Boon: a potty bench for at home or on-the-go

boonlogo1_rgbPerhaps it was our daughter's disposition. Or perhaps we just happened upon the right timing.

But, by and large, my husband and I found potty training to be a positive and - dare I say it? - even pleasant experience with our daughter. By her 2nd birthday, she was wearing underwear and was pretty much completely potty trained.

When I experienced severe morning sickness at the start of this pregnancy, I can't tell you how happy I was that we had reached that milestone. It was nothing short of a boon to be able to say, "go ahead and run to your potty..." as I lay dismal and dying on the couch.

boon potty benchI could say that, in part, because we had a "little potty," which didn't require me to lift her up on to the toilet. I found that having a little potty helped my daughter approach the task more independently. 

And, contrary to what some other parents had warned me about, she has never had trouble "transitioning" between little potties and big potties. She's never been afraid of public bathrooms or flushing toilets or anything like that. 

If you're in the market for a little potty chair, the Boon Potty Bench is an excellent option to consider. It features two enclosed side storage spaces and a built-in toilet paper holder. The design is sleek and modern (although it might be nice if there were a few different color options...)...and clean-up is easy thanks to the pull-out drawer in the middle. My favorite feature about this potty is likely the fact that it can be "closed" and used as a step stool...two products in one!

boon potty bench closedWe currently carry the Boon Potty Bench in the trunk of our car for "on-the-go" bathroom stops. Although our daughter will go in public bathrooms without complaint, we much prefer to just pull out the little bench and to create a "private nook" near our car in an empty parking lot. It's so much cleaner and there's just no easy way to help a 2-year-old use a public restroom without having to touch something (ugh!). The side storage compartments are convenient because we can store wipes, TP, and an extra set of clothes in there so that we're ready for any emergency. It's been a wonderful arrangement. Especially for trips when you need to pull over out in the middle of nowhere...

YOUR TURN: What's your best tip for potty training at home or on-the-go?

WIN IT! One winner will receive a Boon Potty Bench ($34.99). To enter, leave a comment on this post prior to Sunday, February 1 at midnight (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.). * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #32 Gwyneth Paltrow. Congratulations!

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42 comments on “Boon: a potty bench for at home or on-the-go”

  1. We're not quite at potty training yet but soon! : ))) It's truly amazing how fast our sweet'ums grow up!

    Thanks so much for this inrcredible give~away! : )))


  2. We have been so spoiled with my son. Once he decided he was ready to potty train, he has done so well with hardly any accidents. He is really tall for his age so he stands and never touches those yucky toilets. We did purchase biodegradable toilet covers if he ever needs to sit when we are out. I recommend getting the really large ones that hang way over the seat so little hands are protected if they need to hang on (some claim to do this but if you look at the photo, they barely cover the seat). Would love this potty for traveling!

  3. I am on the verge of potty-training and I tell you, I AM SCARED. Though, I know I am destined to succeed.. as most college kids ARE potty-trained. But still. I think I can use all the help I can get. :)

  4. I am not yet potty training because I just found out that I am pregnant for the first time this past week. I would love to win this for the future! I have helped to potty train a child I used to babysit. The key is using fruit loops I think! AIM for the purple one!!!!

  5. I've noticed that when my sister-in-law potty-trains her daughter, it's always a crying-fest. They just put her on & leave her there for like a half hour. I think rewarding kids with stickers or something fun would be a lot less traumatic for them.

  6. I have been coveting this bench since I first saw it!! If I don't win it, I have to buy it. I know your sponsors would rather that be the case, but I am really hoping to be picked for this!

  7. I don't really have any tips for potty training but could really use some. My daughter is 17 months and I just bought her a potty. Right now I sit her on it a couple of times a day hoping that one day she will pee. Problem is she loves to use the potty chair as a chair and she gets really mad when I take it away from her.

  8. i was another parent that started on a schedule. Every 30 minutes particularly after snacks/meal-time, I would have him go sit on the potty but we would make a game out of it. With either reading a book or putting stars on the wall if we had success...Worked like a charm :)

  9. we started early with our son. so, he's not anti-potty. although, we could've been more persistent with it, it's been a little hectic around here starting a practice. but, in the mornings, before bedtime, and on weekends, we always put him on the potty...and he goes! Now, just can't wait for him to gain the ability to communicate when he needs to go...vs. when he's already gone. he's 14 months now...been potty training since 4 months.

    been wanting to try the boon potty bench for months...just trying to see where there's room for it in our tiny apt bathroom.

  10. Potty Training book saved my Sanity!!
    Men’s Health Magazine (Sept. issue) recommends Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day: Proven Secrets of the Potty Pro by Teri Crane. My husband picked us up a copy after reading the article. IT REALLY WORKS!!

    Everyone is talking about throwing a "potty party" to potty train a child. I was so desperate; I was willing to do anything. Her book outlines 10 themed parties. What kid doesn't love to play and pretend? All my mommy friends have successfully potty trained their kids with her book too.

    Honestly, when I first learned of this book, I thought NO WAY! Maybe this would work on a little girl, but NOT a BOSSY, 2-1/2 year old BOY. NO WAY! Guess what? It REALLY WORKED!!! Teri Crane SAVED MY SANITY!!! Her book was easy to read, funny and extremely helpful. I can't thank Teri enough. I would HIGHLY recommend this book to EVERY parent. It will save you much grief and frustration. Potty training shouldn't be difficult, we as parents make it difficult because we don't know what to do. Teri teaches you. Buy the book, it's the best money you will ever spend

    Most amazingly, I had some questions, so I called the author, and she CALLED ME BACK!!

    p.s. Love the Potty Bench

  11. My best potty training tip: talk, talk, talk. As the saying goes "you can lead a child to the potty..." Anyway, we talked about the potty, wearing underwear, going potty like big kids, asking if he had to go potty, reminding him "if you tell me you just went potty try telling me earlier so you can go in the potty" etc. Fortunately for me my son would not wear underwear...a blessing in disguise. When he started asking to wear underwear at 2 10/12 he was potty trained. Virtually no accidents day-time, nap-time or night-time. Hurray

    I never used a potty chair. We put a step-stool in our bathroom or I would stand him on my feet in public (which made him just tall enough).

  12. I started potty trainin my son at 12 month, early by today's standards. I first tried putting him on when I new a pop event was going to occur, but that didn't work all that great for us. Then I started putting him on first thing in the morning and that worked better at getting the pop in the potty and not in the diaper.
    I also purchased the Baby Signs DVD on potty training and that seemd to help reinforce the concept.
    I'd love to win this for potty training on the go, as we don't have a potty for this purpose yet.

  13. Ooh, cute! I'm not yet thinking about potty training, but I know that pretty soon I will have to start thinking about it. My son is 16 months, and is showing signs that he will, one day in the future, be ready. So, this potty could definitely come in handy in a few (or many) more months!

  14. I am just beginning to introduce the potty to my 20 month old. It's his choice, no pressure. But I'll admit not having that sort of plumbing I'm not sure how to teach him to keep the little hose pointing down when he's sitting on the potty. I realized one time, hunkered down to his level, I was a prime spray target should he squeeze a little too hard. So, I see that Boon seat has some sort of pee pee guard. Um, yah, I could reeeeally use one of those! I can totally see it saving me from one of those cringe worthy, icky mom (with a little boy) moments.

  15. Wow, this is a great gadget. I was just wondering what/how to go about pottytraining (I have some time yet but I like to plan and research). I love the idea of keeping this in the car and the storage built in and of course the step stool. Our house is small so if I can get another use out of something I'm sold. It's great to hear a great review. Thank you!

  16. My son is 19 mo. old and so we're getting ready to think about potty training with him. It's a dismal thought so anything that would be helpful would be great. This looks like a really good product and I love that it has a built in toilet paper holder. Such a great contest.

  17. Hello!
    I am glad to read this post - as potty training is right around the corner for us since out son is 17 months old now. I have stood in the aisle at Babies R Us looking at all of the potty chair options with much dismay! How do you pick just one out of all of them?! Thanks for this recommendation - it would be so nice to win instead of having to buy one!!! Thanks for hosting this contest!

  18. My trick was m&m's. I kept a little container full of m&m's in my purse so she could have one the moment she went! I am hoping my baby boy is as easy as the Princess was!

  19. My 2 yr old daughter likes to pee like her big brothers.. you know.. standing up!! I wonder if this cool potty just for her would get her to sit...

  20. I'm thinking we'll be venturing into the potty training next month. Not sure if the little man is ready just yet and if not, then no biggie - we'll just try again later. The boon sounds like a great training tool though - one that I certainly would appreciate winning! I sure hope our experience goes like yours did. We bought him some little boxer briefs today and they are so darn cute that I just can't wait to get his little tush into them!

  21. Potty training was really tough with my now 4-year old, so I'm dreading it with my 2-yr old. I love the features on this Boon product that encourage independence, like the toilet paper right there beside them. I also love the idea of having one in my car!

  22. I need all the tips I can get! My son will be four the end of February, and still is not potty trained. He has a fear that we haven't quite figured out, and is pretty strong willed about it. We've tried positive and negative reinforcement and are just banking on what we've been told...when he's ready, he'll do it! This little potty would be great for on the go, though! (No pun intended!)

  23. i do not have any tips except that i love the idea of bringing one in the car! My daughter will be needing one soon (she's 1.5) and this would be a stylish addition to our bathroom/car. I love your blog! Thanks!!


  24. It will be a few years before I have to potty train my unborn son :) but this sounds so good that I still had to enter! I could be nice and share it with my potty-training nephew, too. Thanks so much!

  25. I would love to win this! I am trying to potty train my son, but it's hard when I bring him places, like my parents or something and they don't have a little potty. This would be perfect to take along!

  26. I am just starting to potty train my 18 month old because she won't keep her diaper on at all anymore, she seemed interested in the big potty and went on it a few times but when I bought her pull ups and she won't keep them on at all. I am thinking of going back to diapers with duct tape.
    She knows how to say poo and pee though she confuses them sometimes. My three year old still has a couple accidents now and was at work one night and my husband was home watching them and she came out of her room said she had to go potty, walked back into the kitchen around the table and peed next to the garbage can and then went back to bed. The whole time my husband is following her asking her what she was doing and she did not respond.
    I was hoping potty training my 18 month old would be easier, especially since she seemed like she would be so into it. I already have a potty chair for in the house but it sounds like a good idea for a traveling chair, especially since we travel to my husbands family every weekend and it is a pretty lengthy drive, this would be perfect for a quick 'I gotta go' stop.

  27. This would be so great for I currently have 2 grandkids ready to be trained. I had 3 daughters and they are grown now with babies of their own.
    What worked for me is I waited till each one's 2nd birthday and for a gift they got a new potty. I would tell them Happy Birthday now you can go potty on a big chair. I was quite surprised to how well that worked. Didn't take long at all. Thank you so much!

  28. I wish I had some fantastic tip - but to be honest I'm just trying to figure out how to START with my son. I go back and forth between buying a potty chair or using the big potty... my hubby is a designer and would be super impressed with the boon potty. I'm sure his excitement would inspire our son to use the cool little contraption. (not to mention then I could just give in to the little potty and stop agonizing over it!)

  29. We've been taking scheduled trips to the potty after daily routine things (waking up, after snack, etc.). I'm also following cues from my son rather then pushing the issue. However he just isn't quite ready! I'm jealous that your daughter has already mastered this. What a great idea to keep a chair like this in the car. It's the perfect size for that.

  30. I have no tips to share. But I need to know immediately how/when to start potty training :) How did you get her trained by age 2??? What signs of readiness should I look for? Anyway, winning this potty would be a good start :)

  31. I created a rhythm of every 20 minutes. After he ate, 20 minutes we went to the potty, after an activity, 20 minutes later he went to the potty. It worked like clockwork.

    Oh and also starting at age 3 worked best.

  32. Best hint is have a lot of patience and don't push or make the child feel bad or guilty. Eventually it all comes together. You may try putting your child on the potty the same time you go to the bathroom. Eventually they will realize it's the thing to do!


  33. So I seriously need your advice on potty training! My daughter turns 2 in 3 weeks and we're hoping to get pregnant this year which means more than likely severe all day sickness again. I don't know where to even start! My daughter is good about telling me she has a dirty diaper but freaks out about sitting on a toilet.

  34. I LOVE the idea of a portable potty bench - on so many levels! I shudder at the thought of public restrooms and little hands reaching to hold on to the side of nasty public toilet seats . . . (can you tell I have nightmares about this?!) I loive the idea of having something like this handy. I also like Naomi's comment about putting hers near her daughter's bed for night time potty trips.

  35. My 22 month-old daughter is really showing an interest in using the potty lately. We have a potty chair for her, but I'd love another for the bathroom upstairs, or as a portable option in the car.

  36. I haven't even given potty training a thought so I really appreciate this post, I only hear how hard it is so to hear it was pleasant is great

  37. We already have a Boon Potty Bench so please don't enter us to win... I just wanted to say that it totally revolutionized Roo's potty training. My favorite thing about it was that I could put it next to her bed at night until she got used to getting up and going down the hall to the bathroom. I am curious to see how it works for Jasper in a few months!

  38. I so need one of these! I figure we're going to have to start potty training in the near future and I'd like to be ready. The Boon potty bench looks perfect!

  39. I know my sister has a portable potty chair for her kids in the back of her car (or at least she did when they were a little younger), and there are times I've wished we had one as well for those emergency times! I agree with you; it is simply nasty to have to bring her into some of those public restrooms in gas stations and such. We both have to touch stuff, and it grosses me out. This looks like a great product; thanks!

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