Themed Weekend: Here Comes The Sun

here-comes-the-sunIt's the 1st of May and temperatures are soaring. The sun is shine, the breeze is "breezing," and the flowers are blooming.

Despite the heat, there's something I love about summer. Popsicles and ice cream cones, watermelon and backyard barbecues, flip flops and jean shorts, blowing bubbles and running through sprinklers, swinging on swings and going on family vacations, lazy dazy mornings and leisurely afternoons.

This weekend is all about getting ready for summer, prepping for the warm rays and the backyard shenanigans.

Stay tuned for how-tos, product reviews, and giveaways.

YOUR TURN: What is your favorite part of summer?

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23 comments on “Themed Weekend: Here Comes The Sun”

  1. I love Flip Flops (or better yet, bare feet), bubbles, slip n slides, cookouts, and the ice cream truck...I know theres more, those are just the first things that came to mind. I love summer!

  2. Although the summers are blazing hot, I love that it doesn't get dark until 7 or 8 or 9! And, call me crazy, I love the evaporative cooler! (At least in May and June...July and August, not so much!)

  3. It'll be my first summer with a little one and I'm looking forward to sharing many things with him for the first time, but mainly swimming and hiking.

  4. Much has already been mentioned, but since Isa started school, summers have become days where we slooooowwww down, have minimal schedules, and do what we please: no early morning alarms, no lunches to fix, no homework to finish. We do what we want, when we want. (Of course, hard-working Papa doesn't have the same luxury, poor guy.)

  5. Sounds weird, but what I like about summer is things slow down. There aren't as many tourists here in the summer, so roads and places like restaurants aren't as crowded.

  6. We're in AZ too (Phx) and my kids are DYING to go swimming! I know it's hot outside, but wow, the water in the pool is still pretty cold! I do love the swimming and BBQ part of the summer though, for sure!

  7. Umm, tonight. It's beautiful. I played with Sierra outside and wished Chris were here to enjoy the evening with me.

  8. I love the carefree days of summer when we can be a bit more lax about schedules and enjoy the longer days and the grill and the deck. I'm not too fond of intense heat and humidity, so I enjoy the evenings outside the best--aside from the bugs, that is! I love seeing my kids playing together and having fun, too. That's what I love about summer!

  9. Going barefoot, not having to mess with coats, ice cream, popsicles, fishing, watermelon, cookouts, picnics, playing at the park, flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables, playing in the sprinkler, what's not to love about summer? Oh yeah - heat and humidity - blech! Thank God for Air Conditioning!

  10. I love summer cricket and cicada sounds. I love sitting on the porch right after dusk and watching the fireflies while listening to the chirping songs!

  11. i love going to the beach with my boys... playing in the sand and ocean, building sandcastles, and collecting shells. my boys love going to the pool and playing in their cousins' backyard. i look forward to our annual beach camping trip with my family... we have a blast with grandparents, cousins, aunties and uncles.

  12. I love the reconnection with nature that only occurs after many months of being cooped indoors -- walking barefoot through the grass, eating fresh tomatoes from the vine, camping and backyard bonfires (tent camping, not that RV luxury camping!), enjoying the warmth of sunshine on my skin...oh and baseball season because it just wouldn't be summer without (at least one) trip to Wrigley for a Cubbies game, ballpark dog and an Old Style!

    Of course by the end of summer, I'm usually tired of being hot and uncomfortable, but never-the-less its definitely my favorite season.

  13. I love summer for swim lessons and slip & slides and naked baby feet! I love the lightning storms we get in Arizona (monsoons can be incredible to watch) and the peaches that are going to be so amazing shortly. :) I also like the popsickles though, who could turn one of those down?!?

  14. I love, more than anything, going barefoot all summer long. Our feet are all black by the end of the day, but there is NOTHING better than just walking outside, squishing dirt between your toes!!

  15. We love our summers here in the mountains. It means that every day is beautiful & that my boys will spend most of every day outdoors. I'll be lured out there too & spend more time playing and less time doing housework!

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