On Our Way To A Paperless Life

We're about to get rid of this monster of a filing cabinet:

filing cabinet

Thanks to Neat Receipts, a mobile scanner and digital filing system:

neat receipts

Here's how it works: You scan in your receipts, business cards, invoices, recipes, medical insurance forms, just about anything. Then, this smart little guy "identifies and extracts the important information—and automatically organizes it for you." You're then able to search, share, or print the documents at will.

Instead of giving you all the specs here, I recommend you head over to The Neat Company website for a complete video tour and more info. 

What I can say is that using this "wonder machine" is WAY better than getting buried under piles and piles of paperwork. It's an organized person's dream-come-true.  

If you already own a nice scanner, you may want to just purchase the software. It's simple, straightforward, and available for $79.95. 

We're on our way to a paperless life and that feels good. Want to join us? C'mon...you know you want to shred up all that paperwork and toss your filing cabinet out the window...

WIN IT! One winner will receive a NeatReceipts or NeatReceipts for Mac ($199.94). To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Monday, April 6 at midnight (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

*UPDATE* The winner is #5 Carol. Congratulations!

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198 comments on “On Our Way To A Paperless Life”

  1. This great prize would do wonders in helping me clear up my clutter from all my receipts lying around.

  2. I reviewed this software and scanner and I love it. It has so many possibilities to help declutter my life and make it easier to access information quickly.

  3. I am literally buying cute baskets and boxes to house our receipts. How do we buy so much?! I think this little doodad would come in real handy...'cuz these receipts are slowly taking over. haha.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway...We have so much paperwork on our desk and spilling out of cabinets & storage boxes that my wife calls our home office the "bird's nest".

  5. Paperless would be just fine with me, my desk looks like a bomb blew up as it is.skyxsky27(at)gmail.com

  6. At the end of the month my purse is packed with receipts and business cards. This would be perfect to keep me organized.

  7. I could so use this! My house is neat and clean-what you can see. But..........open my closets, or my bill drawer and it is another story! Hey, I go for visual not organizational effects! So I have everything just stuffed in a desk drawer and there is sits every year until tax time when I pull it out and spend hours separating it and adding it up and....you get it. It even makes me sneeze because it is an old desk and it gets dusty! So this would be great and would probably make my hubby very happy-and would help him with his business. We won't go into his office!

  8. OMG!
    This is sooooo cool!
    I never knew this type of gadget actually existed!
    I am soooo bad with receipts! This would come in handy!

    Thanks for the chance!

  9. Too cool - I need this for DH. He hangs on to receipts forever and ever and this would solve the boxes of receipts problem we have!

  10. What a great idea! I wonder if I would truly be able to scan and recycle everything though. I'm afraid I would scan AND keep!

  11. This is the coolest thing ever. I have soooo many receipts, warranty info, medical info, etc that I would love to scan with this. I would love to be able to get rid of all of this paper and start shredding. :)

  12. This would really be a lifesaver as I have to keep track of expenses for two people on seperate accounts- right now I'm using regular old spiral notebooks. This would make things so much easier!

  13. How awesome would this be??? I would love to get rid of all those folders of receipts! (I'd like the PC if I am chosen, thanks!)

  14. I have a mac at home and I never hear of this. I could really use this I have files all over the home with receipts in it.

  15. I imagine that if my husband and I kept this on the counter, we could eliminate so many tiny pieces of paper and little bags of tiny pieces of paper that our lives would be much nicer.

  16. I save EVERYTHING. I have File folders and file boxes full of receipts and other paperwork. This would be a wonderful way to organize ALL of my paperwork and I would be able to find things easily. Thanks!!

  17. I have been trying to hard to be more organized this year. This sounds like a great product for organizing the paperwork that can get so out of control. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Wow, this prize sounds amazing. I have so much paper clutter and this would be a huge help. Please count me in, thanks!

  19. This would be a wonderful help for me. I tend to keep all of my receipts...but all over the place. Oh yes...neatly in boxes and envelopes, but when it comes time to need one for someting...they can't be found! This would be great!
    ps:Your new baby is beautiful! Congratulations...
    Your "big girl" has grown into a gorgeous little lady!

  20. My husband has a neurological condition that causes him to hoard. He never used to do that. Now, he stacks everything as if seeing things will help him remember. Unfortunately, stacking things only makes them hard to find or causes them to be lost. This prize would be a life saver for me.

  21. This would be a huge help at tax season! No more shoe boxes full of receipts!!!! Thanks for the chance!

    sherri419 at gmail dot com

  22. I have a box full of paperwork, receipts and other stuff waiting to be filed. I've moved it through four houses and it's still in that box, not in the file cabinet. As you can tell, I'm very unorganized. I think this would be a great help! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. I keep my receipts right now in a plastic baggiie so and how do I need this item!

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  24. We too own a monster filing cabinet and I have been thinking seriously of investing in another, because cabinet #1 is stuffed to the max, how fab this NeatReceipts sounds!

  25. What a great giveaway. I really need something to help me get organized and this would be fantastic. Thanks for the chance.

  26. We are under a mountain of important papers. Or what we consider to be important. It's kind of taken over our computer room and nearly every filing cabinet we have so i can simplithize with the need to rid yourself of all that clutter! I never even considered finding a program for helping me. What a find! I hope I win because lord knows we can't afford it right now but could certainly use it.

  27. This is an awesome giveaway. It wiii help eliminate a stockpile of papers building up around the house.

  28. This device would be very helpful - I have a file that's bulging full of receipts, and of course can never find something when I need it.

  29. This is the first I've heard of the Neat Receipts Mobile Scanner + Digital Filing System. I've determined I need one!

  30. I've been wanting to get rid of a lot of paper I save. Having this would also drive me to back up my hard disk, so it'd be a double win.

  31. What an incredible idea! Sadly, I'm trying to locate all of my receipts tonight for my tax appointment on Monday. NeatReceipts could have saved me a lot of time! Thank you for the opportunity to enter this contest!

  32. Neat Product indeed! Didn't know about it till know,
    thank you!
    I could use it for sure, receipts, various documents and whatnots piling everywhere. As much as I try to organize the paper stuff, it's always creeping from somewhere!

  33. Wow! I was JUST pricing these on Amazon, yesterday. It is a sign...that I should have one, and that I should subscribe to your feed!

  34. With 3 students and 5 total in this family I am buried under paperwork! Kids papers, report cards, recipes, receipts, taxes, medical info, insurance, will it ever end? I can't see my kitchen counter 90% of the time, I would LOVE this gadget to fix this problem. Neat Receipts looks awesome and how easy would tax time be with this?

  35. I could really use this scanner and software system to simplify my filing and receipt organization. My family has many medical bills that are hard to track manually. I think this would bring order out of chaos. Even if I don't win, I am considering buying one anyway. Thanks for creating this contest.

  36. I am so excited about this product, I am almost embarrassed! And it has a Mac version! I might pass out . Thanks for the contest.

  37. Having a simple and easy to search system of receipts will help anyone with their money management. It is always an eye opener just to see where you actually spent your money!

  38. I need this i own a business and have filing cabinets worth of paper.
    OMG your little girl is sooo pretty. reminds me of shilo Jolie Pitt.

  39. The first time I saw this product was in the airport and didn't stop to find out more about it. This would be a great thing to have.

  40. I would love to have the NeatReceipts for Mac in our home. We have the motivation to be very organized with our bills, receipts, and important financial and household documents, we just need the proper tools to enable us to transform our file effectively and efficiently! Having this nifty device will assist us in becoming the organized adults we want to be! It will come in so handy each year when tax time comes, what peace of mind it will give us to know we have all our receipts neatly and accurately pulled together in one place! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  41. This is really neat and handy looking! I have so many papers laying around that I'm not sure if I need to keep or not, so I just toss them all into the filing cabinet! I don't even fine them... I just toss them in there. Sad, I know!

  42. Always happy to see tools that can weaken one of my most powerful enemies -- clutter. It's ESPECIALLY good to see that Mac users are getting their just due from developers as well . . . thanks!

  43. this would be great. I run a foster home for disabled adults and I am always dealing with receipts! What a blessing this would be.

  44. for a small small small business like mine, I sure have a bunch of STUFF that could use this product.

  45. Wow, this is perfect for me! I will allow me to know where all my reciepts and documents are, without panicing!

  46. I literally have stacks of papers lying around everywhere. My husband keeps threatening to pick them all up and dump them in the trash. I think I need this!

  47. My filing cabinet is very close in size to yours. Every year I try to do a "clean-out" but there are just some things I can't throw out...but WHY am I saving all these thing! Maybe this would help with the organization and the clutter!

  48. I just found your website through a search on vaccines...what an added bonus to find this clever scanner and program in a giveaway! I refuse to have more than 2 drawers of files, and if I don't do some MAJOR purging soon, I'm going to have to succumb. (I tell myself that the 2 stylish wire mesh file cubes in the closet don't count, becuase then I would have already broken my own rule)...

  49. This would be great for scanning med bills and then when it is time to add up for tax time it would all be there in order. Can you tell I just did mine, what a pain to sort them out. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  50. I am absolutely horrible with receipts and paperwork stuff for taxes. NeatReceipts might save me a few headaches.

  51. Paperwork is the bane of my existence. You should see the ridiculous amounts that are waiting for me to sort through them right now. It's pathetic.

  52. Talk about a space saver - I would have plenty of desk drawer and file cabinet space with this sucker! Thanks for having the giveaway!

  53. THIS could change my life. I'm so serious! I have baskets, boxes, files (don't even think about looking in my handbag) stuffed full of receipts, insurance stuff...yadda, yadda, yadda. To think I could get rid of it all without wondering if I just threw away something important when I become overwhelmed and start purging!

  54. This is fantastic something for my mac. Most giveaways are not for mac. I can really use this for all my paperwork for my foundation, (L.I.F.E living is for everyone, support for all women with any cancer).

  55. I have always wanted a better way of storing reciepts, and if I can transfer them to the computer, that would be a huge help

  56. Wow this is awesome! I keep things pretty organized around here... except for all that darn paper clutter. This handy thing could really simplify your(my) life!

  57. I've been wanting to do this for a long time as part of my quest to be "clutter-free" and as paperless as possible. I hate when I KNOW I saved a receipt, but can't find it anywhere. This would make organization a snap! I actually saw the Neat Receipts scanner on Martha Stewart when I was on bedrest while pregnant, and added it to my wishlist. Still haven't purchased it, so it would be awesome to win. Thanks for the chance to enter!

  58. I really struggle with keeping up with those pesky scraps of paper. this would really help me out staying organized!

  59. My husband and IO were just talking about this. When we had to evacuate during the big fires in San Diego two years ago, we had to take two computer towers and almost every file in our office drawers. We really want to keep less paper and create a better system for organizing and storing our important documents. Thanks!

  60. My hubby has receipts so old they're written in hieroglyphics. I could gain an entire closet if I won one of these!

  61. I have papers everywhere in a place that I won't forget where they are and now I have no idea where any of them are - it's a cycle - over and over - I love that this would change all that !
    Thanks for the contest :)

  62. That is an awesome idea! I wish that I could come up with something like this and make great money. Im sure that this will be a hit. I cant wait to get rid of our filing cabinets and the piles of papers waiting to be filed.

  63. Good bye big filing cabinet! If we could stay on top of this (sometimes it is easier to just shove a receipt into a file folder), what a great way to have organized info at your fingertips!

  64. I wish I had this last year. Tax time would have been a breeze. From returning products, to donations and medical receipts, life would be much easier.

  65. I always keep credit card or big purchase receipts and it would sure help with the clutter. I cant believe it can extract the info and organize it...that's really cool! Great giveaway!

  66. One of the things that came with marrying my husband is his incredibly complex taxes and all the messy paperwork (scraps, receipts, napkins!) that it includes!
    We just moved to a new house and this scanner would do wonders to keep it tiny-piles-of-paper free... not to mention how many arguments it would stop about whether i threw away a very important receipt!

    thanks for the giveaway!

  67. This sounds like a good idea. I'm just wondering that sometimes for returns you have to have the original but this would be a great way to organize your receipts and be able to find them at a glance if you have a small home business and are buying things that you want to account for at tax time.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  68. I can't believe you are back PR blogging already! Enjoy that baby girl - and that's an order! Anyhoo, we would love this as well for the removal of clutter that would surely come if we would use it. Thanks and she is gorgeous BTW! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com

  69. What an awesome little gizmo. I am always trying to cut down on paper waste. My husband tends to save every receipt "just in case" creating much much filing and takes up much much space. I will someday get one of these....

  70. I used to keep ALL my receipts, even for groceries. That took up too much space, and now i don't keep enough of my receipts. This gismo lets me keep the receipts without the mess? Sign me up.

  71. Becoming a self-employed business owner not only multiplied the amount of paperwork I have to read through, but also extended the piles of paperwork I need to "hold on to" for x amount of years! It's so overwhelming, especially now that we are living in an apartment and have NO WHERE to store all this paperwork. I can't tell you how much we could use this! I'm a HUGE organization QUEEN and would love to go paperless with all our paperwork! What a great giveaway! THANK YOU!

  72. I need this scanner,my receipts are scattered everywhere and when I go to return something,no receipt.

  73. I can definitely use one of those, my filing skills are close to non-existing. Papers/papers everywhere ; (

  74. I could definately use this, espically around Christmas time. I normally have many receipts that end up lost, and its always the ones I need to take something back! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  75. My business requires that I keep receipts. Being totally unorganized and never remembering where I put my hat, let alone a receipt, this is ideal. Starting a business is hard enough, but keeping track of things is even harder.

  76. I have a small business so I have a lot of receipts floating around. I try to keep them filed and organized but there is just too much paper! I would love to try this, it sounds great.

  77. Yippppeeeeee! Neat Receipts will really truly help me unbury my kitchen counter from its normal mountain of paperwork!!!!

  78. My husband and I own a small business and have TONS of receipts floating around. This would be incredible!!!

  79. this would be so helpful in tracking our budget... We are trying to keep track of every penny and where it went..
    (I subscribe to your feed)

  80. I would love to have one of these for my work. Currently I am required to collect two file boxes full of receipts every month. It would be so nice to have all of this paperwork digitally stored so I would save the room. Thanks for the chance!

  81. I love Neat Receipts. It is such a great gadget. I am forever losing receipts because I stuff them in drawers or file them away and then froget them. This is so much better.

  82. My husband would go ape for this! He travels for work, ergo he needs to submit receipts for *everything*. he could just scan and go with this gizmo!

  83. This would be so helpful for several reasons. I am obsessive about reconciling receipts to statements, and since I also do taxes for the whole family, I end up with various sized pieces of paper that have to be maintained. Having them scanned and filed would be wonderful.

  84. This would sure help me. I can never remember where I put my receipts, Thank you very much for the chance to win!

  85. Neat Receipts for Mac would make my life so much easier when I travel and need to scan receipts to upload for reimbursement. Thanks for the generous offer!

  86. Oh man...anything to get away from my bulging filing cabinet and the massive project it is to clean it out a couple times a year. Maybe this would help me be more organized? I can only hope!

  87. Oh boy would I love to have this. We have still have receipts from years ago. It would be so nice to be able to clean out the file cabinet.

  88. After recently spending two days organizing and totaling receipts for tax purposes, this solution sounds so welcome! Thanks for the chance.
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  89. I saw this at Costco and thought it was so cool. I wish I could afford one to keep all of my business receipts neat and organized. I love how it works with quickbooks!

  90. I seriously need this so bad. We are overwhelmed with paper! I am horrible about filing, so I have a box a year-of receipts, bills, you name it. I SO want to get rid of it all...especially the receipts. It would be so nice to actually just come home & pop it in this system & be done with it.

  91. Were you looking at my counters? I have paper work everywhere, and it is never ending. There are paper piles that never seem to go away.

  92. I can't imagine getting rid of my filing cabinet. Have you used it yet? Can you successfully find what you're looking for? I think it would be cool, but I confess that I'd be nervous.

  93. This looks so cool. I am so unorganized that the neatreceipt scanner for the mac, which I have would be great! It's gotten awesome reviews on Amazon too.

  94. This would be wonderful. I am terrible about keeping receipts and bills and what not. I have gotten better over the years but boy I would love to scan the stuff in and then toss it out.

  95. This would be so wonderful! I live in a tiny apartment and there's absolutely no room for the never ending piles of receipts, statements, and the like.

  96. This is the best thing I have seen in a long time. I have a box full of receipts that I keep and then every year or two I have to go through and determine which one's I can toss out and which I should keep for years and years on end.... This would be used daily in my home!!!

  97. YES! My husband, bless his heart, is constantly losing and misplacing receipts and paperwork in the mess his calls his desk. If he could just scan it in when he gets it then it will be done and we can all breathe free again. This is really something I can make good use of. :c)

  98. I would LOVE to get rid of all of our file folders taking up residence in our several filing cabinets! This sounds pretty neat. I just wonder how long it would take to actually go through all of our paper with it! It's probably something that you need to start using with current receipts and then make your way backwards as you are able. Let us know how it works for you!

  99. Wow! What a great solution to the pile of papers I have on my counters and desk! I would love this!!! Maybe I could even get rid of my filing cabinet! That would be amazing!

  100. This could not have come at a more appropriate time for me! Today, my husband is assembling a $150 filing cabinet and I am wading through files and mounds of paper, trying to bring enough order that I can be assured I have all the stuff I need to do our taxes. I need this! I hate paperwork and would love to sell my new filing cabinet on craigslist!

  101. That's awesome! I am a perpetual filer and afraid to get rid of any paper for fear I will need it as some point in the future. Unfortunately, this means that at least 2 hours of our precious weekend is spent asking "is this paper important and where should we file it?" followed by my husband inevitably asking "where did you put that file?" I think it may be time to embrace technology and finally rid ourselves of mounds of paper! Thanks for the tip.

  102. After this tax season craziness of paper, paper everywhere!!! this is just what hubby and I were talking about needing! Thanks for the great review! Would love to win this one for sure! :)

  103. My husband keeps every piece of paper and receipt in a HUGE binder We have stacks of them and they take up so much space. I would be awesome to have this software.

  104. OH my file drawer is FULL! What a great idea! I'd love to try this. My husband would LOVE it. He hates papers.

  105. We could really use this product! My hubby just started traveling for work and has a hard time keeping up with the receipts. Not to mention, it would be great for my organizational needs!

  106. I have been considering this ever since I first heard about digital filing. I have papers lying all over my house needing to be filed b/c I'm too lazy to walk upstairs and file them! This would be awesome...it would save time and space.

  107. I definitely need this. I'm horrible about losing receipts, not keeping track of them, and having stacks of papers to do through at tax time. I'd be so much happier if I had this! I also love the idea of scanning business cards because I randomly set them down and can never find them again. Thanks.

  108. Wow, what a brilliant & fascinating product! My files could definitely use some work, and I love the idea of going digital with them & getting rid of my big ugly cabinet!

  109. i know that my husband would say that we need this! i committed to keeping better track of my purchases and rectifying them against the budget in the spreadsheet he created. too bad i have a stack of receipts from the last two months inches high sitting on my counter! this would certainly eliminate some clutter! thanks!

  110. This is such an awesome prize!! I could scan and keep all my receipts for purchases like home improvement, etc. and have them at the ready for tax time! I just think this is the greatest thing.

  111. Oh my goodness, I would love to join you in the mission of becoming paperless. Since the housing market is NOT helping the sale of our house, and we had our son,we do not have an office anymore.Which means our desk is in our living room. There is always a nice little pile of paperwork. It would be so great to throw the paper away and have it organized in our good old Dell.

  112. I need one of these! I had to look around and see the piles upon piles of paper a.k.a. crap sitting around my house. I'm scared to throw it all away, so this would help!

  113. I just just telling my husband about this product last week, as we were sorting through warranties, insurance documents, documents related to the sale of our home, etc. This would really help us manage it all!

  114. I would love to more toward a paperless filing system. Between my husband and I taking turns being in charge of the "office", our entire filing cabinet (and some of the area around it) is a complete mess. Thanks for the chance to win!

  115. My current recipe book consists of a binder with cutout pages of recipes from magazines slipped into plastic cases. This product we be a welcomed upgrade.

  116. I never thought getting rid of the filing cabinet was even an option! What a great idea, though I bet it would take me a year to get everything scanned in... :)

  117. I keep threatening to go buy myself one of these... as soon as we pay off what we owe grandma and buy a new water heater :) It would make my life so much simpler, my filing so much neater and the paper clutter around here would be significantly reduced!

  118. With my husbands two businesses and my small home business plus household paperwork and receipts, this would be an amazing product to have. Instead of the usual "Where is that receipts" and hunting through box after box, it would all be in one nice neat place.
    [email protected]

  119. I am familiar with this type of scanner because we use something similar where I work. It is nice to see it available for home use. Thanks for offering!

  120. Stephanie, I am always in awe of your giveaways. You get the coolest, most cutting edge stuff to give away! I'd love to win this ....talk about being organized. It would surely reduce clutter and keep us organized all year long. Thanks for the chance to win.

  121. Wow. What a way to rid the pile of receipts I keep for taxes. Most of the time, by the end of the year, they are yellowed & illegible.

  122. OK, this is what my family needs. We run two filing cabinets, one JUST for medical receipts! To have it all scanned into my pc, I'd love it. Plus it is eco-friendly...you just can't imagine the paperwork I shred every year! Thanks for entering me...I am so excited. If I don't win, I might just go buy it myself (but free is so great!)


  123. HOW do you keep getting this awesome stuff to give away?? maybe i need to be in your profession =) anyways, this sounds like a wonderful product, i have papers piled up EVERYWHERE in my house!! so yes, count me in!

    autumn398 (at) yahoo.com

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