Day #3 Jane Necklace by Chewbeads

Moms of teething babies: you've probably noticed that it's almost impossible to wear jewelry. Babies in the 4-12m age range are experts at yanking, chewing, biting, grabbing, and taste-testing everything in their reach.

Instead of giving up on pretty accessories altogether, consider the options at Chewbeads. The Jane Teething Necklace is made up of 100% silicone beads. No BPA, phthalates, cadmium, lead, or metals. The individual beads are squishy and soft so they feel good on baby's teeth, but they actually look more like wood (very artsy - like something you might buy off etsy).

Day #3 Jane Necklace by Chewbeads 1

I wear my necklace quite often and it's a great distraction for my little one's hands and mouth when we're out in a crowded place. Unlike other teethers, she can't toss it on the ground because it's securely around my neck.

The only downside is that my hair sometimes gets stuck in between the beads - ouch! Probably safest to wear this necklace when my hair is up. ;)

The Jane Necklace retails for approximately $29.50 and comes in 18 colors.


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102 comments on “Day #3 Jane Necklace by Chewbeads”

  1. My daughter is 5 months old and this would be awesome for her! It is so stylish and I love the fact that I don't have to worry about what jewelry of mine she is putting into her mouth!

  2. this would be great for my sister who just had a baby for my nephew he liked chewing on frozen wash cloths and the only teether he liked was on that vibrated

  3. I rub clove bud oil diluted in olive oil on my baby's gums--it helps numb the gums, and is totally natural to boot! That seems to work well. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I think frozen washcloths are magic, but this would be so handy out and about, since you can't very well carry around a cooler full of frozen washcloths!

  5. I use Hyland's teething tablets.
    I wonder if these beads would be distracting enough while nursing... I have one that arches her back and pulls so much it hurts. :(

  6. My little one hasn't teethed yet, so this is an experience we haven't tackled yet. This would be a great tool to combat teething when it comes up!

  7. I rub my little guys gums with a really clean finger to help soothe his discomfort. Sometimes a frozen washcloth works well.

    Thanks for pointing out that your hair gets caught. I am looking for teething jewelry & have long hair. This necklace is really cute and will be perfect when wearing up-dos and my everyday ponytail.

  8. So excited to read about this necklace. I wear my daughter in the Moby wrap all the time. She is constantly grabbing at my silver (not baby friendly) jewelry and trying to put it in her mouth. I walk around the store trying to trade my necklace for a teething toy. These necklaces would make teething easier on both of us!

  9. Right now my daughter likes chewing on frozen teething toys, she also has a amber teething necklace that I think helps a lot!

  10. I have one of those "munch bags" that i put frozen grapes in for him to bite on, but the chew beads would be great to wear to church to give him something to chew on. I feel like I can't wear any jewelry these days since it all goes in his mouth. He's almost 1 and still no teeth!

  11. I LOVE Chewbeads. I was just thinking the other day about how gross it is if you really think about it and yet, I'm so addicted to them. I just bought two new ones yesterday! They're so cute and functional and my little man LOVES them!

  12. I am pregnant with my first child so I haven't experienced teething yet...but hoping to receive chewbeads at my baby shower (friends and family know I want some bad lol) !!!

  13. I bought a necklace and braclet in DC while on vacation -- my six month old son LOVES them! Especially now that he is really teething!

  14. Usually a cold teething toy, but luckily we haven't had to deal with that much since her amber teething necklace works so well.

  15. Thus far, we have been lucky. Liam is a champ when it comes to teething, but when he needs a little extra help we use our Waverly Chewbeads, Sophie the Giraffe, or a frozen teether!! He LOVES them all. :D

  16. Love Chewbeads for teething baby. I also love freezing yogurt in ice cube trays and throwing them in a mesh feeder. My kiddos always love those!

  17. For some reason, my son likes to chew on hard things...mostly wood. These necklaces are so cute. My mom got me the "Hudson" necklace because that's my son's name. He LOVES it:)

  18. After 4 children I still haven't found anything that is awesome. The razberry tether is good, but way to big. Baby #5 will make his debut in just five days and I would love to have one of these this time around!! Thanks for the chance.

  19. These necklaces are super cute! I know my daughter will LOVE chewing on this necklace instead of just the standard frozen toys.

  20. Well...I haven't had this experience yet...but would love to give these to one of my preggie's her first baby and she is definitely a fashion she would appreciate these for sure!

  21. Right now my 8-month-old is cutting all 4 of his top teeth. He really likes his Sophie the giraffe and he's definitely all about cuddling lately!

  22. We do the chilled teethers occasionally, but I think our baltic amber is working because we've yet to have any major issues -- knock on wood!

  23. These are the best! I have the purple bracelet and my little guy (7 mos) loves it! We also use hylands teething tabs and camilla(sp?) when he's really fussy.

  24. I have heard nothing but great things about these necklaces!

    We just recently starting teething. We use the cold washcloth.

  25. Ice cream is my favorite remedy for babies old enough for it. Nothing numbs the gums and improves moods like frozen milk and sugar, lol. (I try to get the all-natural kind with no gross ingredients in it, and I find it improves my mood and my patience for grumpy tiny people too!) Before that point, damp washcloths seemed to provide the most relief for my son!

  26. Good looking product- I have a necklace with a chewy charm. Bought it after I realized that my ds broke mine chewing it on the way home from Korea- glad he didnt choke on it. We used to love frozen washcloths

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