LIVE BLOGGING: When the Road to Motherhood Is Anything But Smooth: Infertility, Adoption, and Miscarriage Bloggers

LIVE BLOGGING: When the Road to Motherhood Is Anything But Smooth: Infertility, Adoption, and Miscarriage Bloggers 1***featuring Pamela Tsigdinos (Coming2Terms),  Lori (Weebles Wobblog), Monica Mingo (Rantings of a Creole Princess),, and moderated by Melissa (Stirrup Queens)

This session was small and thus rather intimate. The panelists and some of the attendees began by sharing their thoughts about and experiences with infertility.

One attendee said, "I didn't know anyone who was going through infertility [when I was going through it] and I felt very lonely about it." 

Another attendee said, "I felt very alone. I didn't know anyone else who was adopting a baby. It [blogging] helped me to get over all of the infertility and go on with the adoption."

Yet another attendee said, "Blogging saved my life in so many ways."

Lori said she writes about the topic because "I feel like I've come through the other side of it and I want to support other women." 

Pamela Tsigdinos expanded on the topic by saying, "It's about more than just babies. It's about being invisible. We also wanted to have a discussion today with women who conceived easily. We need people to be part of the discussion. Most people think infertility is self-inflicted.

An attendee followed up with that statement saying, "The issue of invisibility seeps into every part of infertility. Blogging has been an act of lifting the veil of infertility." 

The discussion then turned to how to build bridges to help people understand infertility.

Melissa stated, "I don't see a huge divide between those who are infertile or fertile. There's a divide between those who are sensitive or insensitive."

Pamela shared some of her own story with a bit of emotion, "Our next door neighbor was having a baby shower and I dropped off the gift early. Not because I wasn't happy for my neighbor, but because I couldn't deal with her friends. I didn't think I could stand there without falling into a pile of tears." 

Another attendee related, "When you're in the midst of it, you feel like you have no skin. You feel raw - like everything is poking and prodding at you. It just sucks - It just sucks to be there."

Monica said, "Infertility blogs are really good because it helps you feel like you're not alone. It's not just you.

Two representatives from March of Dimes jumped in to say that, "We're trying to bridge the gap. Moms are moms are moms. March of Dimes is here to support all moms, no matter how they get there. We get the most comments on our blog posts that deal with preconception issues, struggling to get pregnant, etc." 

One attendee gave some final words of advice, "Everybody has their own process and their own journey. There is no right or wrong. Be kind to yourself. Support other people."

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11 comments on “LIVE BLOGGING: When the Road to Motherhood Is Anything But Smooth: Infertility, Adoption, and Miscarriage Bloggers”

  1. Just found this site Does it ever scare anyone going through IVF that all these drugs that you have to take may harm a child if you do get pregnant?

    There's something in me that scares me half to death about the unknown effects of IVF. On this front I don't think human intervention was intended to step in and "help."

    I don't force my religious views on anyone and frankly, I strugle with religion at times, but with IVF I have to think God maynot want every woman to be able to have children. The lengths that some go through to have a child ... really is it worth it?

    Interesting spot. Good luck.

  2. Thank you for posting this Stephanie. I have also experience many years of infertility and many IVF and IUI's and miscarriages, until we were finally successful conceiving our precious son, who is now 1 1/2! We are hoping to try for another in early summer!

    I think I saw that you are pregnant? Well that is truly happy news. I'm thrilled for you and your family :).

  3. When I was going through my 6 miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, and high risk pregnancy with my son.. it would have been so great to know other women dealing with these issues. I'm now 24 and have severe endometriosis as well as a blood clotting disorder, I recently had to have my tubes tied as my chances of carrying to term were slim to none and it was just too heartbreaking to keep going through the losses. We feel God is leading us towards adoption and we can't wait to see what he has in store for us.

    I'm really excited to see other women who've dealt with these heart breaks coming together to form a support system for women just starting to go through this.

  4. Thanks so much for mentioning the March of Dimes. I learned a lot from the session and we plan on including more posts on infertility in the future. When I was going through infertility years ago, there were no resources for me. I think having each other is wonderful. Yay, for social networking.

  5. Thanks for posting this recap, Stephanie. I didn't get into blogging until after our daughter was born, so I didn't have these resources when we were going through infertility and adoption. I'm so glad to know these women are out there and telling their stories for others to benefit. After reading some of their posts I've been inspired to be more open on our blog about the process of our next adoption. Maybe it will help someone.

  6. I'd like to add my thanks and appreciation that you were there to listen and to help share our discussion. You've done a great service to those who are struggling with the impacts of infertility.

  7. Stephanie, I am so glad you were able to attend our panel. And thanks for live blogging it! You captured some great quotes.

    I think you and your daughter are beautiful.

    Off to check out your other live blogging posts.

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