Fashion & Style Advice - On a Blog and In a Box

Fashion & Style Advice - On a Blog and In a Box 1My favorite "strictly fashion" blog is the Wardrobe 911 Style Blog. Teresa Morisco, the blog's author is a certified image consultant through the Association of Image Consultants International and holds a B.S. in International Marketing with a minor in Art History. She is also the founder and Chief Stylist of Wardrobe 911.

Fashion & Style Advice - On a Blog and In a Box 2Here's a bit more about her: "From appearance to business protocols to public speaking, Teresa knows what it takes to project your best self both socially and professionally. Before founding Wardrobe 911 in 2005, Teresa enjoyed over 15 successful years in fashion and brand marketing for companies such as Visa, Wells Fargo, Intuit, Levi Strauss and her own women's clothing boutique."

Needless to say, Teresa knows her stuff.

I appreciate her blog because her posts are short and include photos of complete outfits, including accessories and shoes. For example, you can ascertain how to travel stylishly with young kids or what kind of skirts look best with flats or what to wear at a child's sporting event.  Although I don't always agree with every single recommendation she has on her site (for example, I think the Tsubo Rhea shoes she featured on a recent post are simply atrocious, but maybe that's just me...), I do love her sense of style and her blog style. Wardrobe 911 is a fun place to stop in for fashion inspiration and advice. Best of all, YOU can ask Teresa a style question by sending an e-mail to [email protected] and she just might feature your question on her site. 

Fashion & Style Advice - On a Blog and In a Box 3Teresa recently came out with a new product called the Wardrobe 911 Recipe Box ("the cards that show you how to dress for your body type") that I thought you might be interested in. Essentially, the recipe box is like an image consultant in a box. It's like taking Teresa with you shopping (how cool would that be?). Well, maybe it's not exactly like that, but the kit does contain "a mini Wardrobe Guide and 38 wardrobe recipe cards that show you how to dress and develop your perfect wardrobe for your perfect look." You can take a quick quiz to determine your body type and then order the corresponding box (Inverted Triangle, Rectangle, Hourglass, and Triangle). 

I reviewed the Hourglass kit and was pleasantly surprised when I opened the box. Each card features great photos (like what you see on the Wardrobe 911 blog) and gives recommendations for tops, pants, skirts & dresses, and accessories. Then, you'll find outfit suggestions for everything from "running errands" to "hanging out at home" to "casual dinner." Plus, there are blank cards where you can make a shopping list and outline your favorite outfits. There's even a card that features "recipes for disaster" (apparently, hourglass types aren't supposed to wear empire waist tops, skinny jeans, or boxy cropped jackets - phew! you won't find any of those items in my closet!).

Teresa also offers personal style consultations and is available to speak at a variety of events. Wardrobe 911 is based in San Francisco, but Teresa can come to you or you can work together by phone through a virtual style consultation. If you're looking for a great gift, you can also purchase a Wardrobe 911 gift certificate for a friend or your mom (great Mother's Day idea, by the way...).

Fashion & Style Advice - On a Blog and In a Box 4WIN IT! One winner will receive a Wardrobe 911 Recipe Box for her body type. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post prior to Saturday, May 17 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Sunday, May 18. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #30 MB. Congratulations!

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168 comments on “Fashion & Style Advice - On a Blog and In a Box”

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  6. Wow I need this. I am the last of a long line of bad dressers. My grandma matches her neck scarves to her sweatshirts, to her polyester pants!

  7. Isn't it wonderful that someone has designed the all help book to save on the precious element of time; without having to spend hours returning or hours trying on items. Many Thanks SW

  8. My sister has to dress nice for work and has trouble all the time. This would be nice to give to her!!!

  9. Once I get rid of the last 30 pounds (I'm doing it!), I'm buying myself some new clothes. I can't afford anything expensive, so I'm hitting Rainbow Shops, H&M and Forever 21. This would be really helpful for me, once I figure out what my body type is :)

  10. Ha! One of the posts made me laugh out loud! I guess a recipe box could conjure up visions of cooking. :-)
    Anyway, yes, this poor thing could use some style advice. I can't really afford to buy everything she suggests, but I can try to go out and copycat. Thanks for sponsoring this one!

  11. Now I'll have to try out the quick quiz and find out which geometric shape I am... It will be interesting to see if her suggestions happen to define-and-fill any "empty" spaces in my "walk-in-closet-of-magical-options".

    For some reason, I'm remembering a relatively recent review where someone was referred to as "a fashion train wreck" -- sounds like Teresa qualifies as a one-woman emergency cleanup crew!

  12. That might be interesting, a bunch of fashion tips and ideas in one place might get me out of the post-pregnancy rut... ps I thought empire waist looked good on everyone...

  13. I am very interested in this advice too, because as a VERY pear-shaped woman (bust 36, waist 32, hips 44), I sometimes have no idea what to wear. It's still trial and error most of the times. It would be great not to make so many mistakes!

  14. This is the best idea ever! I'm delighted to see it's customized to body type too. That's so helpful! I'm always wondering what should be worn with what to best enhance the overall look. This is perfect!

  15. This would be great. I have a hard time finding clothes that fit. Pants gap at the waist in the back. I'm 5'8 and regular length jeans are just a little too short and tall jeans tend to be on the long side. Shirts are either too tight and the next size up is too big in the shoulders. *sigh* Women's clothes must be designed by men.

    Why is it that men's pants & jeans are sold in different lengths and waist sizes while most women's pants/jeans are just generic in sizing?

  16. I am pretty much a fashion inbicile. I work in the welding supply industry with a bunch of guys, and we all just wear jeans, t-shirts & casual shoes to work. This prize sounds like something that could really help me gradually learn more about fashion and develop my own style over time -- just what I've been looking for. :)

  17. As a mother of three, I'd do just about anything to break the jeans & T-shirt routine I've slipped into.

  18. What a neat idea - still trying to figure out what body shape I am since it keeps changing everytime I get preggo! LOL!

  19. I hope I win this. I need all the help I can get when trying to buy clothes for myself. At least I end up with a good laugh after trying on things that look ridiculous on me but this might help me save time when shopping.

  20. Please enter me and thanks! I am so clueless about dressing, and that's horrible here in NYC.

  21. These would be really great to use... it would be nice to know what to wear!


  22. As my mother said above (#66), every woman in our family is fashion challenged! We could all use this! Thanks for a great offer!

  23. I need this so badly. I went shopping for clothes last Saturday and was so lost. I didn't know what to buy so I didn't buy anything. 911 in a box would be a big help.

  24. I would love to win this 911 box! I live in jeans and t-shirts and have been attempting to upgrade the wardrobe lately. Unfortunately, my body has done the "mom" thing. . . and what I used to like doesn't like me anymore. :)

  25. I could so use this-it's amazing how you can have an entire closet full of clothing and still "nothing to wear"!

  26. my daughter would love for me to win this, she says i am so out of fashion, i am so yesterday. she helps me dress when we go to school stuff, is that tooally embarrassing ?, a 3rd grader picks out my clothes and does better than me, she gets some pretty good comments, please pick me... so i can stop having a 8 year old lay out my clothes before she goes to school. :)

  27. Wow, what a great idea. It's like having a friend along on a shopping trip, without having to waste your time in the stores she wants to visit.

  28. What a fabulous idea! I've always struggled with finding clothes that fit me right and look good, so I would be so excited if I won this giveaway!

  29. I want to put Teresa in my closet to pick out clothes for me! I guess the cards would be a runner up prize. :P


  30. I can't decide if I'm an hourglass or a rectangle...I'd like to think I'm an hourglass because it sounds more glamorous! Ha! I've never heard of this. Thanks for sharing.

  31. I just lost a bunch of weight and am moving around in the sizes and style more than usual. This product might be helpful to me to figure out what looks best on me at this point, as I continue to lose weight, but need clothes to wear that fit me well now!

  32. Ahh, this looks great! I love watching those "what not to wear" shows, and secretly wish I could have a style consultant follow me around with suggestions ("secretly" because I'd die of embarrassment if it actually happened!)

    Also, because I am 6'0' tall, and since kids, no longer as svelte as I once believed I was, I would love some advice on what works for my body type.

    (And I'm with you on those shoes! Ugh.)

  33. I recently lost some weight and have been able to fit into clothes I hadn't been able to in a long time. As such, I'm trying to become more fashion-conscious as to what works for my body-type and what doesn't! I definitely don't want to be frumpy! This would be awesome! Thanks for offering!

  34. Happy Monday! I am not real sure that my body has a
    "type!" LOL Actually, this is a fantastic idea. Please enter me in your drawing. I can use all of the help I can get. Many thanks,Cindi

  35. No one else could possibly need this as much as me- except maybe my daughter - or my sister - or my mother...we are a fashion challenged family!

  36. Im a jeans/loungepants/tee kind of girl so Im clueless when it comes to going out. I would love to win this!!

  37. I hate shopping because I dont' have good fashion sense, matching items for isn't easy unless they are the same color.Great giveaway

  38. a 911 helper in the kitchen is right up my alley!!!! I'd love to win this!!! Thanks for offering this sweepstakes!!!

  39. What an awesome idea! I'm definitely checking out her blog, and I could really use the "recipe" cards, as I'm trying to rebuild the wardrobe into something less embarassing :)

  40. I could really use some fashion help on how to dress for my body...this would be great, since I can't afford a personal wardrobe consultant! Oh, and by the way, we're now caught up on Lost. Chat away, girl. :)

  41. I could really use some help finding the right styles for my body type. I don't really know how I should be dressing. Being 5' 11", many regular sizes don't fit, and I also don't like emphasizing my height too much.

  42. Wow that is a great blog. I really didn't care for the Tsubo Rhea shoes for me. But I know several girls that they would look great on. I figured out that I am a hourglass type. Which I still don't I love the advice and would put the Wardrobe 911 Recipe Box to good use.

  43. I really adore the idea of this website and the wardrobe recipe box. Sometimes, since kids, I find less time to keep up with that. I have some idea -- of the classic and timeless pieces -- but not always the extras, or when and how to mix some new or few pieces of trendy in. I love too that she goes beyond basics into what works well for different kinds of situations. Still not back to my pre-baby body, I'm struggling with not feeling like I'm looking good. This would be a great way to become more aware as I get back to the shape I like -- and can then put all of these great lessons and ideas into use!

    BTW -- I really love and appreciate how honest you are about things you talk about or review. It is great seeing that you don't always just rave, but will mix the good while being honest about what you don't like. It makes your reviews not only more real and fun -- but as if it is coming from a girlfriend who's opinion you know you can trust! Thanks!

  44. heck when I call fashion 911 they better bring the hook and ladder and the ambulance because they are going to have to revive those who've seen me. I'd sure love to look like the sexy love goddess I know I am

  45. First off, I have to agree with your assessment of those shoes - EW!

    But what a great concept (I'll be adding her blog to my Google Reader). I'm in dire need of help. Hannah was THRILLED beyond words when I came home with two new skirts and tops and a dress from . . . Target (yes, I can find nice clothes at Target!!). My goal for the summer was to "feminize" my wardrobe!!

  46. I've always felt a little bit boy-ish figured, and for a long time had a hard time figuring out how to dress well for my shape, feel comfortable in my clothes, and look femanine. I'm starting to figure it out! Something about giving birth makes you realize, hey, I really am very much a girl! :)

    I can't always get out shopping with my sister in law... my own personal shopper/advisor, so I'd put these cards to good use. Does she have good advise for jeans? (I'll cruise her blog :) ) I totally struggle with finding the PERFECT pair. ...or maybe I should just have 10 or 20 pairs, one for each style and event of my life! ;)

  47. Oh what a neat site! I loved the flats + skirt post, as I love to wear skirts during the summer but don't often want to wear heals, especially now that I'm chasing a baby around all the time!

    Sounds like the cards could be really helpful. After having my son, I sure could use some help figuring out how to dress as my body has DEFINITELY changed!

  48. This sounds like a great product. I was just shopping for clothes the other day and I can't find anything that looks right on me. I would absolutely love to learn to pick the correct clothes for my shape. Maybe I could buy an outfit once in awhile. Thanks for the giveaway.

  49. Wow... this is a GREAT product! I could really use something like this since my usual wardrobe consists of 100% sweats, scrubs and pajamas. I usually wind up looking like a slob because I honestly do not know how to shop for my size/shape! Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. What a great concept - it would definately be helpful to have some hint cards when shopping.
    I have to agree with you on the shoes. The two Roxy's are kinda cute, but the Tsubo Rhea are pretty aweful and the Puma's are just boring.

  51. I could really use some wardrobe help! I wear mostly jeans & t's and can't find anything that fits b/c I am too small. It has really been getting to me lately b/c the clothes in the kids section just aren't very figure flattering. I'll have to poke around Teresa's site & see if she addresses this at all. Maybe I'll have to ask her for pointers!

  52. I go to my closet and it takes me forever to put together an outfit...I love shopping, I hate getting dressed. But I've started that when I do go shopping I have someone help and show me different ways to wear something or accessorize it.

  53. I am hardly what you could call a "fashion leader" so a book like this can help me figure out what styles look best on me.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms on here.

  54. I could definitely use this. I need to pick out some more clothes that work together instead of against each other.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. Thanks for this contest. If you saw my closet, you'd probably be calling 911, HELP! I have one "go to " outfit and the rest is workout clothes!!

  56. I just won 30$ to a local eco-friendly clothing store here in town, however, I am fashionably inept. I never found it important until this past year, and now I'm lacking in the ability to do it properly. :(

    This would help a ton, I'm going to the site now!!

  57. Since I'm not much of a shopper lately, this would really help me in picking out appropriate pieces to add and mix with my wardrobe. What a great product!

  58. That is cool the, I don't find the Tsubo Rhea shoes Atrocious, just a bit confusing, I wouldn't know whether or not to wear socks with them because they are open in so many places, they look like a cross between a sneaker and a sandal. I think they are cute but I think only certain people would be able to pull them off, I am guessing that would be petite people. Plus out of all of those shoes I think I would be least likely to face plant in the Tsubo shoes. I don't like the Puma shoes she has on the same post, however that is just me. I do like both Roxy pairs she had up there I thought they were super cute! I would buy a pair of those. I was looking at the recipe boxes too and realized I don't really know what body shape I would be categorized into. It would help me out though when I go shopping since I predominately wear pjs all the time, they are just so comfy, however when I do decide to get dressed up I find I am sadly at a loss. I think I own maybe 3 outfits that aren't pajama outfits and I hate shopping for new clothes because I feel like I can never find that 'right' look. I've already bookmarked her site so if I don't win I think I might actually just buy one, still not sure on the body type though, Now if they had a set for people with a curvy body I would know witch one to get, I have trouble identifying my body with shapes like triangle and rectangles. Good luck everybody!

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