Cold Feet in Labor...literally

Cold Feet in Labor...literally 1"Have you packed your hospital bag yet?" That is what everyone asked me in my last month of pregnancy. I remember answering, "partly." I said that because my bag was partly packed and partly because I didn't know what to put in there!

I was fortunate to have a few friends that gave me the low-down on what to pack and what not to pack. The trouble was that I didn't want to be unprepared so I ended up packing all of the what-to-packs...just in case.

My friend Shawna told me that I should bring some warm socks because her feet got cold in labor (and, actually, I had read that in several books) I did. In the end, I didn't end up using them in labor, but I was happy I had them when I arrived home because I spent the first few weeks pitter-pattering around the house in my extra soft and snuggly socks. 

Cold Feet in Labor...literally 2At the time, I wasn't sure what brand my socks were, but I just received a pair of socks from Karen Neuburger and now I'm fairly certain that that's where they were from. KN socks are luxurious to pull on. They're unbelievably downy and it's the next best thing to a pedicure when you can't get out there to have one done (like right after childbirth).

KN offers a variety of chenille socks for women and also offers lounge socks for infants and kids. They can be purchased online or at a retail store near you. Prices range between $9 and $15 per pair of socks.  

Cold Feet in Labor...literally 3 Cold Feet in Labor...literally 4 Cold Feet in Labor...literally 5 

YOUR TURN: What were your "must-have" items for during labor and immediately postpartum? You can find my "what to put in your hospital bag" list here. 

Cold Feet in Labor...literally 6WIN IT! One winner will receive a pair of women's socks and a pair of infant socks from Karen Neuburger. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post prior to Saturday, May 31 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Sunday, June 1. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address. 

*UPDATE* The winner is #58 Glenda D. Congratulations!

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127 comments on “Cold Feet in Labor...literally”

  1. Admit that the socks are still the best I've ever found. Try taking them to the movies. Kick off your shoes and put on your socks. Add popcorn and get comfortable. Even SJP couldn't resist that foot fashion.
    Karen Neuburger

  2. I would say some kind of hard candy, slippers, chapstick for sure. I brought tons of stuff I didn't even use, like makeup!

  3. My must haves during labor were: bathrobe and hairbrush (the best thing about the hairbrush was that people brushed my hair while I was in labor- my favorite thing of all time

  4. Nursing gowns which are so nice,brush ,makeup and gifts for my other children. I wanted the older kids to feel special and say its a gift from their new brother or sister

  5. What a great gift to put in a birth bag! For me? I needed a squirt bottle of water mixed with Witch Hazel for when I peed.

  6. In labor, I really liked having a small, soft aromatherapy pillow--when I took a whiff, it would help me breathe more slowly and relax! Immediately postpartum, I was very glad to have a good nursing pillow. (In fact, I still have it on my lap right now, and I'm using it for a laptop computer pillow!) But soft, warm socks are great, too...I did buy new socks for my hospital bag!

  7. never been in pregnancy but after 10 years of infertility and adoption anything that wraps one in comfort would be wonderful and anything that wraps one in GREEN BILLS WOULD BE WONDERFUL since insurance does not pay for infertility and adoption for Us and it costs Us over $100,000 bee thankful for Your Baby's and insurance paying for them

  8. Now that I have given birth four times in the hospital I am very comfortable with my needs and there are almost none. I need my toiletries and makeup so that I can feel like myself again after labor and delivery and I need my new baby dressed in a simple gown. I LOVE long gowns for newborns, both boys and girls.

  9. Food, I was very hungry after giving birth to my son but it was so late at night and I wasn't able to find anything to eat.

  10. i brought a robe and fluffy slippers, she was 3 weeks early so i wasn't really prepared, i just grabbed what i could.

  11. During labor, hubby and my doula were essential. My doula also took photos, so that was very helpful. Post labor, I forgot to bring my boppy for nursing, which hubby went home and brought back to the hospital.

  12. I made sure I had a phone card to spread the good news to family on the other side of the pond. I also had a great nursing gown and nightshirt, and I'm so glad because I was in hospital for 5 nights and those hospital gowns just don't cut it!
    I'm thinking this would be a cute gift for my pregnant and nauseous sister, perhaps it will help take her mind off things!

  13. I packed a lavender oil plug in air freshener. Our childbirth instructor (who turned out to be the head nurse on duty when I delivered, she helped with the delivery!!) said that a calming smell in the room is nice, and it will cover up the gross body odors that happen during labor/delivery/afterwards. But since most hospitals don't allow candles, she suggested a plug in air freshener. For two days everyone walking into the room commented how nice it smelled!

  14. Always pack a pacifier! The hospital gave me a promo one. What a nightmare! My daughter didn't like any of the pacifiers, all $50 worth. Two weeks of her crying and trying to find the binky!

    Also, bring a paint roller, it's excellent for labor pains in thighs and lower back, also tennis balls help too.

  15. for labor my must have is my iPod, and for post labor, my slippers and robe and gown(for after the hot shower to clean up).

  16. Gotta go with the bathrobe. I spent a lot of time pacing the halls while I was in labor, and having the bathrobe made me feel a little more human than the breeze-flapping gown they provided.

  17. Oh how cute! I would love the infant socks, especially...nothing like cute things for your kid!

    Honestly, my hospital bag was never packed. The night before I was scheduled to be induced (but ended up going into labor spontaneously) I put a toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderant, facewash and two pairs of PJ's. So, I'm not sure if that even counts as being "packed!"

    The one thing I wish I had been able to pack would be sleep ;)

  18. The only thing I needed during labor was hubby and afterward I needed my warm socks, Granny gown and fuzzy robe. I was freezing.

  19. I wanted my own underware an gown,an robe,I hated wearing the hospital stuff,so as soon as I could get into a shower an put on my own stuff I felt so much better,so please count me in on the contest,I love Karens items,thanks

    [email protected]

  20. Music. For me it was a lifesaver to have my headphones and some favorite cd's to help with pain management.

  21. I wanted pictures of my family around me - the best reminder of why this was such a great idea again!

  22. You MUST have a patient coach during labor.

    I also had music (I brought in my iPod and docking station) and a pillow from home.

  23. I had a bathrobe to wear over that terrible hospital gown, my footies, and my glasses so I could take my contacs out if they bothered me. I also had makeup to try to look halfway presentable after the fact.

  24. During labor I wanted icecubes and drugs. After labor I was freezing, and wished I had a warm nightgown and socks.

  25. during--warm socks and a patient husband. After-Dunkin Donuts Coffee--could not have this for 9 months and it was all I wanted right after the birth...

  26. For me it would be my own pillow, as its a little luxury, and have you ever tried to sleep with a pancake flat vinyl pillow?

  27. I made sure I had something soft and warm for my feet because I just knew throught the whole giving birth process, they would get cold. I really like Karen N.! I used to work in a large Dept. store and would purchase her goodies when they were on sale and then use my employee discount. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

  28. Oh I definately know how that feeels to have cold feet in the hospital, my past 2 preggo's I had that problem! We are preggo again, I'm due in September and I myself and our daughter to be Helana would love this! Thanks for the great find!

  29. Im about to have my first and I defiantly dont know what to pack. I cant go barefoot anywhere and they look so comfy! I hope to own a pair for me and my son.

  30. For labor, my must have item is lip balm and socks. After labor, breath mints and a light robe. I have found that my temperature changes rapidly after labor and I can go from comfy to sweaty in a heavy robe. I also hide snacks in my bag because sometimes, at certain hospitals, it can take awhile to get fed.

  31. My #1 requirement is bring my favorite pillow from home and some favorite cd's. Thanks for this contest.

  32. Definately a supportive nursing bra and pretty nursing pajamas. Socks are a great idea too!

  33. wow how cut i love to well try to win this so that my little one can have some new sock's thanks

  34. As an adoptive mama, My best things that we packed in the suitcase to bring home our son? One was snacks- as due to the 13 hour time difference, we were looking for stuff to eat at 2 am=). Not the ideal time to wander around. Another was the vibrating teether=)

  35. My baby is a month old, and I think the best thing I brought with me to the hospital was a pretty nursing gown to wear after the birth. It was so fresh and clean, and it looks nice in the pictures. I felt so good wearing it.

  36. This is fresh on my mind as we just returned home with baby number 3 friday. We were induced on the 21st - it went well and baby John is here. :)
    anyways, we brought a bag full of stuff - book, magazine, music, etc.... once again, I didn't use any of it, but I think if I wouldn't have brought it I would have wanted to. My must have is my cell phone with all important numbers on it. and for after - a bigger size baby hat than the hospital issued ones (my babies tend to have bigger heads):) oh and flip flops for when taking a shower.

  37. It was so funny. I had packed all of this stuff for labor, including music, movies, magazines, focus point objects, chapstick, but my labor was so quick I used the chapstick once and that was it! I'm not complaining though! :)

  38. This is perfect! I am 34 weeks and was just thinking I should start collecting stuff for my bag, otherwise I could see running out of time.

  39. The vast majority of what I packed was unnecessary and completely untouched in the hospital. My must-have's? My own pillow, toiletries, a good book, and my iPod with my favorite music and a few movies. I think what freaked me out about wearing my own socks in the hospital is that even though they clean it, I know what has been on that floor (like my own amniotic fluid, which I kept on squirtin' out while I walked and moved...ew.). I'd rather let the hospital's socks get icky than my own. :) Once I got home, though, those comfy cozy socks like Karen's were amazing!

  40. Favorite socks and my music (CDs). I was so glad I had both at the hospital. Wish I had brought slipper-type shoes as my feet were so swollen when I returned home.

  41. I would have loved these when I was in labor. I'd love to win so I'll have them next time I'm in labor!


  42. My son was due in February of 07&I had my hossy bag ready...lets see......the end of!!:)

    My things that I brought which were must haves were my burts bees Travel bag.It had tons of goodies!!Marshmallow face creme,rose water toner,chap stick,some sort of face wash,cuticle creme ,and some other things I am sure I forgot...Fluffy socks,and a really big bath robe....I brought a few magazines,too.I did not need those after I had my

  43. I always have comfy socks and pj's that open so I can nurse easily. Other than that I just need to hold on for dear life during labor and then hope I get some sleep afterwards ;) I would love to be entered to win as a girl in labor can't have too many comfy socks...and I'll be in labor at the end of December...colllllld!

  44. a robe. Those hospitial gowns are not warm and if you have to leave your room (one birth I did, the other I did not) it is really nice not show your backside

  45. I had a picture of my older daughter when I was in labor w/my youngest. It really helped me focus. I also had socks, too, as my feet always freeze! They still do! Thanks for offering this!

  46. Socks were high on my list and so was honey. I kept reading about how you weren't going to want food but needed the extra energy and thats what was recommended because it wasn't something you were going to, you know, loose. I was so glad to have it, and even more grateful to have my husband spoon feed it to me! It soothed my throat, gave me energy and even kept my lips moist! Yay honey!

  47. I was not worried about anything EXCEPT socks. My feet always freeze and I was sure that the babies' feet would also. Silly me. But, my feet were extra cold and the special socks I picked for my newborn were so fluffy, just like mine!

  48. I have a feeling that this series is going to add a lot of things on my to-do list. A hospital bag. Packed ahead of time. Huh. Good idea. I would have thought of it eventually...and I have a month before I need to do it.

  49. Well I had my babies at home so I had a lot of stuff I had to have right after labor at home - clothes, diapers (for us both.. lol), night gown, on and on and on. Please enter me to win.

  50. I don't have hospital advice, since we adopted our daughter as an infant, but the greatest thing we had after we brought her home was a freezer full of pre-prepped meals that just needed to be thawed and baked.

  51. No babies here. Step mom of two and no plans to have any babies but I'm addicted to slippers and fun fuzzy socks so I thought I would drop by to enter. Thanks for the opportunity.

  52. Gosh, I packed so many useless things that the next time, I'd only bring the personal items. Forget the relaxing music, smell-good plug-in's, etc...Give me some PJs, soft socks & my new baby :)

  53. I have a pair of these socks. My Mother-in-law gave them to me. I love them. But I don't get to use very often being that I live in Phoenix.

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