Ladies In Waiting

We are all waiting. Holding our breath. The bag is in the car. The floors are mopped. The prayers go up.

Ladies In Waiting 1 Ladies In Waiting 2 Ladies In Waiting 3

40 weeks, 3 days today. I know, in my heart of hearts, that she'll be here right on time.

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32 comments on “Ladies In Waiting”

  1. I've been thinking of you daily but have been resisting the urge to ask "anything yet?" because I know how annoying that can be. I didn't go late with #3 but I did go later than I ever did with my other two. Labor didn't start until well after midnight when my older kids were soundly sleeping and we had adequate childcare and everything was in its place. I do think there's a psychological component to it that is hard to control or understand. As for labor, you will do amazing! I was very nervous for labor with my 3rd but by the time I was ready to push I said, "that's it?" In my mind I had built it up to be so much worse than it actually was.

    Prayers for you, your family, and your new little lady who has her own plans! :)

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Jenny. Your comment was just what I needed to read this morning.

      I have a birth center appointment later today. The midwife will likely strip my membranes to see if that will get labor going. Hopefully, we'll have a baby in our arms by the end of the weekend!

  2. Oh man, the waiting is the hardest part, especially when you're "overdue". My granddad was always quick to tell me, "The baby will come when God is ready". I hated hearing it, cause I knew he was right even though I was ready to be done. lol Praying for you and baby!!

  3. waiting, waiting, waiting... :) My first came earlier than expected and my second came right when expected. That second time around? I was sooo tired of being pregnant :) Prayers are with you, Tim and your girls (all 3 of them!)

    1. The dresses are by Revolution Dancewear. My mother-in-law found them at a yard sale for $5/each. HUGE score! The details are exquisite.

  4. I've been thinking about you every single day. I can't wait to meet the newest little Sheaffer and hear the beautiful name {together with the meaning behind it} her parents chose. XOXO

    1. Tim & I were just discussing names again last night (until the wee hours of the morning actually). We have 3 or 4 favorites, but will most likely wait to make the final decision until after we have a chance to meet her.

  5. Are you feeling nervous about birth? Excited? Terrified? :) I can't wait to hear the story. I am sure it will be good... and I am sure you will sing beautifully thru it! :) I sang a lot of "Come Thou Fount."

    1. All three emotions. Definitely terrified, but also confident at the same time. (I'm sure you remember the feeling).

      Did you listen to music during labor? If so, what songs were particularly comforting/empowering?

      1. With Sam I listened to Phil Keaggy's Beyond Nature. Beautiful cd. I didn't listen to any with Ailey. I tend to totally zone in labor, that, and joke around with the midwives and Jay. It's a weird combo. :)

        1. I "zone" in labor too. In fact, my surroundings completely "blur" and I am barely aware of the clock or the people around me.

          I'm impressed that you can joke around during labor. I'm completely humor-less. ;)

          Also - I had a "labor playlist" for all three of my pregnancies. Guess how many times I used it? Nada! That said, I AM using that same playlist to help me endure the pain of breastfeeding.

  6. The pics are precious. I am praying for you ! Also, in France you wouldn't be considered overdue yet as "normal "pregnancy is 41 weeks there ;-)

  7. Best Wishes for a smooth and peaceful delivery, Stephanie. My third came 13 days late and, as I've heard from several other mom's of 3, , the third baby takes his or her time. Everyday I lost a little bit of patience as I was "waiting", but now looking back, that extra two week advantage was to my benefit. He nursed instantly and easily, he was bigger and because of that, was able to sleep for longer stretches earlier on, and on his day of birth, he smilled at me - a real smile and has done so ever day since. And, my labor was the quick! Lots of benefits to waiting after all. Many blessings to you, Tim, and your girls!

    1. I actually don't mind the extra time (too much), but I feel a bit "under pressure" because my local birth center won't allow you to deliver at their facility after 41 weeks. My preference is to avoid the hospital so we're all hoping + praying that she arrives before Monday at midnight.

  8. We're praying for you and your family! When I was pregnant with Nicholas, I kept having Tom Petty's song The Waiting in my head ("You take it on faith, you take it to the heart but the waiting is the hardest part"). Are you going to send a tweet when you go into labor? What did you decide about the photographer?

    1. RE: tweeting at the onset of labor. It depends on the time of day/night it is, how quickly it comes on, etc.

      I opted out of labor & delivery photos for sure, but the photographer may come and take pictures a few hours post-delivery.

  9. The girl's dresses are totally adorable.

    I hope for your sake that your newest little lady hurries herself up, but like you said she'll be here when she's ready. Good luck.

  10. Praying for you. I know (firsthand - two times over) how long these first few days after the due date can be even though you know she will arrive on the perfect day. So excited to hear the news!

  11. Cheers to patiently awaiting on all our baby girls! Thinking of you and sending wishes for a wonderful "birth"day experience. SOON! Hugs!!

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