7 1/2 months old

october-30,-2009-7-months-oldToday, I had one of those moments where I looked over at my baby and caught my breath.

At the sheer wonder of her life and the beauty in her face, yes.

But there was something else there too...something about the way she looked that caught me by surprise.

She was sitting in her high chair. Sitting! And she looked up at me with her observant eyes - and gave me the sweetest of smiles.

And, with a bit of incredulity, I realized that she is 7 1/2 months old. Over halfway to a year. She's crawling and laughing and trying so hard to be a part of everything. And when she wakes up at night, it sounds like she says "Mama" from the other room.

She is big as big.

And I will never, ever have this moment again. Ever.

I guess this is what motherhood is all about. Just when I begin to feel like I understand my children...everything changes. Yet somehow I know them just the same.


cozy ankle booties from robeezLately, my 7.5 month old (Can she really be that old?) has been sporting these ultra-fashionable Cozy Ankle Booties from Robeez around our 'hood. I would have taken a picture of her in them, but all of my photos of her feet lately have been a blur. She's a girl on a mission - especially when there is something enticing across the room (say, a shoe or my phone or a piece of paper). Never mind the fact that she'll have toys scattered around her in every direction. She'll narrow in on a unattainable object and begin crawling at an unprecedented pace toward it, mission-impossible-style. I then proceed to swoop in and save the day. If I put her down across the room, she'll dive for the object once again. She is persistent as anything. She is also smiley and sweet...and very, very stylish (more stylish than I am, in fact).

robeez logoWIN IT! One winner will receive a pair of Cozy Ankle Booties from Robeez {$38.95; winner’s choice of size, 0-24M}. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Monday, November 9th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

*UPDATE* The winner is #33 Tiffany. Congratulations!

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95 comments on “7 1/2 months old”

  1. My little still wears just socks because shoes always fall off but i would love to have a nice pair for her.

  2. Oh, those are so cute. I love the soft soled leather Robeez shoes for my 11 month old but I hadn't seen the cute boots. I think those might be a great item for her stocking this christmas.

  3. In your post when you said: "she looked up at me with her observant eyes – and gave me the sweetest of smiles." warmed my heart. I remember when that happened, too. My daughter is 11 months old. Those boots look warm.

  4. When my son was born - 26 years ago - we lived in Fairbanks, Alaska. I went to one of the shops and bought him a pair of booties very similar to these. They were actually made by an Eskimo.
    I still have them wrapped up in a box as a special "remember when" momento.

  5. Those booties are adorable. My son has a pair of Robeez and they are the best. I would love a cute pair of booties.

  6. I have a little girl who loves to be naked in all ways and living in Michigan I just cant let her. These are so cute maybe she will even keep them on her feet

  7. those are the cutest little booties ever! My niece is growing up so fast. She was a preemie so she is 4 months old but so tiny. Such a weird thing to look at 4 month old expressions on something the size of a 2 month old. She loves her auntie, always behaves for me (and nobody else). She knows where the spoiling is haha. I would love to spoil her with these. She is really the best dressed 4 month old on the planet thanks to her auntie, who has great taste!

  8. These would be great for Jake. He just turned one, but is growing like a weed and is well on his way to the NBA, so I'd go with the 18-24 months.

  9. I hear ya. DS is 15 months old this thursday and I have no idea where the time went. I know we were awake for most of it as he doesn't sleep, but he is just so big now!

  10. "I will never, ever have this moment again. Ever." has become somewhat of a mantra for me lately. My daughter Gemma is 2 months old and quite the "high-needs baby", but she is still my beautiful little bundle so when I am at my most frustrated I remind myself that I am only getting these first few months right now so I better enjoy them for what they are because even though it has been tough it is special too!

  11. These are so cute!! I have a couple of baby showers coming up, and these would be perfect.

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  12. i feel the same way i cant believe my baby girl was 5 months this month! growing too quick LOL
    But those boots are so adorable.

  13. Our granddaughter is approaching 6 months of age and it appears she wants to skip crawling and go to walking. They live in the Northeast and I worry about her tooties getting cold. These booties would be great. Thanks.

  14. Your post reminds me of when my children were small. I have such wonderful memories of those times-yes,time does fly by quickly. Slippers are darling and warm looking

  15. Aww..the booties are really cute! My son has been crawling around too, chewing on everything in sight...he's my baby goat ;)

  16. Buying kids clothes (especially shoes) always poses a dilemma. You want to buy something cute and functional without breaking the bank especially since the little ones grow up so fast. I love the cute shoes.

  17. Buying kids clothes (especially shoes) always poses a dilemma. You want to buy something cute and functional without breaking the bank especially since the little ones grow up so fast. I love the cute shoes...

  18. oh I know- my son will be one soon and every milestone he hits makes me so proud of him but at the same time so sad that he's leaving babyhood behind...

  19. Those are the best stage when they are smiling, laughing, and crawling. I just had a baby last month so I'm looking forward when she start doing those.

  20. Wow, it still looks so warm and sunny where you are... For some reason, I thought you were in a cold weather city. I have been having a lot of similar moments with my son - he's already 9 months. Soon he'll be a year! After that, he gets bigger, the milestones seem bigger, and people stop caring about the monthly changes and ages of our babies. I hope to always celebrate and count the daily and monthly moments and changes in him.

  21. Um, since when did you start writing about my daughter? Except for the fact that I'm baffled that mine is nearing 11 months, you described her perfectly. Persistent is somewhat of an understatement over here, when she has her eye on something, she's going to go for it and go for it and go for it until she gets it. There are times that I look at her and wonder who in the world she is and how did she get so big?

    Adorable boots, just in time for the cold weather that has set in around here!

  22. Halloween night we were trick or treating and Lala had on her princess outfit. However she HAD to wear her red, patent leather glittery shoes. At 18 month old she knows what she likes.

    We ran all over the neighborhood with her cousins... yelling and signing "Thank you " to the neighbors after each filling of the bag of candy.

    Then LaLa got tired and we headed home. Then Mommy got tired and put the little one down to walk on the sidewalk, only to be begged with to pick the princess up.

    Fine.... It was then that I realized... OMG.. one of her favorite shoes was gone. Somewhere in the neighborhood her shoe had fallen off and was hiding in the dark.

    Oh no!!!

    Three days later I was driving down the road with my son and I saw something in the MIDDLE of the road.

    I slammed on the brakes and yelled, "LALA's shoe!!! Go get it!". He jumped out and there it was... the crimson shoe, a little scuffed up, but still perfect in her eyes!

    Nothing like a beautiful shoe to make a girls eyes light up!

  23. First, I know what you mean about them time flying by so quickly. Just last night, my tired almost 14 month old daughter was sitting and gently squeezing my hand. The enormity of her life and the amazingness that is her just kind of overwhelmed me.

    Also, I'd love to win these boots! I'd like some boots for her, like these, that aren't so stiff it makes walking hard!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!!

    [email protected]

  24. It's amazing how quickly our baby girls are growing. Every day there is something new and new discoveries and excitement. Keeping those little feet warm as it's getting cooler out (although not this week) is a difficult task as my 7 month old loves to pull of her socks so she can play with her toes. These booties would be wonderful!

  25. I love robeez and I love boots on babies and toddlers. I cant wait until it is cold enough to put some boots on Ava.

  26. It is amazing how fast our little ones grow. Lily is finally starting to say two word sentences - normally it has been just one. Last night I was getting her ready for bed and I was asking her "Who am I?" She was saying "Not Dada"!

  27. I TOTALLY know what you're talking about with your baby crying for you from her crib and it sounding like she's saying mama. My 6 1/2 month old does the same thing!! It just melts my heart.

  28. my little guy was just six months on Sunday. Half a year - I can't believe it!! These boots are super cute. My friends have had three little girls in the past two weeks, so if I'd win it would be fun to pass them along! Thanks so much!

  29. all three of my kids have worn Robeez! i will never use anything else on my babies and toddlers until they are confident walkers. they have great grip. they are super bendable. Very easy to clean. Also amazingly breathable.
    i have never tried any booties but have always eyed them. i think i prefer the look of the tall booties over the ankle boots. they look great for winter!

  30. We started using Robeez before he could even crawl. And since he only scooted, then learned to walk before he crawled, the Robeez were great shoes for him to take those first steps in. We still rotate between them and some hard soled shoes, but I like the soft bottoms for his little feet!

  31. I don't want the booties :-) But I had to say that that is a very sweet sentiment to have. To look into the eyes of your kid and see something there that you'll never get back. It's fleeting, but it's priceless when it comes.

  32. My sister has a 10 month old that is constantly pulling off his sock.s These shoes look like they might just be the ticket to keep the little mans feet warm this winter in the Mid-West.

  33. I love that they have both the plush interior and the elasticized ankle...I'm due in January, and this kiddo is already kicking and punching to beat the band, so something that'll stay on his feet will be a must!

  34. I am in tears! My daughter is 10 months old. Our son is going to be 3 next week. I go through the same moments of realization. I ask..."How did we get here?" Just four years ago, we were struggling with infertility and feared we might never get the chance to parent our own, biological children. Sometimes I have a vivid memory of those years and the feeling that I might never be a mom...then, I realize am one and it's as if someone hit the fast forward button. It's so nice to look my children in the eyes and say, "So this is you! I've wanted to meet you for a long time." I'm only sorry those moments slip by so quickly.

  35. It's amazing how fast time flies. That saying is so true, they really do grow up so fast. My husband and I were just commenting that we never thought we'd actually have a 3.5 year old and now here she is.

  36. omg stephanie I can't believe our babies are so big already!!! Diego is almost 10 months now and your little girl is getting huge!!!

  37. I'm trying so hard to keep my 7 1/2 mos old a baby! She thankfully hasn't started crawling yet, but she is slowly starting to eat (and want!) new foods. It's only a matter of time before she is trying to keep up with the other siblings!

  38. sooooo cute! my mom told me that babies don't need shoes until they are over a year old --- obviously not since you're baby is less than 1 year old! i purchased 2 pairs of shoes for MVP already & she's not even born! hehe.... these would be perfect for her since she'll be a Christmas day baby (unless she decides to come early/late)~~~

  39. I was just feeling the same way about my little girl tonight. I can't believe she is 5 months old! It is so bittersweet. On the positive side, those boots are gorgeous and we would adore them here!

  40. I could really use these little adorable boots for my Lily. Its getting cold here and her socks just aren't going to cut it soon. I really like the looks of these. I've been having a really hard time finding cute soft winter baby shoes.

  41. Oh gosh. This post is exactly what has been on my mind lately. My little guy is 8 months old, he pulls himself up, he crawls, he gets into absolutely everything. And then at the end of the day he nurses and then he falls asleep and I look at his little face and I think to myself....I will not be able to hold him like this forever. Someday he will be a teenager and slamming the door and OH GOD I AM NOT READY.

  42. Great giveaway, Stephanie. I try so hard to remember to savor the moments with my little love. She is just a few days away from being 3 months old, and that just totally blows my mind! She is already a COMPLETELY different baby than the one we took home from the hospital in August. She is heartbreakingly wonderful. Motherhood is such a joy!

  43. My dd has the smallest feet- size 4 at 24 months- she'll be the lucky girl combing the clearance racks for an awesome selection when she gets older!

  44. Your girls are gorgeous! I'm constantly amazed at how quickly my kids seem to grow up. I'm realizing that my youngest is starting Kindergarten next year and we won't be spending every day together. I'm so sad because I'll miss her but happy that I'll have time to focus on myself for the first time in 7 years. I'd love to win those boots for my niece! She's 5 months old and cute as can be!

  45. Those boots are adorable! Baby things are so tiny and cute. I know what you mean about already!! (!!!)

    Elizabeth loves shoes of any kind but not on her feet as much as chew toys, although she does condescend to wear them sometimes. Do you "baby race"? My husband loves to make Elizabeth crawl in circles chasing after the enticing things she's spotted (often his slippers, for whatever reason).

    Can you believe that your daughter is going to leave behind the infant stage and become a toddler soon? (eek!) I'm still amazed that I thought this stage would be tedious and boring...

  46. My goodness! 7 1/2 months...already? I swear it was just yesterday you introduced us to that lovely newborn! Wow! She's still every bit adorable. If she's anything like my little lady, she loves shoes! Paige hasn't met a pair of shoes she doesn't love. Warm boots in the winter are a must around here and the nice thing about Robeez, the last forever! They do!

  47. These look heavenly and warm. I feel like my whole daughters 16 months of life has gone by in a blink of an eye. It makes me so sad. I truly wish I could just get time to slow down. Sometimes it is nap time I really would like time to slow as well!

  48. I can't believe my little one is 8-1/2 months old, either! He's a busy little guy, scooting all over at lightning speed, and also ignoring the toys in favor of dirty shoes, electrical cords, and any old, nasty crumbs he can find. :)

    These Robeez are adorable! We would get a long winters' worth of use out of these.

  49. My baby didn't own shoes until right before his first birthday. I now wonder why I waited so long since he thinks they are way better than toys and LOVES to play with them.

  50. I just found your blog and your family is beautiful!
    Time goes by so fast enjoy your 7 month old while you can!
    Those boot are awesome wish they came in my size.

  51. My baby does the same thing. I'm thinking of buying her her own tupperware set for Christmas, since she wants mine so much. THink that would help?

  52. My daughter is currently sporting the Robeez pink fur booties. I love them! Especially with our cool weather.

    How long has your daughter been crawling? Lucy (just turned 6 mos) really wants to get going. Unfortunately we have hardwoods throughout and with the cooler weather I rarely put her on the floor. I know I need to though because she's definitely wanting to get her groove on.

  53. Every time someone asks me how old my baby is I'm surprised at how the time goes so fast. 4 1/2 months, next week I'll be saying he's almost 5 months and then before I know it he'll be six months. One year will roll around way to fast. I love robeez, I had a pair for my first son and I don't know what happened to them so I love a a new pair for this one.

  54. I love Robeez and they would look so cute on my son. I can't believe where the time has gone with him either. He's already 3 months old, where did it go?

  55. Even though he's not walking yet, I definitely need some warm cozy shoes or booties of some type for my 9 month old. His favorite activity is pulling his socks off, and it's just too cold for that now.

  56. isn't it crazy how fast they grow up?? before you know it she'll be running around it baby fever will be hitting again =) she is so adorable!

    autumn398 @ yahoo.com

  57. Yesterday we walked to a park, at one point I just sat back in wonder and joy as I looked at each of my children "growing" right there on the spot! This is the best job in the world isn't it!

  58. My girl is in the same stage, she just turned 8 months. She is crawling everywhere, pulling up, and cruzing. We love Robeez, my aunt has blessed us with a pair for each of our kids!! These boots are so cute!!

  59. We have a son that is almost 7.5 months old too! And boy are you right, there is no getting a picture of those feet still, he is always on the move. Those booties look so warm and cozy, how great it would be for him to have a pair!

  60. Yay, she is sitting up! I am happy to hear about how much you enjoy your children. They really are aa blessing.

    Those little boots are just so cute! I live in the same climate as you and am just now thingking about putting things on my babies feet. Mostly just to keep them warm.

  61. Love these booties, do they make adult sizes!?
    Just discovered Robeez at a consignment store the other day. They're the only shoes that fit and stay on my daughters chubby chubby feet and ankles...and they are so cute (we found the strawberry design in her size). Living in NH it would be great to have the booties to keep her feet warm...the snow's coming soon!

  62. Why have I never seen these? I pride myself on being a Robeeze connoseur (oh I butchered that spelling but hey I am tired!) especially after using them for three kids! My fourth baby needs booties...LOL..sounds like some song from the baby-hood, Heh.

    Your little girl is A-DORABLE! Isn't it awful how time doesn't afford us jsut a little more time with them while they are so small?


  63. I love hearing about your little one and it makes me remember how my little one used to be! I've never seen these shoes before and they are so darling.

  64. That is such a beautiful picture! Beautiful baby! Just like mama!

    Audrey is just the same, her favorite toys are "not toys".
    These look so comfy...crossing my fingers.

  65. My husband and I are looking at old photos of our kids as I type. It brings tears to my eyes to see how fast they have grown. It makes me realize that I need to enjoy everyday more. How I love the memories. I would start at the beginning and do it all over any day.

    We have a one year old, who I know I just brought home from the hospital, :), who could use a great pair of boots. Winters in Utah are cold.

  66. It goes SO fast! We just celebrated my #2's first birthday yesterday!! He is almost walking! I don't need the shoes, but I did want to say that you look absolutely STUNNING! STUNNING! STUNNING!

  67. These ankle booties look like they are Absolutely Perfect for winter!! My son's feet are growing even faster than he is! We would need the 2-3 yr/ size 8-10...he is a bigfoot. Thank you for giving us the chance to win such superb booties!
    I cannot believe how fast time goes by when you have children. Even I am amazed at how fast your little baby is growing up. On top of that, it means that my son is growing ever so fast, too. I have never wanted so badly to stop time, to freeze a moment, and to breathe in someone (or something) as I have since having my son. Each day I want to desperately cling to each look, each glance, and each giggle.

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