Running Gear Giveaway:

This is a running truth that I have found to be true: If you have great running clothes, you're more likely to run.

I feel silly and vain and embarrassed to admit it, but it is true. If I have comfortable, flattering, fun, and fashionable workout clothes, I am much more likely to get out there and get my heart pumping.

Thus, I think making an investment in cute fitness clothing is a worthwhile endeavor if it's going to motivate me to stay fit and healthy.

When I run, I almost always reach for a running skirt and a moisture-wicking shirt. Running skirts are cooler than pants (and by cooler, I am referring to temperature...), more comfortable than shorts (no riding up between the thighs!), and more flattering than spandex (some people can pull that look off, but I'm not sure I'm one of them).

running-in-5k-with-jogging-strollerFor today's race, I wore a red Athletic Skirt (on-sale for $29.99) and a black Performance Mesh Tee ($38) from Because it was a bit cold outside (around 50 degrees, I think), I opted to wear Danskin leggings underneath the skirt (I actually love the skirt-over-legging look).

That picture is blurry and isn't the best, but it gives you an idea of how the outfit looked "in motion." You can see another picture of my outfit over on my recent 5K {I did it!} post.

The skirt is stretchy, comfortable and stylish. The top is equally fashionable and also...practical. It's not too tight, yet not too loose...just right.

Check out a few of the other funky, chic options available from

orange running skirt plaid running skirt black running skirt

Cute, right? also offers maternity skirts ($68). Christy & Cindy, the twin sisters and mamas behind the company, stayed super fit throughout their pregnancies and I think their dedication is truly inspiring.

YOUR TURN: What do you wear when you work out? What are your favorite shops for buying fitness apparel? logoWIN IT! One winner will receive her skirt of choice from To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Sunday, December 20th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

* I received product samples for review purposes.

*UPDATE* The winner is #56 Mariana. Congratulations!

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59 comments on “Running Gear Giveaway:”

  1. Wearing clothing that is cute and looks good on, is a huge motivator for women, when it comes to working out, or anything really!! But especially when exercise is involved because a lot of women are not comfortable with their bodies, and the last thing they want to do is go workout and look ugly doing it. I wear anything from spandex ( in my opinion can look good on all shapes and sizes) sweats to mostly shorts since I live in Tucson. I really buy my stuff anywhere i can get a good deal.

  2. I always have loved cute fitness clothes. There is a nike outlet near me, and so I love to buy that- otherwise, I go to old navy because they have cute yoga clothes and active wear for cheap! I agree though, they def. motivated me to get moving. I'm so excited that this brand offers maternity- I haven't found anything like that, and I would love a maternity skirt!

  3. i haven't done an official "work out" in a long time it seems. my work out include walks to the park, rollerblading to a friends house with the kids for a playdate, or practicing soccer with my almost 5 year old.
    i used to have a running skirt (don't remember who made it) but i ceased to fit post kids. I love love the idea of having the fitted shorts underneath the skirt. less pressure to remain lady like.

  4. When I workout, I wear a pair of leggings underneath some shorts, and then a loose, ratty t-shirt from high school. I REALLY need to go buy something cute to workout in. It might make me feel better about getting out and sweating. I've never really ventured out into the workout clothing world before, so I don't have any favorite places to shop. I've gone to a couple sporting goods stores, but that's it.

  5. These are really cute! I started running a few months ago and would love to add one of these to my boring workout wardrobe!!

  6. Oh my goodness! Those are SO cute! I have been trying to find some new clothes to be able to exercise in. Right now I am just in men's basketball shorts and a t-shirt (usually one of my Hard Rock shirts). It is getting kind of bland! That would help with the "blah" feeling that I get sometimes from my workout wardrobe.

  7. I haven't bought any fitness clothing in probably 10 years. I had shorts and a couple sports bras from my step-aerobic days. I wasn't willing to shell out the money since, you know, I'm-not-a-runner. haha

  8. When I do actually workout lol, I wear gym shorts, or athletic pants, but these skirts look so cute as well as comfy. I would love to try one out!

  9. This running skirt over black leggings skirt is too cute. Congratulations on your race! I like to be comfortable when I work out and have room to move. I do my excercises indoors.

  10. (oops! I hit a wrong button and published the above comment before i was finished!) OH.MY.WORD! That skirt is SOOOOOOOOOO cute! I'd love one! I usually run/exercise in yoga pants and tank... now that it's fall/winter I'm pretty much exercising only indoors!

  11. At first I wasnt sure if I would feel comfortable running in a skirt, but these look long enough and I like the yoga pants look.

  12. These are SUPER cute! What a great idea. Well, when I do work out, I'm usually in yoga pants of some sort. I would love to get to try a running skirt, though. Fingers crossed!

  13. I don't have any cute jogging outfits... and I am just getting back into jogging. Thanks for skirt suggestion. I just might have to buy one before the race I will be running in. (Maybe by race day - April 3rd - I will be a couple sizes smaller too)

  14. I am not a fan of shorts and the skirt idea does intrigue me but I usually just stick to capris. I just bought a pair of long pants though to start up my walking in, since I thought I might the warmth while just walking.

  15. I agree with the clothes making a the past year I have bought a few nice pieces and I love to wear them. Unfortunately I'm still in need of a little more motivation to get back in the running grove (before baby #3 I walked out my door and ran 5k several times a week-now I'd be lucky to make it a mile without a walking break!) The skirt might be just the thing I need :)

  16. I can never find the right running gear - especially the kind that look somewhat decent! :) Would love to win one of these - it might even motivate me to train for a race next year! :)

  17. Before, I've always just bought my running wear from Victoria's Secret, because I find it when it is on clearance. However, lately, I've really wanted to venture out and try something new, but it always seems so expensive to do so! I'm really grateful that I came across this giveaway and now have more options to choose from!

  18. I'm still not quiete sure about wearing a skirt while running...but heck...I'd give it a go. My favorite things to wear are capri length yoga pants since they are not to cold not to hot and a t-shirt of tank top. I prefer nike or finish line.

  19. You look so cute in your running it! I keep wanting to try on one of these running skirts, I think it's time.

    I usually wear yoga type pants with an exercise tee. I need to update my running gear...but I keep hoping I will loose some weight before I do.
    Maybe your right, maybe I will be more motivated with some cute gear!

  20. Well, I agreed to train for a HALF-MARATHON (gulp) with my athletic cousin-in-law. It's in June. I'd love a new running skirt! Although here in Oregon, the leggings underneath would be imperative. :)

  21. These looks great. They would probably make me feel better about getting out there and exercising than the shorts I usually pull on.

  22. i've always wanted to try a running skirt! i'm excited to get back into running again after #2 gets here this spring! this would be a great motivator!

  23. I used to have dreams about running during my first pregnancy. Now that I'm pregnant with my second , I think I will continue to run for as long as I can. I usually wear pants (especially now that's it's sooo cold!) and a t-shirt or running zip-up (with the zipper in back to keep keys or iPods). I totally agree, Stephanie, that if you have cuter clothes, you're much more likely to get your booty movin'. It's just more fun.

  24. It depends on the weather and what I wear to walk!
    I fin d that the skirts are the most comfortable for me. Actually seeing my legs in the skirt, can give me the motivation to work out!
    Many thanks, Cindi

  25. I would love to try one of those running skirts either alone or paired with leggings. What a nice feminine touch to the typical running gear--not to mention they look super comfortable! I love all the ones pictured, but I would probably stick to classic black if I had to choose just one. The green plaid is tempting too.

  26. You're totally stylish! Though it's far too cold in these parts for a skirt, I'd love to have it on hand for the Spring. I'm determined to start running this year!


  27. I agree that good running clothes are more inspiring although I still find it hard to budget for them when I have a lot of free race t-shirts!

  28. I have to say that running skirts are the reason I began running! What a great reason to look great, and feel better about your body all at the same time. THere is also a company who sell the skirt/pant combo all in one, too!

  29. I did a lot of yoga before I was married and had lots of cute, comfy yoga clothes. But then I hurt my shoulder, so no more yoga. I'm out of the habit of working out regularly, but last month I decided to do a 5k with my SIL. I'm excited to read about all your tips on getting in to running.

  30. I'm not a runner but I do walk. In fact, I'm doing my first half marathon in March ( I'm going to walk it and I'm super excited! Usually I wear yoga pants and a t-shirt (or wicking shirt) so that I'm comfy. I love those skirts, they are adorable!! And they look comfy.

  31. Don't appologize for wanting to look attractive while working out. It really does make you feel better about yourself. I love the running skirt idea! It's so feminine. I've often wanted to take up tennis just so I could get a cute outfit. But, running is much more likely.

  32. I agree completely that looking cute when working out makes me want to actually work out more. Especially if I am working out in public. I have never worn a running skirt before. Normally I wear shorts, but the idea of a skirt not riding up is very nice.

  33. ive never ran with a skirt before....but id love to try it!!
    maybe then I will get out there and run in the mornings!!!
    its just so cold though!!!

  34. I hate shopping! So when I find something I like I stock up. I found some great running tops at Costco a few months ago and bought several. Sadly, I didn't do so 10 years ago when I bought my blah black spandex from Wal-Mart. So they have been sewed up many many times, but I can't find any I like better. AND - I never work out in public. If I walk or run outside, I add a pair of cut off sweats to the top of the spandex an wear and old t-shirt. I just checked out running skirts website and love the athletic ones. They look comfortable, cute, and durable! Great giveaway and congrats on the 5K with little one! Impressive!

  35. It's really cold here now so I can't really fathom the idea of running outside (but I totally have respect for those hardy soles I see out there braving the cold, snow, and ice!), but a new running skirt would be a nice inducement for me to get some more indoor activity going on!!

  36. ugh - I wear old tee shirts and soccer shorts from when I was in college. Maybe that's why I really don't exercise much.

    But - just having a baby, I'm totally pumped to start exercising come Jan!

  37. Those are so cute! I'm planning on running the cowtown half marathon in Feb. and this would be perfect for the race and on my running days outside. Gotta look cute when you're out their shaking your buns for all to see.

  38. So... this looks like I might be able to wear it low enough to fit a pregnant belly! I always experienced that "desire" to run more when I had a nice sports bra. Hmmm... Maybe that's what I need to do. And get out of winter. Missing Tucson these days (and we live in a fairly moderate climate. What the heck?!)

  39. Super cute! I love the skirts and I took a peek at the website you linked and I have to say I am impressed that the skirts stay where they should! I have just recently started running and I need to get into gear for the Ogden Half Marathon in May! I don't really have any favorite shops for buying running apparel, but I do like to bargain shop. One of my favorite pieces I have right now is my Under Armor running pants! I love them and how light weight they are. When I put them on I am ready for anything!!! As far as tops go with it being cold here in Utah I usually go for my down east cotton basic long sleeve top or another cotton top that I have received for running in other 5 k's. A good pair of running shoes is a must for me even if I have to fork out some good $! Awesome giveaway!!! And good for you with your running(especially pushing that stroller)! I ran a 5 k back in September with my Dualie BOB Revolution Stroller and man do they tire you out pushing them! But they are wonderful when you have two toddlers and want to pound the pavement!

  40. i am currently pregnant with my third and have been walking instead of running (following my doctor's advice due to possible placenta previa). that said, i love running!!! i usually wear running shorts and moisture wicking tops. when the weather is colder, i layer a long sleeve or sweatshirt on top. i enjoy getting new running clothes, shoes and socks. since running apparel isn't cheap, i usually end up wearing the stuff i have for quite awhile. i don't really have a favorite shop, but love browsing at a couple of local running shops. and since i don't like my shorts too short, i like to try them on before i buy... i don't order too many of my running items online.
    it would be fun to try out a running skirt after this baby is born and i'm trying to get myself back in shape. thanks for the chance to win : )

  41. I've seen running skirts before and always wanted o try one. I usually just wear running shorts or longer shorts and a t-shirt. I have one sleeveless technical shirt, but haven't gotten any other ones. Need to though. My fav store for exercise gear is just Target!

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