Children's Book Giveaway: the Jesus Storybook Bible

"Do you know what the best book in the world is?" my 4-year-old asks, confidently. "The Bible!" she yells out before I have a chance to reply, "because it has God in it." (I can't possibly argue with that).

Children's Book Giveaway: the Jesus Storybook Bible 1

The Jesus Storybook Bible came highly recommended by many of my readers. When it arrived, I immediately sat down and, in a short matter of time, read the entire book cover-to-cover to my girls.

We were captivated by the creative, artistic illustrations:

Children's Book Giveaway: the Jesus Storybook Bible 2 Children's Book Giveaway: the Jesus Storybook Bible 3 Children's Book Giveaway: the Jesus Storybook Bible 4

The vocabulary in the stories is expansive enough to ensure solid learning, while being childlike enough to be absorbed by little ones. The author points to Jesus in every story, often referring to His "Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love."

This is clearly not a word-by-word translation from the Hebrew or Greek. As the title infers, it is a story. As such, the author takes some liberties to encourage imagination, but it is done in a subtle way - retaining the original details and core messages of each passage.

Which children's Bible is your favorite? What translation of the Bible have you been reading lately?

WIN IT! One winner will receive the Jesus Storybook Bible ($9.65) by Sally Lloyd-Jones! To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Sunday, June 19 at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!” or “Love it” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a US mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #16 Ashley. Congratulations!

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59 comments on “Children's Book Giveaway: the Jesus Storybook Bible”

  1. I'm sorry I missed this contest. I have been looking for a children's book for my granddaughter and will try and find it.

  2. that is one of our FAVORITE books!!! we have several bibles (for our kids at different ages) but we always come back to this one. "never-stopping, never-breaking, always and forever love" LOVE it!!

  3. I read the King James Version. When I get to a passage I don't understand, I read that part in the NIV. It helps me understand the King James wording better overall.

  4. Our lives have some eerie parallels these days, my friend. (Or maybe I'm just one of your biggest fans!).

    I had been thinking about this Bible for months after reading the landslide of comments on your post a few months ago. The big sis was really outgrowing her toddlerish one, so last month I finally broke down and got a copy of this. WE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! (For all the reasons you eloquently mentioned). Those pictures are gorgeous and the Hero is so clear:)

    I splurged and got the one with the audio CDs because they got good reviews too. We listened to it on a recent roadtrip and really like it. The actor who reads it has a rich expressive voice. I find myself frequently welling up while reading/listening to this book.

    If I won, I would be thrilled to give this book as a gift. I have a few little friends in mind...

  5. I like the Rainbow children's Bible. They've been around a long time. I had one as a kid. They have a picture of Jesus with the little children and a rainbow on the front. Each of my kids have had one. I perfer the King James version.

  6. my son loves going to sunday school so i'm sure he'd love to read bible stories at home. this would make a great bedtime book

  7. My youngest son has started reading on his own and this would be great since his Bible it still to hard for him yet.

  8. I love this Bible and own one! We moved to New Zealand and could not bring much with us, but this book was a must! If I win would you donate it to a child on your travels that needs a great bible!

  9. I had a children's Bible when I was young, and would love to win this for my boyfriend's little brother, who is 6. He loves saying grace when we eat and I think it would be so cute for him to be able to have his first Bible. [: I am very appreciative that you are giving this away to a lucky child.

  10. We have another children's bible that we read to our 2 year old son occassionally. but he has really loved these videos & always "watch jesus!!" when he wants to watch a video!

    we are temporarily separated at the moment due to immigration issues (i'm a canadian applying for a green card but due to complications has been delayed for over a year now). my husband is at home with him & he is doing a fantastic job!! i'm so proud of both my boys :)

  11. My favorite children's story book Bible is The Beginner's Bible Series. The version I read is the KJV>

  12. My kiddos LOVE reading the Bible...and that makes me *SO* happy. I didn't grow up reading the Word at all so to see my kiddos love it and ask for it brings me such joy. In fact, tonight Markus gave Jameson a Curious George book to go to bed with and Jameson yelled, "I want to read my Bible! The one that I like the best!" We have a few different Children's BIbles. We have the Beginner's Bible, which Analise really likes right now and Jameson is privvy to My First Read and Learn Bible.

  13. Bummer. I read this the day after I ordered a new Max Lucado childrens Bible. Wish I saw this review first!

  14. Really loved Bible Stories for Little Children. It was originally published in 1882 and republished in 2006. I have enjoyed reading it to all my kids. Right now I use a Catholic New American Study Bible, but I have a beautiful ornate Douay-Rheims Bible from the 1950's that I love.

  15. I have seen this book and it is a good one. It would be a great book to either add to my collection to read when my nieces and nephews come to visit or as a gift to one of them. I read the NIV but have the New Testament and Psalms in the Message version that I enjoy as well.

  16. I appreciate that you have recommended this! I find I often don't have the words to explain Jesus to our two boys, and I've been struggling with how to bring religion down to their level. As I mentioned to you ;-), our Church really doesn't begin gearing anything toward children outside of the Mass until age 5 or 6. I think I should let Lloyd-Jones assist me in this area and add this children's bible to our reading list.

  17. I have been wanting this book! Yay!
    We had lost Gillian's little bible book for a while & when we unearthed it under a bunch of stuff in the car, she was so excited it took her breath away. She loudly declared, "I've been waiting to read the words of God for so long!!"

    1. Adorable! That sounds like something my 4-year-old would say. I love how vocal kids are about their adoration for God.

  18. I am glad you liked this book. It is my favorite Bible story book for children. But I also Bible Stories for Growing Kids by Francine Rivers.
    I've been reading the ESV study bible lately. I really like the awareness it brings when I read familiar texts in a different version.

  19. My son is 6 months old, and although it's bit early for him to care about reading, I have been looking at childrens' Bibles. I think my son would enjoy the pictures in this book now and I cannot wait to start sharing the Gospel with him!


  20. I love this idea! My oldest is two and a half and he lags a bit in speech (not to where he needs classes, but enough to where it's a concern) and one of the things my pediatrician and I discussed was more story time. The descriptive way you say this story is written I think would work wonders on my stubborn toddler and his 13month old brother. Reading a story just like this is how I learned about Him when I was little, and I think stories are an excellent way of explaining divinity to our children.

  21. The NKJV has been typically my favorite version most of my life and still is today. It is not the version I always read, but it is the one I feel the most comfortable reading.

  22. My little one would love this. She is just now learning about Moses. Tonight, as my husband put her to bed, I heard her telling him about Jonah and the whale. She said, "And the whale .... he ate him all up! But we don't bite our friends." :)

  23. I've got the NIV, Amplified and KJV but am really enjoying The Message bible right now. The bible is my favorite book. I have a hunger for it like I've not had before. :)

  24. When I saw the facebook page of JSB I joined in right away and liked it! I know it will help me with how I am starting to guide my 7-year-old son to Christianity. And so I followed sally lloyd-jones in twitter. My heart leaped seeing about the giveaway. I never have felt blessed! I was hopeful, but then I found out it was just for US residents. Initially, that was heartbreaking for me --- a single-mom from the Philippines. As always, I let go and lift it up to Him. I just wanted to share this, I know He will let my son have his copy, too in His way. : ) Meanwhile, we have to settle with our King James Bible. God bless everyone! : )

  25. Right now the favorite is Babies first Bible! Bought it at Walmart for my 1 yr. old grandson. He actually listens while I read it to him!! : )

  26. What a great book! When have a super kiddo version of the bible - the tough card board pages so it is not very long and does not go into much detail. The girls would love this.

  27. I absolutely love this bible & not just for my children, but for me as well. I checked out the one with a CD from the library. Tears were building up as I was listening in the car.

  28. I met this girl recently, and I really came like her, more than a friend. She left for California to spread the word of God. It has recently given me inspiration to find God once again but truly, and I have bought this book for myself on Christmas and I want to send it to her to possibly help her spread the word with this book even to the adults and most of all children. It wouldn't mind a copy to receive for myself. :) God bless everyone out there

  29. This is my favorite! I love that it is simple but not dumbed down. And, it is so very engaging. I'm planning to give a copy to our church Sunday School.

  30. I have not explored any of the children's bible books yet. This sounds like it would be great for my 4 month old!

  31. We have the "Big Picture Bible" and like it a lot . . . we've also been wanting to get this one. Our 3 month old can't understand any of it yet, but we want to start early! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. I recently went through my own children's bible to start reading it to my two-year-old. I think she's outgrown her baby bible. I was surprised by the graphinc images and violence that filled its pages - and I wondered how I felt compfort in a loving God when there were such scary images and tales around me. But I did find comfort in a loving and forgiving God. I think the way children's bibles introduce God to our little ones is SO EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! Needless to say, I won't be handing dow the children's bible I had. ;)

  33. We have several children's Bibles and at this stage (Preschool) our favorite has been Zonderkidz Beginner's Bible we enjoy it well enough but have been looking for others recently. As for my husband and I for general daily reading, we have been reading the TNIV as our primary translation for a while now. We love it! That is the translation our son has done most of his memorization in. I love its approachability and integrity but we have been considering going back to KJV or NKJV as the rhythm and meter seem to lend themselves to memorization.

  34. I'm looking for a good intermediate Bible for my three 7 year old boys. I feel like their children's bibles are too simple. They are ready for more details, and I'd like something in order, not just all the stories of the Bible thrown in a random order. Those pictures look fantastic though!

    1. This Bible actually is in chronological order. It's not word-for-word, listing verses and chapters...but it does present the stories from Genesis to Revelation.

  35. This truly is the Bible that we, my 3 and a half year old & 2 year old, read for a very long time...until it became completely ruined from too much reading! :O) For Christmas someone gave the girls a preschool bible, that is okay but we really miss this one. I really miss this one because it is even a good adult read :O)

  36. My favourite isn't a complete Bible but it is amazing. Called Stories Jesus Told by Inkpen and Butterworth, it has the scripture and then an illustration in language a child gets. The lost sheep is particularly great!

  37. I also would like to email my address. I can't say enough about the Jesus Storybook Bible! I prefer the deluxe version because I love hearing it in sterio....getting the full effect in audio and visually. But deluxe version or not.... this book has ministered not only to my children but also to me. I now give it as a baby gift and to families I know who perhaps don't have a favorable view of the bible and God or perhaps have never even read the Bible. The JSB is a great anchor in casting the vision of God's heart of love for His people. I'd love to receive this bible because I would quickly put it into the hands of another friend who I long to know God's love for them! I'm starting to pass the JSB out like candy....that's what the JSB is like CANDY! So sweet on every level!

    1. I'd love to hear the audio version. Is it well-done? Is the book read by the author or a voice actor/actress?

  38. please e-mail for an address (would rather not post for everyone to see- for obvious safety reasons)

    This bible is written so well, my three year old, 4 yr old, 8 year old and myself, ALL enjoy it, and get something out of it! When i read to my children before bed, i'm literally in tears half the time by the end of the story! so moving, so touching! My kids love at the end, when the story comes back to Jesus, it does it in a way of hinting w/o saying His name, and my kids treat it like a riddle- "We know, it's JESUS!" Makes me feel so good to see them so excited about learning the bible! :)

    if i do win this, i'd like to give it to our friend, and her two little boys, we were just telling them how amazing it was a few days ago!

  39. We LOVE the Jesus Storybook Bible! I give it as a baby shower gift to all first time moms or if I know that they don't already have a copy. I love how every story points to Jesus. Even I have learned a lot! :) We currently have mostly NIV Bibles but are making a transition over to more ESV study.

  40. My mother has this book and I have loved reading it to my son when we are at her house. It is so amazing to see the way they have chosen the stories from Old Testament to New that weave Jesus throughout the Bible. LOVE it!

  41. We read this storybook Bible in German - we LOVE it! I've been using it for teaching SS to the youngest kids in our church, too. I'd love to use this as a gift to someone else!

  42. There have been some pretty dry time in my own life, and more often than not, it's this book that speaks to me and reminds me of Jesus. Both my husband and I have been so impacted by it. I hope my kids will one day say the same!

  43. I have also heard rave reviews of this kids Bible. I love the illustrations from what I can see! We have a very simplified (like only five stories) kids bible, but I really love it because the illustrations are fantastic, it's called Tiny Bears Bible. Someone also gave us another kids bible called The Read With Me Bible. It's pretty funny b/c all the "main" characters are made to look like superheroes (i.e. robes look like capes and nearly every male character has chiseled features)! But I'm actually not a huge fan of that one. As for bible translations, I read ESV while my husband likes NASB, for no particular reason other than ease of read.

  44. We seriously LOVE this Bible! And so we don't need to win, but if we did it would be a baby shower present! I already have one going to a friend this summer! ;)

  45. I just mentioned to my husband today that we need to get our son a children's Bible. He is 20 months, and loves books already, so I know he will enjoy and learn from something like this. I have been reading the NIV translation for years, and my husband prefers NASB.

  46. like the king james- this looks amazing and would love this for the kids. We try t read the bible together- this would be great.

  47. I have not explored many children's Bibles yet but it is something on my list of things to do. I read the KJV for my personal use and devotion time. Although devotional books and other reading material I have, other versions are used, but I don't recall which ones - a variety! :)
    The illustrations in this book are especially interesting. I can't figure out if I like them or not yet from these pics... they are different than other children's illustrations I've seen. I think I might like that! :)

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