7 but really function best with 8. I tend to stay up too late reading and enjoying my quiet time after the kids go to bed - I really should get to bed a little earlier.

    And I almost never nap during the day. I am rather grumpy after a nap. But if I am especially tired, I will lie down for half an hour while the kids are napping and read quietly. It helps me feel recharged.

  254. I get a pitiful amount of sleep. My husband works very long hours, so he doesn't get home until midnight...and he doesn't wind down for bed until at least 2am. Then I usually get up around 7 to get his breakfast ready, his lunch packed, and some time to myself before he and my son wake up. So on average I get 4-5 hours a night...eek! It sounds so much worse than I thought!

  255. I get about 9-10 hours a night plus an hour or two long nap during the day. I try to sleep and nap when my kids(DD 2 1/2 and DS 15 months)are... and I find that I am a much more energized and happy person. Although house work suffers but I will never give up my sleep. My body needs plenty of rest. I am always much more motivated when the kids are awake and home to get things done!
    I love nice sheets although I wish I had money to buy nice Egyptian cotton sheets, oh boy would that be nice.

  256. I have to have 8 or 9 hours or I am a monster and not fit to be around. With a nursing baby who is still up at night. Last night every 2 hours (the poor little man is teething) I usually sleep in a little in the morning or take a nap. I am usually up until 10:30ish but that changes a lot. My husband is an EMT, and is on call at our house, we live in a very rule area, and are so thankful he can be home. Because we never know when he is going to leave. Sleep is a precious thing for both of us! :)

  257. I have to use the hours after my girls are asleep to get things done and to unwind myself. So I only average about 6- 6.5 hours each night. I know my body needs more than that, but no matter how much I tell myself that at 7am it just doesn't happen in the pm. We have one set of nice sheets and the rest are just so so.... they really do make a difference!

  258. I think I average around 5 hours of sleep a night. And then once a week or so I'll make sure I get 8 hours. I'm a night person and I enjoy the quiet time I have to myself from about 11pm until 1 or 2am. But my kids wake up around 6:30am every day. I'm a huge bargain shopper so I'd definitely never pay a lot for sheets but I'd love to win them! :)

  259. With my three year old and school full-time I think I get more than most with about 7 average per night. But I have never had great sheets though! Just Kohls brand or something like that!

  260. Since I have a brand new baby in the house, my sleep is all over the place right now. Thankfully my baby girl seems to let me go a 4-5 hour stretch at night already which is helpful! But I love my sleep. And I'm not really myself unless I get 8-9 hours of sleep!

  261. A friend of mine has talked about sheets made with Egyptian Cotton! They sound so luxurious. I average about 6 hours of sleep a night! Night time if my most productive for my personal self! Then, when I have to get up in the morning, I pay for it!
    Insomnia seems to be a frequent problem of mine, also. My mind whirls and whirls when my head hits the pillow.....I would love to try these marvelous
    sheets. Please count me in.
    Many thanks to you!

  262. I try to shoot for eight hours. Since I'm blessed enough to have my little one sleeping around 11 hours a night with only one feeding, I can usually do it. However, there are many nights when my preference lies with spending time with friends, husband, or reading by myself with no interuption. Sometimes that can be more restful than a full nights sleep. I've also stopped taking naps to utilize that time to get stuff done or relax.

  263. I would say that I'm laying in my bed about 7.5 hours, but I wouldn't say that I'm sleeping the whole time. Between the girls waking up, bathroom breaks and general restlessness - I probably get more like 6.7-7 hours a night.

    What an amazing prize to give away! I always like to buy a new set of sheets after I have a baby. Kinda tradition! These - would far surpass any sheet set I've ever owned!

  264. I struggle with the sleep thing too. I feel like I function better on 8 hours, but I usually get between 6 - 7 a night. I take a nap with the toddler once or twice a week to play catch up.

  265. With a new baby in the house I'm sleeping 2-10 hours depending on the night and my other kids :)
    Good sheets do make ALL the difference, we got one nice really pair for our wedding and they were all we used for five years. I miss those sheets and would LOVE to replace them/

  266. I'm not sure how much sleep I get - it depends on the day, but I'd love to get 9-10 hours =) I do feel like it's wasted time, but I LOVE sleep =) Now that I'm pregnant again, I feel like I could sleep a million hours a day - whenever my husband is home I'm falling asleep on the couch (someone has to watch the 4 yr old) My favorite sheets are these sheets I get from Bed, Bath, & Beyond - I can't think of their name but they are kind of expensive, I think around $70? But at least BB&B always has 20% off coupons

    autumn398 @ yahoo.com

  267. I get 8 hours a night at the very least, but on the one day a week I can sleep in, I get closer to 11. I have no children so it really helps that I get that one day a week to sleep in. I know that I require more sleep than the average person and if I get less than 7 hours of sleep, I really can not function.

    When my husband and I first got married, I was shocked at how much nicer my life was because we had super nice towels, super nice sheets, and a full set of silverware. Those super nice sheets are starting to get a little ragged. It would be nice to get some replacements!!

  268. Husband and I received a set of higher end sheets as a wedding gift. The first little bit after we got back from our honeymoon we made our bed with the cheapest sheet available from somewhere like kmart. They were so uncomfortable. Then we put on the 400 thread count sheets and it made a world of a difference. I can only imagine how nice 800 thread count sheets would feel.

  269. I average about 6 hours from bedtime to wake-up but I'm a light sleeper so I suspect it's probably less in reality. I wish I could sleep more but the kids are early risers. Maybe someday...

  270. I probably average 7 hours of sleep a night, although my body would prefer 8. I really try for 8, but at this season of my life, that would mean that I would need to fall asleep right at 9 p.m. when we are putting our four children to bed, so that doesn't happen too often!

  271. I'm in bed for about 8 hours, but only the first 5 hours are uninterrupted sleep. After 2:00 or so, Eli nurses several times to tank up for the busy day ahead.

    We've had cheap sheets and we've had nicer sheets and I definitely can tell the difference. I've never had anything close to these sheets -- they look amazing!

    When I was a kid my mom would lightly starch and iron her sheets. I loved climbing into bed with her! Her sheets were always so crisp and clean.

  272. I'm probably in bed 8 or 9 hrs, but with a baby who still wakes up several times a night, it feels like significantly less! If I could get 6 consecutive, non-interrupted hrs of sleep, I'd be thrilled!

    A few years ago, I splurged on our first really nice set of sheets, and wow, they really are amazing! They're starting to feel the wear & tear though....so I'd love to try out a new set! :)

  273. I sleep an average of 8-9 hours a night....I love sleeping! I don't have an expensive pair of sheets but would love some! I do invest in a good pillow though!

  274. I confess, I usually buy my sheets from the Marshalls "irregular" sets. I can't justify spending real money on sheets! But I would love to try an expensive set and see if there really is a difference. Thanks!

  275. I average about 7 hours sleep per night. I don't have to get up at a certain time, but when I wake up, the things I like to do call me out of bed instead of trying to go back to sleep. So much enjoyment out there......so little time.

  276. It totally depends. I used to be someone who needed 8-9. In college I would hit the hay at 9 pm. Who does that?! But now, thanks to little one, those days are long gone. I would love to think that I might get them back again someday (what a dream!), but with #2 on the way, I think I need to resign myself to a lifetime of much less sleep than I would like. Sigh...

  277. I typically get anywhere from 5-6 hours of sleep on a good night. Nights when one of the kids or myself isn't feeling well those hours change dramatically. I am lucky if I get a total of 3, broken hours of sleep. I'd love to have a nice, cozy sheet set to climb into after having a long day.

  278. Those sheets sound sure to make you have a good night of sleep. I have to get close to 8 hours of sleep. If I don't, my body will find a way to ensure that I spend 8 hours in bed.

  279. I'm one of those people who gets sick often if I don't get enough sleep. I strive for 8 hours, but being a teacher and a mom sometimes makes that an unrealistic goal. High quality sheets are wonderful. These would make a great Christmas gift for my husband! :)

  280. Those sheets sound fantastic! I was just thinking about sleep myself as I stumbled out of bed with my early-rising son at 5:45 after going to bed at midnight. I think I'm one of those people who really NEEDS at least 8 hours at night. (My husband seems to get away with much less). Lately I've been getting around 6 hours of sleep, because there is just so much to do in the evenings! Sometimes I take a nap, but not usually. Again, too much to do!

  281. I get around 7-8 hours a night. I recently had jaw surgery to correct sleep apnea. Up until then I had been sleeping in a daybed in my dining room so that I didn't keep my husband awake with my snoring. I am happy to say I am back in our bed and would love a beautiful new set of sheet so celebrate! :)

  282. I get around 7-8 hours a night...more if possible. I don't really have time for naps, but they always sound appealing! I love sleep!

  283. I try to get at least 7 hours a night. I occasionally napped when my babies were infants, but not any more.

    Just like with groceries, there are some things that are worth spending a little more on. In this house non-from-concentrate orange juice, organic milk, and high-thread-count sheets are on that list.

  284. I probably average 7-8 hrs a night. I always think a nap sounds nice... but I try to avoid them since I awaken from them feeling groggy. I definitely sleep better on our 1 set of higher quality sheets (have to wash and get them back on the same day!)

  285. It is hard to imagine that I used to get 8 or more hours pre-baby. I now get 6 hours on a good night! It's not because of my little one ~ he sleeps well however when he goes to bed that's the only time I can do some work without stopping. No napping now because I'm full-time back to work. I miss those naps!

  286. I think I average about 6-7 hours a night. I try to get things done when my little one naps, but about once a week I crash along with him for an hour or two. I love naps. Oh, and we are in serious need of new sheets. I think every pair has a hole or rip somewhere. Sad, I know, but it could be worse and there have been more urgent expenses the last year or two. ;-)

  287. Those sheets sound amazing. After buying a king-sized mattress earlier this year (upgrading from a double), I was shocked at the cost of bedding. I agree that quality is a huge consideration when it comes to getting a good nights sleep. I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.

  288. Last year I got an average of five hours of sleep per night. It was pretty horrid. This year it's probably more like 7-8, which is lovely. :) I'm oh-so-much happier, but that's related to more than just my sleep. I would say it's probably a factor, though. We've also never bought totally awesome sheets because the price is too prohibitive, so the closest I've ever gotten is nice hotels...which we rarely stay in.

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