I blog because...

I blog because I am a writer.

It's imprinted in my heart. It's who I am.

I blog because... 1 I blog because... 2

I blog because I cherish relationships.

It's a way to connect with people - from Santa Cruz, Sydney, Syracuse, and Sicily (and everywhere in between).

I blog because... 3 I blog because... 4

I blog because I want to record the simple beauty of the everyday.

Because the everyday is - actually - completely extraordinary.

I blog because... 5 I blog because... 6

I blog because I want to change the world.

And blogging is a powerful tool to help others - in Haiti, Halifax, Houston, and...right Here in Arizona.

I blog because... 7 I blog because... 8

The last few months I've been searching my heart, thinking about the whys and the hows and the whos of my blog. And I'm changing a few things.

- Deep Breath -

I'm giving up Wordless Wednesday (because my photos are never wordless!). I'm giving up Themed Weekends (because they're too product-centric and too inflexible). I'm giving up most product reviews.

I blog because... 9What you'll find here is more of me. Pictures. Paragraphs. Pearls of thought.

You'll also find more ideas for creative gift-giving, for doing intentional acts of kindness, and for making the world a better place.

I'll still have Tuesday Tours (It's fun and I like to link to you). I'll still do themed series sometimes (but not every weekend). I'll still host giveaways (because it brings me great joy to give to others). But it will be different. It will be good-different.

More to come... (including an announcement about a brand new something!)

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51 comments on “I blog because...”

  1. I can't be happier with your decisions about your blog! My favorite posts are ones about you, your family, your "change the world" ideas....You have a beautiful heart and your blog allows your light to shine!

  2. That is very exciting news-I hope you will enjoy all of the changes! I will definitely continue to follow you to see what is in store. Thanks for sharing with us!

  3. Yay! Change is good! I stop by at least every Tuesday (Wednesday for me) and am happy that will remain. I hope that the shift will move you forward with your goals and give you more freedom for creativity!

  4. I've always liked your consistency and your content, but I also love change and look forward to what you have in store for us. On another note: you've had so many pictures of the family lately! I love it. I need to take more pictures of the girls and of our family having fun. We've been taking walks, playing dress up, etc; I need to capture those moments.

  5. I think that's fantastic :)
    Being true to yourself is so important, nurturing whatever side needs it.
    You go girl!

  6. Stephanie, this is HUGE! HUGE HUGE HUGE. Making such a drastic change to ones blog is never easy, but it always means that it's best for the blogger. You know, the person behind the blog ;)

    I'm so very - BEYOND totally excited to get to know you on a more intimate level now. I've always loved your blog and you and the products were fun, but being able to read more of your heart is going to be amazing.


  7. You really put so much thought into what you write & I am sure the changes will be great for you & your blog. I will miss the themed weekends just because you always give the best reviews about products and so truthful!

    Love the pictures of you and the girls...too cute & such sweet smiles!

  8. It's good for us bloggers to acknowledge when change is rapping on the door. With your experience, I'm sure you are making some excellent ones! Can't wait to hear more.

  9. I really like your changes--and your reasons for them. Makes so much sense. I love when you write from your heart and share your thoughts and perspectives. I always look forward to visiting your blog, and it will be such fun to get to know you even more through your blog. I hope you already know this, but it never hurts to say it again--I'm a huge fan of yours!!
    The pictures of you and your girls on this post are just really, really cute! You all look so genuinely happy. I love it.

  10. I know this is a big step for you! I loved your little mission statement here, with these adorable pictures. I'm proud of you, and I look forward to the new changes!

  11. You are a great writer and I am sure this new move will be more relaxing and hopefully stimulate those creative juice more. I love your blog althgough I am yet to win a giveaway!

  12. Good for you! I subscribe & get your blog updates and often wonder how in the world you have time for it all. Each week on Travel Mamas I do one feature blog, one travel trivia blog, one Travel Mamas guest blog post, and a 3-6 quick tips (like mini blogs), plus occassional contests/giveaways & a biweekly newsletter. That takes a LOT of my time & I have a part-time nanny & it's still less posts than you do for your blog. It's hard to make those choices sometimes but you know what's best for you & your family. Good luck with the new format!

  13. My One and Only Stephanie....Keep Changing, Keep Growing in the Lord, Keep changing the world:)love, your mom

  14. Good for you! I've been condsidering the same thing for a while...I'm just not there.

    I will always be a reader...I can wait to see what's to come!

  15. Oh I'm so excited, Stephanie! I love the chance to win things on your blog but truth be told my favorite posts are the ones that are just about you and your family. It's like a sneak peak into someone else's world. And we all love that. I can't wait to see what's to come!

  16. I know exactly how you feel! This sounds like a wonderful announcement, and change, and I love reading all of your posts, so keep up the good work! :-)

  17. I'm so excited to hear more from you. I love your themed weekends most when they haven't been product based. When we get to read about you is when I really read and enjoy your posts the most. You are a talented wonderful mom with so much to share. Keep up the good work and we can't wait to hear your next announcement!

  18. Good for you! In my mind, a blog really needs to be for the blogger, first and formost. And if you know in your heart that you want/need to change how you go about it, then that's just what you should do.

    I've been enjoying your blog ever since I first stumbled across it a while back, and I know I'll be sticking around. I'm looking forward to your coming posts!

  19. I love your Tuesday tours and just reading what you have to say in general. Looking forward to your changes!

  20. Change can be good. I look forwarding to reading your new posts - I'm just glad that you'll still be blogging, I've grown to really enjoy what you have to share with us!

  21. This sounds wonderful, Stephanie. I've also been thinking about doing less product reviews and more "from the heart" posts. I'm looking forward to reading more of YOU. I'm glad you'll still do themed weekends from time to time because those are always fun to read. I think you're moving in a great direction!

  22. I love the sounds of the changes you're making, Stephanie! It's your passion for parenting, your desire to seek out opportunities for "intentional kindness", and longing to change the world that keep me coming back to your blog, and I'm totally excited that we're going to get to see more of that here! Most products, however great they are, are just "stuff" that I don't need to fill my mind or my home with - so I'm tickled to see you dropping that in favor of the inspiration that I do want to be filling up my heart with. I love the precious pictures of your & your sweet girlies, too :)

  23. The more and more I read you the more I fall in love with your blog. Your Tuesday Tours and the posts about you are definitely my favorite. I am looking forward to the new you!

    Good luck with implementing the changes! I will be right here... reading you.

  24. Sounds like fun, and you are keeping my favourite parts ;) BTW I love (LOVE) the picture series above, especially the one labelled intentional-parent. I may just have to try some of those poses out with Elizabeth...

  25. Looking forward to your announcement!!! I think you have an amazing blog--I visit daily & I am certain that whatever changes you have in store will be more than positive!

  26. sounds fantastic. I think it's an awesome idea to re-evaluate every once in a while. Can't wait for what you have in store for us!

  27. good for you! as much as i love your site i look forward to the changes and learning more about the person you are.

  28. I love your blog the way so much just the way it is but am sure I will love it even more as you follow your gorgeous heart. Can't wait to see what comes next...Fantastic pictures :)

  29. I enjoy your themed weekends - and my wordless Wednesdays are often not very wordless either. But I'm so excited about the changes you are making - from what I've seen you are a beautiful person inside and out and it sounds like we'll get to see more of that person than we've seen to date.

    Enjoy the transition... I'll be along for the ride.


  30. I don't know how you do all that you do! I am struggling lately just to really write the things I want to say and read blogs and do all the little pieces that make this blogging thing work. I really can't wait to see where you're going with this and am excited for you!

  31. I am excited for you and the changes that are taking place. I have loved reading your blog and seeing your heart and your pictures. You are one of a kind and I am look forward to reading more of your heart.


    P.S. I am with you 100% on the reasons why you blog. I feel the same way about why I do. :)

  32. How exciting, Steph. I love your blog but I admit that my favourite part is "you" - when you write from your heart. You're a great writer and I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

    And p.S. Those girls are GORGEOUS.

  33. And even though you are giving it up, I'll still be here because I like you and I love your blog too!! :) Looking forward to seeing God work these changes in your life!

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