I'm not in Chicago today

Last year, I went to BlogHer.

This year, I woke up and nursed the baby in bed (it's one of my favorite parts of the morning). Then, I ate yogurt with my 2-year-old at the kitchen table.

My friend Rhonda came over with her almost-2-year-old son and we made homemade granola bars (I finally tried it - and they are WAY yummier than the the store-bought kind).


In the afternoon - after our friends left - we spread a blanket out on the grass and ate sweet clementines (but it was really hot outside so eventually we came back in).

not-at-blogher-4 not-at-blogher-7

I also finished the 3rd Twilight book (It wasn't as good as the first two, in my humble opinion. The whole "love triangle" thing was a bit much for me).


After doing the SHRED (I'm on day 17 - woot!) and eating pasta & grapes for dinner, I gave my 2-year-old a bath and read her books while my husband took a walk outside with the babe in his arms.

Now, both girls are asleep and the house is quiet.

This year, I didn't go to any fashion shows or cocktails parties or swag suites. This year, I stayed at home and wore flip flops.

And you know what? I liked this day. I liked the simplicity of it.

Don't get me wrong - it would have been fun to meet up with all my blogging buddies and to wear my cutest shoes.


But it's also fun here. The experiences here might not be quite as riveting, but they are pretty amazing.

Next year, I might be back in Blog Central.

This year? I'm happy to be "partying" with "my girls." They're not quite old enough for martinis and manicures. Honestly, though, jumping on the bed and reading "Martha Doesn't Say Sorry" is cool too - in a different sort of way.

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21 comments on “I'm not in Chicago today”

  1. While the books are pure teeny bopper entertainment, and suck you in (no pun intended), you will enjoy the 4th one better than the 3rd one and you will be glad to be done with them. I really enjoyed reading them, but I was ready to be done (or maybe I was ready to not let it take up so much of my time!)

    The granola bars look fabulous! I just may have to try those this week! Thanks for the recipe! I thought we were among the few families who's little 2 year old is allowed to jump on the bed! Phew! Analise LOVES jumping on her bed. That is the one place in the house she is allowed to jump on a peice of furniture! Your girls are so beautiful!

  2. I think you chose the right way to spend the big weekend. BlogHer can wait. :)

    I felt very upset after reading Eclipse. Kind of like I'd gone through the emotional wringer. The last book makes up for it, though, in my opinion.

  3. you ar eone busy mama! I just have to say that the last book is awesome, and i felt the same way about the Eclipse, but just you wait!! Have you seen the trailer for new moon, it actually looks good! take care!!~

  4. Honestly the first 2 of the Twilight saga were my favorite.. Everyone said Breaking Dawn was amazing..It wasn't as great as all the hype..I finished all the books in like 2 days it took me 2 weeks to finish breaking dawn..You'll have to tell me what you thought

  5. I'm glad you're having such fun at home with your girls. :) Wear your cute shoes in the house anyway, and invite your big girl to join you! They don't have to hide in the closet just because you're not out and about.

  6. I stopped by because I thought I would catch you blogging about your great day at BlogHer. I was suprised to read your post, but oh what a sweet day you had.

    Next year BlogHer is in NYC! :)

  7. It's a lot more fun reading about your day than seeing another "Woo Hoo, I'm at BlogHer!!!" post. You can only read so many of those vague posts until they are all the same.

  8. I'm in Chicago and not at BlogHer (boo) I was too late for tickets. Anyway, those granola bars look delish. Might have to try them sometime!

  9. One of these days, maybe I'll kick things up a notch and really get into blogging, doing the blog conferences and all - but for now, I'm happy to have my little piece of the internet and my time with my sweet babies!

    It is fun to read about BlogHer though!

  10. I love this. Getting dressed up to hang out with the girls is fun stuff, but it's just as fun to hang out with family...or it should be. Your day sounds wonderful.

  11. Stephanie,

    I'm not there either...maybe next year. I too am nursing a baby girl (toddler girl) that is. She's a precious 13 months and still wants her mommy all the time. Are you a marathon nurser too? I nursed all of my children until age 2 or so.


  12. I love this post. I love your day that you had! And the picture of you with your book is so fun!


  13. I often feel the same way! My husband and I have been dealing with so many "adult" things lately with the selling and buying of our house. But last night after dinner our family went to the park and had the whole place to ourselves. We did races and obstacles courses and laughed until our bellies hurt. It's nice to be reminded of the sweet moments in life.

  14. Hi Stephanie. Enjoy your weekend at home with your sweet family. My goal is to make it to BlogHer in 2 years. For now, running a start-up health care practice and being home with my family (EVERY day) is my top priority. Ya know what? We're going camping tonight!

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