SLY Awards: Discipline Without Distress

When I asked Kristen about her hobbies, she said, "spending time with other adults, talking grown-up talk (even if it is mostly about our kids!), and reading food blogs and various parenting books."

Since she likes parenting books (she's a person who thinks about things deeply - a quality I appreciate), I am happy to present her with a book that I am about halfway through and enjoying immensely.

SLY Awards: Discipline Without Distress 1Discipline Without Distress: 135 tools for raising caring, responsible children without time-out, spanking, punishment, or bribery offers a beautiful parenting framework and philosophy - plus, solid advice and hundreds of practical tips.

Author Judy Arnall is the mother of five children and a well-known parenting writer/expert in Canada.

Consider this excerpt:

Discipline comes from the Latin word that means "to teach." Punishment means "to hurt either by physical, emotional, or social pain."

But in reality, both types of parent reaction "teaches" the child.

The difference is what each does to the parent-child bond while it teaches. Sometimes punishment "works" in that it gains compliance but at a grave cost to the relationship connection. (page 83)

Arnall uses a combination of science, research, reason, and experience to provide helpful guidance for parents of children, birth to teen. Her book spans a gamut of topics - everything from potty training and sleep to homework and dating. Every parent will be able to glean some nuggets of knowledge and truth from this book - whether or not they agree with every single suggestion in its pages.

YOUR TURN: What are your favorite parenting books?

WIN IT! One winner will receive a copy of Discipline Without Distress by Judy Arnall. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Tuesday, March 23rd at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a U.S. or Canadian mailing address.


SLY Awards: Discipline Without Distress 2Judy Arnall has generously donated 2 books for this SLY Awards promotion - one for Kristen and one for the giveaway. I received no product or monetary compensation for this post. I'm just excited to celebrate Kristen...and you.

*UPDATE* The winner is #14 Rebecca. Congratulations!

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42 comments on “SLY Awards: Discipline Without Distress”

  1. I have read so many parenting books that they started to become a blur. I picked up bits and pieces of information from all of them, but I usually just rely on love and a lot of common sense.

    susan56bft at gmail dot com

  2. Our son is on the verge of 2, and I think discipline is going to play a larger part in our lives pretty soon. It would be good to have some references!

  3. I work at a daycare and see how many families could use a book like this. It seems that a lot of people have kids just to be able to say that they did. They don't want to have anything to do with them.

  4. I don't have a favorite book, but I am always up to learning. As a father, I want to make sure that I have all the tools I need for parenting my children. This looks like a great book to read!

  5. I haven't read many parenting books yet, so I don't have a favorite. I'm adding this one to my list of books to try. Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. Cool; I'd love to give this one a try. I usually discipline without punishment, but could use some strategies for coping on hard days when my patience is low, or when obedience is necessary right THEN. You know?? :)

  7. My favorite parenting book is The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. The center of that book is how to pour your life into your family. I loved the creative ideas Clarkson puts into practice in her own family and shares with the reader.


  8. I love what to expect when series those books helped me a lot. Sticking to a discipline plan is the hardest part

  9. My husband often asks me if I plan on reading any non-parenting books. I just keep telling him that this is what is in the center of my universe and what interests me. With that said, I haven't read this book and am interested in picking it up whether I win it or not.

  10. I really like an old book By Dr. Kay Kuzma, A Hug & Kiss and A Kick in the Pants. A creative approach to preventing discipline problems. Would love to read this too, sounds right up my alley ;)

  11. Right now that my son is in his tween years, I am finding out that discipline is so hard! You don't want to treat them like babies yet I'm unsure how much responsibilty a nine year old can have. I need to read parenting books related more to school age kids/tweens then toddlers and babies.

    Would love to win this!

  12. I really like Love and Logic parenting. Even though it has taught me to re-train my thinking on my reactions, I really do love it.

    Not sure if I am still suppose to mention or not, but I did leave a genuine comment for Kristen too.

  13. I don't have a favorite as I haven't read very many and I'm not yet a parent ... can July get here sooner please? But I can definitely remember various discipline/punishment strategies employed by my parents on me and my siblings growing up. I think from your favorable words that this would probably be a valuable read for my husband and I.

  14. This book sounds right up my alley -- I'm going to see if I can borrow a copy from my library. I'm currently reading "Adventures in Gentle Discipline" (can't remember the author off the top of my head). I also have loved the books by Dr. Sears. "The Baby Book" was my go-to guide during my son's first year or so of life!

  15. Sounds like a great book! I don't really have a favourite parenting book but I've read a bunch. I found the one I read comparing infant and primate development surprisingly helpful, but probably the most useful source has been reading other parents' blogs!

  16. I'm pretty stuck on John Holt books...which is more education than parenting, but since I want my children to learn from home I think it applies.

  17. I don't really have a favorite parenting book... I like to use my parents parenting skills with my siblings and I as a reference example... and this book seems to sound a lot like what they believe.

  18. I don't have a favorite parenting book, but I suppose the What to Expect Series was helpful in the early years. Now, I rely on parenting intuition and friends that often share similar experiences. I like the premise of this book and think it would be a good read!

  19. I don't have a favorite, but I try to read as many as I can (those that look reasonable). This one looks great.

    I do like Kevin Leman. I have done a couple of his studies.

  20. That sounds like a great book! I would love to read about how to discipline without time-out or spanking. I do not have a favorite parenting book yet, but right now I am reading "Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Kevin Leman.

  21. I'm struggling with some discipline issues right now & have been looking for a new book to read. I'm not sure I have a "favorite" parenting book - as different ones are good for different things but I did like "I brake for Tantrums"

    autumn398 @

  22. Hmmm... since I am fairly new at this parenting stuff, I get a lot of helpful advice from various blogs. I am currently reading - "Sheparding a Childs Heart" and just order "Steady Days" - both of which I hope will be helpful. I will have to check this book out, unless or course I win it! :)

  23. I don't have a favorite parenting book either. I do know that BOTH parents have to be on the absolute same page regarding discipline in order for it to be effective and used as a teaching tool. Both of my kids are so different. It is important to really get to know your children and also know that they most likely will need different types of discipline in some areas. My daughter is much more strong willed than my son and it takes quite a bit more for her to 'get the point' than it does for my son. We have found that the way we are choosing to use discipline is very effective, and both of our kids know what their discipline will be if needed.

  24. I don't have a favorite parenting book yet. I am enjoying "Too Small To Ignore" a book I received from you! Discipline is one area that we are still trying to figure out how we want to handle - so far what we are doing is working, as in it is changing behavior - but I'm always open to other suggestions.

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