Category: Letters To My Kids

I write letters to my kids on their birthdays (and sometimes on their half-birthdays too).

I want my kids to be...HEALTHY

"I don't like doctors," my 3-year-old says that quite often. "But doctors help people," I say. She seems unimpressed. "My baby sister doesn't like doctors either," she announces, confidently...undoubtedly remembering our last trip to the pediatrician. Even so, she has a little doctor's kit that she plays with almost every day. She examines Minnie Mouse […]

I want my kids to be...ENTREPRENEURIAL

"Let's do that, okay?" is one of my 3-year-old's favorite phrases. She comes up with grand dreams and schemes on a daily basis - some realistic, some not. And then says that little catch phrase. She'll say, "Let's print out pictures and make grandparent cards. Let's do that, okay?" And..."Let's wash the cars in the […]

I want my kids to be...HAPPY

We are sitting at the kitchen table, eating turkey and cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread...and crunching on plump, red grapes. "Grapes make me smile," my 3-year-old suddenly announces quite matter-of-factly. And then she grins. I laugh and look over at Tim, who is loading the dishwasher, to make sure that he heard it...and then […]


"Push me higher," she screams, her voice shaking with joy and anticipation. Tim pulls back and lets her go toward the skies like a rubber band. She laughs, unfettered - eyes sparkling, lips parted: "HIGHER! HIGHER!" "That IS high," he protests. "That's NOT HIGH," she shouts back, indignantly. The higher she is, the happier she […]

Wordless Wednesday: Playing in the Sandbox

She has a beautiful corduroy pea coat with over-sized buttons. And an elegant pastel pink jacket with puffed sleeves. And a fuchsia zip-up sweater with butterflies on one side. But... she always wants to wear her "U of A sweatshirt." Future Wildcat, perhaps?

I want to be...Well-Read

Growing up, my mom was always reading. Always. She went through books like most people go through a bag of M&Ms. Fast. She read voraciously, book after book, in almost any genre...but mostly fiction. Sometimes, my sisters and brother and I (there were six of us) would say, "Mom, you're *always* reading!" and feel a […]

I want to be...Fun

Before I had kids, I remember thinking, "I SO want to be the fun mom." You know the one...the one who jumps on the bed with her kids and takes her kids out to breakfast in their pajamas and makes the BEST chocolate chip cookies (and lets her kids lick the spoon). I still want […]

I want to be...Available

This afternoon, Tim went out dirt biking with a friend. After he left, my 3-year-old requested that we go on a walk. For some reason, I decided not to put my baby in a carrier this time and then I decided at the last minute to grab my camera too. With a baby perched on […]

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