Themed Weekend: Physical Fitness

tennis-shoes-mizunoOn most days, I don't feel like running.

My days are already so full - full of diaper-changing, lunch-making, book-reading, email-checking, article-writing, bike-riding, dinner-prepping, dream-chasing, bath-giving, tear-catching, and prayer-saying.

It takes so much energy to change into my sports bra, lace up my tennis shoes, and get my 3-year-old ready (she likes to accompany me in the jogging stroller, while my 9-month-old stays with her daddy).

But I do it anyway. I remind myself how powerful I will feel as I put one foot in front of the other, how accomplished I will feel when I run up my driveway with flushed cheeks and a pounding heart.

John F. Kennedy once said that, Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.

Exercising is an investment - in health, in life. It defends against illness, stimulates the mind, and invigorates the soul. I believe that fully - which is why you'll see me running or walking around our neighborhood on most days of the week.

I'm not a marathon runner or a triathlon champion or anything like that. I'm just an Arizona Girl who knows that exercising regularly will make me a better parent, a better wife, and a better person.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to wake up and run in a local 5K. I'm not fast and my stride isn't beautiful. On the contrary, I'm slow and I have an awkward stride (my husband says it looks like I'm dancing or something...).

But it will be totally worth it to cross that finish line, to watch as my girls smile at me from the sidelines, to be reminded that I CAN DO THIS. Won't you cheer me on from your little corner of the blogosphere?

P.S. Darcie, Donita, Nicole, and Becca: Are you going to be running in the 5K tomorrow, by chance?

***Stay tuned for fitness-related pictures, stories, product reviews, and giveaways.

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22 comments on “Themed Weekend: Physical Fitness”

  1. Im so proud of you! I cant believe how fast you've bounced back from baby girl #2. I on the other hand haven't run an inch in months. Sooo many contributing factors...none of them good excuses!

  2. Good for you. I really need to make exercising a priority. I need it badly. I can feel my midsection expanding with my middle age. It's awful. I know that I'm doing all I can with diet, and the only thing left is to exercise. You are inspiring!

  3. well, congratulations for tomorrow. I used to run really fast (some people mistakenly believe I still do), but my greatest accomplishments are not the records I hold but the inner peace I get training for them in the first place.

  4. Good luck! This is so inspiring to hear. I HATE to run, but I really think it is just some weird mental block I have about it, and I've been thinking about working towards the goal of doing a 5k. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. So proud of you Stephanie! Can't wait to hear how it all went.

    I'm like you...I hate getting ready for the workout but once I'm doing it and especially when I'm finished I feel so much better. It makes me better at everything else I do in life.

    P.S...In addition to running I'm really into yoga right now. It's really transformed my body post-pregnancy. I lost most of my weight but my body was know! But ever since I've started practicing yoga I'm stronger and trimmer over my whole body. Grab a video and a mat and try it during naptime when you get a chance!

  6. What did you do while you were pregnant? I am not one for running... and lately it's been cold, so bundling son and myself up doesn't seem too appealing. But I need it. I know I do. You inspire me.
    Have fun running the 5k. It's a good time of year for it (there!).

  7. Good for you, Stephanie! I won't be there in person to cheer you on (it's just a tiny bit far) :-) but I will cheer you on in spirit! I'm a fellow runner and those races are e-a-r-l-y! One day your girls will probably be running alongside you in those races, thanks to your example. That's what I hope for my little boy too--if I can keep up! He's already got speed on his side :-) Good luck tomorrow and congratulations on all your training!

  8. Totally cheering you on! One day I would like to do an actual 5k. I mean I do an in-home walking 5k video but I would like to experience one outdoors. I will have to walk it but one day I would like to run. That's a long time away but I know it will happen!

    Exercise has changed my life so I'm looking forward to your theme. Hope it's this coming week though because we leave for Jamaica and I don't want to miss it.

    Oh and last night I got my Christmas present from hubs, my 1st pair of spin/cycle shoes. And I get to try them out in spin class tomorrow for the first time. YEA!

  9. 5k sounds like a marathon to me ;) It's been too cold around here, with snow on the ground, for me to get out. And I'm literally itching to do so. Yesterday was crazy. I had so much energy pumping through me, but I can't stand doing cardio from a tape. I have to get out and exercise. So I cleaned the house instead. lol


  10. I don't run, I Jazzercise because I enjoy the music and dance part of the workout, but... I so admire someone who does run and runs a 5k at that. Have a good time and I'll be cheering you on this morning! ~Lanie

  11. SO excited for you! Know you are prayed for from California and I would be on the sidelines cheering you on if I could be. I was actually thinking of you the other day when I went for a run. I am not a runner, but I thought, "Stephanie says she is not a runner either...I can do this!" Looking forward to hearing how it went! ENJOY IT!

  12. Good for you! My husband just ran his first 5K last Saturday & I was proud of him for accomplishing his goal. Especially since it was only 10 degrees F outside! (I think I'll need to move a lot farther south before I'll be doing a 5K in December!) :)

  13. Have a fun run!!! Being outside running sounds great...but it's freezing here in MN so I'm only running very quick errands these days and trying to stay warm inside.

  14. Woohoo! Go, Stephanie!! I think that's great. Running is not my thing...I actually have pretty bad feet and ankles, so I can't do it without inflicting severe pain. However, I really think staying in shape makes you a better parent and role model. So, "Yay!" to you for doing such a good job.

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