Book Review: The No-Cry Potty Training Solution

0071476903.jpgHave I mentioned how much I love Elizabeth Pantley's writing style and parenting philosophy? Even the titles of her books resonate with me - I love her gentle, warm, and patient approach to parenting. It comes as no surprise to me that she describes her current relationships with her teenage children as being joy-filled and fun - I'm confident that the bond that she has with her children is directly related to the foundation that she and her husband laid during the early years.

The No-Cry Potty Training Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Good-Bye to Diapers (McGraw Hill, 2007) is the shortest of Elizabeth's four No-Cry books. The book replicates the format of her other books in that she provides a "menu" of options to help parents ("there isn't just one right way to potty train a child...").

She emphasizes that "potty training can be simple, pleasant, and, yes, even fun." She goes even further to say that, "potty training can be natural, easy, and peaceful." I love her positive approach, don't you?

Pantley's ideas range from making a custom potty book to reading potty-themed books to creating a potty prize treasure box - plus, she covers common concerns like potty training children with special needs, potty training multiples, and how to deal with bed-wetting.

The book is a bit repetitive at some points, but it also provides parents with a good "overview" of the traditional potty training process - when to start, how to start, and what to do when you encounter setbacks. If you're looking for an author who will help you approach potty training (and parenting) with cheer and enthusiasm, Elizabeth Pantley is your gal.

WIN IT! One mama will win a copy of The No-Cry Potty Training Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Good-Bye to Diapers by Elizabeth Pantley. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post prior to Sunday, April 6 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Monday, April 7. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #45 Peggy Miller. Congratulations!

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153 comments on “Book Review: The No-Cry Potty Training Solution”

  1. My friend is expecting her first baby! This would be a fabulous gift for her. As a former Montessori preschool teacher, I know how harrowing this topic is for parents. (I plan on taking a sneak peek before giving it to her in case I am ever able to return to my life calling.)

    As for my own child, I needed to make a collection of "sleep books". Potty books weren't available at that time of yore....

  2. Wow, my 2 and a half year old still refuses to use the potty and I have tried everything, maybe there would be something useful in this book to help out.

  3. I have 3 in diapers. Enough said. When my last one is out of diapers, I'm throwing a party larger and more extravagant than my wedding. Help me get to the party!

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  4. Wow I would love to win this. I'm going to be a grandma and most definetly will be helping with this. Thanks for the opportunity!!!!

  5. This woould be great for my son. He has tried the potty a couple of times but has reverted back to not using it at all.

  6. Love to have and share with other grandmothers. Please share and give us the wonderful tips and ideas. Thanks.

  7. Help! I could really use this book with my 2 year old son. I had a rough time potty training my daughter, so I am looking for "tried and true" advice for my son!

  8. Hello,
    My hat's off to you if you indeed find it easy to potty train in whatever approach you use. I would love to have that same confidence in helping my son accomplish what seem to me to be a lip biting experience. (of course I mean me biting my own lips) smile.

  9. This would be so handy, I have twin girls that are about to start potty training and oh man am I out of my mind. This book would be great. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. this is a monument in my sons life that i can't wait for, but am dreading the process. i would love to win the book to ease my anxiety about it.

  11. I have two in diapers and am ready for the oldest to be potty trained. He is almost three, and for him it is a control issue. He will occasionally go potty on his own, but most of the time we either drag him in the bathroom are he wets his pullup. He flat out refuses to poop on the pot. I definately need some guidance.

  12. I absolutely NEED this book. My darling 3 year old daughter refuses to potty......I have images in my head of her at high school graduation wearing her pampers! lol. This would be a lifesaver for us. Thanks for putting it on here!

  13. Oh my, what a wonderful idea. I am at a loss with my little boy and he's getting close to 3 years old! Thank you!

  14. My son will be 4 in July and wants nothing to do with a potty. We have tried lots of different methods and he is very unwilling to try. I would love to read this book!!

  15. My grandson is 20 months old getting ready to be potty trained so this would be great.

  16. I had the hardest time with my oldest son and its almost potty training time with my youngest son. I am so scared that he is going to give me the same problems he did. The girls were so easy but the boys have been so hard. I hope I win because with 4 kids... this time is so stressful.

  17. My brother NEEDS this for his little girl. She's 3 and still not potty trained, and they just had a little boy a couple of weeks ago! Please pick me, so I can help them releive some of thier stress!

  18. I don't knwo if it's too late to win another prize, but I really need this! My baby is almost 3 and I really want to get him trained.

  19. Well seeing as how Violet justed pottied on the floor right in front of me as I was trying to cajole her into sitting on the toilet...perhaps I need some help!

  20. I am a grandma who has potty trained not only my kids but my grandkids and several of my friend's children... someone is always calling me for HELP in this area so I am very anxious to see what other good information is out there on this subject... (I used an old old book called "Potty Training in a Day when I trained my kids.)

  21. We are just beginning potty training here with our twin 2 year old boys. I've heard so many great things about her book. We'd love to win!! Thanks ;)

  22. Never having done this before, I'm going to need all the help I can get with my little guy. This sounds like a good resource for us as we begin our potty training journey.

  23. im potty training with my daughter now so this would be great. thanks for the awesome giveaway steph!

  24. We are training our 2 year old granddaughter and could sure use some help. She loves to sit on the potty but nothing yet!

  25. My little one is past this stage, but I have a girlfriend that really needs this for her 4yr. daughter who is regressing now that they just adopted a little one. Maybe there would be some helpful suggestions she could use at her house.
    Thanks for a very useful giveaway!
    Marissa :)

  26. I could REALLY use this right now! My daughter has NO interest in potty training and I need some help! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. I love Elizabeth Pantley, too! She always seems so calm and soothing, which helps me to be the same. And she always has great ideas! :) This will be another great one as we're headed toward PTing with #2. :)

  28. I'd love to win this and give it to my sister. She has a little guy that will be at this stage later this year. It's her first, and I'm sure she'll appreciated all the ideas and encouragement she can get.

  29. My daughter is almost finished (except for nighttime). Would love to find out what I should have done and how to get through the night dry!

  30. Mikayla was easily potty trained and I hope Lily will be the same way. With Mikayla I had the advantage that she was born in May so we had the whole summer to use to our advantage. At first we let Mikayla run around with no pants on so she would learn to recongize her bodies cues and use the potty. Eventally we worked up to pants and then panties. We never made it an issue if she had an accident and we still don't. If she has an accident (she is almost 3) we just tell her that it is ok, everyone has accidents.

  31. I wanted to read this book when I was potty training my oldest, but could never get my hands on it. I'd love to have it as a reference when I potty train my younger son!

  32. Oh, Lawd! My daughter in law NEEDS this book so bad! Her daughter turned 3 and is still not potty trained! Help her by letting me win this book!!

  33. I borrowed this book from the library while training my first child. It was the best I have ever read. It would be great to have a refrence handy at home!

  34. My daughter just had a new baby and she has an almost 2 year old girl. Two in diapers! She is ready to start introducing potty training to her daughter.I think this book would be helpful.

  35. This is a must have! My oldest didn't complete potty training until a monthe before he turned 4 yrs old!!!! I don't want to repeat that with this little guy! :)

  36. I would like to win this for my daughter - she's going to need this for my two grandson's - oldest is close to PT age. Thanks!!

  37. Perfect giveaway! My daughter just turned two and we can use all the potty training info we can get our hands on! Thanks!

  38. Oh please pick me! lol I know you hate this type of comments, but I'm desprate at this point. We've been going back and forth for 10 months!!!!!

  39. I have been potty training my son for well over a year now. He insists that his body is telling him "no" to potty/poopy on the toilet. He's in a size 6 diaper, the next step is attends. I need the help.

  40. I'd like to get this for my brother. He has twins who are almost three and not anywhere close to being potty trained and he and his wife are getting very frustrated.

  41. Boy, do I need this. My almost four year old is still in training pants. He can pee no problem, but he's scared to death to go no.2 on the potty. lol.

  42. My friend Suzanne and my niece Emily could both use this. I'd have to think hard about which one to give it to.

  43. Where was Elizabeth Pantley the first time I hit all the issues she addresses in her books? Thanks for the offer!

  44. My daughter's poopy smells like a cow flop. I swear - I have it on good authority. I sniffed the wind coming from the farm down the road, and it smelled just about right. And although she's been doing "wee wee" on the potty for at least six months, we've done bupkus in terms of . . . ahem . . . numero dos on the little plastic throne. So throw me a bone here Metro Mama! Thanks!

  45. Help! We really need this book! Benjamin is almost 29 months and so far he has refused to sit on the potty! We could use some pointers.

  46. I've resisted reading a potty-training book, thinking it was a silly topic to spend that much time reading about, and besides, how hard can it be??? But here I am with a 3-1/2 yr old who still prefers to use the potty only at his convenience. So maybe it's time to humble myself & admit that I could use a little help! ;)

  47. My son is 16 months and I'm ready to start thinking about potty training. Any pointers would be invaluable! Thanks for setting up such a great contest.

  48. Elizabeth kind of reminds me of my mother! Insightful, thoughtful, gentle and really intune with the needs and perspectives of little kids. ...I wonderful if she'd be interested in a co-author?? ;) I found her sleeping book to be such an easy read, and very encouraging, too. Sure helped me feel like I wasn't doing *everything* wrong!

  49. My daughter is just starting to show interest in the potty. I'm hoping it will go fast as she likes to keep up with her big brother when she can! I'd love to have her out of diapers before 18 months!

  50. I'm planning to start potty training my 2 yo son in a few weeks. I probably could really use this book :)


  52. I've been thinking about the whole potty training thing, and realized I have no idea how to go about doing it! I've got a little while before I have to do it, but this book would be great to read in the meantime!

  53. I know a mom from Russia who says the babies are trained by 12 months. Do they do it without tears? We've had one tearful potty training. We'd like to do it better this time.

  54. This sounds like she's got some great approaches, and I'm glad she acknowledges that there isn't just one way. Kids are different, and some kids need to learn a different way. I'd be interested to read this and use it now. Thanks!

  55. Oeh lovely price. I still have some time but would love to win this for when my little girl is old enough.
    Thanks for the great give away!

  56. Yes, yes, yes! Include me! My 2 1/2 year old was doing great, but seems to have back-tracked, and I'm at a loss of what to do! Thanks so much! :)

  57. As the mother of a three year old who is dead set on being in diapers, I could really use this. I love her other books, so I've got hope for this one!

  58. I could definatly use this book. My son is 22 months old, and he's showing signs of being ready to potty train too... but I don't really know where to start! My daughter was so easy, but with him, I'm not so sure. Please enter me in the contest! Em

  59. I am getting ready to train my daughter. She will be 2 in November, so we are going to try and start in September or so and I would love this book to help it go smoothly.

  60. I would love this book. My son still has accidents and my daughter hasnt even started potty training. It has turned out to be alot harder than I thought it would be.

  61. My daughter isn't ready for potty training quite yet (she is a year), but we will be there soon enough. I would love to read this book and get some ideas on how to do it. thanks!

  62. I would LOVE to win this! I have six kids, but my two youngest are the only ones not potty trained.

    Issa is 15 months, and LaLa is almost 3 months, I'm going to be heading into potty training soon, and would LOVE some pointers (I've forgotten with the others!)

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