more kids books :: just for fun

A few last books to share with you (Did I mention we love books at our house?)...

big-sister-reading-books little-sister-reading-books


tickle monster by josie bissettTickle Monster by Josie Bissett, illustrated by Kevan J. Atteberry (Compendium, 2008, $16.95)

A furry pastel blue monster with a stripedy tail and horns on his head flies in from Planet Tickle to tickle your child's adorable footsies, cute bony knees, and little tum-tums. My daughter starts giggling as soon as I reach for the book and the matching Tickle Monster Mitts (sold separately, $14.95). The rhyming text is fun to read aloud, the glossy pages are filled with brilliant colors, and the massive mitts are soft and so-so fun. My only critique is that the book uses two phrases that we don't use in our house: "what the heck" and "holy moly." We're pretty particular about our language around here so we creatively "skip" those phrases in the book when we read it.


along came you by karona drummondAlong Came You by Karona Drummond, illustrated by Estelle Corke (Zondervan, 2009, $15.99)

Author Karona Drummond shares a sweet story about a mama and her little girl. On each page, the dark-haired mama tells her daughter what life was like "before you" and "after you." Essentially, the book's premise is that life changes when a baby enters the world. It may be messier, sillier, crazier, and noisier...but it's also better (much, much better). That is a great message. My only critique - and this is a minor one - is that the story doesn't give any "hints" that there is a dad in the house - or other siblings. I realize that the point of the book is to showcase the love between a mother and her preschool daughter, but it struck me that all of the everyday scenes lacked other members of the family. Perhaps, though, that "lack" would make this an especially ideal pick for single moms.


could you would you by trudy whiteCould You? Would You? by Trudy White (Kane/Miller Book Publishers, 2007, $12.95)

Simplistic, sketch-book-inspired illustrations and open-ended questions make this book a delight to share with a child. This ISN'T a "come-sit-on-my-lap-and-I'll-read-you-a-bedtime-story" book. It's more of a dreamer's book. It's the kind of book you might take out in the backyard with a big blanket to lay on, some jars of fresh-squeezed lemonade to drink, and not a care in the world. Then, you could sit there and look at the clouds and ponder: "What is the best thing about where you live?" OR "Where will people live in the future?" OR "Could you imagine waking up one morning as a baby again?" My almost-three-year-old loves those kind of questions - and I love hearing her answers.

YOUR TURN: What books have you been reading to/with your kids lately?

WIN IT! One winner will receive a copy of each of the above titles: Tickle Monster (PLUS, the Tickle Monster Mitts!!!), Along Came You, and Could You? Would You? To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Tuesday, September 8th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

*UPDATE* The winner is #77 susan. Congratulations!

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140 comments on “more kids books :: just for fun”

  1. We've been reading "A Visitor For Bear" and a bunch of French stories such as "Roule Galette" which is similar to "The Gingerbread Man." Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  2. Both of my kids love there books I just started reading to them from my favorite author as a kid shel silverstein we also gave them a shelf on are bookshelf in the living room. Thanks for the chance to win [email protected]

  3. We have been reading the no david books by david shannon and we love it we have to get his other books my girls love no david

  4. My husband loves to read to our son and calls it their "boy time". He would be so excited if I won these and could add them to the book collection. :)

  5. My 5 year old is reading "I Can Read God's Word" to me and doing a great job. It's a nightly ritual.
    sylviarj at yahoo dot com

  6. My children have been taught from a early age that reading can take you to so many places. It is a evening ritual that I love. It is so interesting to see which book that they will pick out for the evening.

  7. We've been reading whatever the teacher sends home or they check out of the library. My oldest has to read for 30 minutes a night so she reads whatever she has to take a test on. My youngest just started K and checked her first book out of the library so we've read that book a ton of times. We will be reading whatever the teacher sends home soon to work on learnging to read. Thank you!

  8. I read my Daughter her Dora storybook, Dr. Seuss, And Lots of others we have laying around! She reads to me too, I just don't understand!

  9. We love books around my house, too. Starting reading to the babies as soon as they could sit up. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks!

  10. Along Came You, seems really sweet! I love snuggling up with my godchildren and sharing a good book with them. Reading was such a huge part of my life growing up, I hope to share that joy with them!

  11. Right now we are working on going through the Top 100 Picture Books on the Fuse #8 Production blog. One good one for the start of school and my daughter's latest fav is "Miss Nelson is Missing" by Harry Allard, ill. James Marshall.

  12. We love books in our house. I must read about a dozen and a half books in one day. Not to mention the two stories I read before bedtime. We could really use new reading material. My 2 y/o rather get a new book than a new toy anyday. My 4 y/o is picking up on his reading skills and will probably be reading by himself anytime now. Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. I use to read to my 3 children, but now to read to my 5 Grandchildren.I love to cuddle them in my lap or putting them next to me under my arm.

  14. These books sound fun. My 5 month old twins are enjoying Mayday to the Rescue (a pop-up book), Goodnight Moon, The Runaway Bunny, Brown Bear, What Do You See, and a few others.

  15. we just atarted reading the The Rainbow Goblins by Ul De Rico again. My mom read this to me when I was little and a few years ago she got me a new copy to share with my girls.
    You just inspired me to blog about this book. I am writing the post now!

  16. Love, Love , love books!!! My daughters love reading time!! Right now my 3 yar old loves anything with dogs and my 18 month old loves anything. They would love Tickle monster, we play the tickle monster almost every day. I chase them around the house until we finally crash into the couch or bed and I get them both so they would love the tickle mitts.

  17. Oh man where to start? the latest favorites are a: Ninja Turtles: The Secret level 1 reader for my son. My daughter has been picking "Mortimer" by Mr. Munsch. :) She likes yelling MORTIMER BEEE QUIET with me.
    And my youngest keep going after this book called "God made me" by Priddy Bricknell books. It's a touch and feel book and loves trying to pull the hair off the little girl.

  18. My 22-month old is already a reading junkie. We read Sandra Boynton, Dr. Suess, Audrey Wood...basically whatever he can get his hands on, including the older kids' books (much to their dismay).

    I'd love to expand his library ever further.

  19. My son loves to hear the Dr. Seuss books Hand, Hand, Finger Thumb and Fox in Socks. He also loves Baby ABCs and Big Dog, Little Dog.

  20. I love the sound of the Along Came You book, it would be great for my daughter. We love books around here too and I could definitely use some new ones to read. I can only ask Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? so many times.

  21. Some of my favorite books to read to my children are the Margaret Wise Brown Books. "Goodnight Moon, "The Big Red Barn" and "The Runaway Bunny."

  22. What wonderful books! Children's picture books are the best! Even though the kid is bigger now, the love of reading and reading together that we fostered in her is a part of who she is! Our favorites were Eric Carle books, Madeline, Tomie dePaola books, Good Dog Carl and Spot books, too many to mention!

  23. I love the idea of all those questions! This is the type of book that I love, one that will get those little talking and thinking.

  24. We use to have great fun with "Mr. Monkey" the hand puppet and tickling! I bet my son would love the Tickle Gloves!


  25. I would love to win these for my granddaughter. She loves to read and read everything she sees. She would be happy with these.

  26. I think my younger son would go crazy over the Tickle Monster. I would love to have a new favorite in the house. Knuffle Bunny has definitely outstayed its welcome.

  27. I love reading to my kids. Right now we are into the book The Flea's Sneeze and Green Eggs and Ham. They are fun to read.

  28. My daughter loves books, we read books every nights, some of her recent favorites are "please baby please", "Frogs lunch", and "the sticky anteater"

    We would love to introduce these books into our routine

  29. I love to read with my grandkids! I especially like to read them stories that they can retell by looking at the pictures. Brown Bear, Brown Bear (what do you see?)is one of my little grandson's and my favorites. (He also loves Polar Bear, Polar Bear (what do you hear?)I love the beautiful colors, large clear pictures, and the repetitive rhyme of these books.

  30. My son has really been into the Richard Scarry books lately. He also likes If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff, as well as her other books.

  31. We've been reading a lot of Mercer Mayer books. We like the titles, I Just Forgot, Time for Nap, New Baby, I'm so Mad. My son has recently decided that he loves these books.

  32. You can never have enough books for your little one! We don't have these and we'd love to add them to our library. "Tickle Monster" sounds like a lot of fun (and laughing)!

  33. what the heck! I read the "tickle monster" and loved it.. after all.. it's for kids.. and he is a "monster" right? a fun, furry, loveable monster who brings kids and family together for laughter and time shared! Great Book!

  34. My little grandson wants to be read to every night at bedtime. Trouble is he's never happy with less than 4 or 5 books.

  35. We have been reading books by the author Kathy Katz. She is GREAT! We have a ton of books, and every night, after bathtime, and lotion time and coming hair into long braids, I tell them to go and get a book.

    We all curl up on my bed amongst pillows and books and read One per child on the bed. Then, off to bed they go, with cups and kisses.

  36. Our recent picks from the library were Mouse Mess, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Big Dog and Little Dog Making a Mistake. The dog book was a definite favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. My niece is in love with Black Beauty and we got her a younger reader book - she can't read yet but can "read" that book just fine after all the times it's been read to her!

  38. My daughter has become fascinated with Eric Carle books. They are so simple, yet are full of information. The illustrations are also amazing!

  39. We read books every single day, it's even part of our bedtime routine. We read different books from our collection or whatever we get from the library. My son is really into the Bernstain Bears right now and my daughter is loving our newest book "I love you stinky face!"

  40. This morning we re-read Joseph for the umpteenth time, then Raggedy Ann and Rags. Yesterday it was Celebrate, a Book of Jewish Holidays.

  41. These books sound great! We're always looking for something new to read to our daughter. Lately she really enjoys the Fancy Nancy Books, anything Dr. Seuss, Curious George (old and new), the If you give a mouse a cookie series, and the list could go on and on. We love reading!

  42. Although our son is only 5 months old, my husband and I read to him every single night, we both feel that reading is so important. We each read him 2 books, usually one about mommy and child ("Mommy Loves Me") and one about daddy and child ("A Father's Song"), and then we each read one of our choosing. My husband likes "Hand Hand Fingers Thumb" and I like "Chicca Chicca Boom Boom", although there are many we choose from. We conclude our bedtime story time by reading one last book, "Snuggle Up Sleepy Ones", this one we both read to him together. I love our bedtime reading/snuggle time, and so does our son, he even turns the pages for us sometimes!

  43. I have instilled a love of books in my children and grandchildren. You never stop learning new things as long as you read.

  44. I don't have kids yet but I read books with my nephews and nieces. They love a variety of books but one of my nephews is obsessed with sharks, bugs, and other creatures. Reading is such a wonderful thing.

  45. We go to the library every week (or every other) and always leave with our limit of books (35). The ones we've re-read over and over this last time are "Dustylocks and the Three Bears" and "Monster Mess"!

  46. My youngest son is so into books right now and I think he would get a real kick out of the Tickle Monster book. What a fun giveaway!

  47. I come from a family of Bibliophiles! We adore books in our home. We have been reading books about various kinds of bugs, animals, etc. Also,
    books about families, diversity and hugs!
    Please count me in your fabulous book giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  48. My MIL bought my daughter two books for her b-day; Llama Llama Red Pajama and Llama Llama Mad At Mama, and so I have been reading those over and over again.

  49. We read constantly to my daughter and I'm beginning to see it pay off. My daughter often picks books up on her own now.

  50. My three year old loves all kinds of books! We try to get to the library every week to pick out some new ones! I really like the Could You? Would You? book because I'm curious to see what her answers will be! It's amazing to see how someone so little can have such cool thoughts!
    [email protected]

  51. I have a three year old so we have been reading alot of green eggs and ham (about three times a day) and curious george books. I also have a nine month old and she really likes to touch and feel books so we have been reading that's not my car, thats not my dragon and thats not my dinosaur.

  52. I would love to have this set. My niece absolutely loves books more than anything else. She takes books with her everywhere she goes, even to church!

  53. One of my son's favorites is "Marvin K Mooney, Will You Please Go Now!" I change my voice and get more and more irritated with poor ole Marvin. We have so much fun with it. My daughter loves "Are you My Mother" - she always feels so sad for the little bird until he finds his Mom.

    clenna at aol dot com

  54. my son loves when i read with him! we read everyday and its so relaxing and enjoyable especially when i get to snuggle with my kids. the best gift in the world is a book!!!!!

  55. I would love to read the mother daughter book because I love to read to my daughter and I have not read any books like that to her yet

  56. Books are the best toys! Well, my niece thinks that they are toys and they have always been a favorite of hers since she was little.

  57. You should check out Imagination Library, Dolly Parton's foundation. They partner with local libraries to provide one free book per month to children from birth to age 5. By the time they go to kindergarten, they will have 60 free books! I got some of the brochures and include them with baby shower gifts, and then I register the baby when he/she is born- the parents love it and the older siblings love to read to the younger!

  58. I'm a library lady...yeah, how cool is that? Right now, I work only part time, but to be surrounded by all of those rocks my world! I've always, always wanted my children to have a love and passion for books, just as much as I do.

    We love reading, sharing and growing. Books take you places, they really do!

  59. My little grabs all kinds of books at the library. From Dora to princesses. My son has been reading the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books. And my oldest is reading Judy Blume.

    Unfortunately, I have not had anything good for myself to read lately. Maybe when we get back in the school groove, I will get something.

  60. My 5yr old daughter has been fascinated with Abraham Lincoln lately. So last night we read Abe's Honest Words and a chapter from an Abraham Lincoln biography geared towards children.

  61. Reading is a huge part of mine and my kids' lives. I think that is why I would have to say that Carol Casey's latest book, "Dear Baby, What I love about you!" is our favorite book to date. The book is illustrated in fun, bright colors and contains a lot of fun and nurturing rhymes that tell them just why he or she is so lovable.

  62. We LOVE books at our house as well! My 5 year old loves Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs right now and my toddler loves Chika chika boom boom.

  63. My daughter would undoubtedly love the Tickle Monster-- the mitts in particular!-- but I agree with you about the "what the heck" language. I'd probably change it to "what in the world."

    We've been reading Snowflake Friends a lot lately, because it has magnetic characters Sarina can move around.

  64. My toddler daughter loves books! Right now she loves the Brown Bear series of books...she loves having them all read to her daily by me, her dad, then her brother!

  65. Oooh, I *love* getting new books! And new kids books is always a wonderful thing... These each look like they'd work wonderfully in our family, and I'd love to add them to our collection!
    My kids are currently in love with "Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy", and I'm not sure what exactly about it draws them in. Lovely illustration style, and a good story about kids pretending to be superheroes at a playground. I like the message of it, too: Work together and be imaginative so everyone has fun.

  66. We are currently loving where the wild things are, alaska ABC that was a gift from Grandma and grandpa, God Gave us you and God Gave us TWO. HEy pancake.
    Many more. :)

  67. Because I just had a baby, at the library I've been finding books on kids with baby siblings. I think "The Difference Between Babies and Cookies" by Mary Hanson is a treasure, even if I'm not sure my son gets the subtle humor behind it all.

  68. My daughter loves the same three books. We do switch it up a lot but usually come back to her faves. My husband always reads Molly and Max at the seashore because he does great voices in his English accent.

  69. My oldest (4.5 yo) selected one of her earliest favorites for bedtime tonight... Bunny's Noisy Book. It is a very sweet story, and thanks to the fact that we read it nearly every day from the day she came home from the hospital, it was the book that provoked her very first sound. She mimmmicked the sound of the little bunny sneezing. I still remember how she would giggle and think that part was so funny long before she could communicate verbally. We love, love books here!

  70. These books sound great. Any suggestions on good books about welcoming a baby into the family? I'm looking for some for my daughter!

  71. We love books in our house too. Right now, my son is a huge fan of Clifford the Big Red Dog. I've seen reviews of The Tickle Monster and it sounds like it would be a hit in our house!

  72. We love books in our house too. Right now, my son is a huge fan of Clifford the Big Red Dog. I've seen reviews of The Tickle Monster and it sounds like such fun!

  73. My little guy loves this book called "Captain Hog." He mimics the voice my hubby reads it in :)

  74. We've been enjoying the Stella books from Marie-Louise Gay. The illustrations are fantastic and the stories are just delightful.

  75. I don't have kids, but I love the Llama Llama books. Llama Llama Red Pajama and Llama Llama Misses Mama make me happier than most kids books!!

  76. I love reading Dr. Seuss books with my kids. My 1st grader can read some of them himself now, which is really cool. I've always liked them. Green Eggs and Ham is one of my favorites!

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