FOR HER: sunglasses by Bolle






Okay. I know what you're thinking.

My sunglasses are awesome. Stylish. Celebrity-ish. Decidedly cool.

Either that - or you're thinking that I am a major dork for posing like that for self-portraits.

You're probably thinking both. And both are true. I AM kind of a dork (but a fun dork). AND those sunglasses are amazing.

They are the Ruby sunglasses ($109.99-$139.99) from Bolle Performance Eyewear. They are lightweight, fashionable, and provide excellent protection against the sun's rays.

Bolle offers a wide variety of sunglasses for men and women - spectacles for sports, work, or daily wear. They also offer prescription lenses for those of us with less than 20/20 vision (I say "us" because I fall in that category...However, I recently got contacts so I can now wear "regular" sunglasses! Yay!).

WIN IT! One winner will receive a pair of sunglasses of choice from the Women's Collection at Bolle Performance Eyewear. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Thursday, December 3rd at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

FOR A SECOND ENTRY: Blog or Tweet about my Christmas Gift Guide (or about this giveaway)…and leave a second comment telling me that you did.

I received product samples for review purposes.

*UPDATE* The winner is #33 Keith Wilcox. Congratulations!

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114 comments on “FOR HER: sunglasses by Bolle”

  1. Sunglasses are one of my addictions, along with handbags and shoes. I'd love to add Bolle sunglasses to my collection!

  2. You are a celebrity in my eyes.

    It takes guts to post self portraits. You look like you had fun taking them. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have light eyes, and it is super painful to go out in the sun without sun glasses, I could really use a good pair.
    thanks for the shot... peatheski[at]gmail[dot]com

  4. Such cool looking sunglasses! I usually wear sunglasses from Target cause they're inexpensive. These Bolle sunglasses look great!

  5. I checked out the site -- and I just love these sunglasses by Bolle. Thanks so much for the fabulous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win! I have never treated myself to designer sunglasses!

  6. There's something about putting on sunglasses that makes me feel a little uninhibited. I wouldn't do self photos, but give me a pair of cool shades and sure, I'll strike a pose!

  7. In picture number 2 you look a little like Angelina Jolie - what cool sunglasses. I do not buy pricey sunglasses for myself for one reason - I lose them. My hubby buys Smith because they have a lifetime warranty if he breaks them. So far I think they have replaced them 2 or 3 times! But there is no lifetime warranty if you lose them and I just lost my $17 target sunglasses that I loved in Denver last weekend so I need a new pair!

  8. These glasses are cute and this comes from an unfashionable mom like myself; I need something to update my self into the modern times...PLS!! LOL

  9. Wow, this is a popular item! But, I will throw my name in anyway :) I agree that it is hard to keep my little ones away from my glasses. I have begun to have a spot for them next to where I put my keys every time I walk in. (things being in their place is the only way I can finds things now that I have mommy brain!)
    I must say I think it is awesome that you are doing giveaways like this. I have to see and accept that being a mom means usually having food somewhere on your clothes, a pacifier in hand/pocket, always having some form of food scraps/garbage in said pocket, etc. but is SO nice to have those little stylish items that help you feel just a little pretty, stylish or mildly put together :)
    (my friend Nini sent me this link and I am off to look at your other items!)

  10. I love that you took self-portraits! That's the best way to show us how great the sunglasses are anyway. I currently have no clue where my kids hid my sunglasses, so winning these would save me the trouble of pulling apart every single inch of my home. :)

  11. Ha! I love those pictures of you, Stephanie! I haven't bought a pair of sunglasses for myself in at least 3 years. These are really super cute! Crossing my fingers!

  12. I adore sunglasses. Best accessory ever not to mention how great it is to protect your eyes from the sunlight! :-) I really like Bolle, they have great eyewear!

  13. These are very stylish sunglasses, I can definitely use a new pair! No matter how hard I try, with my hands always full I tend to scratch every pair. Thanks for the offer!

  14. Those look great on you! I really like the Valencia pair. Currently, I have a nice pair of prescription sunglasses... that have not-so-nice scratches on them. I keep saying I need to get some more!

  15. I am super sensitive to light and sunlight in particular. I desperately need some shades that do some screening at the side and not just the front of my face!!

  16. I always laugh when people comment on my sunglasses - they are CVS $10 glasses because I am always losing and scratching them.

  17. My husband went and bought him a really expensive pair of sunglasses to go running in. Even though they aren't my style, I steal them when I go out. In addition to me, I think that he would be excited for me to get a new pair so that I don't keep on stealing his!

  18. I love these! My current sunglasses are super cute, but they got a scratch. :( Time to replace them!

  19. Im guilty of not paying more than $10 on my sun glasses because they either get a) broken b) lost c) sat on or d) scratched. But these are so cute! Love the pics too. ;)

  20. First of all, I love your pics! So fun and I laughed at how cute you are:) I would love these glasses. Since I live in AZ, I need sunglasses 24/7!!

  21. I hate to admit it. Most of the sunglasses I have now are ones other people have lost in public places. They all have scratches on the lenses which is probably why people discarded them in the first place.

  22. What there's fashion after Motherhood. When exactly does this happen? Before your infant has spit up on you for the third time or after your pre-schooler has inadvertently smeared something in where you can no longer contort to seeing? Wow maybe the sunglasses could just be my answer to ignoring the state I'm in!!

  23. These look great. You know what is one thing that I've learned about sunglasses...Always put them on for a few minutes to make sure they don't fog up. haha. I've bought $50 sunglasses before and that I just tried on for a few seconds to make sure they looked good then I get them home and they start fogging up on me. ugh. no thank you to that!

  24. Those sunglasses are pretty cool. I have a small obsession with sunglasses and instead of the handful of junky pairs that I own, I should have saved up and just bought one nice pair like those!

  25. They are very stylish! I always buy my son sunglasses, but I don't remember the last time I got myself a pair, nor can I ever find any when I try to!

  26. i would love to win these!! i've been sticking to the $5-$10 variety lately due to my 18 mo old daughter's love of wearing my sunglasses... it would be great to have a nice pair all to myself!!

  27. I am still searching for the perfect pair of sunglasses. Those are great on you! I hope if I win I look that good in mine, but I'm not holding my breath!

  28. I love the sunglass pics of yourself in the mirror. I do that with my kids to try to get a decent shot, but it never turns out. They do look celebrity-ish!

  29. My husband recently made fun of me for taking pics of myself in my sunglasses, so I totally understand! It's fun, though, isn't it! I've never had a pair of really nice sunglasses, and yours are so cute!

  30. My husband gave me (my first) pair of nice sunglasses for my birthday this year. There's such a huge difference between them and the Target variety I usually buy. The problem is I'm always misplacing them. It would be so great to have a second pair.

  31. I have been needing to do something about my scratched up lenses for months now. Maybe it is just time for a new pair altogether. I still have not crossed over to the hollywood look yet, mabe it is time.

  32. Those sunglasses are adorable! I have never bought real nice sunglasses since I always tend to break/lose them. I would have to be really careful with these.

  33. Living in the south I had to get used to wearing sunglasses year around. Not easy for a northern girl. There are days I still forget. Maybe having a stylish pair of sunglasses would help me remember?

  34. Um, Stephanie - those sunglasses are AWESOME. I want them. Want them *bad*! I live in Florida, so there is never a time of year when we are not needing sunglasses - and, believe it or not - I lost my sunglasses at Disney World a few weeks ago...and let me tell you - those would be a super replacement!

  35. I LOVE sunglasses. Okay, so in the winter they don't get quite as much use, but come spring they are pretty much parked on my head. These are super cute and sound really nice!

  36. I LOVE your posing! You made me smile :). I, like so many other mom's own a five dollar pair of sunglasses and would feel so very stylish in these!

  37. My husband just scratched my Anne Klein glasses that I have had for YEARS! I wanted to kill him. Honestly, I didn't know Boile made women's glasses. My hubby has a few pair that he swears by from their men's collection. You look great in the Rubys BTW.....

  38. Oh I love the look of these! I don't know if I'd ever feel comfortable spending that amount of money on them, but it sure would be fun to win a pair! :)

  39. These are just so cool! I must admit that I usually just buy a inexpensive pair so I don't have to worry about what happens to them. However I think it's time to upgrade!

  40. My last pair of sunglasses I bought were cheap ones from the drugstore...really. They were the only ones that I could find on a really bright and sunny day. I've been looking for a replacement pair since then...which has now been two years!

  41. I'm waiting for the day I'm going to see a giveaway for something manly :-) Nah, I know how it is. You might be a dork (which even that I'm not sure of), but you are definitely a cool dork. I used to have a pair of bolle glasses, but I left them at the park on a bench. I went back 10 minutes later and they were gone. People must really like bolle. Anyway, now I'm wearing a crappy pair from walmart. Suck. BTW, Happy thanksgiving!

  42. I cannot remember the last time I owned a pair of sunglasses that cost more than ten dollars. Seriously. Can't remember. The ones I own now? $3.50 at Payless (it was a BOGO deal). I'd love something a little more sophisticated this time around!

  43. I wear $9.99 sunglasses from Walmart. These are very cute! I would love to have them!

    By the way, you are so cute, I love the pics you took. Definitely not a dork! :)


  44. Right now I have zero sunglasses. I usually have two or maybe three pairs (from Target) in use, but they are all broken and I dont want to buy anymore JUNK!!! I am saving for an Oakley pair, but these Bolle, would be nice!!! I have owned Oakley before and I still have the frames, but I am debating whether or not I want to buy new lenses. They could be half the price of a new pair!!

  45. I have to wear sunglasses almost every time that I am outdoors. The sun, even when cloudy, really bothers my eyes. I also know that sunglasses can
    help against macular degeneration, which my father has. Please sign me up. Many thanks, Cindi

  46. I don't know if I could trust myself with a pair of glasses that expensive - I break/lose every pair =) But I guess if I won them it would be a different story =)
    I got lasik over a year ago and I love being able to wear sunglasses now!

    autumn398 @

  47. They look good on you! My sunglasses--which were rather rickety already, having been bent by the three-year-old--bit the dust the other day. I thought I could hold out buying some for a while, since it was rainy and cloudy that day, but the very next day SUN--soooo bright! And my light-colored eyes could hardly handle it! I could barely drive. I'm not sure I'd look quite as glamorous as you in these ones, though! ;)

  48. So stylish and classy looking! Can you believe that I live in California and don't currently own a pair of sunglasses? I could certainly use a fashionable pair like these!

  49. I don't even OWN sunglasses. Not because I don't want any but because they simply disappear into the void of my house. I wonder if they end up with the mismatched socks somewhere. Maybe I have a space portal in my home and they get transported into another dimension...nah, I think my kids take them and lose them.

    Those sunglasses are FAB! If I won them I would protect them from my space portals (all boys) and guard them with my life. Did I mention they are SO fab?


  50. I really want new sunglasses for Christmas because all the cheapie ones I have pinch behind my ears and give me headaches! Ugh, what a pain! I guess you get what you pay for!

  51. I love good glasses and I've found that the better the glasses are, the more protective and cautious I am with them. I think they are dang cute on you.

  52. Ok, so sunglasses are such a hard thing for me! I can never find sunglasses that would look good on my face. These look SUPER cute though!

  53. The only sunglasses I have been able to wear and not get a headache were some sporty Oakleys. I would love to try some nice cute ones, and the dog just chewed up my cheap ones... :)

  54. Every time I pull sunglasses back on my head they fall on the floor. It drives me crazy. My current pair is scratched because of this but I'm cheap and they were nice glasses so I still wear them.

  55. The only sunglasses I have ever had are cheapo ones from walmart... and I never am satisfied. These are super cute!! Wait... it's christmas. I am supposed to be thinking of other!!!

  56. My sunglasses are broken, but not by my baby, she is only four months old! I need sunglasses desperately for this bright Arizona winter sun. Stylish sunglasses would help me look cool when I am not at my best.

  57. Oh, very cool. I am big on performance sunglasses since I am so active outdoors, but so often performance sunglasses are more edgy, less stylish. I'd love a pair of stylish shades!

  58. My children have broken all of my sunglasses. I would love these, I need a new pair that is not all scratched up and these look pretty cool.

  59. I would love to win these but of course that would bring up the problem of protecting them from my children. My 9.99 sunglasses have lasted 2 years, but I have a feeling these would get sat on or something!

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