It's a wild & crazy Friday night

The girls are tucked in and dreaming.

It's Friday night so I think it's about time that I do something wild and crazy.

I'm going to close my laptop! (Yeah, I am).

Instead of working and tweeting and tackling my inbox...

I'm going to curl up on the couch and read my library books (plural!).

And I'm going to pray: for my husband, our family, our future, our country, our world...and for these two blonde-headed beauties:

It's a wild & crazy Friday night 1 It's a wild & crazy Friday night 2 It's a wild & crazy Friday night 3 It's a wild & crazy Friday night 4

* Thanks to Lacey and Megan for taking these photos.

Are you doing anything wild & crazy tonight? What was the last book that you read and/or what book are you currently reading?

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32 comments on “It's a wild & crazy Friday night”

  1. I LOVE the pictures of your girls! What little beauties you have.

    I just finished reading "I will carry you." By Angie Smith And now I'm about to read, "Into the mud, inspiration for everyday activists" by Christine Jeske (true stories of Africa)

    Tonight is hopefully going to be quite around here so I plan to curl up with my newborn baby girl and my book! :)

  2. How did I miss commenting on a book post?! :)

    I'm currently completely obsessed with the Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson. They're Swedish mysteries that are reeeeally good, but a little heavy on the language and sexual squeam factor (I don't want to give the plot away completely, but an icky sexual situation is one of the main plot points). The characterization is superb though, I can't put the books down!

    I'm also reading a David McCullough, and Le crime de l'orient express, trying to keep my French skills from completely deteriorating.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day for you!!

    I am currently reading:

    On nightstand: The Love Dare (again), It is one of those books I keep on hand.

    Through Daily Lit: "Of Human Bondage" by: W. Somerset Maugham (Classic)

    I am using Daily Lit to get my fill of the classic a chapter a day through my mail, it's a wonderful way for me to read, and slow down for a little while.

  4. Hey Stephanie. Your night sounds perfect. I hope it was great. Also wanted to stop by and wish you a happy forth, like you, it's a favorite holiday of mine. Hope you enjoyed it with your sweet family.

  5. Friday night was my birthday but we went to the circus that morning and had a packed day, so we just chilled out Friday night. I love the pics of your girls, they are so cute! My book suggestion: "I Will Carry You" by Angie Smith. Her blog is - one of my favs. The book is authentic and sad but hopeful if that makes sense.

    1. Happy Birthday, Alysa! Would you believe it...I've *never* been to the circus! Did you like it?

    2. P.S. I just looked up that book on Amazon and it looks good, but...very sad. I think I would cry my eyes out.

  6. I've been walking away from the computer more than usual over the past week or so. It felt weird at first, like I was missing a vital part of myself, but it's been freeing as the week progressed. I think you need that down-time periodically, time when you're unplugged and inaccessible to all but your immediate family.

    I'm late reading this, so while I didn't have a wild & crazy Friday night...last night was out of the ordinary in that we set up the tent in the backyard and camped out! We ate dinner outside, built a fire, made s'mores...what a wonderful night!

    I'm currently in the middle of "Fast Food Nation"'s pretty horrifying, and I'm already looking at fast food commercials and Happy Meals through different eyes.

  7. Those are great pictures. Your girls are getting so big, it's amazing how fast time passes.

    My Friday night was pretty much the usual. I snuggled my baby girl to bed, I spent a little too much time on my computer and I snuggled with my hubby. It was a great night.

  8. I'm reading "The Defector" by Daniel Silva. I love all of his books and sometimes find it hard to put down.

  9. Just finished Girl who played with fire and am reading Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

    I was hoping to have a wild and crazy Friday night birth but that didn't happen. Oh well. (I'm overdue now.)

  10. Sounds like a wonderful night! We went to a friday's monthly boardgame night...yay! Last read: "A Maze of Grace" by Trish Ryan. Currently reading a "Lull-A-Baby", but not sure if it's for me or not.

  11. Sounds fabulous! I hope you had a great time!!! I'm reading Innumeracy, and I'm a bit disappointed with it. I'm only a chapter in and I'm hoping it will get better!

  12. I am reading Eat Pray Love and listening to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on audiobook during my runs. Want to get these done before I watch the movies.

  13. Good for you, going wild :-)And praying is a pretty wild thin, love it!!!

    I have several books on the go
    "Experiencing Prayer with Jesus"

    "Passionate housewife desperate for God" This one is like my fourth time reading it, yes it's that good!!!

    "Healthy Digestion the Natural Way"

    And of course many many children books!!!!

  14. I just finished reading Simplicity Parenting, and LOVED it! So motivated now to pare down our toy collection, schedules, to do lists, everything, and just make life a little simpler.

    I have a handful of books on hold at the library, but since I didn't make it there yesterday, I'll have to wait until Tuesday to get my new reads. The library is closed for the entire holiday weekend.

  15. Nothing crazy but I do read a lot. Right now I'm reading the 4th Harry Potter book for my book club. We just finished the 1st 3 (for June) and then I read Plain Truth (by Jodi Piccoult) and now I'm on the 4th HP book. We are reading Jane Eyre for Sept so I need to start that soon since it'll take me a while, I think.

    1. I still have yet to read the whole HP series (but I'd like to!). I read the 1st one a long time ago, but never moved on to the second...

  16. I am reading Eat, Love and Pray, a little bed every night so I can savor it. Last night however, there was no reading. I treated myself to a lovely glass of wine and went to bed!

  17. I have all these books I want to read, but by the time the day is done and the kids are down, I am too brain dead. So frustrating. I am hoping that fog lifts in the next month or so. I want to read and get some knitting done for Christmas!
    My husband and I looked through the Simply in Season cookbook for some fun recipe ideas. We are heading to the farmer's market this morning to pick up summer squash, tomatoes, fresh basil, parsley, and possibly a pint of the world's tastiest blueberries (which, I am sure, will be consumed on premises!). Can't wait.

    1. Have fun at the market, Kristen! I think it's great that you and Jay meal-plan (and cook) together.

  18. Just finished 'Road Dogs' for my book club, but before that really enjoyed 'Her Fearful Symmetry' (twins! London! cemeteries! a ghost!)by Audrey Niffenegger, and right now in 'Mr Darcy Takes a Wife' (Pride and Prej continuation) and 'Lavinia' by Ursula K. Leguin. I loooooove to read, and should close by laptop more often.

  19. Good for you! Thanks for setting a good example! I went to boot camp at the beach and now relaxing with the hubs. I love reading...I read every night before bed, sometimes a few pages, sometimes lots of pages. I am more of a novel reader rather than an 'informational' book reader. The last book I read was Redeeming Love and now I am reading The Eye of the Needle. Have a fantastic weekend!!

  20. It is so important to let ourselves recharge. I went on a date with my wonderful husband tonight. We saw a movie which we rarely do. Toy Story 3, I was laughing the whole time. I am grateful for loving grandparents who offered to babysit.
    The last book I read was "the baby book" by Dr Sears. Starting to feel ready for this boy to arrive. About 3 weeks to go!

    1. I've heard so many positive reviews about Toy Story 3! Perhaps we'll rent it when it comes out on DVD. :)

  21. Good for you! Enjoy every minute! I hope to finish up lots of work tonight and tomorrow so I can do that at least one time this weekend. I'm envisioning a bath and my book and lots of bubbles... :)

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