Book Review: The Vaccine Book

Book Review: The Vaccine Book 1Finally. That’s what I kept thinking as I read through Dr. Bob Sears’ newest book, entitled, “The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child” (Little, Brown, and Company, 2007).

For a long time, I have wished that there was a comprehensive resource about vaccines from someone I could trust.

I admit that I have a somewhat weary suspicion of most M.D.’s. I try to trust them, to think that they are making decisions because they care about my precious little girl with her sparkling blue eyes, her winning smile, and her gurgling laughter. I hope that they are not making decisions because of money or lack of time or pride, but that hope is often overshadowed by skepticism of a flawed industry.

That’s why I was overjoyed when I heard it was Dr. Sears who authored the book. I trust the Sears family – their gentler, warmer, more humane way of addressing patients and parenting. I appreciate their more natural approach – their stances about breastfeeding, babywearing, and co-sleeping (they’re advocates of all three).

I was not disappointed. Dr. Sears has created a thorough, detailed analysis of each vaccine (pros, cons, ingredients, side effects, etc.). Although it is obvious that Sears knows his stuff, his voice is warm and professional, not sterile and condescending. He answers common questions with grace.

But he doesn’t provide easy answers or gloss over the debate. In fact, I found myself floundering a bit when I closed the pages, still uncertain by the vaccine dilemma, a bit overwhelmed with all of the data. I did feel more knowledgeable, however, and I felt like I would come back to this book many times to thoughtfully revisit the concepts.

The Vaccine Book is the only book of its kind on the market. It is objective without some elephant agenda (ant-vaccine or pro-vaccine). It is clear and it is parent-friendly. The back of the book promises that it is the “first-ever, authoritative, open-minded guide to childhood vaccines” and that synopsis rings true to me.

I highly recommend this book to any parent who has ever wondered about vaccines, any parent searching for answers that are backed up by research and experience. This is one purchase you are unlikely to regret.

WIN IT! Here's your chance to add this excellent and important resource to your library. All you have to do is leave a comment and your e-mail address on this post by Sunday, November 11th, at midnight. The winner will be announced and contacted by e-mail on Monday, November 12th. *Winner must have a U.S. mailing address.

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60 comments on “Book Review: The Vaccine Book”

  1. It really isn't an easy topic is it? It wasn't easy for us to come to the decision we made. And sometimes I question if it was the best one. I think that one of the possible options that could ease parents minds on both sides is to delay, delay, delay. And be picky. I don't feel that every vaccine they want to give my child is truly needed. Good overview of the book!

  2. Baby #1 is due in exactly one week - this would be a great book to have around. Please enter me!

    alisiab (at) mail2world (dot) com

  3. I've been hearing more and more about this issue and it has become more relevant as Baby#2 is about to make his appearance.

  4. I would love to win this book. I have done a lot of research on vaccines myself and it continues to frustrate me. I would love to see what Dr. Sears has to say about it as I agree with him in many other areas.

  5. I'm due with a little boy this week. I've been struggling the last few weeks over when, how and if to vaccinate. It sounds like this would be a helpful resource as I make this important decision.

    [email protected]

  6. I would LOVE to have this book for my daughter who is expecting her first child. All the vax info I've been reading is pretty scary - it would be nice to hear what Dr. Sears has to say.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win this. :)
    cokelush {at} gmail

  7. I need to study up on vaccines as I am due anyday now. Thanks for the chance!

    aaronandjulie719 at yahoo dot com

  8. I tend to go to Dr. Sears' website when the kids are sick. :) I also trust him to be straight forward and appreciate his stance on issues such as babywearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, etc. :)

    I've been overwhelmed about the vaccine issue and this book sounds like it would at least help me make a more intelligent decision.

    Thanks for the chance to win it. :)

    writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

  9. I really, really would like this book! I feel so overwhelmed by one side saying you will kill your kid if you vax and the other you will if you don't. I would love some REAL information to make up my mind!

    [email protected]

  10. There is so much controversy regarding vaccines, and I would love to have this book. I have an 8 month old daughter and we are waiting with shots for her. I am not even sure we will...but it would be great to have this to maybe come to a more understanding about all those shots. Thanks for the chance to win this book~! It looks great!
    sharvey at connections-etc dot net

  11. I have been wanting to read this. As a nurse and now a mom, I'm so glad this book was written, particularly by a well-known, credible physician.

  12. I too greatly respect Dr. Sears methods and would love to read his take on this topic.


  13. i would like to read this book it sounds interesting. during the course of my sons life i have been very cautious when it came to vaccines. yes doctors say they are safe and harmless and give a small lil paper talking about the benefits. so far my son has not gotten any of his "recommended" vaccines because i do not know all the facts about them. this book might help:)

  14. I read a review by a friend who got the book and went to hear him speak. She loved it. Very friendly to parents who don't vax or delay vax. This book is the closest in book form that I have heard to the truth about vaccines. I am looking forward to reading it.
    Please enter me into the drawing.

  15. I would love to win this book, though I might have to get it anyway. My husband and I have done a fair bit of research lately on vaccines and are unsure if we will (continue to) vaccinate our children. Still researching...

  16. Trying to get the facts about vaccinations has already driven me partially insane. Thanks for reviewing this book and for the drawing! emhagedon at gmail

  17. Oh boy, I feel your pain. Our little one is now 12 months old, and she's due for a ton of vaccines. I didn't think too much about this before, but now the debate is so hot in the media you can't help but be concerned. I've not been disappointed with Dr. Sears at all, we babywear, cosleep, and attachment parent as well. I'd love to read the book. What a dilemma this stuff is. I wish the CDC would look into this stuff from every angle so we wouldn't have to fret over this stuff. My contact info is on my blog. Thank you for this neat giveaway!

  18. oooh! I've been looking for a book like this for a long time! I really appreciate all of Dr. Sear's other books, and would love to read about this book. In fact, I would like to blog about it too!

    (lots of pregnancy and natural living links)

  19. Interesting- I love the attachment parenting methods that Dr William Sears pioneered so it wouldnt hurt to learn more about vaccines. Thanks!

  20. I would LOVE to have this book. As a concerned parent, my son has only had the DTaP and Polio vaccines. The MMR is very questionable for me because of the link to autism. It's so scary! I would love to have this book as a resource.

    [email protected]

  21. After working in the emergency room of a hospital while I was pregant with Connor I was vacinated for almost anything you can think of (or they make a vacinne for) as my hospital is super protective of their pregant moms in harm's way (seeing as I saw the patients most of the time before the doctors or even nurses did working in admitting). I wonder though truely if it was necessary or even good for me to have so many vaccines. I worry with Connor too. I've even gone to a modified vacinne routine with my dogs and they have been healthier than ever since... Im adding this contest to my blog too check it out :

  22. I wish I had found your blog sooner. I have enjoyed reading your past entries. I would love a chance to win this book just to see exactly what it says. I am a firm believer in vaccines (except for the flu and chicken pox) but I am always open to new and most important un-biased ideas. This one seems to be un-biased and pretty straight forward.

    [email protected]

  23. I have been thinking abut getting this book... baby #2 is on the way and I am getting more and more worried about vaccines this go round. I would love to have a copy!

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