early to bed, early to rise...

I go to bed early.

In the morning, that is.

On most days, I sink into bed at around 1 a.m.

Such is the life of a work-at-home mom.

Fortunately, I pretty much fall asleep the minute I hit the pillow.

There are some nights when I stay awake, pondering various ideas and mentally checking things off my to-do list. But, on most nights, I close my eyes and I'm immediately asleep.

Seriously. I can crawl into bed and be asleep in about 1 minute.

The weird thing is I'm not a particularly deep sleeper. I sleep well and I awake rested, but I am constantly checking on my 3-month-old (who is sleeping beside me) throughout the night and I wake up instantly if I hear our 2-year-old stirring through the monitor.

In case you're curious about our "sleeping arrangements," my husband and I have a king size bed - where our infant cuddles up with us. Our 2-year-old sleeps in her own room on a full size mattress on the floor. Believe it or not, she has nicer sheets than we do because we found a fabulous Lands' End set for 75% off at Sears about 6 months ago.

silk pillowcases dreamsacks incThat said, my husband and I have some pretty awesome pillowcases, thanks to DreamSacks, Inc., a company that specializes in natural fiber clothing, nightwear, and bedding sets. The company sent me two Charmeuse Silk Pillowcases ($58 for a set of two) to review. They are positively luxurious - so soft and silky and cool. And supposedly sleeping on a silk pillowcase slows the onset of wrinkles. I'm not sure if that is fact or fiction, but I love the pillowcases either way. They are lovely to lay on.

In fact, my girls and I were laying on our bed today - and my 2-year-old said, "I want these pillows in my room." My answer was "no." I do want her to have nice things, don't get me wrong, but she already trumps us in the sheets department.

DreamSacks, Inc. also carries some cute and comfortable looking clothing/sleepwear options.

Check out this cool "Circle Top" ($49). I like the high neckline and the forgiving, graceful cut - it looks perfect for postpartum mamas.

circle top dreamsacks inc

I also like this modern, slouchy Clara Circle Tunic ($55). Tunics aren't really my style, but this one would look super cute on the right person. And I totally love that it has pockets.

clara circle tunic dreamsacks inc

And let's not forget this cute and summery Cleo Pajama Set ($89). So, so pretty.

cleo pajama set dreamsacks inc

YOUR TURN: What time do you typically go to bed? Do you have a "nightly routine" for yourself? How long does it take for you to fall asleep?

BUY IT: Want to make a purchase from DreamSacks? Use discount code METRO15 for 15% off your order, now through July 25.

dreamsacks inc logoWIN IT! One winner will receive a Charmeuse Silk Pillowcase Set ($58 or $64, winner's choice of color). To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Monday, July 20 at midnight (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

*UPDATE* The winner is #54 Troy Rockwood. Congratulations!

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214 comments on “early to bed, early to rise...”

  1. I am horrible at getting a set sleep routine...some days, I'm asleep by 10:30 PM, some I'm up until after 3 AM. I don't really even have a sleep routine, which probably adds to my sleeplessness. And even when I'm VERY tired, it takes a while for me to go to sleep, because I think about things - things that happened that day, things I want to happen, things that could happen ... crazy.

  2. Uh-oh. I really don't have a bedtime or routine. I find myself going any time from 10 to 2 a.m. Shocking! And, I also have to read before I sleep, even if it's only a page.

  3. I have no routine. I'm an insomniac. I try not to take medication to sleep because I'm loopy all the next day even if the meds didn't help me sleep. The worst insonia hits when I have to go somewhere the next morning. Mostly I'm on the computer until I feel a little sleepy and have the tv on at the same time. When I feel sleepy is different each time. I then get into be and try to fall asleep. Sometimes I leave the tv on and that helps me get to sleep.

  4. I have a terrible sleep schedule! I’m often up late doing things on my computer. I like to take a nice long bubble bath, get into my nightgown, and then watch a little TV while working at my computer. It is sometimes 3 or 4 before I hit the sack. I know better than to go to bed too early, though, because I will never get to sleep. I might as well be doing something constructive.
    I used to sleep on silk pillowcases, but when they finally wore out I just used what I had in the linen cabinet. I would love to have that exquisite feeling back again!
    Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

  5. I have some bamboo sheets which are a pure delight to sleep on, especially in the summer. They really help me sleep peacefully, especially during humid nights.

  6. I have a hard time going to sleep, so my sleep pattern varies everyday, I never go to bed at the same time.

  7. if i don't get to sleep by 9 pm, i'm up until midnight. then i sleep 4-6 hours and i get up again for another 2-6 hrs. i basically sleep in 4-hour increments.i probably won't get a good night sleep until i get to a retirement home.

  8. i go to bed at 10pm however i watch tv and it stirs mw up so i am still awake at 1am..those beautiful silk pillowcases i am sure will relax me..Kelly Ripa swears by them and even offered to buy Regis a set to help him sleep better...i sure hope i win this giveaway


  9. i usually go to bed around 11 pm my hubby works nights so i mostly have the bed all to myself. i like to read at night when i go to bed but after 2 pages i fall asleep it takes me 6 months to get through one book.lol

  10. My bedtime varies and it takes a while for me to fall asleep. No matter how late it is I have to read at least one chapter from whatever book I am doing and I count my blessings to myself.

  11. I normally go to bed late at around 1:00 a.m. I can't get to sleep if it's not quiet and dark. I normally listen to my iPod or watch a bit of a film on it before I go to sleep - it normally makes me sleepy even if I'm interested in the film.

  12. I don't have a set routine about going to bed but its usually between midnight and 2 sometimes later. I love my alone time, when everyone else is sleeping. I'll play games on the computer or watch late night TV. When I do go to bed I almost always fall asleep right away.

  13. I go to bed by 10 p.m. but usually can't go to sleep until 4 a.m., and only get about 4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. This is because the medical problems I have make it painful to lie in one spot, so I am constantly tossing and turning and throwing pillows around this way and that. I have no particular routine, but keep books and magazines close at hand for those particularly restless nights. Would love to find a pillowcase that doesn't bug me.

  14. I go to bed between midnight and 2am generally. I try to get everything ready to go for the morning so I can sleep in as late as possible!
    Thanks for the contest!

  15. I usually go to bed around 10:30. I don't have a nightly routine. Sometimes it is easier to go to sleep. sometimes I have trouble going to sleep.

  16. I usually am exhausted by the end of the night, and it only takes me a few minutes to pass out! I do have a routine though, I have to shower right before bed, otherwise I feel dirty and wake up all night! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  17. I usually write all night (I'm a professional writer) when it's quiet in the house, and then go to sleep at nine or ten am! I wake in the early afternoon and do LIFE stuff! Thanks for the wonderful pillowcase giveaway!

  18. I try to go to bed around midnight, after making sure my kitchen sink is clear & clean and my coffee is ready to make in the morning. I ALWAYS wake up very early, like 5am, without an alarm and that is my computer time. Alone, before the kids get up.

  19. I go to bed lately around 2 and 3am! On weekends I am up even later. When my kids have school I try to go to bed by midnight though. I fall asleep about 15 to 20 minutes after I hit the pillow, I have a lot on my mind. it is 3:38 RIGHT NOW.

  20. I usually go to bed around 12 or 1 in the morning and I get up anywhere between 8 and 10, I have a crazy sleep pattern and wake up several times

  21. my sleep schedule has been off lately because my husband has been working third shift so its been 2am and 3am thanks

  22. I also go to bed late, around midnight. Since I have stopped walking I have a difficult time going to sleep. I am about to start my routine again. Thanks

  23. I try to be in bed by at least 10 or 11. But, most night it runs into about 2 or 3 before I finally get into bed. I have an embroidery business and it seems like I get the most done when everyone is fast asleep.

  24. I've often wondered what it would be like to sleep in silk linen - whether or not it keeps you warm enough or if you end up sliding off the bed! I think pillowcases would be a good start in finding out... :)

  25. I also tend to go to bed really late. Midnight is probably the EARLIEST I ever go to bed. I can often be found at 2 AM still on my computer. I wish I was as lucky as you and could go to sleep quickly. Unfortunately for me it can take a while. Thanks.

  26. My bedtime really varies from night to night - anywhere from 11:00pm to 1:00am. Luckily I am a really good sleeper so once I put down my book and turn out the light I am asleep within 5 minutes or less.

  27. Oh how I miss the days of sleeping for consecutive hours! I go to bed whenever the baby allows me. My nightly routine is just getting my son to sleep and turning on the lullaby CD. I usually sleep instantaneously since I'm so tired!

  28. Hubby goes to bed 2 hrs before me,so I very quietly get into bed. I have a thing for special pillow cases and I would love to try these.

  29. Love the chocolate..
    I am a stay at home mom with a deployed husband..
    Anything goes as far as a bed time routine for me! I think the pillow cases may help to relax me a bit once I lay down!
    Thanks for the contest!
    Also, I have heard silk pillow cases help with your hair as to not dry it out like cotton does..
    Not sure the truth, but it couldn't hurt! Right?

  30. I'm worn out at the end of the day, so I head to bed around 10 and am usually asleep between 10:30 and 11:00. For a while I had a hard time falling asleep but lately I'm just so tired that I'm out pretty quickly!

  31. I usually go to bed at about midnight after I brush my teeth, use my progesterone cream, and get a glass of water. I make sure I have everything done I need to do for the next day. If my husband and I are real tired we go to bed pretty quickly, but if not, we might talk quite a long time. If I am real tired I can usually fall asleep very quickly but I wake up alot and do not usually sleep great!
    These pillowcases are gorgeous! I am a linenaholic. Really! I love bed, bath and table linens and frequent estate sales to see if I can ever find unused ones-which is so rare. These would be lovely on my bed and I have never seen pillowcases made of silk!

  32. Silk pillow cases slowing the onset of wrinkles is a fact.
    My mother, 80 yrs young, has always sleep on a silk pillow case, and she has no wrinkles on the sides of her face. She attributes this to the pillow case. She also attributes her soft, smooth hair to the silk p.c. too.

  33. I try to go to bed at midnight, but there are nights that I just toss and turn. I don't have much of a routine aside from setting my alarm clock. I usually sleep within a few minutes except for the aforementioned insomnia nights.

  34. I try to go to bed about 11 pm, but I am usually up by 2. Then it takes me about 1-2 hours to get back to sleep. I would give anything for a night of uninterrupted sleep! Thanks!

    sherri419 at gmail dot com

  35. I am a lot like you, going to bed after midnight. I try to change, so I might wake up early and get things done before the rest of my family gets up, but I can't. It is a hard habit to break.

  36. we are usually get to bed between 11:00 and 12:00 PM. I like to go to bed early and read because it helps me relax.

  37. Since I became a mom, my sleep habits have totally changed! I usually go to bed shortly after my son does so I will be ready to hang with him at the crack of dawn!

  38. In the summer I usually go to bed around 11 p.m. When school is on about 10:00 or 10:30. But I don't go to sleep right away. It takes me about an hour, unless I got up really early that morning. I tend to need 8 to 9 hours of sleep or I have dark circles under my eyes and don't feel good all day.

  39. I usually hit the sack between 11pm-12am. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep immediately, but I've found that a little herbal tea before bedtime can make a big difference.

  40. I usually get to bed between 11:30 and 12:00am but I have a hard time sleeping because I keep thinking of the things I should be doing instead while my son is asleep

  41. I sleep too late! I wish I slept earlier but between waiting for hubby to come home and feeding tot dinner it always ends up getting really late!!

  42. All my friends think that I have the craziest sleep routine. I take 2 to 3 hour naps. I will get home around 6 from school, eat, take the dog out, etc.. and then usually try to immediately get to sleep (this nap usually takes me awhile to fall asleep because I'm going over the day in my head and making sure that my alarm will go off to wake me). I usually wake up around 9 or 10 and start reading my casebooks (I'm in law school) then it's back off to sleep around 12:30. Wake up again around 2. Work/read some more and fall back asleep around 3:30. Wake up around 6 to start the day. I do not recommend this!! :) But, it works for me because I read for a couple hours, get bored/tired, sleep, wake up with the information previously read retained in my head, and am ready to do it all over again.

  43. My pillows and pillowcases are pretty shot , this Charmeuse Silk Pillowcase Set is just Grand! WOuld like to pamper my tired old bed with this.

  44. I normally am in bed around midnight. I have to read for at least half an hour before I go to sleep. I also can't fall asleep on my own, so my doctor prescribed me something and it's a miracle drug!

  45. I usually go to sleep somewhere between 10 and 11 pm, depending on when I can get the kids to sleep. No, not have much of a routine, except brushing and flossing.

  46. We usually go to bed around 10 PM as we need to get up every morning at 6. Not very exciting I know but we need our sleep!

  47. I have a computer game I have been playing for at least10 years. It clears my mind a I drop right to sleep.

  48. I dont really have a set bedtime because i have a 5 month old baby. But when she finally does go to sleep I get myself a ice pop and throw on greys anatomy. It normally only takes a half an hour!

  49. I've heard that silk can slow time like that,other accountssay it prevents the temporary wrinkles from pillows.

    I don't feel rested when I wake up, in fact I feel the same whether I'vehadan houror eight hours of sleep - so you're very lucky!

    I can'timagine having a little onealong with my two year old!

  50. We usually go to bed around 11:00... although when I say 'we', I mean my husband. That's when I clean up the kitchen, scoop the cat box, get hubby's meds, check on the kiddo, brush my teeth, scrub my face, grab a book, and FINALLY settle into bed. After fifteen minutes to a half-hour of reading, I'm zonked. I would love to be zonked on silk pillowcases!

  51. The time I go to bed depends on whether or not I'm working the next day - work nights I try to get to sleep no later than 11pm, off nights I'm usually up to around midnight but my old bones can't stay up past about 1am anymore! I usually fall asleep as soon as I turn the lights out and my head hits the pillow!

  52. I like to go to bed around 10 and sleep 8 hours. That is my fantasy - reality is that sleep is elusive a lot lately now that I am 45!

  53. I usually get to bed around midnight, I should probably go earlier but it's so nice to have a little time to unwind after the little ones are asleep. Luckily I'm pretty quick to fall asleep.

  54. we try to go to bed when our newborn baby goes to bed. usually its around 10pm so we try to head to bed then too to get in the 2-3 hours of sleep we will hopefully be able to get then before he wakes up :)

  55. I usually am in bed by 11pm-1am. My routine involves editing/posting Prizey, checking my email and facebook one more time then off to bed. Where I either read a few chapters or flip through the tv to see if anything interesting is on. Then to sleep a bit later. Usually takes me about 30 mins to finally relax and drift off to sleep.

  56. I try to go bed by 10pm, but in the summer it is usually later. I can usually fall asleep within 10 minutes, so i'm pretty lucky. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  57. I usually go to bed right after the last weather report on NBC. My husband puts eyedrops in my eyes (I have glaucoma) and off we toddle to bed. We cuddle a bit, but mainly I'm ready to drift off to sleep quickly.
    We are 82 years old, so life is calmer than it was when our children were small and we lost so much sleep!

  58. I usually go to bed around midnight. I am a definite night person. After I put the kids down to bed, it's finally "me-time". Depending on if my husband is working late, we'll either catch up on the television shows we've DVR'd, or I'll check my e-mail and chat on facebook. Once I get tired I'll go to bed, but it usually takes me about a half hour to fall asleep.

  59. I go to bed about 10,if all children are cooperating!It is nice to have real soft sheets to sleep on!


  60. My nights are all over the place as I'm a new intern at a hospital. Before i started though, I'd go to bed around 10/11. No routine, just dead to the world the second my head hits the pillow.

  61. I typically go to bed around 11 and get up at 6:30. I used to take forever to fall asleep but
    now that I don't get as much rest, I'm asleep within minutes.

  62. I have tried everything to fall asleep more readily - warm milk, staying up later until tired, going for brisk walks outdoors before bed, soft music, sleep masks, lavendar room spray, extra fluffy pillows, contour pillows, candles, cooler temperatures and the list goes on.

  63. I usually go to bed about 11:30-12.
    It depends on how tired I am at that point.
    Sometimes I fall right asleep, or sometimes I toss and turn.

  64. I (hubby and I) start heading to bed right around 10. By the time we brush our teeth and snuggle a little we probably fall asleep around 10:45 or so. Unless ofcourse Lily wakes up at any point, then we just go straight to sleep because I have to nurse her.

  65. I'm in bed by 9 but I don't fall asleep until around 12. I have the TV on so I can watch some shows.

  66. I go to bed around midnight, but it takes me forever to fall asleep. I typically watch an hour or so of TV until I can drift off.

  67. I'm a major night owl....in fact, I'm more of a "dawn owl" because I don't go to bed until at least four or five a.m. I work from home so I'm always busy and by the time I eat, shower, relax, etc., it's waaaaaaay late but I'm used to it by now. Sometimes I can fall asleep right away, other times I toss and turn for like two hours, my mind racing. As far as the pillowcases, they sound divine and would certainly aid me in my sleeplessness that happens way to much, LOL. Thanks for the contest. :-)

  68. I'm definitely a night owl, and hit the pillow around 11-12 (not really going to sleep until 12-1). The sweetest part of my nighttime routine is that my little cat Pippa curls up on my pillow and purrs while I write in my journal. It's our nightly cuddle time.

  69. I love silk bedding it's so nice. I usually head to bed between 1-2am. It would be nice to have some new silk pillow cases :D

  70. Actually I've been going to bed really late lately, I've been suffering from insomnia which I think is exacerbated by stress. When I do fall asleep though, I'm out. Even small earthquakes don't phase me.

  71. I have a three month old as well(!), and she has completely changed my sleeping routine. I tend to be a night owl if left to my own devices, but these days I go to bed with her (hubby and I share our Queen sized bed with her for now) between 8:30 and 9:00 usually, and I don't get back out of bed until it's time to go to work, which is around 6:30. It's so nice to have all that time with her now that I'm back to work and miss time during the day.

  72. It sounds silly but I watch "King of Queens" most nights at 11:30 p.m. and it puts me in a happy place to go right to bed and fall asleep pretty fast unless there is something my mind decides it needs to work out when I'm ready to sleep. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  73. I never understood why people would torture themselves with cheap, itchy bedding. You spend (or should spend!) 1/3 of you life in bed, but it's not worth a little extra to be more comfortable? I'm liking all the new eco friendly, natural fiber bedding that is now avaialbe.

  74. I like to have this because I get frizzy hair all the time. Due to rubbing to cotton bedcovers. This will help me get that shiny hair. :)

  75. I am an insomniac. I have been my whole life. I go to bed late and sleep late except when I have to work. Regular nights it's nothing for me to stay up till 3am or later and sleep in until 10am. The night before work though I'm in bed by 9pm and up at 5am. It also takes me forever to fall asleep (that's why I'm in bed by 9pm) sometimes 2 hours or more laying there tossing and turning and thinking. No nightly routine has ever worked for me.

  76. Ahhhhh silk pillowcases. They feel luxurious annnnnnnnnd, this is a plus, eliminate creases on your face in the morning. Yeah!

  77. I have curly, frizzy hair. I've heard that sleeping on silk pillowcases will control some of the frizz because your hair glides over the material. I would seriously like to win. We have a hazy, hot August coming around the corner and I could use all hair care weapons at my disposal.

  78. I usually go to bed about 10:00 and am asleep in about 5 minutes. My alarm is set for 4:45 a.m., but I usually wake up just before it goes off.

  79. I go to bed by 1am. I've always been a night person. And like you, I fall asleep fast. But I do have problems waking up in the morning!

  80. I usually go to sleep between 12:30 & 1:30 although it's been later during this summer. It takes me a long time to fall asleep. I'm so jealous that you can fall asleep so quickly.

  81. I usually go to bed between 11pm and 1am. I usually get the kids down, then get ready for bed. Then I watch a little TV, read, or just relax. It usually doesn't take to long to fall asleep. I am up a lot at night because I think that my 6 month old nurses all night. I love to cuddle with her. My three year old comes in at about 4 Am if she was not already right next to me. And then my son ends up in the bed too at about 7 or 8am. My oldest sleeps soundly in her own bed. She is 6. Daddy...he sleeps in an unused bed in the kids rooms. He rarely sleeps all night in his own bed. He doesn't mind!! What a great dad! I would love nice pillow cases. Those look really nice!!

  82. I am very much like you. I go to bed around 1ish, I wake up twice a night for one of the two toddlers and get up for work around 5:30am. It is a long day, but it works for me..

  83. Oh my goodness how relaxing does that sound! I usually go to bed around 10:00 if I can get my daughter to bed. My son is so good but not her - UGH! We'll see with th enext baby. LOL!

  84. I work very early in the am, so I try to be in bed no later than 10pm. If I get to sleep any later than that I am miserable the next day!

  85. I have no set bedtime. Anywhere from 1030pm until 2am or so. No specific routine either. This may be why it takes me hours at times to fall asleep.

  86. I am such a night owl! It takes me a long time to wind down, even more so if I am tired! I usually climb into bed between 12-2am every morning. Takes me a while to get to sleep but once I do I sleep like a baby! :)

  87. I go to bed about 10:00 pm and get up between 2 and 3 am. It's not enough but once my eyes open I can't go back to sleep. I start sweepstaking and the grandkids arrive at 5:30 for babysitting. [email protected]

  88. When I was having a lot of trouble falling asleep a few years ago, my dr told me to get into a bedtime routine. Now I have a baby, so his bedtime routine is the start of mine: after giving him a bath and putting him to bed, I spend about half an hour checking email, another half hour tidying up various messes from the day, then I read a book or write in a journal before turning out the lights.

    And just as I fall asleep the baby wakes up.

  89. I am a night owl so never to bed before 1. I usually tell everyone goodnight, spend some time on the computer and then read before bed.

  90. I love silk/satin pillowcases! I had one for about a year that got lost during a trip and I really miss it, I loved how it would stay cool even in the summer and how it made my hair less tangled in the mornings.

  91. I used to go to sleep after 11 most nights, but we got a puppy a couple months ago and she is up early. Now I can barely keep my eyes open past 10.

  92. I go to bed around 12 during the summer. Im a school bus driver, so I get to enjoy staying up. During the school year however, I go to bed at 9 if Im lucky. I like to read in bed to relax.

  93. I can't pull the all nighters like I used to...putting my head on the pillow is always a welcome end to the day!

  94. I am an evening person. I had worked the evening shift for years and my last job before I retired started as an evening job but switched to days. Ugh. Although I worked in Home Care and being a small agency we had 24 hr call. So we worked days and about once a week took call through the night. Sometimes a killer working the day , having an evening admit and work the next day. I am retired loving the staying up late till 1-2 am AND then sleeping late.

  95. I go to bed around 11:00 and do Dudoku puzzles for awhile. I start my way with the very hard ones at the end and work my way forward until they get too easy. Sometimes I can go to sleep as soon as I turn out the light. And sometimes.... well, best not even tqalk about it.

  96. I am usually in bed by 10 but it takes me forever to fall asleep. At least a half hour, and that's on a good night. I suffer from pretty frequent insomnia. My bedtime routine is simply to wash my face and brush my teeth and then off to bed.

  97. My sister loves the Clara Circle Tunic and 3/4 Sleeve Twist Top. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  98. i go to bed around 10 and try to sleep 8 hours but i burn up so wake up alot.i have heard silk is cool and cuts down on facial wrinkles.

  99. I'm so happy I'm not like my wife. She has such a hard time sleepiong. I sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  100. I'm not a morning person at all, I usually don't go to bed until 1:30-2am and because of my job I have to get up at around 7am, I really need to get more sleep! :)

  101. I have a toddler who will stay up for as long as you let him; seriously he has staying power...so I go into his room about 10 every night to put him to sleep, and many times I end up w/my husband waking me later to go to bed because I've fallen asleep too!!!!!!!!!!

  102. It takes me forever to fall asleep (routinely stay up until midnight), but most nights I sleep though the night.

  103. i have no nightly routine and fall asleep almost instanly like you. i usually get into bed around midnight

  104. I usually go to bed around midnight. I do not really have a routine. It takes me a little over 30 minutes to fall asleep.

  105. It takes me at least 2 hours to fall asleep. I try to take my sleeping pills- but they don't do a thing.

  106. I usually get into bed between 11-11:30. Sometimes it takes me a long time to sleep, sometimes not.

  107. 9 or 10 so that I can read awhile, I cant just lay there and fall asleep, if I read, its usually about 30 minutes before my eyes close

  108. I usually go to bed around ten after reading a book or listening to music. It normally only takes about a half hour to become drowzy because reading or slow music relaxes me.

  109. I usually go to bed between 11-1am. I have to shower before I go to sleep! No matter what. It always takes me around 45 minutes to fall asleep sometimes more unless I am extremely tires. Then it would like about 20 minutes or so.

  110. good for you- and as far as your little one in a full size bed- yeh that she is out of a baby bed so soon..the sheets I know what you are talking about the kids have nicer here too thanks to sales- and some are prettier

  111. I get no sleep. I sleep around midnight and wake up around 5am for work. Actually, i shoot for going to sleep around 11 but i end up taking at least an hr to fall asleep. Insomnia stinks!

  112. I use silk pillowcases because it helps keep my curly hair under control. They are great to keep your hair tangle free.

  113. I am unable to go to sleep at night unless I take tylenol p.m. or something to help me sleep and then I feel like crap the next morning. I can't turn my mind and worries off enough to relax. I would love to lay my head on silk pillow cases. I have also wanted them but could never afford them. Please pick me

  114. i have a horrible sleep schedule!! i guess go to sleep around 4-4:30 am and wake up around 9....my hubby works the midshift 1 pm-10 pm...so the only time that i have to really work is after 10:30 pm or so and he spends time with kids in the morning...it works out well for us, but i want to get on a regular sleep schedule SO bad!

    autumn398 @ yahoo.com

  115. Before retiring I take Esther (my dog, not my wife) out for her last potty break, then take my place on the left side of the bed, fall asleep in a couple of minutes, and don't move until I awaken in the morning.

    BTW I have used a Dream Sack for years when traveling. Great invention!

  116. i am a night person aways have been going yo bed anywhere from might to 3am, but hardly ever sleeping in past 9am

  117. I go to sleep any time between 11 pm and 1 am, but it takes me an hour and a half to fall asleep. Drives me NUTS! I wish I could fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow!

  118. I try to go to bed by 11pm. But sometimes I only start a movie then. As I am currently unemployed, I am not on any fixed schedule. Sometimes it takes more than an hour to fall asleep. If I'm too restless, after 15 minutes I'll get up and work or play on the computer.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  119. I usually go to bed around 11pm...I put a mindless sitcom on tv (usually Nick at Nite, haha!) and it puts me right to sleep!

  120. I wear red top and bottom sweats with a large "Thing 1" sign on the top from a recent Halloween costume (I don't wear the blue wig though.)

    I used to stay up late every night and wake up just in time to get to work in the morning but lately I've been waking up a little earlier to spend a little more time with the family doing a daily scripture study. It has really made a big difference in my days, what a good change!

  121. so i usually go to bed around 9.. its pretty hard for me to sleep though:( i usually have to take a benadryl!:)

  122. I go to sleep by 9:30 and am usually asleep within 20 minutes. I get up at 4:45 to start my day! You did not say what time you get up????

  123. I go to bed at about 10:30 every night. I have my routine and never break it...and since I started doing that I can fall asleep really fast. It's just like my body knows when I do my routine that it is time for bed and I lay down and I'm out. It's great! Although...it would be nice to have these beautiful pillowcases. The one thing I am missing!

  124. the chocolate, gold and latte are my fav colors. I love silk sheets. have yet to invest in one though. they are too expensive and when u have a 2+ yr old nephew who loves to jump everyday on your bed..i much rather do with cotton sheets for now! :(

    but cool silk pillow cases?..aah...pure bliss! :)
    i m usually like that too..i fall asleep the minute i hit the bed. i love the cozy comfy feeling due to the sheets and pillow cases. even cotton works gr8 sometimes!

  125. I love sleep! Now I go to bed no later than 10pm -- used to be so I could stay up all night nursing(!) but now it's 'cause I'm catching up on all that sleep I missed out on. Brush teeth and collapse into bed.

    I love*love Dream Sacks, especially their baby clothes! They're my go-to outfit for our son.

  126. Ah...sleep! My 8 month old is finally letting me get more of it. I am a very routine person (some may categorize me as borderline OCD). Both of our kiddos go down at 7pm which leaves my husband and I some great time together in the evenings. The bedtime routine for the kids is always the same, and so is ours. We head to bed around 10:00. I always, without fail floss, brush teeth, wash face, put lotion on, jammies (which is usually a shelf bra tank top, easy for nursing, and a pair of cotton shorts or pants). Husby falls asleep within two or three minutes, but I take longer. I read a bit then off to dreamland...to be woken by baby (only once now though). I find great comfort in my night time routine. It is really hard for me to go to sleep comfortably without all of the steps. :)

  127. Oh how I *wish* I could fall asleep in 1 minute. You sound like my husband who can literally hit the pillow and be out in 5.6 seconds. Sooooooo jealous. I have sleep issues. I usually try to go to bed between 10 and 11 on nights I have to get up and work but probably don't fall asleep for another 1.5 to 2 hours. On the weekends I like to stay up until about 2:00. Call me a night owl I guess. I married one of those morning persons though. Me? Not a fan of mornings. Ever. At all. I don't have much for a routine except dreading the fact I know I'll be laying there forEVER before I fall into a pretty deep sleep.

  128. I used to go to sleep after 11 most nights, but we got a puppy a couple months ago and she is up early. Now I can barely keep my eyes open past 10.

  129. I would love to have a fancy, pretty pillowcase. I would not even let the cats sleep on this one. :)

  130. I have a unique schedule. I sleep for three hours, I'm awake for tweleve hour, then sleep for four hours. Basically, I get seven hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. This works for me, as I have a busy life. I fall asleep usually within 30 seconds.

  131. I usually go to bed around 11. I normally don't have trouble falling asleep, it's the waking in the middle of the night and then my brain starts running in 100 directions at once that causes me trouble!

  132. Something silky feeling to put my head on when I go to bed sounds heavenly. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  133. I usually crawl into bed around 4 or 5am, I worked graveyard for years and I still live the schedule of it. These sound cool in temperature, which is something I adore in pillowcases.

  134. I usually try to get to bed by 10 PM. It doesn't always work out since it depends on how the day has gone. The more stressful the day, the harder it is for me to get to sleep quickly. Shutting my mind down is sometimes hard.

  135. I'm up late every night for absolutely no reason, surfing the web, checking email/facebook, etc... every morning when I wake up exhausted, I promise I'm going to bed early that night... and it never happens! Thanks for the giveaway!

  136. I am very lucky in that I fall asleep pretty easily. I usually go to bed around 11 PM if I am just at home and have work the next day. Sometimes even earlier if I am tired. But if I am out with friends or it is a weekend then look out - maybe it'll be 2 in the morning before I am in bed!

  137. I usually go to bed between 11 & 1 AM. I play on the computer for a while & then read for a half hour or so until I get drowsy.

  138. I always go to bed at around 11:30-12. Put the kids down at 8:30, enjoy some free time. Then wait for my husband to get home. We have to chit-chat about our day...! Usually have some troubles falling asleep - Hey, maybe I'd fall asleep faster with these wonderful pillowcases!

  139. I work nights, so sometimes I sleep at night, and sometimes I sleep during the day. Sometimes I can sleep with no problems, and other times I need earplugs and a sleeping pill.

    I need to get some more sheets, however. We seriously don't have enough.

  140. I like my quiet evenings after my son goes to bed at 7:30pm...and I only have a couple more months to enjoy it before baby #2 arrives! I usually go to bed about 10:30/11:00 and that is before my hubby! I'd actually love to go to bed earlier, but find that's the only quiet time we have together. :)

  141. I usually like to go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00. Unfortunately, since summer has hit, I can't seem to drag myself to bed before midnight. Maybe some nice new comfy pillow cases could draw me into bed a little bit earlier. =)

  142. Now that I'm done with school, I go to bed somewhere between 9:30 and 11:30. There's no real routine other than to put on some giant comfy t-shirt and take my blessed birth control pill, then snuggle in next to my cute hubby on my down pillows. Those comfy pillows could really use some nice new clothes, though...

  143. I am not a morning person, but my kids both are. That means at 6:30 I can hear the sounds of kids running around playing. I try to be in bed by 11 each night so that I can function without turning into grumpy evil mom with them!

  144. I typically go to bed anywhere from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. I am working really hard on getting to bed earlier. However I just find that night is my time to relax or get things done, talk to hubby, etc.

    I don't really have a routine to go to bed. Although I do try and ready my bible and then read for a bit until I get sleepy.

  145. I would love to be an early to bed kind of girl, but I just don't have it in me.... I think I require too much "down time" after my kids go to bed at night. While my hubbie was away in Iraq I went to bed around 1 or a little later each evening, but now that he's home I'm aiming for much closer to 11pm.

  146. i shoot for 11PM...sometimes it's midnight. i practice healthcare by day (3 days per week) and catch up on managing the home and blogging by night. i SHOULD get more sleep. i know the body does it's most significant healing and repair from 11AM - midnight.

    i can usually fall asleep right away. some nights, i have thoughts racing through my mind. ideas, re-playing events from the day...but, i know an acupressure technique to help me relax and still my thoughts so i can fall asleep easily.

    when i struggled with sleep at the end of pregnancy (i went to 42 weeks with my son, and i counted contractions to the point i was sleep deprived for several weeks), I'd rub lavender essential oil on the bottoms of my feet to help relax and fall asleep. it worked VERY well!

  147. Typically go to bed between 10-11 PM or so. Last night was another story, we were out cold around 9:30 pm due to a long day of volleyball. Anyway, my usual nightly routine is to read for about 10-15 minutes before falling asleep.

  148. I go to bed between 1030-11PM. My husband falls asleep instantly wrapped around me. It then takes me about 20 minutes to extricate myself from the grips and make a small space I can get comfortable in. I just wait for him to be in a deep enough sleep and give him a "gentle" shove over!

  149. we go to bed between 10 and 11, read a while, then fall asleep quickly! (those pillowcases seem glorious!)

  150. I actually have to take muscle relaxers and OTC pain medication to sleep without pain. I also get insomnia (meds or none) for about four days every 28 days or so. I play brain age on my DS often before bed. I usually fall asleep around 11pm but often still awake until 3am even if I got to bed earlier. Luckily my toddler often sleeps in until 9 or 10am (not on Tuesday that is the day we go to the Zoo and she wakes up at 6am)

  151. I am so glad to hear of other couples who embrace co-sleeping as a lifestyle. I slept with all of my 6 children (especially the last 4)and have found so much good come of it. Our bonds are strong, and our communication is turn key -accept for the 17-year-old (another story).

    I know that some believe it is hazardous to the infant, but with careful logistics ie., in bed co-sleepers and constant awareness, co-sleeping is better for your baby and for your peace of mind.

  152. I change my sleeping habits almost daily!
    I am NOT a morning person, so I go to bed late and then pay for it in the morning. The solitude
    of the late night hours/early morning hours is
    when I get most of my work done. I enjoy sleeping
    on nice cotton sheets! Thanks, Cindi

  153. I know I'm not following the instructions, but your comment about avoiding wrinkles by sleeping on silk pillows reminded me of my grandma. She was so beautiful and she swore that sleeping on silk pillows helped prevent wrinkles...not to mention the fact that she had her hair done once a week and sleeping on silk kept her hair nice.

  154. I'm generally a pretty frugal person but there are few things I won't go cheap on and bedding is one of them. Most of the year in MN is pretty darn cold so I need something to snuggle into every night. We have our bed equipped with 1,000 thread count Eygptian cotton sheets, a down comforter and a feather bed. I love my bed and am reminded how much every night when I slip between the sheets.

  155. Unfortunately, I am not a morning person! Even having two children has not changed me that much.
    I enjoy the solitude of the late night/early mornings! Sometimes, I can fall asleep quickly and other times, I experience insomnia. Cindi

  156. I usually go to bed around 12am or 1am. The baby is usually in bed by around 10 or 11pm. I will check out blogs and what not then head to bed myself. My oldest 2 are in bed by 7pm which is very nice.

  157. I LOVE Land's End Sheets. We have one set, and I will pull them off and wash them just so I have them that night to sleep on. I am constantly watching for sales on them.

    Bedtime...whenever I stumble in? It really depends on what is going on. The next couple nights will be later nights so I can get everything I need to get done done, but normally around 10:30 or so. I am up at 5:15 so that is late enough.

  158. I hit the sack early...and not in the morning! I am usually in bed by 9:30 or so, read for a few and then I am out. My husband is the type that the minute his head hits the pillow means he is out for the night...I must admit that I am a little jealous of that at times!

  159. I envy you. I'm always off to bed right at about midnight, but it takes me so long to fall asleep, that I'm often still awake after 1am. It's been that way since I was a teenager. I still haven't figured out any good tricks for getting myself to sleep faster. It's even more frustrating, since my husband can fall asleep so easily, and snores once he *is* asleep. Then I'm left listening to him and getting jealous.

    But these pillowcases look so fantastic. Maybe I wouldn't mind wasting time in bed awake if I could enjoy the feel of my pillowcase!

  160. I usually go to bed around 12 or 1, but it takes me about an hour to actually go to sleep. You are very, very lucky that it only takes you a minute!! Those pillowcases sound fabulous. Maybe sleep would come more easily with one of those.

  161. I usually go to be around 10:00. I like to take a nice long bubble bath, get into my PJs and watch a litte TV before going to sleep.

  162. Ooh, I have to say I wish I could win that tunic! That's so cute!

    There is something so wonderful about having really nice sheets and pillow cases. Getting into bed at the end of a (long) day feels just that much nicer curling up into all of that loveliness. I've never slept on silk, but it looks wonderful.

  163. I usually hit the hay aroung 10 (but last night I was in bed by 8:30... for some reason my little one was up at 4(!!!!!) cooing and laughing and didn't go back to sleep) and am up between 6-6:30. Sleeping in now is anything past 7. I wish my highschool/college self could see me now! :)

  164. I'm often up late doing things on my computer that I don't get to do during the day like checking and responding to e-mails, checking and writing blog entries, and sometimes doing "real" work for church or school. But I'm rarely up until 1 a.m.--more like 11 p.m.--since my little guys don't sleep in and I need as close to 8 hours as I can get! These pillow cases look divine...I could use some new bedding! We seem to go through pillows quickly, too, so if you have any suggestions for high quality pillows that might last longer than the norm, let me know!

  165. Wow, you are a trooper! I try to be in bed by 11 pm however I'm going back to work soon so I'll have to get back to bed by 9 pm. Just a shower and then off to bed is how I get ready and I usually just fall asleep from shear exhaustion!!!

  166. I usually go to bed somewhere between 11PM and 1AM, depending on the day. Reading for a half hour or so is a huge part of my wind down before bed. It helps me to escape the stresses of the day and relax. Id I try to go to bed without my reading time, I usually toss and turn for a while.

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