BEST OF 2009: Kitchen

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 1Ready for four of my favorite recipes from this past year? Here you go...

I reviewed my fair share of kitchen/food-related products this past year and quite a few of them were really wonderful, but I narrowed down my picks to three OUTSTANDING, AMAZING, YOU-WON'T-REGRET-BUYING-THEM products.

Here goes...

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 2Springform Pan and Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan by Pampered Chef

If you like baking, then surely you've heard of Pampered Chef. Have you tried the company's products? If not, you really should take a second look at what the brand has to offer. These two bakeware items, in particular, stand out as being top of the line.

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 3First up to the plate, Pampered Chef's Springform Pan ($25.50). My cheesecake is pretty much famous, thanks to this ingenious pan. It comes out looking truly spectacular...and tasting even better. It's rich and decadent and oh-so-creamy. You don't have to worry about your cheesecake sticking to the edges of the pan because the outer "walls" of the pan slide away with ease to reveal your cheesecake (or pie) masterpiece.

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 4Secondly, Pampered Chef's Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan ($16) is truly fabulous. It's shiny and 100% stick-free. My 3-year-old and I absolutely love making miniature muffins because they're so fun to eat + serve...and this pan makes that task a dream. The little muffins just pop right out of there. You can create 24 muffins in a snap...anything from blueberry and pumpkin to maple walnut to chocolate chip.

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 5Dream Dinners

I went to Dream Dinners exactly one week before I delivered my second baby - and it ended up being one of the best things that I did to "prepare" for my baby's arrival.

If you're unfamiliar with Dream Dinners, it's a meal-assembly place that allows you to "assemble fresh, delicious dinners for your family to store in your freezer...and then serve in the weeks ahead."

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 6Select great menu options, according to the whims and preferences of you family. Make St. Louis Smokehouse Ribs, Buffalo Chicken Stuffed French Bread, Citrus Marinated Steaks, or other delicious recipes (the menu changes monthly).

The Dream Dinners that I visited was spotless and organized. The ingredients were fresh. The owners were friendly and courteous. And I had...FUN. Best of all, at the end of the session, I had 12 amazing meals in my freezer - ready to be grilled, baked, or stir-fryed on any night of the week.

Unfortunately, the nearest DD to me is about 45 minutes away. Despite the distance, I DO plan to go back. Not as often as I would like, mind you. But spending a few hours preparing meals without having to grocery shop, chop onions, think up meal ideas, etc. was absolutely priceless.

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 7Splash-Proof Super-Fast Thermapen by ThermoWorks

Do you have trouble getting your meat exactly right on the grill? Tim likes his steak on the medium-rare side. He says red meat is supposed to be red (or at least pink) when you cut it open. I, on the other hand, like my meat "Well Done"...or "overcooked," as Tim calls it. I want it to be brown, through and through.

BEST OF 2009: Kitchen 8These days, our steaks are served just the way we like them...thanks to the ultra-handy, super speedy Thermapen by ThermoWorks. The tiny device will give you a reading in 3 seconds. Just pierce your meat and a temperature will appear in large, easy-to-read letters. Your chicken, hamburgers, steak, and ribs will be cooked safely and tastily - just the way you like.

Retailing for $96, it will last you a long time and save you the headache of cutting open your steak with a kitchen knife and fork.


WIN IT! One winner will receive ALL of the above-listed products:


To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Tuesday, January 12th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

FOR A SECOND ENTRY: Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about my Best of 2009 series (or about this giveaway)…and leave a second comment telling me that you did.

*UPDATE* The winner is #254 zmama. Congratulations!

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536 comments on “BEST OF 2009: Kitchen”

  1. Anyone looking to purchase Pampered Chef products or making some extra money sharing PC products and services, I would love to help.

  2. I went to a Pampered Chef party one time and had so much fun.We had a delicious Mecican dish she created
    from some of their products,A good company with
    quality cookware.I wish at the time I had ordered more.Thanks for the giveaway.I enjoy cooking with
    great cookware

  3. The Thermapen would be a great addition to my kitchen. It would take a lot of the guesswork out of my cooking.

  4. Now this would be a great prize for me since I love to cook! If I win i'm going to use everything to make something in one day LOL.

  5. Dream Dinners sounds really interesting. I've never heard of it before. And we absolutely love Pampered Chef products!

  6. I'm dieting (down 70lbs since 8/09 :) and have been wanting to try my hand at a low carb cheesecake and some small muffins to help with portion control. Plus my meat thermometer has been missing since Christmas, I'm thinking it might have ended up in the trash during the after dinner cleanup. So these would be a very welcome addition to my kitchen.

  7. My family loves cheesecake and muffins. I have never made mini muffins, just the average size ones and am sure mini muffins would be a favorite at my house.

  8. Dream Dinners is such an innovative concept, and it would really help my family. I like to think of cooking as a passion, and not as a chore.

  9. I tried Dream Dinners too, i like their ideas for recipes. i have to admit, they are expensive for my budget to use on the regular basis

  10. My spring form pan needs to be replaced as I baked some cheesecake for Thanksgiving and water soaked through the pan.

  11. I need the mini muffin pan. I made mini cupcakes tonight in a silicone baking pan and they basically collapsed in the middle. Thanks!

  12. These are great products. The Pampered Chef has lots of great products for the kitchen. I have visited the site several times. I would love to win the gift certific ate to Dream Dinners. I would love to try them.

  13. I love to cook and bake and these products look awesome. Since I'm trying to be more healthy in 2010 I am cooking more from scratch, so these would be really helpful!

  14. I have been needing a new meat thermometer & this one looks wonderful (i'm almost certain my current on came with the house :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I love to cook so this would be super awesome to have in my kitchen!We don't have a mini~muffin pan here either~so that is another plus :-)

    Thanks for the chance!

  16. Nice group of prizes Pampered chef has great quality! My springform pan has seen much better days. This would be awesome!

  17. All the prizes are wonderful, but I have to say that Dream Dinners excites me the most! Much as I love good food, somehow it always tastes that much better when someone else does the grunt work for me! I also like the idea of having a mini-muffin pan - I love those little two-bite numbers and would bake muffins more often if I could make the baby ones! Thanks for the chance to enter such a great giveaway.
    wandapanda at live dot com

  18. You hear so much about people getting ill from eating certain food. The Thermapen by ThermoWorks sounds so great. You can check your meat and poultry to make sure they are cooked well and thus avoid ecoli and salmonella.

  19. I would love the super speedy Thermapen by ThermoWorks. This is something I'm looking to replace right now. Also love the pampered chef products:-)

  20. oh wow - what a lot of neat stuff is being given away. Love pampered chef stuff - I bet their springform pan doesn't leak like mine does!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I would love to try out that mini muffin pan. Blueberry muffins are my favorite and I'd like to try my hand at making some homemade ones.

  22. I don't have any of these pans and the ones from Pampered Chef sound really good. The Splash-Proof Super-Fast Thermapen is another thing I could use that I don't have. The Dream Dinners sound so delicious also!

  23. I could REALLY use Dream Dinners right now! LOL! You know how these first few weeks with a newborn are....I have never tried it out....are the meals good? Do you think the price is worth it? In other words, do you think that if I bought the groceries myself and did it at home it would be much cheaper or not really? Perhaps I should go back and read your many questions! hehe!

  24. I love Pampered Chef products and enjoy baking and cooking. These would make them much more enjoyable and easier to do.

  25. I love kitchen gadgets. And the meat thermometer is something I do not yet have. I will feel a lot better knowing the meat is completely cooked with one.

  26. My baking and cooking items are horrible! I pretty much need to start from scratch... pampered chef items are great.

  27. Since becoming a SAHM I somehow managed to teach myself how to bake. My specialty just happens to be Cheesecake! Banana with Caramel Sauce and Key Lime are everyone's favorites!
    Dream THAT is what I call every mom's dream come true!!
    Thanks for the unbelievable giveaway!

    [email protected]

  28. Dream Dinners sounds great. That would sure take the load off of me! We could use the Thermapen too. Our thermometer died on Thanksgiving... I think the turkey killed it.

  29. You picked well, as they truly are all GREAT products.

    I just looked up Dream Dinners for the first time, didn't realize they are close enough to try. Love that everything is included (no grocery shopping! Love it.)

    The Pampered Chef pans would be OH! SO! Handy.

    And, my Husband really NEEDS that meat thermometer, he is always OVER-COOKING my steaks.

    Thank you Metropolitan Mama~ Kudos on your picks!

    [email protected]

  30. My mother in law got my hooked on Pampered Chef, and since she introduced me I have gotten my greedy little hands on everything I could!
    Dream Dinners sounds awesome too!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. I think a thermometer is essential in the kitchen, as it allows you to know when something is done without cutting into a lovely piece of meat repeatedly. I have never used a meal assemble place but I am curious; they seem popular, so must be a nice option. Maybe one day I will try one.

  32. i really love the pampered chef, i've often thought about throwing a pampered chef party. i really like to bake too!

  33. What a great giveaway for the busy mom. We love muffins, but the usual size is just too big. Dream dinners, this is great for a working busy family like ours. Springform: maybe I can finally make cheesecake again. I think my mom has my pan at her house back east.

  34. I had a friend in college who always made us cheesecake, and it was to die for! We even made her a facebook group, Fans of Chelsea's Cheesecake. I have never made one myself, and I would love to try. And my aunts used to sell pampered chef, and they are always cooking. I love to cook and bake, and would love to win this stuff.

  35. I have a badly herniated disc at L4/L5 and do you have any idea what a "dream" it wold be to be able to send hubby to Dream Dinners to learn how to make us some yummy diners to freeze and eat while I recover (potential surgery appears to be on the horizon)?! That would be like every girl's dream to have hubby making gourmet dinners for her! As for the rest of the tools, when I am recovered, I would put all the other goodies to good use, making treats for hubby to thank him for the dream diners! :-)

    Nice giveaway! Thanks!

  36. The ThermaPen is a great idea! It is so hard to judge the doneness of meat cooked on the grill, and this tool would be a wonderful addition to our summer cook-outs.

  37. I love pampered chef. They have the coolest little gadgets like the apple corer and ice cream scoop. They make everything so easy!

  38. I love the Pampered Chef and would love to try making cheesecake with the springform pan. I would love to try the Dream Dinners.

  39. I have a confession to make I am addicted to Pampered Chef but I don't have either of those pans from them. I have several other springform pans and they all seem to either rust or leak. That is what I get for getting them cheap ones. I know by the quality of everything I have from Pampered Chef I wouldn't have either of those issues with these pans.

  40. Thank you for the opportunity to win! You gotta love Dream Dinners! What a fabulous idea to prep for baby's arrival or in-laws arrival or anyone's.
    Also Pampered Chef has the best stuff!

  41. I have some Pampered Chef items and I love them. They are well made. Dream Dinners sounds like a great idea and my husband could really use a meat thermometer to help with his grilling!

  42. Please enter me- I've been wanting to attempt cheesecake but have no springform pan. I am curious about the Dream Dinners but not sure that we have the freezer space at this point- what a great idea to do pre-baby.

  43. Chicken and BACON Kabobs- Any time you can get bacon involved I'M IN!! Got to your site searching out the new Splash-Proof Thermapen. Pricey bugger but on my "must have" list. And I must admit that Pampered chef makes some handy- quality items so that would be a bonus.

  44. For me, the invention of the springform pan is right up there with the wheel. I have them in many sizes, the mini ones are fabulous for individual desserts.
    the mini muffin pan and therma pen would be a great addition in my lil' kitchen. Off to check out the dream dinners, never heard of this kind of thing, but interested to learn more.

  45. I would love the mini muffin pan-my oven tends to get too hot so when I make muffins they get dark on top but they're not cooked in the middle---I love to bake-my oven just doesn't.---My husband really needs a meat thermometer--he won't admit it but he does.
    [email protected]

  46. i am finally starting to cook and bake. i figure i need to feed myself in my old age and mcdonalds diet just is not cutting it. this could really really help out!

  47. Very cool giveaway. I keep meaning to try dream dinners because it seems so convient but I want to go with a friend or something because it seems boring to go alone to make the dinners.

  48. What an awesome giveaway..My mom is a big fan of Pampered Chef and has bought me some items from a few parties she attended..I could use all of the items..Thanks

  49. I love Pampered Chef products but don't own either of these so they'd be a treat to win. I can't live without my trusty Pampered Chef pizza stone and chopper! Thanks.

  50. What a terrific giveaway! I'm just learning how to cook and bake well, and if I'm lucky enough to win this prize pack, I might just be able to pull off a pretty top-notch Valentine's Day dinner this year - with the help of Dream Dinners of course, but I'll also be able to attempt the honey pumpkin cheesecake recipe I've been eager to try using the Pampered Chef springform pan -- and maybe even some mini muffins for breakfast as well. Thanks for the chance to enter!

  51. What a great giveaway. I really want a Pampered Chef’s Deluxe Mini-Muffin pan and the other items would be nice, too. Thanks for having the contest!

  52. Thanks for letting me know about Dream Dinners. I'm always stumped for dinner ideas & time and this sounds like a real lifesaver!

  53. This is an amazing giveway, some very basic stuff for the kitchen. Which is great for me, a first time home owner!

  54. I was just telling my boyfriend a week or so ago I couldn't make him a cheesecake because when we moved my springform pan went missing, it would be great to win one~!

  55. I could really use the Thermapen and with the springform pan - LOVE that the bottom is glass because I've already scratched the bottom of my non-stick pan (I forget to line it all the time!).

  56. The meat thermometer sounds very useful - it would not even be necessary to take the meat out of the oven.

  57. i just started trying out baking and cheese cakes are one of my fav desserts while my kids would love to eat mom-made-muffins... would be great to own this

  58. My mom used to go to Pampered Chef parties and loved their stuff. Now that I'm an adult and have my own apartment, I would love to own some of their stuff!

  59. Nice, I'd be thrilled to win this. What a great package. The pan from Pampered Chef is one I've been wanting too. I love to cook.

  60. I have several Pampered Chef products that I already use and have used for years. I really need to replace some of mine but I rather get the new stuff.

  61. I have just recently bought a cookbook and taught myself to cook. One of the biggest lessons (learned this while attempting to make omelets) is that YOU MUST HAVE GOOD POTS AND PANS. Well-that and to use a pan spray before cooking. After a week I have finally made an omelet that looks like it is supposed to :)

  62. I do a lot of cookijng and all these items would be handy. I'd especially appreciate the meat thermometer since I do not have one and always have to guess when the food is ready. Thanks for this offer.

  63. My last roommate left my springform pan in the sink to soak. All the hinges and hooks rusted. We're no longer roommates.

  64. I grilled my first steak outside on the grill in the snow last week. Hubby usually does it (his hobby is cooking). It was overcooked. My 11 yr. old son (picky eater) was being kind and said it was pretty good for my first time grilling.....

  65. I've always wanted to try dream dinners but have been reluctant because I like fresh food. There are definately days when I would love to pull something out of my freezer that isn't processed and full of preservatives. I may have to give them a try sometime.

  66. I love baking mini-muffins, but the pan I have only holds 12. I'd love to have the one you're giving away, so I could bake more mini-muffins. My son asked for a springform pan for Christmas (he loves to bake!), but didn't get one, so I'd gift this one to him. Our nest is empty now, so I've been trying to adapt my coooking to serve 2, and also to freeze meals for weeknights when I get home from work too tired to cook much. I bet Dream Dinners could help!

  67. I don't bake as much as I could but the Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan would be great to have! Dream Dinners also sounds like a lot of fun to do on a weekend with some girlfriends...chit chat and afterwards dinner is prepared for the whole week, so awesome!

  68. I'd love to try the thermopen. I've just about given up cooking steaks at home because I either undercook or overcook them, and they are too expensive to not cook properly.

  69. I love pampered chef pots and pans. I don't have a mini muffin pan so that would be great for me. Also the dream dinners place that you went to. I have been meaning to try one of these and just haven't yet. I may have to go soon. I also like the thermometer. I have been complaining that I need a digital thermometer, so this would be great.

  70. I would totally love this gift pack! I feel as if I am always in the kitchen cooking and baking.... I do love it, though, and I know that these products would make it even more enjoyable!

  71. What a great giveaway! I would love to have a second springform pan for holidays when I need to make two cheesecakes and my mom has the mini-muffin pan and uses it often so I could stop borrowing hers if I won my own!

  72. I recently bought a $12 meat thermometer, hoping it would be adequate. What was i thinking? I definitely need to invest in a better one. I'm convinced that sometimes it really is worth it to pay the extra money for a good one.

  73. I always end up making my cheesecakes in a pie-pan because I don't have a springform pan. They come out ok, but they always have a side crust. I should really bite the bullet and buy a springform pan (or win one!). Thanks!

  74. My springform pan broke some time ago so I certainly need a new one. Come to think of it most of my bakeware could use replacing so I would love to try the products.

  75. mt wife gave a pampered chef ice cube shaver to her sister for christmas 2007 and she uses it at her parties all the time

  76. these 2 prizes are a must have in any home that loves cheesecake and the kids love mini cupcakes.
    My kids like blueberry muffins,ell actually any muffins. I know that Pampered Chef is a great company and makes good quality products that last a very long time.

    Thank you so much for giving me a chance to be a winner


  77. i have been wanting a springform pan ,actually started to buy one..but figured id wait to see if it went on sale...winning one would be great

  78. I do not have a springform pan but I found a recipe that I want to try to calls for one. The receipe is a peanut butter cup cheesecake. It sure looks yummy!

  79. The mini muffin pan is great for appetizers. Just use some won-ton wrappers and fill with sausage, cheese and ranch:).

    I have never used a Springform pan before. I hear they make great cheesecakes.

    [email protected]

  80. I'm thinking I'd use Dream Dinners exactly the same way you did... have some frozen meals ready to go for when the baby arrives!

  81. I've heard lots about Dream Dinners and would love to try that especially. With a new baby boy & 2 older ones I could definitely use a night off of cooking.

  82. I went to the Dream Dinner website and I really want to win this so I can attend a February session. I would buy the chicken with lemon * artichoke sauce dinner.

  83. The Dream Dinners would be a gift for my hubby -- I'm on a restricted diet and I don't think they could accommodate me. But I would love that thermapen. We have a couple of instant read thermometers: one apparently defines "instant" as 20 or 30 seconds, the other one is too complicated to figure out. I would love to be able to have a truly instant thermometer so I can get an accurate read on when our food is ready.

  84. I don't have a springform pan yet and my mom could use the mini muffin pans. I know a mom that would love the Dream Dinners gift card she has 4 kids!! I love kitchen giveaways!

  85. I'm not the greatest cook in the world, but I'm learning, but the thing that I did learn is to not submerge the meat thermometers fulling in the dishwater.

    We did buy a replacement thermometer, but it doesn't look as good as the one above, and I'd love to try it.

  86. I just grilled a steak last night and hubby had to put it back on the grill, it is often after dark by the time are food is done out there and we can't see if it is finished, and chicken always makes us nervous. With that we would get a lot of use out of the thermometer. Dream Dinners would be great to use as well with infant and toddler, sounds delicious.

  87. The Pampered Chef line of products are fabulous, I used to sell them years ago, and use their products almost daily with cooking and baking.

  88. I have used Dream Dinners in the past and they have been a Godsend! We don't have one near us now but my mom does and it would be really helpful for her if she had a bunch of meals pre-made in her freezer instead of them going out to dinner all the time!

  89. I have never heard of Dream Dinners. I am going to check them out on the web now. I also love Pampered Chef and could use a new Springform pan and meat thermometer.

  90. I have heard nothing but good things about Dream Dinners. There is one about 5 miles from me that I have been meaning to try. Winning would be the perfect reason to check it out!

    txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

  91. I SO need a decent Springform pan (hmmm .. one of my friend sells Pampered Chef .. I should give her a call). I had a great set, but somehow, it got lost in storage. So, being in the rank of the many unemployed, I didn't have the extra $ to get the same set (I'm of the school of thought that I'd rather pay extra for something that's going to last than buy a cheap anything that I'll have to replace over and over, but in this case, I REALLY couldn't afford it). So I bought a set at the department store that was probably 1/3 the price of my old set. What a HUGE waste of $ ... the darn bases don't sit tight in the pans, and they just drip and drip - they went into the garbage. Since I'm still unemployed, I still can't buy a full replacement set, but I should get at least this one, because I really really need it (Do you see the convincing I need to do to get myself to part with a few dollars right now?) :)

  92. We have three of the Dream Dinners stores near us. It would be fun to win the gift certificate to use there!

  93. There isn't a Dream Dinners near us :( but there is one near my parents' - so I'd plan to go there on the way out of town during our next trip. How fun to come home with some prepared meals! I'd just need to bring a BIG cooler!

  94. I love the concept of Dream Dinners - they are a bit expensive but great for families on the who still want to eat healthy

  95. I saw Dream Dinners on a food network a few years back, I thought it was a great concept and have always watned to try it!

  96. Pampered Chef makes quality items. Would love to have the mini muffin pan. I take food to the office all the time and mini muffins would be perfect to eat in an office setting.

  97. I don't have a mini-muffin pan, have always wanted to get on though. This would be great to make muffins that are portion controlled!

  98. I am really concerned with food safety, and a new meat thermometer is the best way to make sure your food is safe for your family.

  99. I love any and all kitchen items. These would be put to good use. I have wanted to try Dream Works in order to have prepared healthy meals to fall back on when life gets out of control.

  100. This is the most fantastic giveaway. I just adore Pampered Chef stuff, but normally I just can't afford it! Would be super to win. Also, I've heard about Dream Dinners and it does sound like a dream come true. Thanks for the giveaway.

  101. I love the thermapen...whatta great idea! My b/f always makes a mess when he's trying to cut into a steak on the grill.

  102. I have been wanting to try Dream Dinners - I am not a chef and don't really enjoy cooking, but have to because we have to eat! I do like the Pampered Chef things - and they'd be useful in my kitchen when I am moved to cook something!

  103. I have been wanting to try Dream Dinners for a long time now. I love the concept and think it would be a great girls night out!

  104. Wow, I dropped and broke my kitchen thermometer last week and I just love the design of the thermopen. It looks quite sturdy and being digital is probably more accurate / sensitive than my last one.

  105. Pampered Chef always has the greatest products! I really could use a springform pan. I haven't heard of Dream Dinners before but they sound promising. I'll have to look into it.

  106. That Splash-Proof Super-Fast Thermapen is the coolest! Love that it's digital! The Mini Muffin Pan has my mind creating all kinds of treats.

  107. We have tried a few meat thermometers and they have all been crap. The one in the review sounds promising. Thanks!

  108. Fun stuff - I love kitchen items! I would love the mini muffin pan and the meat thermometer! The Dream Dinners would be cool too but I don't know if there is one near me at all. Thanks for all the fun giveaways!

  109. Love anything Pampered Chef. I do not have their springform pan so this would be great. There stuff lasts a long time. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

  110. I need a good meat thermometer. My roasts always come out undercooked or over cooked because my meat thermometer is junk.
    I've been considering a springform pan for a while now, but have always felt bad splurging on one.

  111. I've always wanted to try a Dream Dinners experience. My husband and I are somewhat picky eaters, but it's neat because you can still customize part of the meal.

  112. I finally got enough regular size muffin pans to make cupcakes -- now I'd love to have minis! I, too, need a meat thermometer since I've NEVER had one before!!

  113. I need all of these! Especially the thermopen. I hate cooking meat because I never know when it's done!

    mamaknj at msn dot com

  114. I have a hard time cooking steak just right on the grill. I love steak but I usually stick with grilling chicken because it is easier to "get right". Perhaps the thermometer would help me to be more confident in my steak grilling abilities.

  115. I could really use all of these items the mini muffin pan would really help with trying to eat smaller portions.

  116. We love salmon, but it's hard to find good salmon here. We've been doing a lot with talapia. Love the Chicken and Bacon Skewers - how can you go wrong with bacon anything!

    The mini muffin pan is great to use. I love making smaller version of baked goods. I've never used a spring form pan. I've always shied away from them.

    Dream Dinners would be great! No wondering what's for dinner and extra time. That's a winner.

    The ThermaPen would be great. I always worry if the interenal temp on the food is what it should be.

  117. I would love to win this because even though everyone RAVES about springform pans, I've actually never used one!

  118. I've never tried a meal assembly place before, but I've had friends who've tried it and like it. Fortunately, we have a Dream Dinners just a few miles from me, so I can give it a try with little effort.

  119. I've always been curious about Dream Dinners both for myself and as a gift. I'd like to try it first and determine if it would work as a gift.

  120. I was jujst talking to my friends the other day that I used to have several Spring Form pans. Over the years, they have disappeared. Hmmmm..could it be left at these friend's houses. Probably. Hope to snag some more Kitchen ware.

  121. I love Pampered Chef...I have a few items and they are of the highest quality. I would love to give dream dinners a try..sometimes getting dinner on the table is a real trial for me!

  122. Love Pampered Chef-I have the springform pan and it makes wonderful cheesecake. I have been going to buy a second pan because taking one cheesecake to a dish to pass is never enough!

  123. Wow that's some great stuff! I would love to have a springform pan, and my hubby would really love the thermometer for grilling. Thanks for the chance!

  124. I've never owned a meat thermometer. That's one of the things I would love to own. Do you think it would improve my cooking, lol?

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  125. I love to cook, however cooking every night of the week can be daunting when working 8 hours outside of the home, and another 5-6 inside the home, as well as trying to keep a relationship... I need something frozen! Simple, fast, yet still healthy... These would help with that goal!

  126. I am really am not the chef My dad is the chef in our house and its getting harder to find new recipies to please the masses

  127. I just love Pampered Chef. They have wonderful products. I don't have any of those listed. I need to have a party again soon
    The others sound great, too.

  128. I can think of a million uses for the muffin pan and I make a great cheesecake, so the springform would also get good use. Thanks for the chance!

  129. All great useful things but I like the mini muffin pan the best. LOVE to make muffins with the kids and this makes the perfect snack size for them.

  130. Oh wow! These products look fantastic. A little something new in the kitchen can feel like a whole kitchen makeover. And the Dream Dinners, well, that would just be over-the-top helpful around our house :)

  131. I love PC products...I do not have the springform pan but would love it-cheescake is an absolute favorite dessert at our house! The Dream Dinners is what really caught my eye. I love the idea of having meals that I don't have to completely prepare with 3 children under my feet!

  132. I have an OLD spring form pan I used it during the holidays.....its done!!! well is 37 years old Im wondering what a new one would even feel like baking in it.....Pampered Chef is a great line I have some of their stuff as a girl I used to work with was a rep of theirs!!!

  133. Baking with kids is such a great activity! Pampered Chef products can't be beat. I am loving your 'best of' series!!!

  134. I've resisted buying a springform so that I can't make cheesecke, for the collective health of my family, but I can feel my resolve weakening...

  135. With a family of 5 (2 teens) I can always use new kitchen gadgets. These items would get plenty of use in my home. The Dream Dinners will give me a little break.

  136. I keep looking at Springform pans and wishing I had one but not buying one... maybe one of these days! We use the mini-muffin pans for mini muffins and for making candy at Christmas time.

  137. I was checking out the Dream Dinners menu for this month--lots of good choices. I wonder why they picked 3 servings and 6 serving sizes, though, that seems kind of odd. I like that they tell you the healthiest choices, too.

  138. What an great idea for a baby gift- do a dream dinners for a pregnant friend around the time the baby is born and drop off the dinners. That would be a god send to a new mom and dad.

  139. I am a novice at all this. The prizes sound great and I could use the encouragement going into 2010! Thanks!

  140. I always have recipes that require a springform pan and I don't have one. Never was sure whether purchasing one was truly necessary but I'd love to try it out!

  141. I love the prizes, especially the mini-muffin tin- you can use it to make yummy appetizers too; just place buttered toast rounds in tins, add any toppings you like- I use shredded mozzerella, bits of bacon and scallops. Heat just until scallops are cooked- 10 min. at 400 degrees.

  142. i don't really cook but i do like to make muffins and stuff of that i a horrible woman? i really could use the multi muffin maker pan.....i just coined it a new name hope i am picked because it would be useful

  143. I love Pampered Chef and I have always wanted to try Dream Dinners as my life with the kids is always very busy.

  144. We LOVE baking in our household. We'd totally use these items so much. Ive been totally wanting to try a meal service like that one. What a great idea the person had that thought of this concept, wow!

  145. Those recipes all sound delicious, especially the chicken dishes! I'm bookmarking them to try! What a great giveaway! I'm always a sucker for new kitchen stuff. The mini muffin pan is is it that I don't have one of those yet?! :)

  146. We just moved into our fist house and I could really use some things to put in the cupboards but all the money went to buying the house :( Would love to use these items!

  147. I have never tried any of the Pampered Chef bakeware. I have one of thier pizza stones and it works great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  148. Besides being fun when you bake your own you know what the ingredients are: if you dont want to eat it you dont put it in...the more pans you have the more incentive to bake different items

  149. The springform pan would be essential for me - I have the worst luck with food sticking to pans and this seems like something I could handle!

  150. Dream Dinners is such a blessing. I save so much money because I don't waste money at the grocery store and I'm not tempted to eat out because I have a yummy dinner at home.

  151. I really need a new meat thermometer, the one I had stopped working. My husband and I both like are meat well done, but not overcooked.

  152. I can use everyone of these items and the Dream dinners would be an added bonus Thanks so much for all the great info on these items!

  153. I've always been scared of using a springform pan so I've never bought one or tried making cheesecake. I'd love to try! Can I have your famous cheesecake recipe too?? Thanks for the chance, all of these prizes are amazing!

  154. I was just lamenting the sad state of my cooking thermometer over the holidays as I tried in vain to check my turkey and make some pecan brittle. I sure could use this new gadget! My springboard pan also seems to be warped, so when I make cheesecake part of the liquid oozes out onto the bottom of the oven and burns-- no fun! Thanks for the heads-up on these products.

  155. oh oh oh sign me up for the thermapen - I hate having to cut and guess as to the doneness of the meat. I have a crappy $4 one from Target but it sucks.
    And just the other day I was thinking I wanted a Mini-muffin pan - just the ticket. Thank you for the chance to win.

  156. I have a hard time figuring out when our meat is done on the grill, I usually have to slice into it, this thermapen would be a life saver!

  157. I'm so guilty of checking a steak by cutting into it (and then whining that it's dry after I released all the juices lol).

  158. I'd like to try Dream Dinners, sounds great. Preparing a good meal after working all day is such a hassle. We can eat while the cheesecake cooks in the new spring form pan

  159. What great items for a giveaway! These would make my life sooo much simpler. I love that meat thermometer, I am always forgetting to buy one for when I roast a chicken and i have to guess when it will be done by weight.

  160. would love to start 2010 on a great note with all this new kitchen stuff. my family would appreciate it too since they'll eat a lot better.

  161. I just knew I had to enter this. My partner has a thing for kitchen stuff. We reorganized our kitchen yesterday and go figure, we now have room for more stuff. I didn't think such a thing was possible. So, who knows? Maybe I'll be able to put these wonderful prizes in that free space. I surely wouldn't complain. Thanks.

    [email protected]

  162. I wish they had a kosher dream dinners, it would be so convenient. Well, besides the fact that I have zero freezer space. I have a springform pan and although I have switched to disposable for all my other pans due to lack of space, my springform is my most used and only real pan


  164. I think I had a pan like this and it broke on me, and we cook a lot. The meat thermo. is a great gift to have esp. at Holiday time for those baking and frying turkey times. I would love to Dream Dinners, I want to learn more about them.

    I hope I can win!!

  165. I absolutely LOVE Pampered Chef. Never tried anything from the other company but would love to. I desperately need a springform pan. I have some Pampered Chef items like the large stone pan. LOVE IT!

  166. The mini muffin pan would be perfect for my family! My kids love muffins but often don't eat the entire thing. And, I am in desperate need of a spring form pan.

  167. We have been wanting to try Dream Dinners, so this would be perfect! Their January menu looks so good - French Country Chicken and Citrus Marinated Steaks!

  168. I am always eating on the go so the mini muffin pan would be so good for making banana nut muffins. I cold just put two in a baggie and eat them on the way to work.

  169. Our five-year-old daughter is so into baking and cooking right now. She wants to constantly make something; but, of course, I can't be cooking and baking with her 24/7. So, I schedule a time with her that we can make something together. We made cupcakes (not box mix) with all-butter buttercream frosting. She has all her own real cookware and had a blast making mini cupcakes and putting frosting on with her own pastry bag. I just love my garlic press from Pampered Chef. A springform pan would be great for a Lindy's cheesecake.

  170. I love, love, love Pampered Chef products. I would imagine that the springform pan and muffin pan by them would be fantastic.

  171. I like the idea of the Thermapen - I always seem to end up cutting apart the steak on the grill to see if it is done.

  172. I have never owned a springform pan before, though I have always meant to pick one up. My cheesecakes wind up being fixed in premade graham cracker crumb crust. Pampered Chef makes such high quality products.

  173. what a cool giveaway. Would love to win -especially the Thermapen by Thermoworks. So cool and handy, and we really need one! Imagine trying to cook a turkey this past Thanksgiving without a proper thermometer! it was a guessing game. We could really use that- plus everything else in the goody bag of course! :)

  174. I've been wanting to try mini muffins for the kids, they seem to be the perfect size for them!! Also I can't wait to try the Chicken Enchiladas!!

  175. I attended my first Pampered chef party a few weeks ago! Hubby loved my step moms batter bowl so i bought him one! For $15 it was well worth it! We do breakfext togeather every weekend and its great to make pancake batter in and let it rise overnight in the fridge to make great fluffy pancakes!

  176. I love the idea of the thermopen. I the only meat I like is boneless skinless chicken breast, but I'm terrible at preparing it. It always ends up over cooked (making it way too dry), or still pink in the middle. This thermometer looks so convenient!
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  177. I would love, love, love everything in this giveaway set! I have been hoping for a springform pan for some time, and I know Pampered Chef makes great products. The thermometer would be perfect and handy...I have a corded instant read thermometer now, and it's not the most convenient option.

  178. My springform plan recently had a run in with a full jug of windshield washer fluid in the back of Mom's car when she was returning it. It hasn't been the same since. I'd probably give the gift certificate to an aunt who lives closer than I do (I'm 90.7 miles away from the nearest DD :(

  179. great giveaway, love to get the springform pan, this year I want to bake a perfect cheesecake

  180. I doubt the pan is the reason your cheesecake recipe is so yummy! Have you shared your recipe? But I agree that beauty is the result of the pan.

  181. Wow, a springform pan and thermometer are on my list of must-buys... and I can never have too many muffin pans! Great giveaway, thanks for the chance.

    honeybushtea AT

  182. I love to bake but all my pans are pretty old. I keep thinking about replacing them slowly but never get around to it.

  183. always wanted to try dream dinners. heard they were tasty and great for large families
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  184. Okay. I definitely need a new meat thermometer, and I've always wanted a mini muffin pan! Did I mention I'm also a huge fan of Pampered Chef (especially their stoneware!).

  185. wow the Dream Dinners is such a good of those you say now why didn't I think of that. I'm a restaurant girl..worked in the industry for over 15 years and I would love to start one of these in my hometown..maybe they franchise!
    and I have Never made a REAL cheesecake..isn't that sad..yes I've made the fake preassembled boxed kinds but I would love to make a "real one" I'd surely need a springform pan huh..If I win will you share your famous recipe with me..pretty please!

  186. One of my goals for this year is to try a new recipe each week. I experimented with a number of new ingredients and techniques last year and have found many have stuck in our regular rotation.

  187. Dream Dinners is such a brilliant concept! I love the idea of trying a new recipe without investing in the spices and specialty items before I know whether or not my family will like it.

  188. Every time I come across a cheesecake recipe I think, well gee, maybe if I had a springform pan...

    Dream Dinners sounds like it was made for me. I'd love to spend one day preparing meals that would be ready to keep our bellies filled for a long time. How handy!

  189. Every once in a while I get in a baking mood and go nuts. I'll do an all day baking marathon. I've always wanted to try sprigform pans but never have. I would love to win this.

  190. I love Pampered Chef I even had a bridal shower with their products....I've used some of them so much that they no longer work.

  191. The mini-muffin pan is wonderful! I'm getting ready to make a batch of chocolate chip muffins and hate that I can only bake a dozen at once. I would love a bigger pan!

  192. We had cheesecake for my son's first birthday.. but bought it instead of making it! Alas. Maybe next year :)
    And I was actually thinking of you the other day. I was starting to think about "things" I want/need for baby #2, and the meal idea came up. I might recommend that to people who are interested in gift ideas. Good grief! Why wait until the baby comes?!?! I should do it now! :)

  193. Wow look at all the great stuff!!! I just got a few muffin pans for Christmas, but the mini-muffin pan would be CUTE, and I have yet to get a springform pan. Can you tell I just moved into my own apartment?

  194. Oh my gosh, I want this one. I LOVE cheesecake but don't have a springform pan, I've totally wanted to do one of those pre-prepared dinner things, I love muffins, and I am admittedly terrible at cooking meat to the preferred temperatures and could use the meat thermometer. Thanks!

  195. My mini muffin pan got up and walked away, it seems. Would love to win a new one, especially from Pampered Chef!

  196. These prizes are great. What draws me most is the non-stick spring form. My present form had to be lined and if you bring the paper up on the sides, the finished product suffers in looks. This finish would make the cakes come out nice and smooth.

  197. I am glad you had a wonderful Dream Dinners experience. It is the ultimate buy in bulk and save way to have a home cooked dinner and does cost less than buying the same ingredients at a grocery store. It is also very eco friendly, so much less packaging when you buy in bulk. We actually have children on our tasting panels; it is amazing to see what kids will really eat. We put kids in a box when we only feed them "white foods". Don’t miss our new Dream Rewards program. You can get more dinner ideas on my blog Take care.

  198. I've always wanted to try the Dream Dinners, but it is so expensive! That gift certificate would make me (and my family) so happy - thank you. :)

  199. I have never had the chance to try Dream Dinners but would LOVE to...and the mini muffin pan, well, you can never have enough of those!

  200. Will you include your cheesecake recipe, too? Hmm? That thermometer looks super handy. Our old-school one is bent and not working properly these days. My turkey looked great on Christmas but was a tad bit dry.

  201. The granola bar recipe you have here has been used heaps in our house (since you first posted about it). They are SO tasty! And...the spring form want one of those. Cheesecake may not seem so daunting with one of those. The mini muffin tin would be helpful for the brownie bites I want to make. I could go on and have so many great things!

  202. I would love to have this package! I love to bake for my friends and family. My favorite to make is cheesecake. The Dream Dinners are an added bonus to the Pampered Chef products. Love to win!!

  203. I would love to win the springform pan! My mother used to make cheesecakes and sell them when I was little. The smell of the graham cracker crust baking was always one of my favorite smells

  204. I love cheesecake but have never attempted to make it before because it seems so complicated. I bet the springform pan would make it a snap, though! Thanks for highlighting it!

  205. I think the meat thermometer is really cool. I've always wanted to try to make a Prime Rib, but so scared to ruin a good piece of meat because I don't know how to cook it properly. My friend and I just discussed our meat thermometers the other day and neither of us think ours work very well. Would love to win this package!

  206. Pampered Chef makes the most wonderful kitchen products. I am especially fond of their stoneware products. I would love to try some of their other stuff as well. Thanks for the opportunity.

  207. I'd love the mini-muffin pan! The perfect snack size for my 2 1/2 year old. The thermometer looks awesome too - we all like our steaks a different temperature in my family, and can't ever manage to get everyone's right. Thanks!

  208. I have that muffin pan, and I LOVE it! I checked, and the nearest Dream Dinners is 25 miles away, but I would drive it or gift it to a friend or my sister. Who wants to cook when there are new babies or other major family events going on?! ~Lanie

  209. I could really use the mini muffin pan since my grandchildren really enjoy making mini muffins when they come for a visit!

  210. Stephanie, what an honor to make your coveted "Best of 2009" list! We love making moms' lives easier - 'cause wow, do we know how busy the days get and then BAM! it's 5 o'clock and the kids are whining, "What's for dinner?" Dream Dinners makes answering that SO much easier. For all of us moms here, too!

    For those who asked about store locations, here's a link:

    Thanks again, Stephanie - we look forward to sending your winner a $75 certificate. (Here's to saving money!)

  211. Everyone thought I was just kidding when I had a muffin pan on my Christmas list. I wasn't kidding - I need a new one so bad it's just pitiful. I meake the best pound cake muffins in the world.:)

  212. I just bought myself a Kitchenaid stand mixer with my Christmas gift cards...I am so stupidly excited that I might make a cheesecake...but I don't own a spring form pan so that is next on my list! And I love muffins way more than I muffins. I need to make bran muffins and put enough raisins in them that the bran is just barely holding together the raisins. Yum.

  213. I love papered chef I have some things from them and they are wonderful I love the adjustable measuring cup from papered chef I use it all the time. I sure could use a new springform pan so I can't make my cheese cake.

  214. Fantastic giveaway!! My boys love muffins and I love that muffin pan.
    Thanks for the recipes, I love hearing other people's favorites.

  215. What a prize package! My husband enjoy cooking and baking. I am so lucky. I don't mind baking, though!
    Pampered Chef makes wonderful products! Thanks for the opportunity to win fantastic goodies.

  216. What awesome products!! I need a new springform pan and who couldn't use another mini muffin pan. Have you ever made Bakerella's mini chocolate chip maple pancake muffins? They are delicious!! My kids love them. And that thermapen.....ideal for cooking meat!! I always overcook our steaks so that would be perfect.

  217. I am alone, and because of this, snow shoveling can be too much for my post-trauma body. I seem to have wonderful neighbors because this winter, without my asking, my walkways are shoveled before I even get out of bed. Just the other day I finally was able to identify the doers. I therefore have decided to thank my wonderful young neighbor family by giving them baked-from-scratch-treats because I know the wife works two jobs while the husband is often on the road. So, both the pans and the thermometer would get a lot of use, should I win. The gift certificate would be so nice to have because I wouldn't have to, out of necessity, get to a grocery store during the times our wind chills are well below zero.

  218. Love grilled salmon and enchiladas. Yum!

    Pampered Chef has awesome products. We use a lot of their stuff in our kitchen. Haven't heard of the other companies but will have to check them out.

  219. I love to cook, maybe because I love to eat! One of my fave things to receive as a gift is a kitchen gadget, tool, or cook book! This would be a super prize to win. I might even bake you something and send it as a thanks!

  220. Great list of goodies. I'd love the Thermapen. Am just getting into baking artisan breads and it calls for an instant read thermometer to judge doneness of that. Perfect!

  221. great to have a meat thermometer for use at the grill, sometimes its dark out there (it does get dark at 4:30) hard to see the meat and its color and we do like it cooked

  222. Wow! What a wonderful list. I have always wondered about a place like dream dinners. I do bulk cooking, but in my little kitchen its kind of a pain for space. I love the idea of not having to mess up my house! :)

  223. I think everything Pampered Chef makes is stellar. I am in need of a new mini muffin pan -- ever since we made crayons in ours, it's been looking kind of rough!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  224. I would love to win this. I make cheesecakes quite often, and my springform has seen better days. It doesn't seal real tight and tends to leak.

  225. Wow, nice! Who wouldn't love some pampered chef products? Also the Dream Dinners sounds so fun to try out! I've been thinking about trying out dd or a similar type place for some time now. Excellent cooking ideas!

  226. Im intrigued by dream dinners- Im starting school this semseter and have two children and am expecting a very surprise baby!

  227. I do like to bake and cook so these are things a cook can use. I've never tried a home made cheesecake so there's a first time.

  228. I think I would love all of these, but the Dream Dinners would be awesome to have when we do end up adopting our third! Thanks! :)

  229. Now I don't know if the Dream Dinners will work for me that I live in Canada, but I could always give that back to be given away again.....
    What really caught my eye was the pampered chef stuff - I love EVERYTHING they carry!! Seriously. Okay not to be generic, but I hope I win!!!! AND - cool stuff!!!! LOL!!!

  230. What a wonderful prize package. I didn't know that Pampered Chef made baking pans. I'd love to try them. The Mini Muffin pan is a pan that we could really use and the springform pan would be perfect for making cheesecakes.
    Thanks so much for offering this giveaway.

  231. I have to say that I have yet to find a Pampered Chef product that I don't absolutely love! Also i am in need of a goos springform pan, as I was given a recipe for a cheesecake that is safe for diabetics, but I need a springform pan to make it in. I have been telling my brother-in-law, that I will make it for him, just as soon as i can get a springform pan.

  232. One of my resolutions is to cook more for my family! All of these tools would be awesome for that! I have also always wanted to try dream dinners!

  233. In our house my husband is the chef. He does 90% of the cooking but I do the baking. So this giveaway would be great for both of us and I bet he would use the theromoter the best!

  234. Ok, so cooking and baking are becoming my passion, next to my husband and babies. I say becoming because it is still a work in progress, but what I love about it is that you are never to old to start cooking and to become fabulous at it. I am always looking for new toys for my kitchen.... some of them are just SOOO expensive! Thanks for the giveaway... it would be a HUGE help!

  235. My MIL goes to Pampered Chef parties and she's gotten me some of their products. I'd like to win more of their products!

  236. I remember your original post about the muffin tin. I didn't get one back then, and I don't have the means to buy one now, but I'm still dying to have one! I love love love mini muffins, but my pans are definitely NOT non-stick, and the trouble of cleaning up prevents me from cooking them very often.

    And we're big fans of using a meat thermometer. But ours broke 2 weeks ago. :(

  237. I love to make muffins, and I love them to be bite size, so this is perfect. Drream Dinners is just 10 minutes from my hosue so this would be great.

  238. I just made a recipe that called for a mini-muffin pan and we don't own I used a regular muffin pan instead! Plus I really want to try out that granola recipe.

  239. A good spring form pan is a necessity when making cheese cake. Unless of course we eat it straight from the pan!
    I had not heard of Dream Dinners but I checked and there's one in Temecula CA. Just 15 miles from my home. What an ingenious idea!

  240. I just printed out that chicken enchilada recipe. Yum! We just learned how to cook a pork loin in the crock pot so that we can make delicious burritos on weeknights. I think that is going to be a favorite for us.
    I have never owned a springform pan, and as a result, I've never made a decent cheesecake! And don't get me started on my muffin is in SAD shape.

  241. I've thought about getting a mini muffin pan but I have a hard time finding the mini muffin papers, you have to have those right?
    I LOVE the idea of those dinner places! I haven't tried it yet but that's totally up my alley. I love easy meals that I can just take right out of the freezer, especially home made ones.

  242. I love Pampered Chef products. You really do get what you pay for in this case. My Pampered Chef products have not dissapointed me. I love my stone, bakeware, utensils, and the list goes on. I would like to own more Pampered Chef products in the near future! :)

  243. I would really love to have the Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan. I have an excellent cookie/peanut butter cup recipe that calls for just this type of pan. Since I did not own one over the holidays (should have fully read the recipe before I started), I had to make them without the proper pan.

  244. I just had to throw away my muffin pan because it truly had seen better days, so the muffin pan (and all the other goodies) sure would come in handy!

  245. I can't wait until I can make homemade granola bars! I've seen a few recipes I'd like to try. And yours look so good.

    And even though I can't have flours and mixes right now, I actually would use the muffin pan. My Mom made this really good butternut squash muffin that tastes really good! And it's Candida diet safe.


  246. I absolutely love just about all of Pampered Chef's products. Dream Dinners sounds like a great solution for busy working moms - either in the home workers or out!

  247. I did the Dream Dinners concept before I had my first child and was really wishing I did it again after my second child this year! Perfect for those times when you just can't cook yourself.

  248. Fun! I probably don't need another muffin tin, but I would love a new springform pan, and the Dream Dinners sound great! And a meat thermometer would probably be handy, since we have similar meat tastes to you and Tim.

  249. I make cheesecakes all the time and the one thing that I have been wanting is a Springform Pan. I also would like to try the Dream Dinners, since sometimes cooking during the week can become hectic.

  250. I also can swear by two of these. I've done Dream Dinners once. Not only were the meals tasty and easy to get from the freezer to the table, I also had a fun time preparing them in the DD kitchen.

    And my Pampered Chef Springform pan is one of my favorite things to bake in.

  251. I LOVE my springform pan, use it a lot in baking. If I won I'd definitely use it as a gift for one of the numerous weddings I have to go to. A friend wants to have a pampered chef bridal shower, it makes me want to start selling JUST to do that for her!

  252. I'm a Pampered Chef addict! Seriously, I would be a happy woman if my kitchen was filled with Pampered Chef products.And I desperately need a new thermometer!

  253. Your grilled salmon recipe sounds delish. One of our New Year's resolutions is (of course) to eat healthier and cook more (less eating out).

  254. I'm trying to cook more for my family and create healthier meals. This would really help. The Dream Dinners would help when I can't cook.

  255. I've always wanted to try out Dream Dinners. There are several similar establishments in my area and this would be a good way to get my feet wet.

  256. I love the Pampered Chef. Whenever I have to buy something, that's always the first place that I look. I have mini-muffin pans from another company and they ALWAYS stick - I will definitely have to give the ones from Pampered Chef a try. Thanks for your reviews!

  257. The Splash-Proof Super-Fast Thermapen sounds especially useful. We finally bought an oven thermometer after months of wondering if our temps were accurate, and our oven was at least 30 degrees off overall. Now that we've corrected the issue, I'd love to try something like the Thermapen to see if our meats are cooked to proper temperatures. Thank you again for such great giveaways!

  258. I love Pampered Chef. They come out with some great ideas! My mom buys gadgets for me all the time and my favorite is the Measure-All. It's SO handy! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  259. I love every single prize! My husband and I love food...making it, shopping for it, preparing it. I'd love to win, we'd have fun with the prizes.

  260. I have been wanting to try Dream Dinners, but the cost seems like a big investment... I really wanted to go before I had my second baby so the freezer would be stocked. We were blessed with meals from fellow church members for two weeks though and I was able to freeze leftovers so we were set for the first month or so. I would still love to try them out though. I do once a month cooking with my friend, but this just sounds so much easier and quicker.

  261. I love to cook and especially enjoy baking. I cook for 3 men (my husband and 2 teenage sons) so I am constantly in the kitchen. I am looking forward to trying your Chicken Enchiladas. I'm sure the guys will love them. Thanks for the recipe!

  262. For some reason I am always losing my springform pan!!?? Weird. I do need to invest in a new meat thermometer, mine keeps fogging up so it's hard to read! Plus, I've never really been very good about getting meat out at the right time, it is either over done or needs to back on because it isn't done at all! Ugh!

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