Introducing...the SLY Awards

I'm launching a brand new feature here on Metropolitan honor and celebrate everyday people who are doing good things in the world.

Introducing...the SLY Awards 1Introducing...The SLY Awards (short for Somebody Loves You...or, alternatively, Stephanie Loves You). Every 2-3 weeks, I will be featuring one person [or one non-profit organization] who is an inspiration to others - someone [or some group] who infuses creativity, compassion, and cheer into the local and/or global community. I will "surprise" the person or organization on my blog with an assortment of gifts from sponsoring companies.

The SLY Award winner will receive 5-10 products that uniquely fit his or her personality or interests. I will then give the rest of you an opportunity to win those same products!

I'd like to point out that the SLY winners may not be doctoring the sick in Kenya or heading relief efforts in Chile (but it's possible that I'll pick people who are doing that too...). They will be people who are good, kind, thoughtful, the every day (even if that every day consists of blowing noses or singing silly songs or crafting blog posts).

Introducing...the SLY Awards 2Cool, right?

Stay tuned. I already have my first winner all picked out and I can't wait to make her day.

{It's pretty fun to be sneaky}.

P.S. Those are my eyes in that picture over there. Tim took a photo and then worked his PhotoShoppy Magic. Impressive.

More changes to come - plus, watch the top of my page for a slick SLY page...coming soon.

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34 comments on “Introducing...the SLY Awards”

  1. I feel so inspired by this concept, Stephanie! I've actually been mulling over the idea of spotlighting a nonprofit that is doing amazing things once every week or so on my blog.

  2. Oh, I love this idea- it's awesome! Your eyes look beautiful in that picture, oh my! I think you should nominate yourself for the first sly award, because you inspire me! And yes, I'm moving to Arizona! I'm actually from Scottsdale! We are moving to Phoenix, near the airport (South Scottsdale central phx area). Do you guys ever drive up to Phoenix? I would love to *meet* you! xoxo!

  3. That's the best idea ever! You're already good at making people feel good about themselves with your special deliveries and notes, but this will be an extra special and unique way to make people feel great. I think it will also serve to motivate others to make noteworthy choices, because we'll be inspired by the stories you tell. Thanks!

  4. Such a fun idea. My friends and I back in Highschool (way too long ago) used to end our notes with SLY, for us it meant "Sure Love Ya"!

  5. What a great idea, Stephanie! So unique and thoughtful. I look forward to reading all about the winners. Your blog just keeps getting better. Love the changes so far!

  6. Thank You for doing that! I'm new to the blogging world but just got a bunch of design bloggers to pitch in and help redesign a domestic violence shelter. Your contest reminds me of my favorite T-shirt "I admire kind people". Most underestimated people on earth!

  7. I'm lovin' all the changes! I think it suits you perfectly and it seems like it's...time! Good for you! It feels like a perfectly natural next step. SLY awards are SUCH a wonderful idea...let me know if we can nominate people!

  8. Tim gets two thumbs up for his work on the picture. And you get two thumbs up for being so perennially thoughtful. What a great way to kick off the changes to your blog!

  9. What an awesome idea! Its great that you will be picking people who are quietly going about making a difference in their own spheres who might not have the resources to do things in the big picture. Everyone loves to feel appreciated!

  10. Quite possibly the best thing ever! You are so thoughtful! Such a great idea...and so fun to be able to bless people that way!! And...Tim didn't have to work too much magic on that photo...your eyes are amazing!

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