Book Review: Superfoods for Babies and Children

Book Review: Superfoods for Babies and Children 1I love Annabel Karmel's cookbooks. They're full of great tips for healthy eating and delicious recipes that the whole family can enjoy. My favorite thing about her cookbooks, however, are the photographs - bold, bright, colorful photographs of foods presented in exciting and interesting ways. On the cover of Superfoods for Babies and Children, for example, you'll find a fish created with apple, mango, and orange slices. What kid wouldn't love to swim right over and eat that? :)

Superfoods is a cookbook that takes parents on a journey of recipes through "stages." Chapters are dedicated to 6 months, 7 to 9 months, 9 to 12 months, 1 to 2 years, 2 to3 years, and 3 years plus. There are also two special sections about food allergies and "foods for common ailments" (I love the idea of using food as a way to prevent or cure common illnesses).

If you're just beginning to introduce solids, you'll especially love Karmel's pointers about identifying signs of readiness, how to make your own baby food, and what the "first week" looks like.

You can purchase Superfoods on right now for $16.47.

WIN IT! One mama will win a copy of Superfoods for Babies and Children by Annabel Karmel (Atria Books, 2006). To enter, simply leave a comment on this post (don't forget to follow the rules) prior to Monday, Mar. 10, at midnight. The winner will be announced and contacted on Tuesday, Mar. 11. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

* UPDATE * The winner is #23 carica. Congratulations!

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152 comments on “Book Review: Superfoods for Babies and Children”

  1. Like her other book you featured, this looks like a great book about feeding babies! It looks like it has great-looking, tasty, and healthy food ideas and would be much appreciated by me and my baby. Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. As a mom with a 9mo old daughter, I am trying my best to make all of her foods...this book would really be so useful! It looks wonderful!janmyers4958(at)

  3. We sure do need this in our home with the picky eater we have.
    medleyfamily3 at yahoo dot com

  4. Would love to win especially with the help for nutrition/hydration which makes a wonderful healthy child/infant/baby. Thanks

  5. I love to cook but it is a challenge to wade through everything out there and try to find creative, healthy, and easy was to please everyone. I have a 16 mo. old son and a husband. I am really into the Sneaky Chef, but this book looks like one I should have for the library.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful book. I love the way it breaks it down and helps us to raise our kids in a healthy & fun way. Awesome giveaway.

  7. This looks like such a fun cookbook! I love to cook both for and with my kids and we're always looking for healthy recipes and ideas!

  8. This looks like an amazing book. It would be great to use with my boys.

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  9. I love experimenting in the kitchen. Would love to use this book for ideas to make for Brea and with Brea. I'm so looking forward to the huge kitchen messes. It will be so much fun. Thank you.

  10. I would love to not only feed my kids healthy snacks, but to make them fun and creative! This books seems to help us do both, so I hope I win!

  11. The age divisions in this book would be a real help. Just when I think we have our 21 month old figured out, he decides foods he's loved for months no longer cut it. It would be nice to have some insight on why, and what makes foods appealing/unappealing to our younger eaters who can't exactly put it into words....

    Linda_warner at juno dot com

  12. How nice to have a cookbook divided into age categories. The photos look fun, and I'm intrigued by the idea of a section especially on using food for healing properties.

  13. My son has battled with allergies and eczema since he was about 9 months old. Finally going on 2 years we are seeing an allergist via referral from ENT. Wish I had understood food allergies so much sooner.
    [email protected]

  14. This looks like a great book! We just started solids and I am enjoying making my son's baby food. This would be a big help!

  15. I am soon going to begin feeding my baby food and it would be good to start off right. I love the idea of making food creative and fun. It may make food more inticing if it has a fun apperance.

    [email protected]

  16. I would love to have a book that makes serving healthy meals look like so much fun!

    barbara_guerra2000 at yahoo dot com

  17. I don't know if my comment was saved or not so if I am commenting twice sorry about that.

    I have a newborn and I would love to make her baby food when she starts eating it in 5 months. Superfoods for Babies and Children sounds excellent for this.
    [email protected]

  18. I would love to win this. I am the vegetarian freak out of all of my freinds and am always looking for new foods combinations for my kids.

  19. My daughter is a pretty good eater but I could definitely use this to add a little variety to her diet!

    Shannon B.
    shan9452 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  20. We started solids last week! Not going well so far... I can use some pointers! Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win!

    katie at dekabyte dot com

  21. I would love to win this one! I have a 6 month old that is just starting solids and a 2.5 year old that refuses everything. I need all the help I can get! Thanks!

    workoutmommy at gmail dot com

  22. I could really use the help.. as I am baffled when it comes to starting my little guy on solids!
    dansan826 at yahoo

  23. Its been so hard to find food that my 16 month old is willing to eat, I'd love to win this because I need help!

  24. As the mom of a 14 month old (who now knows how to throw his food on the floor!) I am always on the lookout for great tasting food to feed my little man that he wants to gobble up and not throw!
    Being a health teacher, nutrition is my number one concern! My mom was amazing and made all my food from scratch- I would love to follow in her footsteps!

  25. I would love this. I did the whole Super Baby food thing, but it's time to get him out of purees and I'm kind of terrified. He's been eating so heathfully, and I want to keep it up, but I'm really intimidated.

  26. I love her cookbooks as well! I have given them as shower gifts before and this would be an excellent one to give at one of the upcoming showers I must attend!

  27. This sounds like a great prize! I'm really trying to expand my son's horizon when it comes to food. He constantly surprises me by what he loves...and what he loves to hate. But my favorite part that you mentioned is "foods for common ailments". I LOVE this idea.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Superfoods for Babies and Children sounds like a wonderful book! My youngest son (age 2) is becoming a very picky eater. My oldest two boys ate everything in sight, so I'm not quite sure how to handle this. I'm sure this book would provide more interesting ways of fixing food that might entice my picky eater!

  29. I am desperate for some new ideas. My 11-month-old has recently started refusing anything that is eaten with a spoon, even if I let her hold the spoon. Everything has to be eaten with her fingers from her high chair tray. She needs more variety than string cheese, Cheerios, raisins and peas.

  30. I use and love the "First Meals" cookbook! The photographs are absolutely fabulous - and I'm reminded how important presentation can be to an enjoyable meal. Annabel Karmel's foods are beautiful! I'm hoping to inspire better eating habits in the entire household with some of her suggestions.

    beezerly at yahoo dot com

  31. My son started cereal recently and we're about ready to introduce some fruits and veggies. I would love to learn how to make his food.

  32. We could really use some help with getting our child interested in different foods. We have a very picky eater who will not try anything.

    jcook888 at hotmail dot com

  33. This book looks terrific. It seems like there is a lot of comflictign info out there, leaving us poor parents adrift when trying to decide what to feed and when. I would love to get more guiodace from our ped, but she is pretty hands off about it.


  34. Oh as we have started baby foods with Tristan this would be nice to have!!


  35. This looks like a great book! I have a daughter who not only can be a picky eater but also has egg allergies - this would be a great book to find something healthy for her to eat.
    My 5 month old seems to be ready to eat solids soon, so it will be very helpful in making my own baby food for him. Thanks for the offer!!!


  36. In December, we found out that my dad had been molesting my daughter, who is 4. After all of this, and the change in her (which I couldn't fully explain in here) needless to say she isn't eating much. Of anything. I have been combing the Internet for fun foods that might her want to eat them, but am exhausted! I think that if I could find (w/out having to SEARCH) fun, artistic, colorful foods like this she might be apt to nibbling on one.

  37. I would love this because I'm a first time mom and I'd love to know what the book says I SHOULD be feeding my daughter. I would also pass this along to my friend. She's due in May and I'm sure she'd want to look at it.

  38. I am trying to make my own baby food and have not had great success. Maybe this cookbook could help give me some pointers on what I am doing wrong, I checked it out on the internet and it looks great.

  39. I'm due in May, so I'd be planning ahead a bit, but maybe I would have time to actually READ it before we get there! :)

    thanks for hosting!
    nifferjeno at gmail dot com

  40. Oh goodness! I am right in the thick of the first weeks! I could sure use the advice and fun ideas--it has been a bit of a struggle!



  41. I am so in need of a fresh, creative take on feeding my little guy now that table/finger foods are his new passion. And hallelujah for pictures! They help me choose the recipes I want to try as well as how to present the food once it's prepared.
    wakeyes AT yahoo DOT com

  42. I could really use this book right now - my son is leaving baby food behind and I'm racking my brain for good food to feed him!

  43. I would love this. I'm still stumped on what to feed my baby - he doesn't take to table foods very well yet. I'm sure this would be a big help!


  44. I am starting a childcare center and would love to step away from the typical chicken nuggets/mac n cheese you find in most centers.

  45. I really need to be better about what I eat. Baby girl is just starting solids and I could use some healthy guidelines! carter.katelyn(at)

  46. Ohhh I've been looking for a book like this and didn't know where to start. I love that it has over 130 recipes. I want to make 'good' foods FUN for her. :) Great giveaway!


    melody [at] penniesinmypocket [dot] net

  47. Fantastic book! Please enter me in your contest drawing. Thanks very much.....Cindi

  48. I'm not good at cooking, and it always a mess when I tried to cook something healthy and tasty for the little ones. Hopefully this book will save me!

    chocc (at) umich (dot) edu

  49. Looks like a useful book - with a 6, 4 and 6 month old, one of whom is so picky, I'm sure I could use it!

    sanna1999 {at} verizon {dot} net

  50. Being a dietitian, I'm always on the search for something new to help my kids eat healthy but enjoy it at the same time! :)

  51. This would be great! I'm food-impaired, so this would be a total blessing! Thanks! (Please email me at: sarahmarie dot pemberton at gmail dot com )

  52. This book sounds like something I could use for my 2 & 4yo. With kid-friendly recipes and nutritious tips, it sounds like a great book!

  53. I would love to start off on the right foot with this fun cookbook. I'm especially interested in the food allergies section - you can never be too prepared.

  54. I'm a big fan of fun kids cookbooks! Look like this one has lots of great pictures, too.

  55. I made all of my first son's food as an infant. He is now 3 y/o and getting pickier by the day. I know that this book would be a great help in encouraging him to try new things. Also, now that we have a new little guy (3 mos old), I could certainly use a refresher making his food too. It is fantastic that this book is so comprehensive. Thanks for the chance to win, Lee

    lee_fillmore (at) comcast (dot) net

  56. I love the fact it has a chapter dedicated to food allergies and how to prevent illnesses. That would be sure handy!

  57. Although I'll never make something different for my kids just because they don't want what I made, I would like to add fun things to the repertoire and have some more exciting snacks on my table. This looks fun! Thanks, Steph! [email protected]

  58. I'd love to win. My 9 month old is refusing to let me feed him, so he is totally self-feeding. I hope there is some good self-feeding ideas

  59. My daughter just turned 4 and is horribly picky. I'm hoping that she'll start to try everything again now that her brother is starting solids.

  60. My daughter is starting to ease into table foods. I am looking for different things for her to try. This book sounds great for that! Plus, I heard toddlers get picky, so anyway that I can make the food more tempting would be wonderful! :) thanks!

    katebeth45 at gmail dot com

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