Themed Weekend: 2 to 4 year olds

At 2 1/2, my daughter can be silly.


And serious.


And silver-tongued. {Here she is trying to persuade me to give her TWO pieces of candy for letting me take her picture. Yes, I do sometimes bribe my children into taking photos with candy...}


And super, super sweet.


She is joy personified.

She fills my heart to overflowing. 

She can frustrate me and try my patience when she whines or stubbornly refuses to listen (or...when she pretends not to hear...), but she can also make me extremely proud when she exhibits great compassion or strength or smarts. 

She is beautiful. She is opinionated. She is fearless. She is TWO. 

And I know one day I'm going to miss this.


This weekend is about 2 to 4 year olds. Stay tuned for product reviews, giveaways, and articles that revolve around that age group.

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22 comments on “Themed Weekend: 2 to 4 year olds”

  1. Awww...I LOVE everything you have to say about your love for your children. I SO LOVE the last photo! It is such a beautiful sight. I admire everything you share about motherhood. And yes, I'm very sure you'll miss that. I'm excited for that. hehehe! You just make me so excited to be a mom someday.

  2. She sounds adorable, and such a classic two-year-old! My daughter is two-and-a-third (yes, I still keep an exact count . . . ) and life is the same for us. She goes from driving me crazy to melting my heart - and all in the same minute! Wouldn't change it for anything though:)

  3. I hear you on the bribing with candy! It usually works pretty well. My son is definitely two years old, so I'm looking forward to reading your posts!

  4. She is so cute! My daughter won't be 2 until July, but I LOVE this age. :)

    (Oh, by the way, I found out last night that I'm having another girl! :) )

  5. She is so very cute! My two year old has started to exert her own opinions and her independence but it's fun to see tho it may be challenging!

  6. For me age three was the worst. I had triplets the first time around, and it was hard, because they wanted to exercise their independence. They are now six, and I have a four year old, who has always wanted to exercise his independence, since he was old enough to talk and move around! He is finally getting to not be so tiresome, but other 'challenges' of course are coming my way!

  7. Beautiful post. 2-4 is one of my favourite age ranges (my niece has just turned three!) After all, what's not to like about going from no to why? I am learning that other ages are fun too though - my husband is always teasing me because when I was pregnant I worried my daughter would be kind of boring until she turned two, but luckily I'm not finding that at all.

  8. I LOVED my two year old and I LOVE him now as a three year old. The fun, silly, sweet, energetic, smart, articulate, creative and joyful parts far outweigh the frustrations, power-struggles, testing and melt-downs.
    Looking forward to your posts.

  9. Oooh, I'm excited about this theme! With a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 1/2 year old, I think it will be just what I need. Thanks!

  10. Great post! That's how I feel about my daughter too...earlier this week she feel asleep while I was holding her and I thought to myself how long it had been since she had done that (she's all about her toddler independance!) So I just held her in my lap for the longest time. It was a simple reminder that someday I am going to miss all of these little moments that we have with her now.

  11. Love it! Those are great descriptions for those adorable pictures. No kids at home but I used to teach the two's in a daycare and you explained it to a T. Enjoy, she's growing up fast!

  12. Can't wait for this one! I think Levi has hit two early. His vocabulary has gone from a nicely expanding one to "no". He says it to everything...even when asked if he likes brownies! I can't help but laugh.

  13. I have loved the 2 to four year old age with my first. Just hitting it with my second, and she's livelier than the first.

  14. My almost 2 year old was making me really frustrated yesterday but she is wonderful - just like you've described yours! I am looking forward to this themed weekend!

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