A Coupon Queen, I Am Not

the couponizer logoConfession time: I rarely use coupons. As in, maybe two coupons per month.

This might surprise you since I am a super saver. I'm not sure why I've never become a Coupon Queen. I always hear awe-inspiring stories from readers and friends who save hundreds of dollars on their grocery bill every month. And I always think fleetingly, "I should really look into using more coupons." And then I don't.

Here's why I haven't made it a priority:

  1. We don't currently subscribe to the Sunday paper and making an "extra trip" to the grocery store on Sunday to pick up a paper never sounds particularly appealing.
  2. Even when I do buy a Sunday paper, I can't help but notice that many/most of the coupons are for highly processed foods (Healthy Choice, Pop Tarts, etc.). If there were more coupons for produce, baked goods, and meats, I'd be much more inclined to pursue couponing.
  3. When I do cut coupons, I often forget about them because they end up being smooshed down somewhere in the depths of my wallet. I then "discover" the crinkled coupons post-expiration date with a sigh.

Now, thanks to The Couponizer ($19.95), I can scratch #3 from my excuses list.

the couponizerIn case you haven't heard of it, The Couponizer is an impressive coupon organization system that is easy-to-use and highly effective. The system features a brilliant 8" x 5 1/4" booklet that allows me to organize my coupons into 18 categories (Baby, Baking & Staples, Beverages, Bread & Bakery, Breakfast, Canned Goods, Condiments, Dairy, Frozen Foods, Health & Medicine, Household Cleaning, Household Maintenance, Meat, Paper & Plastic, Pasta, Personal Hygiene, Pet, and Snacks). Plus, there are handy pockets for me to store entertainment and restaurant coupons. Best of all, there's a pocket specifically for coupons that are to be used for the current shopping trip (no more fumbling around for the right coupons in the check-out line...). There's even a handy shopping list pad, a pair of mini scissors, and a vinyl carrying bag.

The Couponizer is a mom-invented product and only costs $19.95.

With the help of The Couponizer, maybe I can be a Coupon Queen, after all. Now all I have to do is subscribe to the Sunday paper...

YOUR TURN: Do you "coupon"? Why or why not? If you are an active couponer, what tips would you share with "the rest of us"?

WIN IT! One winner will receive The Couponizer ($19.95). To enter, leave a comment on this post prior to Sunday, February 8 at midnight (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.). * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #124 Nadine M. Congratulations!

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184 comments on “A Coupon Queen, I Am Not”

  1. I will confess....I am a COUPON MAMA but not obsessively so! : ))) And, what's the best advise I can give? Organize by categories and especially by date. And, best of all, keep it simple! : )))

    Thanks so much for this give~away! : )))


  2. of course is use coupons, it's the easiest way to save money, my best tip, try and use coupons whenever there's a sale on the product, you save even more!

  3. I do coupons. I have a big box but it would also be nice to have a smaller organizer to put the coupons in for those quick trips to the store.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. I use coupons all the time and save about 50% every week on my groceries. The store near me doubles all coupons $1.00 and under all the time and they have reasonable prices, too. I do get coupons from the Sunday paper, but another great place is to order them online at (thecouponclippers.com)she has tons of coupons and most are 5 or 10 cents each. Thanks for having the contest!

  5. I used to be a coupon queen and saved alot of money, but I didn't feel that my husband supported me in couponing and I became busy, so I have neglected my couponing. Also, I got discourage when someone stole my coupon file at the supermarket and it had a bunch of free coupons in it. My husband now misses those days when I saved that money and he wants me to do it again and I really need something to inspire me.

  6. Yes, we use coupons. We have our coupons *neatly* placed in an envelope as a way to keep them all together, but its not really that easy to sort through them when grocery shopping. The Couponizer sounds like a great organizer system for coupons that I would love to try!
    My tip is to sign up for newsletters from products, stores, and restaurants. They often send out numerous coupons in emails to their subscribers.

  7. Occasionally, I do use coupons, although I wish I would use them more often. Most of the time they end up getting misplaced and we never get any use out of them! One tip I have is to go online to print your coupons. They are so many coupons on the internet and you can pick and choose the ones that you really want to use!

  8. I am a "hit and miss" coupon user. I stop on my way to work to check out the Sunday paper. If there are a lot of coupons I will buy it. But sometimes they go to waste because I don't find anything of interest right away and then I tend to forget about them. Perhaps the Couponizer would solve that problem.

  9. I wouldn't leave the house without my handy dandy envelope overflowing with coupons. While it takes a tad longer at the store to use the coupons,(finding the coupons in the envelope then searching for the matching items), it wis well worth it in savings. Not using coupons offered in the Sunday paper, or other places, is like throwing money away. I have even taught my sons the art of using coupons. I do use the weekly flyer to figure out what I will be able to get the best value with the coupons I have, and that pretty much dictates what we eat that week!

  10. I use coupons all the time....I have to to afford the weekly groceries now a days. My mom and my aunt give me their circulars too, and I clip only for the items I use all the time and then wait until that item goes on sale and stock up...I can usually get the item for 1/4 of the regular price. It works especially well for cereal, granola bars, sauce, can goods, and crackers.

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  11. I do use coupons when I have them. I also don't subscribe to the newspaper so an extra trip to get the Sunday paper is a chore. Our military commissary is great about putting out coupons and I use them on the same trip. I have frequently gotten great deals by buying their sale items and using a coupon provided on the shelf. If I get a coupon from somewhere for a free item though I make sure I use it.

    donnav07 [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. I am an addicted couponer, but i don't have a nice organizer like this! I think the key is to get into the habit of using coupons and finding a system of organizing that works for you. my first few attemps didn't work. What works for one person is not what works for another!

  13. I want to be a good coupon user, but I am not great at it- we do a lot of bargain shopping but a lot of the things we buy aren't things they give out coupons on.
    When I do get them I frequently shove them in a drawer and forget all about them.

  14. I couponize but not as much as I would like to. I don't buy the Sunday paper and I feel it takes too long to organize the coupons.

  15. I coupon, but not as well as I should. I do not buy the newspaper, but I get several in the mail. We get paid once a month. The week before I organize all of my coupons and promos into shopping departments and this corresponds with my list. Thank you.


  16. I am not a couponer only b/c like you, I don't subscribe to the Sunday paper, and because I am very unorganized! I'd really like to start trying coupon'ing since our budget is getting tighter!

  17. I love couponing! Anytime I can get a better deal I go for it! The couponizer would be a great addition to my money saving stratedgies!

  18. I am haven't used coupons much, but talking to my friend has made me reconsider. I don't buy many processed foods (which I thought most coupons were for), but she finds coupons for many different products. I need a lesson and a Couponizer. Thanks!

  19. I don't use coupons very often. Mostly because we don't get coupons in our Sunday paper. And when I've tried buying the big city paper, it doesn't have coupons at the stand. I'd love to try to get started. I'm fascinated by the coupons sites out there!

  20. I love coupons and seeing how much I save . When the kids were little I did get them involved by allowing them to keep the money we saved. They loved it and taught them the art of shopping with coupons. Keeps them busy also
    I have my coupons at the bottom of my purse right now in an envelope so I would love to have this awesome organizer

  21. I am pretty serious about using coupons. At work, a bunch of other people use coupons also, so we all pass ours around after we've gone through them so other people can benefit. It truly saves me so much money! This would be great to win and would really help me, thanks!

  22. I mainly buy the local Sunday paper for the coupons. I find that even if there are only one or two coupons worth using each week, that can really add up.

    I also bring the coupons for items I don't need or that might expire before I get to them into my office and some other people do the same. We leave them on a desk where anyone can look through and take what they need. This helps out all of us... for example, I have friends with younger children who use the diaper coupons that I don't need, and I get a lot of cat food coupons no one else needs.

    However my little old coupon carrier could use an upgrade so I'd love to win this.

  23. I buy the paper every Sunday specifically for the coupons. I clip what I need or think I might buy and clip the others for my mom or sis. There are some items such as specific diapers, hair care products, etc that the paper almost always has and I keep those in my wallet at all times so I always save on those. Also, often they have coupons for 100% free products to try which I love.
    My advice would be try to make it a habit and at least clip the coupons that are worth it, even if it's for toothpaste!

  24. I would love to have this! I am an avid coupon user. I save a minimum of $35 a shopping trip. My largest savings was $206! My tip is to buy multiple Sunday papers and only cut the coupons for things that your family uses. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  25. I try to use as many coupons as I can, but it's so frustrating to keep them organized! The Couponizer is the best solution out there! I cut and save coupons and if another family member does the grocery shopping; the coupons are left at home.....

  26. I save coupons -- but then am not organized with storing them or using them! The Couponizer seems like a great solution, and sounds easy to use!

  27. I use coupons every time I shop. I clip coupons every week. I surely don't buy anything I don't need. I also check the sale ads to save more. I keep my coupons in an envelope and I go through them before I leave and while shopping. So it is a mess.

  28. I need the coupon organizer, i cut them out and put them in a envelope and by the time I actually use them they are expired. With six mouths to feed I need to be organized

  29. I use coupons fanatically. I double them up with sale prices and store specials. I have separate folders for food and non-food coupons. I will buy coupons if it's high value and something I use that won't spoil quickly. Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. I don't but my aunt uses them all the time. She makes a big list , but she sure needs something better than a bunch of paper clips

  31. I used to coupon, but lately we've been buying fresh and making many things from scratch. My husband gets the paper products and so he does the couponing and I know he'd like this!

  32. I am a couponer. I file my coupons by catogory and then have them by expiration. in each flap. Sonnest in front. I go through the the sale flyers so that I can get a get mor savings.

  33. I buy 2 copies of one of the local Saturday papers and 2 copies of another local Sunday paper. Both of these for the coupons. I go on about 10 different coupon websites and print them off every couple weeks. I save (on average) 50-70% off my grocery bill every week. We're a family of 4. My wife and I do not earn a lot of money, but we've got a beautiful house. We saved the down payment money and we've made every payment. We've never taken a penny of government charity (even in the past when we were definately eligible!) I spend a great deal of time to save at the grocery store, but I'm very proud of the savings when we pay!

    Thanks for the contest.

  34. I am not a coupon queen, but I do save my fair share by clipping the ones for things that I know my family likes and uses. I'm not entirely organized even though I try my best to be. Instead of using one coupon holder, I use three. One is just for dairy products, one is for frozen foods, and the third one is for everything else. The Couponizer sounds like a better way to go about this, so I hope I win!

  35. I have the same coupon problems as you - I forget to take them with me to the store or I find them in my purse expired! One coupon tip: Babies R Us will take multiple manufacturers coupons for diapers. One time I went and they refused to take more than one coupon for the big box of Pampers, but last time I was there the girl took nine $1 off coupons for a box of Pampers. I was thrilled. I guess it just depends on who is ringing you up. I am glad I didn't get discouraged when the one girl said no, and then tried again the next time I went!

  36. Yes, we do coupon. My husband is the coupon king. He will save coupons until the item goes BOGO. And our grocery stores double coupons .50 and under. He gets such a thrill out of getting groceries for next to nothing.

  37. My old coupon file wore out, and it's now held together with duct tape. Of COURSE I use coupons. My kids don't know you can BUY things at the grocery store without coupons.

    I always say that coupons are easier to come by than money.

    This is MY kind of giveaway. Thanks!

  38. I do use coupons. Although I just keep them in an envelope. I find it does help me save but I don't usually get the Sunday paper so I don't have that many. The kids do like to help by cutting them out.

  39. I don't coupon - I don't have the time and I don't have a good system. I would like to try something to help because as a single mom of 3, I need all the help I can get. I would love to have the kids be able to help me coupon.

  40. Since my husband had to close down his business, I am a big coupon user. You would be surprised at how much you can save. I would love this, better than my envelope system.

  41. we do coupon and shop at stores like Kroger where they double and triple the value. Also, you can go to Kroger's website and load coupons on to your Kroger card for extra savings at checkout without carrying actual coupons.

  42. I do coupon becuase it saves me a ton of money. I always remind people to get coupons from magazines inserts, grocery store aisles and also sign up for e-coupons that sometimes go directly on your grocery card.

  43. I always use coupons there is 9 of us and if I didn't I don't think I could afford as much as we get. I'm getting pretty good at it now.

  44. I am not, but I have recently started collected coupons. I want to learn how to use them efficiently and it seems that this would help.

  45. I am very new to couponing and still trying to figure out a good way to organize my coupons so I don't have a big mess on my hands! Thanks for a great giveaway :)

  46. I don't do coupons for most of the same reasons you do (I would LOVE a coupon for fresh produce!) but also because I normally buy generic and the name brand products even with a coupon are still more expensive than generic. I do shop my stores local sales and when the items I normally buy go on the super sale I will stock up.

  47. i do coupon and while you are right about the large amount of coupons for processed foods, there are also many, many great coupons for health and beauty items, paper items, etc. using these with sales and double/triple coupon deals makes for really cheap and often free name brand products. though i must admit it does take time and organization:) thanks!
    [email protected]

  48. Since my husband lost his job, I am trying to use more coupons, both newspaper and internet, but find, like you, that they are mostly for high-priced products we don't use. We are pretty much down to bare bones canned veggies, bulk potatoes and marked down meat... and most of those don't have coupons!
    But I'd love to have it for the coupons I do use -- mostly health and beauty (shampoo, etc.)

  49. I cut out coupons on a semi-regular basis, but I can't always find the coupons I need when I'm at the grocery store. Maybe this product could help me be more organized.

  50. I do coupon, much more lately that our family's consumption has what feels like quadrupled over the past few years. Last week I saved 110.00 on our bill (which was still over 300.00)

  51. I use coupons all the time~I either have them in my purse or in the car to make sure that I have them with me at all times.As you never know where you are going to run into a deal so this way I have my coupons with me at all times!

  52. Of course I coupon! I've been doing it for a year now! I love getting my personal hygiene for free, and having a stockpile so that I never have to worry about shampoos, lotions, razors, and oh yes, TOOTHPASTE again. ;) Thank you for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com

  53. with the economy the way it is, I have just started using coupons-I have no tips but want to read the tips everyone else has to offer

  54. I bet you never saw couponing like this back in the twenties eh, Metropolitan Mama. Neither did
    I--but I've been couponing since the 70'S. Well,
    I'm so thankful I have the right person at last!
    Your couponizer suggests a suitable way for organizing coupons. If it works, the way I think it will, I'll be dancing in the street, grocery
    store too.

  55. Yes! I am a coupon queen! My best tips would be to match sales with coupons, get a system that works for you, and buy multiples of the Sunday paper or get coupons from friends/family who won't use them--then you are able to really stock up when you find a good deal.

  56. I have always couponed learned it from my mom I carry them in my purse at all times YOu never know when you'll be at a store to use them It is a rush to come out of the store and know you saved so much money

  57. If I like a certain product I will go as far as to write to request coupons. I also subscribe to a coupon web site.

  58. I ALWAYS use coupons and have for many years. My best tip would be to use coupons in addition to rebates and/or store coupons (like Walgreens for example). This will really boost your savings.

  59. I use coupons all the time. Saves me a lot of money.I am not that organized though, I have my coupons in envelopes in a box. I try to use my coupons on sale items to maximize the savings.

  60. I have used coupons as long as I can remember. My mom always did when I was growing up so I guess it was just something that I thought everybody did. I keep a small accordion style coupon holder with me when I go shopping, but I've started keeping all of the old coupon inserts in case there's a sale on something I don't usually use, but you can get free with the coupon. Then I donate these to one of the food or supply drives for the local food bank or a troop supply collection. If I had the coupon organizer then I could cut out these coupons and keep them neatly in a separate coupon holder and get rid of all of those half cut up coupon inserts!

  61. I would coupon more (did when my kids were small) if companies would not put silly coupons in the Sunday paper that are like 30 cents off 3 of the same or 1.00 off 2 of the same items. Maybe I only want one item (we are just 2 people). Companies are cheaping out I think with the current economic conditions. I remember when I was small (I am nearly 60 now) and my mom could take in a handful of cents off coupons to the store and got the face value without even buying the products--when I was about 8 that practice stopped.

  62. I could definitely use this. I do use coupons frequently. I usually use them centered around when that product is on sale so I get it cheaper. I do it so I can save money.

  63. I only shop at all natural markets (well...we do go to Ralphs when we absolutely have to) and there is a site called Mambo Sprouts and you can sign up to receive coupon booklets for organic/natural products. I LOVE it!

  64. I do like to coupon and have somewhat of a system, but I would really love to try this. My main tip is to leave your coupons someplace you know you will remember them,ie the car. Quite a few times I have forgotten my coupons or know I have a great coupon I could use, and don't have my coupons on hand! Great giveaway - thanks for offering!

  65. I don't but I want to! I find it hard to keep track of them and they usually expire buy the time I find them in the mess

  66. I love saving money with coupons, but as in your #3, I often forget to misplace them and find them after they've expired! Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. boy am i ever a coupon user. i get my coupons from other people who buy papers but do not use them. i keep them in a plastic chech folder i number from one to twelve and group foods etc under the diffrent numbers. for example 1. breads an pasta's etc 2. beverages 3. can goods etc. yes it takes some time an work but it saves alot eat better than i would with using them an make baskets of stuff an give as gifts if i do not use the item an get it for free

  68. I used to not be a coupon clipper, but have started in the last 6 months. The coupons are better and you do feel a savings at check out. It also make me more conscious of my purchases.

  69. I am a coupon user. I would suggest a newbie to look for coupon forums. Some have every major grocery store listed & will tell you what is on sale that week, what coupons to use, rebates, etc.. It is a great way to learn about how to use coupons. It is amazing how many things you can get for free or close to it with a coupon.

  70. Yes I'm a couponer from way back and over the years must of saved a substantial amount. That's why I do it. My one tip would be only clip the ones you know you are going to use. When I was starting out I would clip clip clip them all, how time consuming and then I would be throwing a lot of expired ones out. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  71. I have been using coupons for a long time. The main reason is to save money and sometimes it can be a lot of money. While many of the coupons are for processed food, there are some coupons for meat products (Perdue chicken) and salads (Dole). Also, you do have to buy shampoo, soap, detergent, OTC medicines, etc and there are always coupons for these. My advice is to buy the Sunday paper. You will definitely make your money back. Be on the lookout for instances where a coupon can get you a free product or even make you some money (as with a rebate).

  72. I use coupons as much as possible and am currently keepig them in an envelope. Each week I check all the supermarket ads and match with coupons.

  73. I am trying to get into coupons as I am about to stay at home with my 7 month old daughter next month. Would love the organizer!

  74. I love to use coupons but I would also love to be more organized about it. I end up having to go through the store several times because I forgot to get something I have a coupon for. Last Friday I went to double coupon day at my local store and the bill went from $150 to $77 after coupons! It is a great savings but it took me over 2 hours time because I am not as organized as I should be. Thanks for the chance!!!

  75. I was never a couponer till about 7 months ago. I figured that coupons were always for big name brand products and that the cents off still made those products more expensive than just buying store brand. NOT TRUE! Depending on your store of course. But we have two local stores that regularly double and triple coupons and lately Kmart has gotten in the act as well.

    Coupons differ each week, sometimes they're not so good but sometimes they're fabulous. If they're great I'll buy triple editions. We subscribe to just the weekend edition of our local paper and pay $1.50 per a week for the Sat. & Sun. paper and I easily make up that $1.50 with the coupons I get.

    I just check the online circulars each week to see ifthe double/triple coupons are up again and then I go and stock up on things like soup, tomato sauce, peanut butter, etc.

    Coupons for household products/toiletries/baby items always make the newspaper worth buying for us. Plus there are good food coupons a lot of the time - mayonnaise, peanut butter, mustard, ketchup, salad dressings, baking items, etc.

    I 've got two 13 pocket (index card size) organizers. One is for food items organized by labels such as soup & tomato, pasta & rice cereal, breakfast items, frozen, dairy, etc.

    The other organizer is for general household goods organized with labels such as Makeup & Lotion, Shampoo & Hand Soap, Laundry & Dish care, feminine products, Baby Items, etc.

    They fit into my diaper bag or purse when I go out.

  76. I love coupons! I have a check wallet (from Target dollar spot) that I use for store and restaurant coupons and cards. I could use help organizing food coupons though....

  77. I always use coupons..I keep them in my purse so I always have them with me. I usually save between 10.00 & 15.00 each grocery day (twice a month)

  78. I rarely use coupons at the grocery store for your exact reason: we don't eat much processed foods. However, if you're not a coupon-user a good place to start is to try using coupons on cleaning items or toiletries. I'm much more apt to switch my bathroom cleaner brand if I find a $1 off coupon.

  79. I coupon every chance I get!! I recently saved $9.95 on my last trip to the grocery store!!! I figure that every quarter, fifty cents or dollar saved adds up! When I go to the store, I bring 2 or 3 coupons for the same kind of item so I can compare and see which coupon saves me more money on that particular type of item. I also leave an unused coupon I won't ever use on the item at the grocery store in case someone else can use it! Thank you for the contest! :)

  80. I coupon!! I swap coupons with friends so that we both get more of the things we actually need. For example, one friend saves the cat coupons for me and I save the dog ones for her. I save thousands a year I bet.

  81. I love, love, love coupons! My husband calls me the "Coupon queen" and brags to his co-workers about how much I save.

  82. I just started clipping coupons and am still learning how to get them organized. This couponizer would come in handy and save me time and money. Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. I try to use coupons each and every time I go grocery shopping. I usually forget them or I cannot find them in my purse.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  84. We do use coupons. I love getting good deals. one thing I do since we get our local sales papers a few days prior to their start date, I look at what is on sale and search the internet for coupons to match them up, especially for the stores that double coupons. I order from ebay as well so I have multiples of that coupon and can stock up on items we use often.

  85. I do use coupons but not as much as I should. I end up with the coupons left at home or stuffed into my bag.

  86. I really like this couponizer. I tend to cut coupons, but not organize them well enough to make shopping with them worthwhile, then I get to the store and know I have a coupon for a product at home. Aaragh. This would be helpful for anyone.

  87. I do try to coupon. I get the paper every Sunday and I clip them out of my many magazines. My main problem with not being more successful is my lack of organization. I've done everything from a big envelope up to a binder. It's really inconvenient to dig through all your coupons if they are in one big envelope. And the binder? Who wants to drag one of those around the store? I am willing to try almost anything that will get my organized and help me find what I need when I need it. Maybe this could be the answer?!

  88. I like you have an organizational problem. We get two Sunday papers, plus the daily paper, so I've got no excuse when it comes to having access to coupons, and I do clip them out.

    Yet, I've got no way to organize them really and if it's not organized it's not working for me, I'm kinda a freak that way. I've tried a number of methods - but mostly, like you, with them smashed into my wallet or the bottom of my purse never to reappear again until well after the expiration date.
    I'm open to a new way to organize them, if that can happen, then I'll be couponing more and more.

    PS - I agree, why don't they have more coupons for the "good for you" kinds of foods!?! hmmmmm

  89. I use coupons all the time. If it's not a food item I can use, then their is always shampoo, toothpaste that I can use with CVS deals to get things nearly free. In these times, every penny counts. Keeping things all together and organized would be a great help to me.......plus I can also carry it in my purse.

    Thanks for the contest..

    [email protected]

  90. Yes we use coupons all the time. We eat out several times a month and rarely go out without a coupon for the restaurant. For grocery coupons - my hint - get yourself organized by sorting into categories of how you shop..Then keep your coupons in your car so you always have them with you. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

  91. I dont coupon right now. I have in the past and I always end up losing them or forgetting to take them to the store with me! This would be great for me!

  92. I am very much into coupons and need a good way to keep everything organized. The Couponizer looks like just what I need! Thanks for the chance to win!

  93. I used to be an avid coupon user, but I lost my coupon organizer. I know that this is a really dumb excuse, but since then I stick them in an envelope, unorganized, and either lose the envelope or let the coupons expire. I guess I need this to get back into the couponing groove!

  94. This would be great for us! They do have coupons for Orgainc foods you just have to look very hard for them. I buy 2 or 3 newspapers to make the savings worth it. Some states have sunday coupons in the Saturday paper, so you have two days to pick it up. I also use them for clothing stores, restaurants, and attractions.

  95. I definitely use coupons. We cut them out of the newspaper and then double them at the grocery. We also use coupons for restaurants and attractions to save money.

  96. I love to use coupons on anything I can.I don't know how many times I forget to use them and they expire.The Couponizer would help me alot.

  97. I have the Couponizer and I love it! I tried getting the Sunday paper a couple of times, but like you, I wasn't thrilled with the majority of the coupons being for highly processed foods. Every once in a while though, I'll get a coupon for a free item and the Couponizer helps me to not lose those. And I love it when an item is on sale, AND I have a coupon for it so I pay little or nothing for it.

  98. I love to use coupons! Going to couponing message boards and Web sites are helpful for determining what coupons can be found online and what stores may get you the best deal in combination with the coupon.

  99. Ok such a good post :) Coupons, my aunts and moms swear by them and like to brag to eachother about what they got for so little :) But me...I don't know, I am really careful with what I feed my girls (because of stomach issues, etc.) and don't buy packaged/canned/etc. food very often. I buy tons of stuff from produce, fish... Everyone tells me I should still do it though!! I do wonder if I could save a lot on tolietries, paper goods, baking items I DO buy. Maybe one day I will try.

  100. Since I've been out of work I've been using a lot more coupons. I would love to win this so I can become more organized. Thanks for the chance.

  101. Yes - I LOVE to coupon! I'm not up to par with some people that blog about it, but I'm trying! Who says you can't get something for nothing? With coupons you can!

  102. I love coupons! I would love to read more about what websites to go to for some good ones. I am unorganized too! I try hard to keep a list, and write down if that item has a coupon or not, but it's hard sometime when I have to take my Son with. I would like to win this prize so I can hopefully become more organized!

  103. I love using coupons. Our local grocery store does dollar douplers once a month so it's $2.00 off...which sometimes means free!

  104. I don't just believe in coupons, I rely on them. I only cut coupons for those items and brands I normally use. Do not ever buy something just to use the coupon. That is ridiculous. I try to time my coupon shopping trips with sales at mass merchandisers like Target or KMart or Walmart. Say, I am buying Bounty paper towels, and have my coupon...well I watch for it to be on Sale and then stock up and get two or three 12 packs. Same thing with liquid Tide, Pepsi products, shampoo, or whatever food items I need. At yearend, I made a shopping trip to Target and my total bill prior to coupons was $224.14 and after coupons, it was $108.86. So, it does pay off and it makes me feel good to be doing something worthwhile, too. Would love to try the couponizer.

  105. I don't get the Sunday paper either but somehow get sent coupons in the mail through flyers, etc plus there are some in magazines. i actually have this couponizer, it makes everything more organized but it's kinda bulky in your bag.

  106. Nope not a coupon queen here although I do use some coupons for dog treats, dinners, specialty coffee, etc. but other than that nope. I used to use them all the time but hubs was impatient because I never prepared in advance so we just don't use them. For us it just takes too much time.

  107. I am #3 all the way! Sunday evening is our shopping day anyway, so picking up the paper isn't the problem. remembering to take my cut coupons is the problem!

  108. I try to use coupons but I'm not very good at it. I could really use the organizer. My only tip is to sign up online with multiple companies to recieve coupons and special offers. When you try a product you like email them and let them know. A lot of times they will respond by sending you coupons and thanking you for you time and support.

  109. YES, it is important to me to save money, I always use coupons. I make a list before i go and go though all my coupons to see if i have any that i can use for dinner that week.
    enter me

  110. I'm new at this. I've always used coupons, but not the way I've been using them lately. Every penny counts nowadays. I'm sorry I don't have any tips...I'm still reading/learning. It's amazing all the tips I'm picking up about where to shop and how to shop. I'm loving it. Thank you for the giveaway.

  111. I use coupons for everything I buy. When I plan my grocery list if I don't have a coupon I don't buy it unless it has a great sale. I find most of the best coupons on the internet and I print them out almost daily. I just cannot afford to pay full price for anything so I do have to try out many different brands to get the best savings. So far they have all turned out pretty good so I will continue to coupon hunt. Thank you so much for the great contest. I have been wanting one of these for so long!

  112. I do use coupons. My mom saves a whole big ol' stack for me and once a week we go through and cut them out. Then it's organize, organize, organize. I try to have my coupons that I want/need to use front and center. On my grocery list I write a C if I have a coupon for that item. I also keep my coupons organized in the same layout as the store. We head for health/beauty first, so those coupons are first. Frozen foods are last, so those are last in the bunch. It's time consuming to keep them organized and I certainly don't save time at the store. It's taking about a half hour longer...but I think it's well worth the $30.00 I might save!

    [email protected]

  113. I wish that I were more organized and maybe I could use coupons - i'm quite impressed with the money that some save using them - plus our newspapers don't have many coupon booklets in them

  114. I think to be successful at couponing, you need to be realistic about what products you use as a family and not be tied down to just one brand. I tend to not use a lot of the food coupons, but I do for purchasing household items. Those prices have gone up as much or more than food prices so it's really helped me save a lot of money! Staying organized is not something that I've mastered yet, this looks like a great method!

  115. I do coupon regularly and save a decent amount of cash each week, most of the coupons that show up in the sunday paper you can also get online, I look at my grocers ads online and then only print the coupons for products that I normally use

  116. Sounds like a good product. I could really use it myself. Right now I either stuff coupons in my wallet or use a little envelope. It makes it hard at the store shuffling through each one until I come to the one I need. I get so frustrated sometimes that it makes me want to give up on using them at all.

  117. I love to use coupons. A neighbor and I swap coupons so we each have more of what we use. We let each other know about good sales, rebates, and sometime buy in big package and share. I have started taking the amount saved with my coupons and rebates and putting it into a separate account. We are well on our way to a trip to Disneyland with almost $600 saved with rebates and coupons. It truly can pay to be a wise shopper.

  118. I love coupons, I regularly save $10 or more on items that I need and use frequently just by using coupons. I clip them out once a week and store them in a coupon envelope. Its totally worth the extra trouble to save that much money.

  119. I love to use coupons. The supermarkets in my area double coupons up to .99 and sometimes have triple coupons. We get three different Sunday papers so I always have tons of coupons. I find it challenging to match up a sale with a coupon and then I stock up on as many as I can get. All of my excess food and cleaning supplies get donated to the local food bank. I love that I can save money and help someone else in the process even if it is in a small way.

  120. I'm an active couponer! I love couponing because it saves our family so much money. My advice is to check out blogs and websites weekly that help you figure out the best combined sale-coupon deals at your local stores!

  121. I am definitely a coupon freak because who doesn't like to or need to save money! My tip is keep them organized by expiration date. I have a section in my coupon holder I have labeled 'expires this month' which can help a lot!

  122. I have been couponing for years, on average I save $35 weekly. My best was $110 back on Thanksgiving week, over 50%. Anything to help organize is great. Thanks for entering me.

  123. I do coupon quite avidly- We get the sunday paper delivered and also I print coupons online. Money saving mom has a number of links like $2 off aveeno and 1.10 off progresso soup- making it almost free! Cant beat it. I have an organizer- I put my name in after I lost it several times!

  124. I am pretty disorganized when it comes to coupons and then I always leave them home when I go to the store!
    This would be great for me.
    If I could organize them, I would be much better off and would save more money.

  125. I love to use coupons. I don't think I would be called a coupon queen compared to some people I have seen. But the things I do with coupons are saving money. Luckily I live with 4 teenagers and they like processed food! And the cheaper I can get it, the better!

  126. Sad to say that I have slacked alot on the coupon use. Last year I was much better at keeping track of it. I used to actually make a game of it which made it kind of fun. I guess that I should start again. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  127. yes i do- Waiting to purchase items that are on extended sale will help you avoid over-stockpiling and keep your weekly grocery budget in check. And, by postponing the purchase you may find that you don’t even need the items that are on sale

  128. I a newbie when it comes to couponing, I', still carrying around a ripped envelope. I joined a traders list but am still very unorganized. The couponizer would solve some of my problems.
    If I just knew where to start. LOL.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  129. YES, I coupon and save lots of money! Number One Tip: Do not buy things you do NOT use...only clip the coupons you will use and then you won't overspend, have things you don't know what to do with and also will not have a ton of extra coupons at the end of expiration month! gotta save where we can...it has helped me survive for years!!!!

  130. I use coupons all the time and use them when the item is on sale and whenever their are double coupon days.

  131. my friends went to a "coupon party" a month ago and i thought they were nuts! now they are saving $60-90 a week! i must confess that, after seeing their lower bills, i am now trying to follow their lead! it is very satisfying and addicting to see your savings add up! i buy a lot of fresh items and mostly produce, so i don't find a ton of coupons that fit our lifestyle, but there are great deals to be found out there on mostly anything! i would love the couponizer so that i could approach the whole thing with a bit more organization! thanks!

  132. I do coupon because it saves me money, and I would LOVE this organizer! My tip is to definitely plan your trip first and pull out those coupons, because it doesn't save you money if you buy stuff "just because it's on sale" that you wouldn't have purchased otherwise.

  133. For all the same reasons you list, I also am not much of a coupon user. I would love to try out the couponizer and eliminate one of my excuses as well..... every little bit helps these days.

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