Celebrate My 1,000th Post {and win expensive shoes}

I just noticed that my last post was my 1,000th post.

I feel like I should give a speech or something.

working-with-baby-2On second thought: I think I'll just tell you about how I stumbled upon blogging instead.

I was working as a school counselor at the time. I had helped to open up a brand new high school in an excelling district. I enjoyed my job. I loved my boss.

But then I got pregnant, had my baby, and...I loved being with her more.

I couldn't bear to leave her - I wanted her close to me, close to my heart, all of the time. I told my boss this and she said, "Why don't you bring the baby to work with you?" So, I said, "okay." And did.

working-with-baby-1At the end of the school year, I resigned because I knew that bringing a crawling, soon-to-be-walking baby just wouldn't work. During that time, I had been dipping my toes in the pool of the blogosphere and had also been freelancing for a local paper. The Superintendent of the school district took note of my work and asked me to come and work for him in PR...from home. I was grateful for the opportunity - and still am - in large part because I admire the Superintendent so deeply. You know the kind of person who is so intelligent and visionary, that just by being near him/her, you feel like you're learning and growing - even if you don't say a thing? That would be him.

swimmingThrough all of this, I was reading about blogging and visiting blogs and talking to bloggers. Eventually, I dove in headfirst - and I realized it was fun swimming in that big pool. The temperature was just right. The other swimmers were smart and talented and successful. The possibilities were endless.

So, here I am today. 1000 posts later. So many wonderful friends and connections. I like it here.

Of course, the story is much longer than that. If I were to list the benefits of blogging to me and my family, it would take awhile. Suffice it to say, I'm sticking around.

Thank you, readers, for blessing me with your encouragement, your friendship, your knowledge.

sistersRaise your glass - clap your hands - let's celebrate - to 1,000 more posts, 1,000 more friends, 1,000 more ways to change the world. We're in this together.

Oh, I almost forgot about the shoes (I know YOU didn't, though).


Picture 2I'm giving away a pair of MBT Shoes, which are proven to (a) help solve knee and back problems, (b) relieve  neck tension, (c) ease joint pains, and (d) tone and shape the buttocks and thighs (did I get your attention yet?).

Mr. Sore Back? Ms. Achy Joints? Mrs. Iwanta Skinnybutt? Meet MBT, the anti-shoe. You can read my full review here.

Choose a pair for yourself or for your guy:

mbt shoes changa cork mbt shoes tunisha black mbt shoes tembea mink


aetrex logoI'm also giving away a pair of Aetrex shoes from the Essence collection. These are high-quality shoes, specifically designed with comfort in mind. That's what a mama wants, right? Comfort + Style = a happy mama.

Take a peek at these cute Mary Janes (for starters):

essence caroline black aetrex aetrex julia brown wrap around

If you're looking for cute shoes that will make your feet happy, check out MBT and Aetrex. These aren't Payless shoes, I can tell you that for a fact. These are shoes that will last way beyond one season.

WIN IT! There will be two winners. One winner will receive a pair of MBT Shoes. A second winner will receive a pair of Aetrex shoes from the Essence collection. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Thursday, August 20th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

*UPDATE* The winner of the MBT Shoes is #40 Sara. The winner of the Aetrex shoes is #48 Sharmista. Congratulations!

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242 comments on “Celebrate My 1,000th Post {and win expensive shoes}”

  1. Oh man! I really hope I'm not too late. Not just because I want some of those kick butt shoes but also because I want to tell you congratulations on getting to your 1000th post! I don't think I'll ever get there. Yours is a blog I really love. I'm not here as often as I'd like, it's been an insane summer. But thank you for making a difference in this bloggers life.

  2. I was browsing the site and they look like they would be comfortable shoes! I assume they just make womens shoes?

  3. The girls I work out with were just discussing their school shopping, which included getting themselves some of those butt-reducing shoes! lol.


    I was just checking out the collection at mbt they are real comfy looking shoes i have never seen soles shaped like that usually they are flat..that must be the secret to comfort ;)

  5. Ohhh, I love Chapa Ebony from MBT! Absolutely perfect for my long walks. And I love Chloe - Grey Buckle Mary Jane (EL67) from Essence Collection.

    Congrats on your 1000th post!

  6. I have to co-workers that wear MBT shoes and really like them. We are on our feet all day and the idea of working out while working is nice.

  7. Wow, those are great shoes. My mom has joint pains when she walks, so I would love to win a pair for her. They look nice too. Function & style.

    Thank you for this contest and congrats on your 1000th post!

  8. 1,000 post- that's a lot of words! Congratulations.

    Quite coincidentally I had recently looked at the Aetrex shoes online, and they seemed so comfortable and just perfect for travel.

  9. thanks for the link to mbt shoes, i'd never heard of them before but now i'm getting ready to place an order

  10. Congratulations! 1000 posts is truly an accomplishment! All of the shoe choices are just great...but the ones that firm your tush while just walking?! GENIUS! Thanks for the chance!

  11. congrats on your 1000th post. Thank you for the great contest. These shoes look so wonderful and sound even better. the thought of easing the pain in my joints puts a smile on my face...thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Cheers to your 1,000th! I can't even imagine, but I know I do dearly love reading your work and also love that we (nearly) always pick out the same style of clothes and shoes - the Mary Janes are adorable! I so want some. :D Here's to many more posts and happy memories!

  13. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I enjoy reading your posts, especially the ones with pics of your cutie-pies! =)

    Those shoes look super! I'll all about comfortable shoes now, I kinda feel old now since everything is about comfort nowadays. But I lug around my 21 lbs son who's 6 months old now so I can't wear cute sandals or heels.

  14. I used to bring my girls to work with me. It was such a special (if not challenging) time. I loved it and wish I could relive some of those times.

  15. First, wowza! 1000 Posts, Congratulations on such an accomplishment! That is just wonderful and I am sure I have read at least a quarter of them! I have been visiting your blog for well over a year now and I have enjoyed so very many of your posts, you deserve to celebrate! I too gave up a great job and career in order to be at home with my children. I worked as a graphic designer and I also worked at Kodak designing cameras. I had 2 jobs and my career was in full swing. Back in 2005 I gave it all up, and a lot of money too! We are now a happy, loving family with no extra money, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! I love, love being a part of my children's lives everyday and always making sure I don't miss a single monumental moment in their lives. I also am able to spend quality time with them and provide them with my undivided attention. I know in my heart I made the right decision and so what if we have to do without some of the luxuries in life, they are only material things that don't mean a thing if you don't have love and happiness in your life, and to me that is everything! Of course running around the house, yard, or wherever our journey in life takes us would be a whole lot more comfortable with some shoes that are made for walkin' er uh, running that is as I am always chasing after my little ones. Thanks so much for the chance to enter.

  16. Congrats on your 1000 post! That's quite an accomplishment. I LOVE the Aetrex shoes.Usually I just get whatever is on super sale at the store when I really need new shoes. It would be so great to go back to school/work in new shoes! :)

  17. Congratulations on your 1000th posting...no small feat for those who read most of them. And an extra thanks for this amazing giveaway. I checked out both the MBT website and the Essence Collection at Aetrex. Hard to choose which I like the best. The MBT caught my attention because I'm a long time back pain sufferer following a car accident in which I was injured by a drunk driver. The injuries affected my gait and cause a good deal of stress to my lower back. But then I saw the Aetrex and have to admit I fell in love with all of them. I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that I'll win one of these great looking shoes.

  18. Congrats on your 1000th post! I have wanted to try the MBT shoes - I've read great reviews - but have not seen them in real life yet, just online! The Mary Janes look so comfy, may want to sleep in them ;-)

  19. The MBT's sound so awesome. I've had my knees operated on twice now and will need a full replacement of both but we're trying to wait as long as possible as I'm fairly young but arthritis is destroying my joints completely.

    It would be such a blessing if these would provide some relief.

    Thank you for the chance to win them. :)

  20. First of all, congratulations on your 1000th post! I haven't heard of these brands before, but they sound great! I plan to do some shopping as soon as I can--but with a teenager at home, it's difficult to shop for me when he always seems to need something! Thank you for the contest!

  21. I have never heard of wither of these brands but that is what I love about blog reviews...the chance to learn about whats new! Either show looks good for someone like me who likes style and comfort combined!

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  22. Congratulations, Stephanie, on your 1000th post! I cannot imagine writing that much, which, in part, explains why I haven't gotten on the blogging bandwagon yet. However, I really enjoy reading other people's blogs! So many people write so well, and I find them quite entertaining. I also love reading reviews on various products from real people. They really are useful and practical. Thanks so much for your wonderful giveaway, and I wish you well on your next thousands of posts! I'm glad you're going to stick around. :)

  23. I'm just starting into the blog world myself. Well, I guess one whole year into it with our adoption journey! Congrats on the 1,000th post! The shoes look comfty though too! :)

  24. Congrats on your 1,000th post. I've been following you for awhile and really enjoy your blog. It sounds like you enjoy it, too. Being with the kids is great, too. I hear a lot of people talk about "quality" time. I think moms know that when it comes to children, quantity is just as important as quality. My daughter is a teenager now, and after working through most of her school years, I decided to stay at home again. I think teenagers need just as much a watchful eye as babies. *sigh* As a former high school counselor I'm sure you know what I mean.
    Anyway, thanks for blogging!

    Oh yeah, the shoes! How could I forget shoes?!?! Those shoes sound great. I'm a nurse and I do work the occassional weekend, and man do these comfy shoes sound great! Cheers! Heather

  25. that is so cute of a story... im a stay at home mom myself and trying to learn the blogs life. Happy 1,000 and hoping for a great million...

  26. Congrats on your 1,000th post!
    These shoes are so beautiful and look comfy! I bet they would be a lot better than my old sandals I am wearing right now. The bottoms of my feet are hurting and I don't know why. Maybe these shoes would make my feet feel better! They would be nice with jeans! That's what I wear the most anyways. Thanks so much!!

  27. Both of these shoes look so comfortable. I'm diabetic and always look for comfortable shoes with good support and both of these shoes have that and more.

  28. These shoes seem like something that I need...standing on my feet all day while teaching can be hard on the shoes and feet! I need something more supportive, and these sound like something I should look into. Thanks for the contest!

  29. Congradulation. I have arthritus and love to win a pair of these shoes. Fixed incomes do not have a budget for shoes like these. What a nice giveaway to sponsor. Thanks you for allowing me to enter.

  30. Stephanie, I read the blog all the time -- keep up the great work, and thank you! I'd love to tone my bod and avoid my inherited curse of the soreness that comes with having flat feet. I'm pregnant with #1 and have really been thinking of shoes like this to walk in and take care of me...so great to hear they are so delightful!!!!

  31. Congratulations on 1,000 posts! That takes some serious dedication. Way to go!

    As a new mom (with a newly aching back) I could certainly use a pair of shoes that would help me out, and that are cute!

  32. Congrats on 1,000 posts and here's hoping for 1,000 more! Love your blog!
    Those shoes look amazing! I hope I win!

  33. A couple years back a bought a pair of FitFlops for back and leg pain. They do seem to help my posture. But,they are only to be worn in warm weather months. If I lived in Arizona,as you do, I could wear them all year long, but living in rainy Washington state, I really don't get to wear them out of the house but a couple months a year.
    I do enjoy your blog. Your reviews are your thoughts and your intelligent input. It is designed for the reader in mind. I like that you have stayed away from stuffing it with a lot of side garbage. Thank you, for wanting to stay home and raise your children. My mother always said, " Why have children, if you are going to let someone else raise them."

  34. Oh my gosh! Yay! I was just commenting on your running post and talking about my bad knees. This would be great. I do think a total toned body (esp your back and stomach) can help the other areas of your body. If one is strained to do all the work, it suffers. I think that's partially what has happened to my knees. Thanks for a fun giveaway! And congratulations on 1000 posts!! Wow!

  35. oh glad this ones for shoes, need them pretty bad, only have 2 pairs and one is too small now so glad I came across this giveaway, thanks.

  36. Congrats on your thousandth post, and here's to many more!

    I love the MBT Anti-shoes, but I'm slightly worried. Do I need to keep them away from my other shoes in case they come into contact and annihilate each other in a burst of shoe energy? Or can these mingle freely with the other shoes in my closet and embarrass them all with their awesomeness?


  37. Congratulation on your 1000 posts! I think my blog only has about 10, oh well, maybe someday I'll hit 1000. Here's to a thousand more and thanks for holding great giveaways!

  38. I would LOVE to win a pair of these shoes! I've been running and running, but nothing seems to help the upper thigh area! Congrats on reaching 1000!

  39. congratulations on 1000 posts! i think blogging is an amazing thing and i wish i had the talent to do so as i think it would be a wonderful experience. also, these shoes look great!

  40. The Aetrex V551W Stealth Runner Blue looks like great running shoe that my daughter would love, thank you for the chance to find some great shoes that I would have not normally known about.

    Thank you so very very much


  41. Congrats! And I've never heard of these shoe brands before! I already have slightly fallen arches, so nice, supportive (yet attractive) shoes are a big priority!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  42. These shoes look great! I do a LOT of walking, and I try to always wear shoes that are good for my feet...but I've yet to find shoes that are good for feet AND are so stylish!

  43. Congrats on your 1000 post, and grreat blog. I'm a hard to fit 10 1/2-11 w with a high instep. A difficult fit. This giveaway is a dream come true for someone always on their feet at work. One shoes I liked was Abbey - Black Double Strap (ES80)

  44. Hey, congratulations! That takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work to get to so many posts. I can't wait to read your next 1,000!

  45. These shoes would be great as I am often expression tension and stress in my work and every little thing that could help get rid of that would be awesome!

  46. Congrats on your 1000th post. I don't blog at all, so I am amazed.

    I have wanted some MBT shoes for ages, but there is nowhere around here that carries them, and I am reluctant to buy any without trying them on.

  47. Congratulations on your 1000th post! That's no small feat, since you actually try to write something thoughtful with Every. Single. Post.

    I'm in awe.

    Also, cool shoes.

  48. I LOVE MBT shoes. They are fairly expensive, but they really do help you feel more toned through the glutes and improve your posture. I recommend them to all my clients and am really excited that Sketchers is ripping them off to make them more affordable. :)

  49. I like the The Montserrat - SA27 Fog Grey Nubuck the best. Congratulations and best wishes for many more posts.

  50. I do find these kind of shoes very interesting, and I'm curious to find out if they'd work on me. The Habari Birch sandals from MBT are pretty cute.

  51. I think I am the Ms. Iwanta Skinnybutt. Not so much skinny, but definitely more toned and tightened. Also being able to lessen joint pain is amazing. Having great shoes is so important to health. I know this, but I don't always invest in great shoes, usually other bills win in the budget war. I have heard of MBT shoes, but the price tag is a little daunting for this SAHM. Of course, I would love to win a pair. I have been resistant to go on walks lately because my tennis shoes are so old they don't give me any support and my knees hurt so badly when I wear them. My other pair of shoes are Fitflops and they were comfortable when I got them two years ago, but I have relied on them heavily and now the support in those seems to be almost nothing too.
    Two winners is very generous. What a great way to celebrate your 1000th post! Congrats to you on your bloggy milestone.

  52. The shoes are great, and I hope I win a pair, but I really wanted to say that we DO have a great superintendent. Listening to him talk this year at the annual all staff meeting was truly inspiring and made me proud to work under a man like him.

  53. Congratulations! I have always wanted to own a pair of MBT shoes, I've heard nothing but great things! Thanks for the chance.

  54. Ooh, those are nice! I like the Aetrex Gloria in black. I couldn't tell you the last time I wore heels because they hurt my feet so much. That Gloria, I think she'd be my friend... ;)

    Then again, the MBT Tataga C Chill looks like the perfect shoe for chasing my kids!

  55. I am on my feet all day and have always wanted to try these shoes. A nurse friend of mine swears by them. Perhaps I'll have a chance to try them out!

  56. Congrats on 1,000 posts - what dedication! :-) I love these shoes, especially the delightful and feminine Essence collection.

  57. Congrats on 1000 posts! That is awesome! You were very lucky to bring your baby to your job, but I can completely understand why you decided to stop. My three girls occasionally come to my office and on those days I hardly get anything done.

  58. Congrats on 1000 posts! I actually just stumbled upon your site today and am loving it! It's one of the best I have visited, in my opinion.

    I visited both of the websites of shoes that you are giving away. They look fantastic! I walk a lot at work so my feet are hoping I win! :)

  59. Congratulations on your 1,000th post!

    Oooohhhh, I was looking at the Aetrex shoes and I LOVE the Abbey - Black Double Strap shoes. Awesome shoes.

  60. I saw something very beautiful on both shoe sites and although, the shoes are cute, I'm not talking about them. Its the sizes. Yes, the sizes. They carry long and lovely 11's. Yeah!

    Now, since I know my doggies can wear these, I do have to share that they are comfortable and cute shoes. The Essence Casual Collection is especially appealing.

    Salut to your 1,000th Post! I raise my cup of tea to you :)

  61. Anything that helps tone this busy mum mum's flabby wabby's gets a thumbs up from me (and high quality too - now that is a treat when we put kids first)
    tvollowitz at aol dot com



  63. Aww. What a great story! I love it... I could also use some new shoes! Thanks for the giveaway and I've enjoyed reading your posts. Here's to 1,000 more (And then some)

  64. Congratulations on your milestone. I would love to win either of the pairs of shoes, but would give them to either my daughter or granddaughter. They have both started school this fall, and money is tight enough that I know they haven't purchased any new shoes.

  65. Congratulations on 1,000!!! Those shoes look and sound wonderful. I am a teacher and stand for a lot of the day. It would be nice to wear something helpful and stylish. Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Congrats, Stephanie! Isn't it just so wonderful how everything works out? A baby changes everything. But what they don't tell you is that everything changes for the better.

  67. Congratulations on your 1000th Post!!!

    My husband still teases me about our first shopping trip together to get some shoes for a bridesmaids dress. I was so excited and exclaimed:"They are almost comfortable!" He was impressed by how many shoes we tried on that were visibly designed to look cute but were just not comfortable. I can just imagine how happy my honey would be if I could actually find something that does not give me blisters or make my feet bleed within the first hour of wear. I would love to donate all of my "almost comfortable" shoes and replace them with something sensible like these awesome MBTs.

  68. I have a friend who has a pair of MBTs and she says they are the best! I would love to have a pair. And a free pair would make the deal even sweeter!!

    Congrats on your 1000th post! What a huge accomplishment!

  69. Congrats! I can't figure out how to count my own blog posts, but I've been doing it daily for more than 5 years, so I guess I'm up there too!

  70. I would choose the Kaya Chocolate from the MBT shoes or the Chloe Grey Buckle from the Essence Collection.

  71. WTG Mama! I work at that same school now ;) and love it too. Its a great district to work for.

    I'll have to check into those shoes. I have serious lower back pain that makes it quite difficult to stand and be on my feet a lot. I wonder if those shoes would help a bit.

  72. happy 100th
    you have a great blog I read it all the time since I needed lost of help for I had y second child 16 years after the first and forgot so much you have reminded me of

  73. Congratulations on 1,ooo posts! Those showes look very comfortable and like they would also give a lot of support. Thank you,

  74. You had me at alleviating neck pain. Recently, I herniated two discs in my neck and had to have an epidural shot in order to relieve the pain. I only wished someone would have handed me a cute, round baby after that epidural:) Anyway, I'm recovering now and always on the look-out for anything that would help. And, if it can tone my butt while I take care of my daughters, that would be a bonus!!!

  75. Congratulations on your 1,000th post! I think it's awesome that you were allowed to take your baby to work! I've never heard of MBT or Aetrex. I love the Aetrex shoes...cute AND comfy, and I think I want to get my mom the MBT Tunisha's!

  76. Congratulations on your 1,000th post- It's fun to see the odometer roll over on that! The thing I like best about blogging is that it's basically all the stuff we were saying over the kitchen table & back at the tee vee, except now we can share it widely!

    And- MBTs beyond rock. They roll! :D

  77. First, congrats on your 1000th post and secondly,I do love comfort and style so these shoes will be great for this mama!

  78. Congratulations on your 1000th post! Here's to another 1000 :) I love some of the Setrex styles. The Caroline is really cute.

  79. The MBT shoes are awesome looking and come in a whole bunch of styles. The benefits sound even better. I'd love to win a pair.

  80. 1000 posts! And raising a family at the same time! Congrats to you. These shoes are so wonderful, I'm all about comfort!

  81. Dear MM,
    CONGRATS on a wonderful blog and 1,000 posts! I'm always so happy to come across your blog and have now subscribed/ bookmarked your page. You are always so personable and kind to reply to posts personally!
    I'd love to win these shoes for my husband who has been suffering from some as yet undiagnosed foot pain that makes it difficult for him as he is a teacher and on his feet all day. I want some too as am expecting our second boy and hips are in pain- but my husband deserves them more?! Thanks for introducing me to the shoes- gotta go check them out!

  82. WOW! What awesome shoes! The three that jumped right out at me were the Kaya Chocolate from MBT and the Nancy Brown Buckle Loafer and The Montserrat in Dark Brown Leather from aetrex!

  83. I found you googling "how can I get more people to read my blog?" -- Now I'm a regular visitor! Congrats on 1,000 postings. I was googling my question because I've helped inspire a 17 year old young woman into starting her own blog recently (she is going to Journalism school in the Fall) and I want her blog to be a success! Here it is: http://emiliab9291.wordpress.com/ I think she's off to a great start, and I'm sharing some links to your blog encouragement postings. As for shoes -- those w/ achy backs, etc. should do what I did after wondering why I had to suffer w/ back spasms so much: Go to your podiatrist and have yourself carefully evaluated and measured. I went to see if my 8 year old orthotics needed replacing (they did), but she noticed that my right leg was 1/2" shorter than my left (probably the result of a healed broken leg from 25 years ago) -- and now that I have extra lifrt in my right shoes, my back problems have gone away! So great shoes are only a part of a healthy prescription for back and foot health!......I hope I win!!! Thanks again.

  84. I'm always looking for comfy shoes. As a diabetic I struggle with it every season. I feel I waste a lot of money on shoes that just don't work for me. Awesome giveaway!

  85. I just checked out both websites -- the shoes on both are really impressive. I really, really need new black mary janes...so my favorite shoes from each website are actually quite similar.

    They are:
    ** Tunisha Black from MBT
    ** Sarah - Black Buckle from the Aetrex Essence collection

    After reading your review, I was very impressed with MBT's claims that their shoes are designed to solve back problems and reduce neck tension. I'm only 33 -- but I have degenerative disk disease in both my cervical and lumbar spine. I had surgery in my mid 20s...but my neck and back continue to get worse. So I'm always on the lookout for comfortable shoes that have the possibility of giving me any sort of relief.

    Thanks so much for the fabulous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win!

  86. Congrats on your 1,000 post! I feel the same way you do re my children. I truly enjoyed working, but nothing compares to the JOY my children give me. I love being a stay-at-home mom and wouldn't trade it for any other job.

  87. Wow, 1000 posts, that's inspiring. From someone on the other end, just getting started, I can't even fathom reaching a number that high but I guess you just keep on working towards it, right?

    You've done a great thing with your blog and one day think how cool it will be for your girls to read it.

    Also, very stylish shoes! :)

  88. Congrats! (man, spelling that took me 3 tries, I need to go to bed!) I'm not sure how I feel about the MBT shoes, little strange looking but in a way cute and nice if they really will tone my butt. I liked some of the Aetrex flats. I've been thinking I could use a comfy, cute, every day shoe.

  89. I have toyed around with starting a blog of my own. I even tried out blogspot to see what it entailed. I just don't have the guts to go through with it and start one for real. I enjoy your blog and get very excited when you have a new post show up in my blog feed reader.

  90. congrats! i haven't blogged in a long time (i had a baby and my time on the computer is a bit limited these days), but i'm back! it looks like you've had another baby girl since i last checked in.
    so happy for you and your success!

  91. YAY... 1000 posts!
    Awesome.... So glad to know you for some of that. I find that my life is better having known you!

    You are an amazing person with such a rich life... I love reading you reviews and your stories.

    ~hugs~ every day.

  92. I adore your site! I have been a frequent friend of your site for quite awhile now! All that you do is very appreciated by me. Many congratulations on your 1,000 post and many more to come!
    Thanks, Cindi

  93. Wow, congrats on your 1000th post! And how great that such a great job opportunity had presented itself right when you needed it!! :)

    I would love to win those shoes.....so awesome of you to give them away!!

  94. 1000 posts? Wow! At work, we've recently decided to start a blog, and I've been chosen for the project. We have yet to launch it, but your blog and all yours tips have been super helpful in the planning process. Thanks a bunch and congrats on the big 1k!

  95. Congratulations on your 1000th post. You are one of the blessed moms who are given the opportunity to work from home. I would want to stay at home or work from home if given the chance so I could spend more time with my daughter. But in our present set-up, my husband has to be the one to stay at home. My husband has been a wonderful father to our little girl. And if my entry is chosen, I would be glad to get a pair of shoes for him.

  96. Congratulations! I've loved reading your blog and find lots of great information and fun here.

    The shoes are amazing. Who wouldn't want such cute things at the end of their feet. I'm dreading having to wear shoes that cover all parts of my feet this winter/fall but I think these cute shoes might not be so bad after all.

  97. Congratulations on going strong with your blog. I've thoroughly enjoyed hanging out here and I look forward to your next 1000 posts.

  98. I would love to win a pair for my husband, who sometimes has back pain. Sounds like a potentially good fit for him, and they are very nice looking too.

  99. Congratulations! Your blog is fun and inspirational--I'm happy you've enjoyed it and found success in what you do. Keep up the good work!!

  100. Many many congratulations, Stephanie! So great you were blessed with a wonderful principal and superintendent and could bring your baby to work...and now can work from home. How fantastic! Keep blogging! I love your site and refer others to you often. FYI, thanks for introducing me to 2 shoe companies that create products that are HELPFUL and stylish. I can't wait to introduce my patients to these!

  101. I know I say this often, but your blog is fantastic. I think you have a beautiful way of writing that not only draws in your readers but makes them feel as though they are sitting next to you, chatting over a cup of tea (I say tea b/c I do not drink coffee!). Your girls are very lucky. It brings me peace knowing that there are such good people like you in this world. Thank you for this blog.

  102. I need some nice shoes soooooo much. My ginormous feet are hard to find shoes for. So I end up with cheapie ones that fall apart fast. Sometimes I buy two pair if I know I really like them. The last decent pair I had was a pair of Skechers that are comfy with a rubber sole, but look like dress shoes. Those fell apart a couple months ago. So I'm ready to get another nice pair, but can't quite afford it yet.

  103. 1000 posts - that is great. I have been struggling with my blog lately - usually it because I cannot find enough hours in the day. I wish I was a night owl like you but I like to go to bed around 9:30 and get up around 6am so I can get quite time for me. I should use this time to blog but I end up enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee on the couch before the rest of the house wakes up - this is my me time.

    I would love shoes to help me tone my rear end - would it really happen. Were your muscles sore at all the next day after wearing them?

  104. A chance to win great shoes is fun and all, but your 1,000th blog post is DEFINITELY the cooler topic! Hurray for all your hard work - for all the fun, all the community, all the thought-provoking articles, and most of all, for making us moms feel like we're in this together & we can change the world. Cheers!

  105. What an amazing accomplishment! I am sure there will be more than 1,000 more posts and friends. Your blog is AWESOME. Thanks for all the highlights, contests, tips, and latest on products! I enjoy checking in everyday and can't wait for more from you! Keep smiling and shining bright!

  106. I am a follower and I am so happy for you have a great story and should be very proud of yourself you are doing a great job here.

  107. Congrats! I am so happy for you! You are very talented at what you do! Thank you for your amazing blog and the chances to win cool stuff!

  108. Hmmm shoes that will tone my butt? Now my only question is can they do that if I wear them while I prop my feet up on a footstool so that I can sit in my corner of the couch and blog or do I have to actually, you know, walk in them? :) Oh and those Mary Janes are adorable.

    Congrats on 1000 posts that is awesome!

  109. Congrats on 1000 posts! I am so much in need of shoes like the ones you are blogging about. My mother is nearly wheelchair bound because she has such horrible ankles and feet. She is only 52! I am showing more and more signs of following in her footsteps (pun very much intended) from weak ankles (one of which I sprained very badly in January and has yet to stop hurting) to pain in my instep when I walk. I make weekly visits to the chiropractor. I would love to see if these shoes could help my problems.

  110. What a wonderful mentor you had! Thanks for sharing your bloggy beginnings with us.

    I've actually been wanting to try the MBT shoes. My stepfather is a doctor, on his feet all day, and he has massive back and foot problems but he swears these shoes help. I really like the mary jane styles... I've never tried Aetrex before but they look comfy.

  111. i love how you are comfort conscious!! :) I am always found with comfortable shoes on.than good looking one! thank god there are shoes with both comfort and style. love 'em all..

  112. These shoes are absolutely adorable, and the fact that they are comfy are SUCH a plus. I'm a photographer and so I have to get all dressed up for my weddings. I have had the worst time finding shoes that are afordable, flat, cute, comfy, and look professional, but I can also wear them with other outfits. Yes, I know, lots of things on my checklist, that's why it's been hard to find them. These would be PERFECT!

  113. Congrats on the 1000th post! You must be so excited! I have knee and back problems and I can honestly say that the shoes make the difference. These shoes look very stylish and comfortable. I would love to win them and try them out! Congrats again!!

  114. Hooray on 1000 posts. I tend to agree with your summary...I loved my job, I loved the people, I loved the work but I love my kids more.
    I love the Lucy shoes with the embroidery on them (Aetrex).
    I would have to get used to the look of the anti-shoe, but I like the lace up ones...like Tataga in Chill.

  115. How exciting!! And how neat that you were able to bring your baby to work for a while! What a blessing!

    I still have a ways to go before hitting 1000, but I AM getting close to half way! :)

    And by the way, those shoes are CUTE!

  116. :-) I love you're "how I became a blogger" story. I love being with my daughter and son at home all day, but feel the urge for intellectual stimulation from work too! you're my career hero of the day! (and I'm in love with those shoes)

  117. Congrats on your 1000th post. I enjoyed reading the story behind the posts. Thanks for letting us get to know you better! Thanks for the chance at some great shoes as well!

  118. Congratulations! That is quite a lot of blogging under your belt. I enjoyed reading about how you got into it.
    And, the MBT shoes...who wouldn't want a pair of bum-firming shoes?! :)

  119. 1000 posts! That's amazing...congratulations Steph. You always have the most interesting, helpful and "visionary" posts. And like the MBT and Aetrex shoes, you find the best products to highlight. Count me in...! Looking forward to reading 1000 more! ;)

  120. Congratulations on your 1000th post! and for someone who dove in headfirst, you have done (and continue to do) a GREAT job!

    I have major feet issues, so any shoes that will make them happy have got to be worth a try!

  121. Congrats on your 1000th post! My daughter is 14 months old now but I have to go back to work. I want stay more time with her so I started my own website and hope it will work. Then I can resign and stay home with her. I am so inspired by this post. Forgot to say I want to win this shoes too.

  122. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I love how I stumbled onto your blog - through a comment of yours on another blog about your (and my!) love of Anne of Green Gables, only to find out that I knew you in real life, had worked with you, and had long considered you one of those 'kindred spirits' you meet in life.

    Your blog is such a perfect reflection of who you are and how you live, and I keep me coming back for more. Kudos.

    Now, as for those butt-slimming shoes... where do I sign up??

  123. I'm taking the plunge back into the every day teaching world this fall after being home for several years and just teaching adjunct at a local college. I need to have a whole new wardrobe for this job (skirts...which I haven't worn in years!) and was just thinking that some new shoes would be nice, too. These would do very well! Congrats on your 1000th post!

  124. Congrats on turning 1000!! I love the shoes you modeled. Huge bonus they are actually designed to help you as well. Keep the great work coming because I love your blog and there is no other blog quite like yours. You definitely have something special and unique to offer!

  125. Those shoes are tooo cute! And they work your butt and thighs? Wow two for one if you ask me.

    And 1000 that is great! You do an awesome job with your blog, I always feel encouraged, and inspired! I admire that you can work from home, and have the discipline to get it done and still be a mom and wife!

    Great job!

  126. What a sweet story! I also dove into blogging head first! :) I love it. I have knee problems and those shoes sound heavenly! Who also wouldnt want a skinny butt! :)


  127. WOW! 1000 post is a big accomplishment! I told you that I thought you were one of the famous bloggers...you are kind of a big deal! The shoes are super cute too and they look comfy. If they could get me out of tennis shoes some days that would be great!! Congrats Stephanie on post 1000!

  128. Oh I love your name plate. I need to get one of those. Might make it feel more official that I am a WORK at home mom.

    Your oldest as a baby was adorable. Of course she would be, though, as she still is! It sounds like you’ve been so blessed with beautifully caring and understanding employers that want to help you be with your children.

    I’m so happy you decided to dive right into the blogging pool. I hope you never leave. You’re the smartest business-minded blogger out there, in my humble opinion. And by far you’re my favorite blog and blogger!

  129. Congratulations on the 1,000th post. I enjoy reading your blog and insights on life so keep the good posts coming.

  130. Congrats on your 1000th post! I enjoyed reading your story about how you started blogging. Your blog was actually one of the first blogs I stumbled upon, and played a large part in my decision to start one of my own! So thank you for that. The shoes look fabulous as well - will have to check them out!

  131. Congratulations ~ wow, 1,000 that's quite an accomplishment! Please keep the great reviews coming and I can't wait to read what's next...

  132. Congratulations on your 1000th! That is fabulous! I have so enjoyed your blog and look forward to 1000 more! Thanks for letting us walk in your 'shoes' on a certain level. Hope you have a great weekend!

  133. Actually, as much as I want the shoes, I DID forget about them by the end of the post! I was excited about your story and your gazillions (okay, so I exaggerate a little bit...) of posts and your pictures! But. I still want the shoes. I need some more shoes that are cute and NOT flip-flops. And if it'll tone my anything, I'll take two.

  134. Congratulations on your 1000 post! Wow. Both sites have cute shoes. I really like the Tunisha style on the MBT site, and the Caroline on the Aetrex site. They both totally look worth the investment.

  135. Congrats on your 1,000th post! I feel like a loser now cause my 1,000th didn't involve a fun shoe giveaway. But hey at least I can enter yours. I enjoyed hearing how you began blogging and especially about the superintendent of your school. I totally understand your description as ours was the same way. You just felt like you were learning and growing in his presence. He was such a visionary and I loved getting sucked up in his visions of what our school district would become. Unfortunately he retired at the end of last school year and we are beginning this one with a new super. I'm excited about changes, but saddened by losing a great man in our district.

    Now back to the shoes! I'd love to be entered into the MBT giveaway. I am on a walking club at school and these would be perfect to help get some extra toning right where I need it...my butt! Thanks for a great giveaway.

    Blog On!

  136. Wow--way to go on 1000 posts! That is quite an accomplishment! Especially considering all of your posts are so real, so thought out. Congrats!

    The shoes both look great. I've been dying for some new comfortable, yet stylish, flats. I feel like my shoes are either super cute with heels, or frumpy and flat.

  137. My favorite part about all of this is the wonderful opportunity you have had to continue working, but still be at home with your little ones! That is such a blessing!!!
    Here's to 1000 more! :)

  138. Congrats Steph!!! I haven't been around for the full 1,000 posts but I plan on subscribing as long as you have a blog! I love your posts & feel like I know you (isn't it weird that a stranger feels like they know you?) =)! I'm so envious that you found a way to stay home with your babies -- I'm still trying to figure that one out!

  139. Congrats on your 1000th post. I loved hearing your story. You really are blessed.

    Oh and those MBT shoes sound right up my alley. I have knee problems and I wonder if these would really help. They sound promising!

  140. Congratulations on 1000 posts! I really enjoy your blog. The shoes are fantastic. I love the MBT! I have some back and neck issues and these would be a Godsend! Thanks for the chance to win.

  141. Hi there,
    I'm a new mommy and just started reading your blog (at the recommendation of my sister over at Mama Sparkles). I love your honesty and your integrity -it really shines through in everything you write. Your words are part of what inspired me to start a mommy blog of my own. Congrats on your 1000th post and congrats on finding a way a stay at home with your babies while doing something you love!

  142. Congrats! I really enjoy your blog and I am very glad that I found you. It sounds like you made the right decision and you look very happy.
    Keep it up!

  143. Congrats on your 1,000 post! I am very glad that I've stumbled upon your blog and always enjoy your posts. You are so uplifting!

  144. Ha - I was so excited when I recently reached my 100th post! Congrats - that is huge! Keep 'em coming because this is the one blog I make a conscious effort to check daily!

    And I'm still laughing at Mrs. Iwanta Skinnybutt!

  145. Congrats! You should have a birthday cake or something!

    I am lucky enough to work in the same school district that you talk about, and I feel the same way about our Superintendent. I think that's why our district is so wonderful - We ALL feel the same way!

  146. What a great story. I always wondered what you did with the school system. Congratulations on your 1000th post. Thanks for all the great information you provide. I'm so glad I found your blog! Cute shoes..... I really need a new pair before school starts for me.

  147. 1,000th post...yaaayyy! :)

    I love these shoes! Not out of experience...just by the way they look. :) A comfortable show purchase for me is usually sneakers. It would be nice to wear something other than those for a change! :)

  148. CONGRATS! 1000 posts is AMAZING!!! I am so glad I have gotten to know you in the past few years. You consistently provide quality content and TONS of helpful resources. I am really proud of you! Of course winning a pair of shoes would be fantastic, but mostly I just wanted to say CONGRATS and keep up the good (hard) work!

  149. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I have to agree with Kris! Love the MBT Habari chocolate sandals and the Bianca shoes from the Essence collection. Awesome shoes!

  150. You say happy feet AND tone my butt & thighs?! Holy cow you had me at win a pair of shoes! Those are some freaking awesome (proven!) claims. I'd like to get my hands (and my butt and thighs) on them. Seriously can you tell that the butt toning aspect got my attention...heh. Thanks for the great giveaway! *cross fingers and clenches butt, wink*

  151. Oh my, that is such a sweet story! your kids are super cute, and adorable. I totally understand where you're coming from, i couldn't ever go back to working, because, even though my kids are big trouble i would rather be with them and take care of them myself than leave them in the hands of a stranger, that can never happen in my mind, they are safer with me, and i like being with them as well.

    Congratulations on your 1000th post!
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway :)

  152. These look great! Congratulations on your 1000th post! Your blog is great, one of my top favorites. I'm so glad I stumbled across it and met you. =)

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go time contractions - that is why I am up at 3:00am!! Baby time!?!?!?

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