Category: Miscellany


Yesterday, we packed - all day. Today, we are in a new place - with a lot of boxes. Tomorrow, we are going back to clean our (empty) house. The next day we are handing over the keys. It is 9:00pm and I am tired and overwhelmed. But, also - oddly - at peace. Thank […]

5 things I appreciate about my mom

My mom had me when she was 33. The year was 1982. I was the third child. They didn't know it then, but there would be three more after me too. In no particular order, here are 5 things I appreciate about my mom: 1. She gave birth to me at home. In fact, my […]

books + bed = a good combination

I am tired. Uncharacteristically tired. Every night for the past week, as I lay beside my 1-year-old at 8:00pm and wait for her to drift off to sleep, I almost fall asleep. Selling everything and planning a cross-country giving trek is exhausting (to say the least). We have so many things in limbo - it's […]

We celebrated

On Sunday morning, our church did something different. All the kids classes were cancelled and everyone (ages 0-100) attended the service together. There was music, a laughter-filled puppet show, a children's story, and family communion. Afterward, everyone sat outside and ate pie. Children were everywhere the whole time - babies toddling, little ones skipping through […]

Wednesday Whimsies

On this Wondrous Wednesday, I hereby present you with a list of my whimsies. These are things I would like to do someday - maybe I will, maybe I won't. I'm sure there are many more that I am missing, but these are the first ones that pop into my head. Someday, I want to: […]

3 parenting books I do NOT recommend

Wait. Before you glance at the titles (and find your favorite book there), here me clearly: I am NOT saying these books have nothing to offer. I am NOT saying you are a bad parent if you like these books. I am saying that I do not recommend them to new parents because they are […]

semblance of normal

"But I love this house SO MUCH," our 4-year-old said with tears pooling in her eyes. It's hard to be four and sell everything you own. It's hard to watch as your favorite leather couch and your treasured playhouse are towed away on someone else's truck. It's hard to see that beyond today and over-the-bend, […]

she pretty much potty-trained herself

Our 4-year-old commonly refers to her 19-month-old sister as "Little One." She'll say..."Come read this book with me, Little One" or "Don't touch that, Little One" or "Good job going potty, Little One." Yes, it's true. Our petite and sweet 18mo is going on the BabyBjorn Potty Chair pretty regularly now. She even woke up […]

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