Now I know my ABC's (a review of Arbonne Baby Care)

Now I know my ABC's (a review of Arbonne Baby Care) 1Our nightly bedtime routine involves quite a few baby care products - hair and body wash in the bathtub, a generous dollop of diaper cream on our baby's bum, and a gentle lotion massage to add some moisture to our Little Beauty's dry skin.

Recently, Rachel told me about Arbonne Baby Care (ABC, for short). If you read Rachel's fitness blog or her healthy lifestyle blog, then you know she is committed to natural living - she exercises, she eats right, and she buys healthful products.

She explained that many other baby care lines (take Johnson & Johnson) are "full of chemicals and preservatives...formaldehyde is one of them." For those of us who need a refresher from high school biology (, formaldehyde is a chemical compound that is often used as a preservative. It's also known to be "toxic, allergenic, and carcinogenic." Scary stuff.

Arbonne, on the other hand, is "botanically based" and is "98% plant." It's also "certified Vegan and free of minerals." When it comes to my baby's skin, I definitely think purer and simpler is better. There are enough chemicals in her world already.

You're probably wondering if this natural stuff really works. I tried the hair and body wash, the herbal diaper rash cream, and the body lotion with my daughter. They all seem to work well (although how do you really gauge that?), but I especially liked the creamy thickness of the diaper rash cream. My daughter has never really suffered from diaper rash, but she does have dry skin and I love the rich texture of the cream. My one "critique" of the system is that the scent is rather, well, unscented. There's something about that J & J smell that I actually really like. That said, I'm definitely willing to sacrifice the smell for the simplicity of the ABC ingredient list.

More importantly, it's always a pleasure to support a mom who is striving to prioritize motherhood (Rachel has two boys...a 4-year-old and an almost-2-year-old) and also bring in an income. Rachel describes her life with the boys in her life as "Crazy, Active, Demanding." But she still manages to blog and share her knowledge with moms in an upbeat and helpful way.

If you want to buy the ABC line, you can get it here. If you have questions, you can send Rachel an e-mail at [email protected]. And, you should definitely check out her Fitness for Mommies blog (P.S. Right now, she's hosting a contest where you can win a box of Larabars! But hurry...the contest ends February 9!).

Now I know my ABC's (a review of Arbonne Baby Care) 2WIN IT! One mama will receive a tube of Arbonne Baby Care Herbal Diaper Rash Cream (valued at $14). To enter, simply leave a comment and your e-mail address on this post prior to Wednesday, Feb. 6, at midnight. The winner will be contacted and announced on Thursday, Feb. 7. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

* UPDATE * The winner is #8 Meg. Congratulations!

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63 comments on “Now I know my ABC's (a review of Arbonne Baby Care)”

  1. I would love to try the ABC Rash cream! We are trying to move to more organic products. Thanks for blogging on this.

  2. I'm all over this one! Bobby never gets rashes but would like to have cream on hand for the new baby! I try to avoid the scary bath products too. I like Burts Bee's Baby Bee wash and it is pretty healthy. [email protected]

  3. we just heard about another scary ingredient on the news...i can't remember the name now...but it made me wonder if mine contain it!
    mom2maria at hotmail dot com

  4. We LOVE the ABC line. My mom bought it for us when our son was born. He has eczema and we have been able to control his problem areas with the Arbonne Baby Oil and lotion. The diaper rash cream works wonders.

    Please enter me in this contest. I have a friend that could really benefit from this. [email protected]

  5. Don't enter me in the drawing, considering we are almost completely OUT of the diaper stage. WOO HOO!!!!!!

    I just wanted to thank you for, once again, profiling such a great mom/product. I will definitely check out her site. :-)

  6. My un-potty-trained twins still get awful diaper rash. I break out the hair dryer and all the creams we have! I would love to try the ABC cream!

  7. I have heard that Arbonne has lots of amazing self care products....bodywash, makeup and baby stuff, but I have never had a chance to try them. I would really love a chance to win this for my son. You are right, babies come in contact with enough chemicals even before we smear their bottoms with them.
    Thanks for the entry.

  8. I have heard good things about Arbonne Products and am always looking for a good diaper rash cream!


  9. I'd love to try this cream - we are trying to be much better about which products we use on our kids (and ourselves!)


  10. You are full of information. It is amazing what I learn from yours and others blogs. Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it! Cindi

  11. I would love to win some of the diaper rash cream... my son seems to get one often, even though I use cloth diapers, and change him as soon as he has a BM... A nice thick cream without harsh chemicals would be wonderful! Em

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