Little House on the Prairie Boxed Set - giveaway

Little House on the Prairie Boxed Set - giveaway 1If you love great American literature. If you appreciate American history. If you enjoy a well-told story with characters that grow in your heart.

You absolutely must read the Little House on the Prairie series.

Don't be deceived by what you may have heard - these books are not solely for little girls. On the contrary, they're sure to be treasured by anyone who takes in the words from the pages.

The books are full of adventure, heartbreak, suspense, and fascinating details about life in the 1800's. Part-fiction, part autobiography - the books follow the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder from her childhood into adulthood.

"Just one more chapter!" my 5-year-old says each night.

I usually give in without blinking - even if it is past her bedtime.

WIN IT! One winner will receive the Complete Little House Nine-Book Set (valued at $62.99)! To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Friday, December 23 at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!” or “Love it” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a US mailing address.

* Thanks to HarperCollins for providing two boxed sets – one for review and one for this giveaway.  

*UPDATE* The winner is #35 Kelly. Congratulations!

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165 comments on “Little House on the Prairie Boxed Set - giveaway”

  1. I am always on the lookout for great books to read to my kids, this is on my wishlist! Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. I love the Little House on the prairie books. I read them all when I was little but haven't read them since. I watched all of the shows too.

  3. I Love Little House!! There is a lot of wisdom in those shows and we still watch them.
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  4. I read this series again and again and again when I was little! I hope my daughter loves it as much as I did! Soon enough it'll be in our piles next to her bed :)

  5. I loved reading the Little House series when I was young. I would love to have my daughter start to read them now too.

  6. Little House on the Prairie books bring back so many great memories. I remember going to the library when I was in grade school and checking out these books. I'd love to win this set so that I can read them to my children.

  7. I remember reading these books every year when I was in school and they were the first chapter books that my daughter and I read together when she was learning to read. I would love to be able to share this wonderful set of books with my granddaughters. While traveling I once made my husband make a special side trip to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, Missouri.

  8. This series was such a big part of my childhood! I remember forgoing playdates and outings just to stay home and read them, I loved Laura and I wanted to be her. Such a wonderful role model for girls.

    I'd love to win this awesome prize and share these with my little sister :)

  9. Oh my gosh! I love these! I am always telling my grown kids what happened or how they lived, etc. I loved the stories of Christmas-how sparse they were. Perhaps my grandkids will love these stories as much as I do!
    Great giveaway and hope to be lucky! LOL
    Merry Christmas!
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  10. These stories are timeless. My daughters loves them. This would be a fun win! My Great Gramma lived in a log cabin and we use to get 30 relatives into it for Christmas eve.That what makes "close" relatives!!!

  11. My daughter loves these books....she reads them over and over. They are definitely showing it. Thanks for having such a CLASSIC giveaway.

  12. I so love Little house on the prairie. I have never read the books but have watched the tv series since I was young.
    It is such a heartwarming show and I must have seen every episode. I would love to read the books..Thank you for the chance and Merry Christmas :)

  13. Almost ashamed to say I've never read this series. But think it's a good series to combat all the high tech/fast paced stuff in our lives.

  14. I loved little house on the prairie. I had the full set of books and they were creamish yellow and they were re-read many times thru out my childhood. I just loved the stories. I even remember once my family visited one of the stes of the original houses and it was fascinating to me.

    [email protected]

  15. I remember reading this books when I was younger. My favorite was the one where Laura is all grown up, and goes to work in town sewing shirts, and then when she becomes a teacher. Though Little House on the Prairie was a really good book of the series as well.

  16. Our family watched the shows growing up. I would like to introduce Little House the Praire to our granddaughters. I am sure they would really enjoy reading the stories or we could read the books together. It would be fun discussing the stories with them.

  17. I absolutely love Little House On the Prairie. I've read all the books and watched all the series episodes but I'd love being able to watch the show again and again.

  18. I grew up with these books and TV series and it was always a favorite of mine! It would be great to share these now with my kids so that they can appreciate the simplicity along with the difficulty of life back then!

  19. oh my gosh, i cant believe this is the giveaway. lol my mom just told me about a week ago how she wanted the whole set of little house books. thanks for a chance to win it for her. happy holidays

  20. I would love to win this for my Grand Children. I watched it when i was young and I would like them to watch it to. You can see some of them once in awhile played on TV.

  21. As odd as it may seem, I have never had the chance to read the Little House on the Prairie books. I would love to win so I could have the chance to read them as I have heard great things.

  22. I read these to my kids then old my dad about them. He read them and then made a huge log cabin dollhouse for my girls.
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  23. This is a fantastic series, I read these when I was young and I would give these to my daughter who loves to read.

  24. I have been wanting to reread these books for quite a while, even more so since I read "The Wilder Years" by Wendy McClure earlier this year.

  25. I had a set of these when I was younger...I found a set at a thrift store and they must've gotten wet because the pages were stuck together. I was so wanting to get it for my 9 yr old...I sure hope I win!

  26. I don't think I ever read this series as a child. I vaguely remember seeing reruns on TBS before my "cartoon" shows. It would be so special to win this and read them aloud with my young son. He's developing a love of books and reading and I enjoy creating memories as we share stories together.

  27. I love that you have book give-aways...such a lovely treat. I remember my mom reading all of these little house books to my sisters and I....a few chapters every night....just fell in love with those tales. I am SO EXCITED to share those with my daughter. WE would love to win them!

  28. The Little House on the Prairie books were my absolute favorite books when I was young. I must have read every book 4 or 5 times. I would love to share these books with my daughters.

  29. My 6 year old daughter is now reading chapter books on her own ... but we love to snuggle down and reserve some of the chapter books to read together. I would LOVE this set! We have not ventured into Little House yet - and it would be so special to begin a series with my own daughter that I grew up with myself! We have two younger children that could enjoy this series as well .... what a dream to own the box set and pass it down through the family!

  30. Would you believe it if I told you that I have never read any of these books yet? It's true! I know I must, and I will one day. I love to read, but somehow I never read these ones...or Anne of Green Gables (also on my list to read!)

  31. I read these books obsessively as a kid and one of my greatest thrills was going to the Laura Ingalls Wilder house in Wisconsin as a child. I was so amazed by her life and would pretend to be her. I would really enjoy passes these on to my niece and sharing these stories with her.

  32. I had no clue that the author was Laura Ingalls Wilder, born in 1867, and lived till she was 90. I think my foster daughter would love to read these books.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway and Happy Holidays!

    Emory Brooks
    [email protected]

  33. FInally - I've found my people! Totally rocked the Laura Ingalls braids as a kid. I love that the books and TV show are around for my little one now. But what I really love, is that there is something of great moral character to share with our children. This is what we need more of.

  34. I LOVED Little House on the Prairie growing up. But oddly enough, and even scared to admit I have never read any of the books I watched the TV Series. I know I know, how could I have NOT read these books!

  35. My name is Charles solely because of Charles Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. I knew "love it" is generic, but I would love to give this to my mom.

  36. I never read the books growing up, but I lived the TV series. Reading the books would be a great experience to share with my daughter!

  37. "One more chapter" gets granted here without eye batting as well.While our favorite series is the Magic Tree House set, we are venturing out to others. I particularly love historical fiction of any type as do my kiddos. Happy reading!

  38. I would love to enjoy this series again. It would be great fun to curl up with my Nieces when they come for weekend visits and read the books to them. These books are timeless and should be enjoyed by every generation.

    Thanks for offering this great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline ([email protected]).

  39. My mom read these books as a child and passed her set on to me when I was ten. I read them so much that the books literally fell apart. I would love to receive a new set as a keepsake and reminder of such fond childhood memories reading about Laura and her family. I still remember crying when I read that Jack died.

  40. Having never read any Little House On The Prairie books, I always feel like the odd one out when talking books with people. I don't think I've met anyone who hasn't read and loved these books! I would love the chance to win these books and finally see what everyone is talking about. :)

  41. I used to read these books when I was in grade school. I don't think I ever made it through all nine though. This is a great collection to have on hand though!! Thanks.

  42. I grew up loving these books (and the tv show, too). I would love to revisit these old "friends," then pass the books along to my nieces. Thanks!

  43. I LOVED the Little House books when I was a little girl. I remember making maple syrup candy, the story about Ma hitting the bear, them eating seeds because they were so low on food.... great writing and just beautiful books. I would love to share these with my son!

  44. I used to love these books!I have no idea what happened to my copies, though! My mom used to watch the show when she was younger also.

  45. I would love to win the book set for my niece to read when she gets older.They are some of my favorite books. Thanks for the giveaway:)

  46. I've been picking up this series at thrift stores and I think I have them all now. For some reason there are a lot of Little House on the Prairie books in my local thrift stores... so much so that I've grown choosy about waiting 'til I find them in pretty good condition before I buy. Since we already have the set I would send this to my sister's daughter if I win!

    I've been debating whether to start this series yet with my almost-four-year-old. What do you think? The only chapter books we've done so far is Winnie the Pooh.

  47. My 3.5 year old is just starting to love longer read aloud books. I know she will love getting to know these characters and hearing about their rustic way of life.

  48. I really need to read these to my daughter! I love them as a kid! It was so cool that these were real people, and they lived in Nebraska some of the time, which is where I'm from so that was exciting! :)

  49. I remember reading all these books as a child and watching the TV show...I had such a crush on Michael Landon

  50. I was just thinking of "The Long Winter" today and how they had so little to eat. This series teaches us so many things and is so timeless.

  51. My daughter wore out two sets of the Wilder books and this past spring my husband and I visited Burr Oak, IA. Had we had a bit more time, we would have made the circuit. These books are timeless and great to read together aloud, almost a thing of the past. Thanks for the offer and hoping to win.

  52. I watched the show but never read the books. I'm not sure why; I read quite a bit as a child. I would love for my daughter to read them.

  53. These were some of my favorite books growing up and I'd love to win this for my daughter! Happy holidays and thank you for the giveaway!

  54. The little house books are awesome !! They are classics and every kid should read them !! So wholesome with ma and pa. Such a simpler time ...

    What a great idea for a giveaway prize !!

  55. This is a fantastic series. I remember reading each book numerous times as I was growing up. I would love to share these with my family.

  56. Oh, how I loved this series as a kid. I would love to win this for my son. He is just starting to get into smaller chapter books and I know he would love reading the Little House series!

  57. Piper, my six year old JUST started reading chapter books, and I totally forgot about Little House on the Prairie! I would adore giving these to her as a gift!

  58. This set has been on my wish list to get for our 3 boys. I never read the series growing up so wasn't sure if the boys would like it, but just this week we decided to get the audio version from the library and they love it!! We would love to win this set.

  59. I would love this for my son. He's just about ready for chapter books. I would love it too, I don't think I've ever read the series. I also loved the post on Occupy Wallstreet.

  60. I loved these books growing up and I can't wait until my little girls are reading and can enjoy them as well! (Although, I have been tempted to start reading to them already after hearing your experience!)

  61. What an awesome giveaway! I would love this for my little ones! Looking forward to many extended bedtimes with these books. :)

  62. I only learned about these books after I began homeschooling 3 years ago (my school age children are 13, 10 and 8). We have read the first book and enjoyed it. These books have never been on any recommended reading list in public schools that I have ever seen. I wonder why not?

  63. I adore these books! I read my set as a little girl until I wore them out. My friends and I watched countless episodes of the TV version and we reenacted Little House for hours on end when we were sent outside to play! :) My favorite actually is Farmer Boy because I LOVED reading about how they prepared all that food on the farm! Yum!

  64. This is an awesome set of books. We love the story and are reading through Little House in the Big Woods right now. I have a set already, they are older and well-read, but that is fine! Someone else can win this giveaway :)

  65. What a great story, I wish they were still coming up with more chapters, I just didn't want it to end. My now three year old would love to listen to these stories and start to learn about history and the fact that other people lived at different times then now. Great giveaway and thanks for the chance to win.

  66. We would love these books. We have many of the 'my first little house' books, but I think our 3.5 year old would really enjoy the chapter books now!

  67. I have been looking for these books! I want them for Kyleigh SO bad!! How old were your girls when you started reading these to them?

  68. How funny...just the other day my girls and I were reading the Little House book they have about Christmas in the Big Woods. The girls were acting out the story and I was telling them how someday we would read all of the books together. I had the boxed set when I was a little girl, but I have no idea what happened to it. So sad!


  69. I LOVE the Little House books. We are borrowing a set from my parents right now but it is super torn up and I've been wanting to buy a new one. My girls love them too and are always asking to read more of them.

  70. Wow- the little house- DH and I were talking about simplifing Christmas and we were talking about years ago how you just got a stocking

  71. I loved these books so much as a child! I would love to read them again!!!

    I remember being confused about the wedding ring on the "third finger." I puzzled over that for the longest time until I realized they weren't counting the thumb! Silly!!

  72. I watched the show when I was little, but never read the books. I would love to read them to my daughter. My hubby can read Narnia - I'll read Little House. :-)

  73. Right now we are borrowing my mom's set but we'd sure love to own our own copies! I read aloud "Little House in the Big Woods" to my daughter a little over a year ago. I've always been a huge fan - my mom even made me my own bonnet and my daughter likes wearing it now! My husband and I had the pleasure of watching the musical a little while back. Loved it, though Melissa Gilbert was ill during the performance we saw!

  74. I love the Little House T.V. Show, and have seen each episode at least a dozen times! I remember reading at least one Little House book when I was younger, but I've never seen a complete set! I would love to give these to my daughter to read (after I do of course)! :)

  75. My college roommate loved LIttle House on the Prairie. . . well back then I used to tease her for liking it because I just downright despised that show. . . but as with everything else, my heart has softened and I now see her wisdom in sooo many areas of life and I don't even doubt for a minute how great this series must be. My three kiddos and I could use some awesome bonding time reading over these great real life stories about a time gone by that will teach us ALL something as we read! Even if I don't win, I am thankful for remembering this!!!!

  76. I've never read these books. I've always wanted to read them but I just never have. I'm sure my niece would love them and maybe I'd get to read them too.

  77. This is my favorite series of books. I wish I had lived in this time period. It is so wonderful to read of the old way of doing things. Get the Prairie Primer too. It's great to do with your [email protected]

  78. We are expecting a little one any week now and are very much trying to build up a library for him! Would love to add a favorite of mine to his collection!

  79. Thank you for this chance to win the set. I grew up reading the
    Little House books and would love for our 6 and 4 year olds
    to hear the stories.

  80. I've never really thought about reading this series with my kids, but I bet they would all love it (three 7 year old boys and a 4 year old girl...with another son on the way in March!). I think I'll check one of these out from the library for our Christmas break! Thank you for the suggestion!

  81. I've been reading this series with my 7 and 4 year olds. We love it! We have only read the first two books and are about 1/3 of the way through Farmer Boy. It's taken us longer than the three-week library checkout to get through it so we keep pausing until we can get the book again...

  82. I have been a Little House on the Prairie fan...or LHP fan for as long as I can remember! Right now I am invisioning Laura running down the grass hill. I would love to read these books to Maxwell. He is just now getting into chapter books and we want to start reading a series. The LHP books seem perfect!

  83. Ok-I shrieked when I saw this giveaway on facebook! I absolutely love the Little House on the Prairie series. I long time ago you had a post about reading this to your girls which prompted me to run to the library and check it out and read it to my daughter. I fell in love with it! I had never read it as a child and now I got to read it with my daughter. We still talk about it and my daughter is begging for me to check out the series again to read together. I also, agree that it has a lot of exciting parts for boys and look forward to when my son is old enough I can read it to him. Thank you for doing such an awesome giveaway........

  84. I have six children at home who are learning to love read-alouds! I can remember as a young girl not ever being able to get enough of the Little House books (and TV show, too). I live in Kansas and I think there is something about the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder that just struck a cord with how life might have been in "my part of the world" if I had been born in a different time! :) I would love to win your giveaway and share these memories and more with my children!

  85. My girls are still pretty little (3 and 1), but I am VERY MUCH looking forward to our read aloud days. And of course these books are high on my list of where to start with them. I can't wait to introduce them.

  86. How crazy that you're giving this away...i was just online looking to see if the series comes in hardcover (it does not, not as a set). Anyway, I've been buying them one at a time but this paperback set would be a GREAT birthday present for my little girl. I'm only on Farmer boy, but I'm loving every moment of it.

  87. my daughters would go crazy if we won the Complete Little House Nine-Book Set ..they love to read and love the show. thanks for the chance :)

  88. I remember reading these as a girl and now that I am older, I still enjoy reading about pioneers and similar topics. I do have three little boys, but I have nieces and a sister in law who would really enjoy these books! I would love to have a set.

  89. I love that you read them to your girls! I remember them being read to me at school when I was little. I used to have the boxed set, but my mom gave them away to my cousins...I'd love to have them again so I can read them to my little ones :-)

  90. I would love to win this for my girls--age 6 and 9. I read these, their sister read these and now would be a great time for them to read them. A family tradition of Little House books--thanks for the opportunity!

  91. I've been wanting to get these for my daughter. she will be turning 7 in a few weeks and is just starting to pick up reading really well. She loves listening to chapter books and will soon be able to read them herself. I think books like these are a must read for all little girls! They need to know that things weren't always the way they are today!

  92. love Love LOVE Little House on the Prairie!! I watched it on television for years but I've not read the books. It would be wonderful to do so with my grandchildren. Hope you're doin well and feeling good Stephanie. ;D

  93. I love books! I read the entire series several times when I was younger. I first time my mom read them to us too. It's been many years, though, since I've read them and they are on my list of books to buy!

  94. A friend of mine was reading this to her kids (a boy and a girl) and they loved them!! I'd love to have them for my kids!! LOVED the TV series and my kids even enjoy watching it. I'm sure they would love these books!!

  95. I would love to win this for my granddaughter to begin the next generation of Little House on the Prairie readers as her mother, aunts and myself. We have taken the girls when they were young and reading the books to some of the sites chronicalled in the books :)

  96. OMG, when I saw this I just had to try. I have a daughter 10 who loves to read and reads a enormous speed and level.

    I still catch Little House on the CTS network in Ottawa week nights. It's interesting this post came when it did since earlier in the week they aired the episode of Little House when Laura traded her pony for an oven for her mother and both Charles and Caroline neither gave a gift since he wanted to the oven and Caroline made an identical gift the Mary did.

    I'm definitely up for the the give away! I hope Canadians are welcome too!

  97. I would love to win this! This set is next on my list after my 4.5-year-old and I finish Ramona the Pest. I've been watching for the 9-book set on ebay, but haven't had any luck getting one in my price range.

  98. My sister and I read the "Little House" series as girls and although I have boys in the house now, they enjoy reading about "long ago."

  99. I love little house! I kind of think I would have liked to live during that time, but I do like the luxuries of modern living. You know plumbing and all! I am really looking forward to reading these books to my two little girls. They are close in age to your girls and we have been working on starting chapter books. So far we have done Winnie the Pooh, and started the complete works of Beatrix Potter.

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