SLY Awards: OXO gardening

SLY Awards: OXO gardening 1SLY Award recipient Joy Maddox is a gardener. She grows beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables and fresh herbs in her backyard. Best of all, she includes her four kids in the process - teaching them about life, health, and growth as they tend the plants together.

She is also passionate about sharing her love of gardening with others. In fact, if you have ever said, "I'd love to garden, but I don't know where to begin!" - I recommend her recent post about getting started.

As such, I'm happy to be presenting her with a gardening gift pack (worth $155!!!) from OXO. She'll receive one of each of the nine Hand Tools that OXO sells [click on each image for further details]:

SLY Awards: OXO gardening 2 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 3 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 4 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 5 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 6 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 7 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 8 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 9 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 10

She will also receive a brand new watering can in a vibrant color (her choice!).

SLY Awards: OXO gardening 11 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 12 SLY Awards: OXO gardening 13


SLY Awards: OXO gardening 14WIN IT! One winner will receive one of each of OXO's Hand Tools and a brand new watering can in a vibrant color (a package worth $155!). To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Saturday, April 24th at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.


SLY Awards: OXO gardening 15OXO has generously donated 2 gardening tool sets for this SLY Awards promotion – one for Joy and one for the giveaway. I received no product or monetary compensation for this post. I’m just excited to celebrate Joy and…you.

*UPDATE* The winner is #149 Staci. Congratulations!

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249 comments on “SLY Awards: OXO gardening”

  1. this would be great to have, and very tempting to keep but i would give it to my mom, I love the Gel-e Weeder thanks

  2. I know these tools are made to help for mature hands, but I think my kids would enjoy using them, though probably with two hands.

  3. My mom is looking to restart her vegetable garden and is looking to get some new gardening tools. I did not know that OXO made gardening tools. They might just work for her

  4. My kids and I started a garden today as a way to help them deal with a very difficult time that we will be going through soon. These would be very handy for us! Thanks for the contest!

  5. I have a 25 year old son, I started having him give me for Mother's Day awhile ago a hosta plant, live in Michigan and just noticed today they are starting to peek out, but the weeds are doing great I want to try oxo gel weeder thanks for the good information

  6. I had no idea that OXY also made garden tools! I own their pizza cutter, peeler and can opener and they are the best on the market. I'd love to have these gardening tools because here in upstate NY we are still shoveling out the snow! JUST KIDDING!
    I've never been so excited as the morning that I saw my crocus flowers blooming after our 3 day blizzard which came with 5 days without any power!
    I love to garden, be it container gardening, small flower patches or just weeding! Getting outdoors after a long winter is so cleansing and truly makes you grateful for the Spring time!
    (BTW...loved your interview. Sent it on to my daughter who too would make a good blogger!)

  7. WOW These would come in handy with our garden we just got started:)I have some seeds started to put out in the flower beds and the garden.

  8. The real payoff of growing your own vegetables is the eating. The vegetable always tastes so much better than store bought and our local rabbits agree.

  9. The kids and I really want to do a garden this year, we tried to start seeds in the kitchen window but the cats ate the sprouts! So we want to try again with starter plants! I will definitely check out Joy's site.

  10. My DIL keeps planting flowers but she doesn't have any good gardening tools. This would make her very happy.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  11. I love gardening all winter long i have been waiting for spring. I have so many gardens around my house with peonies,black eyed susans,purple coneflowers,hostas,tulip,roses,daffodils, day lilies and i could go on and on :)

  12. i would love to win it for my mother-in-law. she enjoys gardening so much and this would be a perfect surprise gift for her.

  13. I think gardening is good on so many levels, it's too bad our society has gotten away from it. I try to get my kids interested but they rarely are thanks to technology lol! This is an amazing set and it would really really help me out this season, I lost my hand rake a couple of years ago and boy my flowerbeds really tell a story!

  14. I actually find gardening to be a form of drudgery, but I carry on anyhow. I love the bright colors and cheeriness of these garden implements. That's what I need!

  15. My mother in law enjoys gardening and always plants a vegetable garden. Her grandkids always help her with it and enjoy eating the vegetables.

  16. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have used OXO kitchen tools for a long time. They make my life a lot easier! I can actually grasp the handles!

  17. My stepmom loves gardening and I would absolutely love to be able to give this to her for mother's day! These tools look really cool. Thanks!

  18. Our kitchen is stocked with OXO products. I wasn't aware that they also had gardening tools. My hands are arthritic so OXO products work well for me. These would make gardening a lot easier.

  19. Last fall we planted 12 blueberry bushes, three different varieties... So exciting to see some of the bushes are blooming! But one got totally stripped to twig-ness by deer. Time to get outside & tune up the yard for the season!

  20. I have to admit, I'm lost in the garden. If it weren't for my husband and youngest daughter, I'd probably just have a few shrubs and petunias, like my mother did. Luckily, due to the two of them, we have lots of plants, trees, and bushes, and during the summer, yummy vegetables as well. I do help with the weeding and picking, but I've been known to occasionally pull up what I thought was a weed... :)
    These OXO tools look great, and my daughter would be giddy if I won them!

  21. Oxo makes such great kitchen products - I have a bunch of their stuff - but I had no idea they also had this line of gardening tools. Can't wait to try them!

  22. Love this set! We just started our first garden this year and are using the square foot method. This would make a nice replacement for my current tools. They are sad! :)

  23. oh this would be swell for gardening and maybe my husband would use this for tomato plants and yard work

  24. We are on starting the slow process to turn our yard from rocks to garden and this year have planted so far tomatoes, squash and herbs. There is nothing like the taste of fresh veggies.



    i CANT WAIT!!! :)


  26. I love to do gardening.. This year I am going to try my luck on planting small trees and shrubs. I could really use these tools and adorable watering can. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  27. I have just started getting into gardening. I am planting a small vegetable garden and I have flower beds in my front yard. This would be great to have.

  28. I have always liked OXO products for he kitchen. Even if I don't win, I am sure I will look up their products to purchase some of these pieces. Gardening is my favorite hobby and having the right tools makes the job a lot easier!

  29. I have OXO kitchen tools, which are wonderful, but I also did not know that OXO offers a set of gardening tools. I am about to start planting some new plants in the garden in the next few weeks, so this set would come in handy

  30. I had no idea that OXO created gardening tools. This year we bought a home in Brooklyn, NY and it has a small front yard and backyard. This set would make gardening easier since one of my small gardening tools is a tablespoon.

  31. I'm out in one garden or another most mornings!! As with anything else, having the right tools make the job easier. These I can use in the flower beds, veggie garden, herb garden, and hanging baskets. Then they will fit right inside my rolling cart!!! And the watering can is so cute!!! Lets go get some weeds!!!

  32. Oh, I can't wait for the spring weather and to get my garden going. I love planting flowers and enjoying them all summer long!

  33. Ohhh....I'd love to have some nice new gardening tools. I'd also love that bright green watering can. thanks so much and congrats to Joy!

  34. I planted some tomato seeds last week, and I hope they actually come up. If they survive and thrive, we will expand to strawberries. And also I have some pomelo seeds that I would like to try to grow. So I could use some little garden tools.

  35. We were able to pick a batch of lettuce from the garden today. The radishes should start being ready next week. I can't wait for everything else to get big!

  36. I think those watering cans look durable! I need something tough, because my kids are always breaking mine.

  37. My mom loves to garden and this would make such a great gift. The watering can looks so chic! It would look good as part of the back yard decor!

  38. Theses would make gardening just a bit easier for my mom suffering from arthritis. What a great mothers day gift

  39. I really love gardening, and these look like fantastic tools! I'd love to have a complete set of hand tools to cover all the jobs around the yard. And I love those great colors of the watering cans. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  40. This is such a useful and inspiring giveaway. I bought seeds, now I need to plant them. My tools look like something out of a trash heap and I have no watering can, so I am putting my name in for a chance to win. Thank you, this is excellent!

  41. I'm so desperate to win that watering can. Mine has holes in the bottom and drips on my feet as I carry it to the plants.

  42. Working in my garden is my favorite thing to do in the summertime.

    :) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  43. Proper tools make gardening so much easier. I maintain a rather large herb garden but now I want to try fancy lettuces as well. Having the right tools for each little job is really helpful.

  44. I absolutely love to garden! The good and bad news is so do my kids. I love that they enjoy gardening, but I'm sad cuz they really love my gardening tools too! Every time I go to grab a tool, it has disappeared! I've even tried giving them their own set, but I guess Mom's are cooler! With this amazing set, I bet we could share!

  45. First of all, I love all OXO stuff and buy them whenever I have a choice--especially my garlic press. This giveaway would be great because I need a new watering can because mine got a hole. My tomatoes, squash, peppers, which I started in the house from seeds would be happy when replanted outside with these new better tools.

  46. This is everything I need to get our garden started, well except plants, but I hope to get those soon. :D

  47. We are moving into our new home in July, so I am so excited to be able to start a new garden! These tools will be great to get me going!!! Great stuff!!!

  48. I love love love my garden. It's still a bit early to be planting up here but in a few weeks...I'm going to be all over it! My fave veggie that I grow is a kohlrabi. If you've never had the pleasure of eating one of these tasty treats, I highly suggest trying to grow a few plants this summer (they are totally easy to grow). Super delish raw. Yum.

  49. We are in the process of getting our home ready to sell. And I have been planting lots of new plants to brighten it up. I am really looking forward to being able to landscape our new home as well. As I love planting and growing new bulbs and flowers.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.


  50. I need this. I just started my garden. I have more I need to do and I want a pretty one which produces lots of veges! This would be fantastic!

  51. I like to grow vegetables but usually they get some disease or bug infestation or the weather is too hot or cold or wet or dry. So many perils!

  52. I need to read her posts. Right now because of a planned mid-summer move i only have a small flower-bed.
    But next year, watch out. I will grow vegetables if i have to put them in Tupperware and carry them around with me!!

  53. Terrific idea for a giveaway, with springtime upon us and all those green thumbs twitching to get the season started. These look like terrific additions to any gardener's collection, and since both my mom and dad are avid gardeners themselves, they would make a perfect Mother's Day or Father's Day surprise. Thanks for the chance to enter!

  54. I have been absolutely ecstatic about beginning my veggie and herb garden this year, and would love the tools from OXO to help me begin in my quest.

    I really like your blog as well- you've inspired me to start my own mom blog! Thanks for being awesome.

  55. These watering cans are so cute! I think receiving this kit would inspire me to get back into gardening. I've had some success just growing basil, parsley, and cilantro, but I'd love to grow some fruits and vegetables! This would be great especially because I try to eat only organic and if I grew them myself, I'd know they are organic!

  56. I just started gardening so this would be great. I am going to start with a fall garden this year so we are trying now to prepare the spot and make it ready and fertile

  57. Last year I moved into my first house and the first thing I wanted to do was plant, plant, plant! I loved it, sadly I got on to it a bit late and did it without any real tools, and the few I did have were all old, shoddy hand-me-downs. This year I want to get back to gardening with my cucumbers, peppers, mint and lavendar! Can't wait!

  58. Our gardening tools are lacking. These would be a big help in starting our vegetable and herb gardens. We have planted a tiny bit already but are planning on adding quite a bit more.

  59. Oh I'm so ready to get my hands dirty in the garden. I could seriously use a quality set of tools to help me out.

  60. We are about to move from apartment living to our first home in NC. One of the first things that we plan on doing is getting out into the yard and gardening. Having never had a yard before, we are very excited, and slightly intimidated, by the prospect. I have been reading Joy's post on how to get started, and it has been helpful. I know that I will be asking her lots of questions in the future. I must say, I was really excited to see her winning this SLY award, as she definitely deserves it. Joy is such a kind, loving, generous, and warm hearted individual. And I must say, having known her my entire life, she has always been like that.

  61. reading this blog reminded me it's time to get outsdie and tending to the garden and yard again.

    I am so thankful that the winter has finally cleared and I can see grass again !

    This would be a wonderful surprise

  62. I'm so tired of my cheap ole big lots gardening tools that fall off the handle. You get what you pay for. This would be a wonderful treat.

  63. These supplies make me so embarrassed that I resorted to my son's plastic sand shovel the last time I was out in the garden. Oops! I really need to invest in some good tools!

  64. My mom is an avid gardner and I'd love to share these tools with her for Mothers' Day! Here's to digging around in the dirt :)

  65. This is the first year I have ever attempted a garden and my little tomato plant already has some little green tomatoes (we live in California)!! It is so exciting to see the process and my kids have enjoyed it too. Now if I can just get that bug to stop snacking on my zucchini.

  66. We live in a townhome with litte gardening space, but in the past I have loved planting herbs in pots and using them in cooking. We have a nice little deck out back where I can do this. OXO makes some great tools!

  67. Now that Spring is here, I have started putting in my veggie garden. I have been gardening forever it seems but the only hand tool I have is a trowel. Would love to try the others out.

  68. Its spring time which means flowers are blooming!!!! cant wait to replant my garden in the backyard. Some new tools would really help me get a jump start. I have never used OXO brand but I am excited to try them!

  69. I've used the OXO brand of gardening tools before and they last forever, but sold them when I moved from my house to an apt. Now that I'm back in a house again I'm in need of some OXO gardening tools again.

  70. My eleven year old and i just put in our garden sunday we did tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, spinach, bell peppers, spinach and radishes. She would love a new watering can.

    waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com

  71. THis is a really awesome giveaway. I love gardening, flowers and anything outdoors. Have you ever heard a painter say how much they enjoy a blank canvas so that they can create a piece of art? Well, I feel like my back yard is a blank canvas and I would like to transform it into a secret garden.

  72. I started growing my herb garden indoors this year, since the weather was so back and forth! The poor plants were starting to droop because their planters were not big enough for the size they reached, so I moved them into the back yard. We also cleared out a space for our veggie garden. (Can't wait for fresh broccoli!)I am looking forward to planting soon!

    Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!

    vschilke at gmail dot com

  73. The OXO Company is celebrating its' 20 year Anniversary! I have been trying weekly guessing
    their "pic" of a product and then guessing what it is. I have guess right, but still haven't one, but I am not giving up! I have osteo arthritis and now know why they were invented. I love to garden and would appreciated being entered in your drawing.
    Many thanks, Cindi

  74. I would have this sent to my mom. No matter where she lives the first thing she does is get plants and start gardening!

  75. We love to garden as well! Every year, we get together with our neighbors and grow a massive veggie garden for everyone to share! The kids love it most of all, seeing that they had a hand in it!

  76. i would love to win this! we just bought our first house and are in the process of starting up a vegetable garden and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the landscaping! we're finding that everything is really overgrown so it's going to take some work... it's so much fun though!

  77. We'll be doing mostly container gardening this year with our veggies because it requires minimal work for maximum benefits. Can't wait to get started (and, yes, I'm running late).

  78. I'd love one of these.. must be a manly color though, as I am desperately trying to convince my hubby to build a veg garden in the back!

  79. My hubby has had this house for three years adn the front yard screams "Bachelor." So, this year I'm putting in rose bushes along the fence, ground-cover type flowers in the beds and a couple of potted plants on the porch along with two chairs and a little table. This place will be transformed!

  80. This would be perfect for us, we going to start adding to our garden as soon the fear of frost is truly gone! In Michigan the frost warning is around until May!

  81. Oxo is the greatest... I have kitchen tools from this company. I don't have any gardening tools yet... I have a little balcony & grow flowers and herbs and tried tomato plants at one point until they outgrew my balcony! I didn't realize how tall they grew... had to give them to my inlaws. I have plants in the house.. outside the front door... the watering can is so fun & cheery!

  82. I've not been much of a gardener in the past, but this year we're moving to a house in a better climate with a big garden! I'm excited to give it a shot. And it would be fun to have some cool tools to start out with!

  83. I love oxo products, I'm an avid gardener and would love to try out some of their gardening products, thanks!

  84. Those tools and watercan would be perfect! We bought our first house in December and now that it's spring we can see that the yard and landscaping around the house is full of weeds. It looks really bad. We have some hanging plants up but nothing in the ground because we haven't had time to dig the weeds up and get the ground ready.

  85. I have always longed for a garden. I've always been afraid to invest the money and time in fear that it will not do well. These gardening tools would be a great start, and hopefully encourage me to get moving! Thanks for the offer!

  86. I love to garden and try to make eco-friendly choices- swapping plants with friends instead of buying them at Home Depot or a local garden shop- saves $$ too. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  87. Great set of tools--I especially like the Gel-E Scoop. We have a couple flower beds, an herb garden, roses and a vegetable garden, all organic.

  88. what a lucky lady to win that!

    i am a gardener with no tools. since i left my community plot i just use my hands in my container garden. this leaves me with grimy nails. ugh. i could use some tools and maybe share some with my dad who loves to garden too. gardening is in the blood!

  89. These tools would be very useful in my front yard where the flowers are running wild. I also love the color and variety.

  90. My husband and I are first time home owners and currently trying to re-vamp our garden area. Long story short, our house has been a Money Pit and the garden hasn't been any different! We have figured out that you have to be rich to have a nice garden. At this point we can afford top soil and mulch. Everything from the flowers, bushes, and trees to the tools are so expensive! Why does it have to be that way? :( We would really love to win these tools!!


  91. My mother is the consummate gardener; years of work have made her garden extraordinary. She could really make use of this gift set. Thanks!

  92. These look great, we have an apartment but have a balcony full of plants but no tools so these would come in handy. Really like growing the veg its very rewarding when you get to eat it!

  93. I learned to grow vegetables from my grandfather who always had a large garden. It was a joy to share those days togther.

  94. My husband and I started our first garden this year with great success. Not only are our plants actually growing (!) but it's been a joy to have a hobby together. Especially as we figure it out (i.e. shrug our shoulders and make a lot of mistakes...thankfully our garden is forgiving). My 80 yr old landlord/neighbor is a gardener and always willing to offer his advice. We pulled all the carrots this weekend and made room for spinach, green beans and watermelon.

  95. All of our garden tools are very old and rusty. We have numerous flower beds to keep up and these would be a great help.

  96. My veggie garden grows larger every year so the tools would certainly come in handy! This year I am focusing on the veggies that I can freeze and store for the winter as well.

  97. We just began organic gardening this year using compost from our kitchen scraps and yard debris. Our garden is beautiful, and I'm even more inspired by all those wonderful tools!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  98. Would love to get these! Might be he boost I need to get out there and plant that garden! Can't wait to have fun digging with the kids :) Thanks!

  99. I didn't garden last first baby was born in May and I was kind of distracted all summer :) I'm hoping to get back into this summer, and these tools would definitely make it even more fun!

  100. In my garden, I keep the pests / animals out, use the best fertilizer, and use great hand tools such as these to make the job easier! (but I could use a nice new set like these!!!!) Thanks for the chance to win these......

  101. What a great set! With a new set of tools and a cute watering can, who wouldn't like to get outside and get their hands dirty growing something wonderfun in a garden?!?

  102. Would love to win the garden set of tools. Just moved to the country and my flower beds and vege garden are in desparate need of some good ole' hard work. I'm using a ice cream scoop and a kitchen spoon to get it ready at the moment. Some tools would be awesome!

  103. I have to use products like OXO, because I have carpal tunnel and nerve damage. The thick grip makes it easier to work with and causes me less pain and stress.

  104. Congratulations to Joy!

    OK, I love OXO products in my kitchen, especially my veggie peeler..and my pop it containers...and my uplift get the idea...

    ...but I had NO idea they made gardening goodies! I must live in a cave!

  105. I have a really cool friend that grows all her own vegetables and herbs. She even gives out baskets of vegetables to neighbors I'm sure she would enjoy these tools.

  106. Wow, what a great collection of goodies! And my watering can just broke so I'm in the market for a new one. AND, my onions and peas are growing beautifully! Spinach, radishes, and beats go in tomorrow. Thanks.

  107. We are doing a veggie garden this year and these tools will come in handy. I also have to divide my daylillies this year.

  108. I am a gardener as well! I love to get my hands in the dirt and it is such a joy, such a gift from God, to see those little seedlings spring from the soil. I have planted tomatoes, peppers, okra, squash, cucumbers, green beans, lima beans, corn and several different herbs. I am thrilled to say that everything is coming up and seems to be thriving in our fabulous Spring weather!

  109. My husband is getting ready to put in his tomato plants. Our gardening tools really need to be replaced, and these tools look really nice. I have a lot of OXO kitchen utensils that I love.

  110. I would love to win the gardening set because my 14 year old daughter and I are getting ready to start our first garden together. She is in Agricultural Science and has been inspired to start gardening. I also have a 10 year old daughter and an 8 year old son, and am hoping that this will start a new interest in there life of a love of gardening. I also am hoping that they will have a sense of pride and want to eat the veg that is produced from their labors. Thank you. LaDonna P. McLaughlin
    12514 Marradi Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93312. Ph # 661-203-4160


  112. My sister started some box gardens in her backyard with the kids. They've been growing tasty vegetables and knowledge of how the process works. I'd love to win this and give it to her!

  113. Now this would be a fabulous prize! We just bought seeds and seedlings for our very first garden! Raised planter beds have been made... tomorrow is planting day!

  114. this is really neat! I only have a couple of things and our back yard is completely unfinished. I am trying to learn how to be a gardener after years of apartment living

  115. I checked the oxo site to see if what I suspected was true, and it is. I love that the spout rotates back! I have yet to find one exactly like Grandma had, but this one would certainly work!

  116. Hmmmm maybe the vibrant colors and appreciation for winning would motivate me to do more gardening (blush)!

  117. these look really cool! i am not a gardener, but would love to start and have no idea. at the moment, i am planning on trying something new: using a child's swimming pool (the blue one) to put my plants in. hopefully it will work and i can have some fresh veggies for the summer. also having these handy tools, might make it easier in getting it all together.....thanks!

  118. I didn't know oxo made garden tools. In the past I've only planted tomatoes, but this year I'm going to expand to some raised beds!

  119. I'm one of those people who doesn't know where to start! Last summer I moved in to a new house, our first house, and the previous owners were gardeners. So we inherited a wonderful garden, including a great organic vegetable garden. So last fall we enjoyed organic produce, but now we don't know how to do that again!

  120. Had no idea OXO made so many great garden tools but any gardener would be delighted to use them all. The watering cans
    are as decorative as they are useful. Thank you for this contest.

  121. I am so excited to get my garden going now that it is getting warmer out. I went and bought some asparagus plants today.

  122. I don't have much of a green thumb but I am working on it! We recently did some landscaping in our back yard and are so pleased with ourselves. Next we are on to tackle to front yard!

  123. I am the gardener in my family. My tools are old now and have rusted some. It would be great to get new tools and a watering can.


  124. ok i need to tend my garden and i need some tools to do it...or will power to get up and do it

  125. My granddaughters are so excited to garden with me this year. We've already gotten started picking out what they want to plant & where. This would be so great for them.

  126. What a fabulous set! We fall into the "want to garden, but aren't sure where to start" set. Since the snow here is finally about melted, it's time to get started. Our boys can hardly wait to pick their own veggies, and I'm excited about the prospect of growing our own organic produce.

  127. I have a large back deck that gets enourmous amount of sun. I have such a hard time every year getting things to live out there. I have 12 baskets and numerous pots and in the beginning, they start looking beautiful, but when it gets really hot....everything just poops out. I need some plants that will take all the heat and look beautiful all summer long.

  128. I just went to a gardening class & left with planting soil & peonies. I however failed in the tool department. Love OXO brand in the kitchen so I imagine the gardening tools are fabulous.

  129. I like to garden and want to start a garden of spinach and lettuce type things. I don't know all the different kinds but I love the stuff in a spring mix so I hope I can grow it all.

  130. I like to garden, but it has been mostly flowers the last several years. We are talking about trying to grow a few vegetables again. We used to plant a few onions, potatoes, carrots and zuchini.

  131. These look great! You always seem to feature very nice products on your site that anyone would love to have. Thanks and congrats to Joy!!!

  132. i rent, and i'm thinking of starting a small garden in the back or on my porch. i have a few hand tools, but this neat stuff would really help.

  133. What a wonderful gift that set is! A garden is a wonderful thing! This will be our second year having one and we're already enjoying some lettuce from it. Nothing tastes better than veggies you've grown in your own backyard! :) I'd love to win this!

  134. I am always excited once I start, but then I ... get lazy. Maybe if I have some cool gardening equipment, I will be more motivated!

  135. I'm getting impatient to start out in the garden for this year. I've bought some seeds...just have to wait for it to dry out and warm up a bit.

  136. I've been reading Joy's blog for a while now because I'm starting my very own vegetable garden for the first time! What a great gift for a gardener. I only have two tools (besides my two hands, of course!) so I'd love the chance to win this prize.

    What a great person to celebrate on for SLY!

  137. We have a small raised garden in the front yard, and I could always use some new tools! I definitely do NOT have the green thumb yet, but there are so many home gardeners in Portland that I have lots of support and advice when I ask for it. Thanks!

  138. We starting re-landscaping our front yard last Fall. We have one more section to finish this Spring so these tools would be awesome!

  139. I am a gardening addict and I love trying new garden toys! I've never tried OXO garden tools although I love their kitchen gadgets and I'd love to check them out. Thank you!

  140. What?! OXO makes garden tools?? How awesome is that?! Their kitchen tools are well made, so I'm excited to check out their garden tools too!

  141. Oh, how cool! I'm kind of sad about having moved into a house with a yard that's so shady not much will grow. But, I've managed to spot a few places where some potted herbs might just manage to thrive. I'm hitting the gardening stores next week to pick up a few pots.

  142. I'm excited OXO makes garden tools now too! We started square foot gardening last spring and loved the results. In fact, I just came in from clearing another spot in the yard for another garden.

  143. I am just starting to garden for the first time in my life. We built the garden boxes, got the right kind of soil (I hope), went to the store as a family and picked out what we want, and now we're going to be planting them today or next week. I don't think I even have any garden tools now that I think about it....hmmm, well if I don't win, I should probably be thinking about that, huh?

  144. We planted our most extensive vegetable garden yet about a month ago, but really we are mostly doing trial and error to find out what works with our soil and climate (Arizona desert!). I'm not sure what half of those tools are for, but it would be fun to find out!

  145. This would be so perfect, this is my first year taking over my mom's flowerbed. I am so clueless and I have no tools to start. I need read her post. I would like to start growing some veggies this year as well.

  146. We can't wait to get back in our garden. We have planted our spinch and peas, but have months before we can get anything else in. What a great set of tools.

  147. So fun! I will gladly give a little storage space in my apartment for this if I win, and save it for the long-awaited day when we live somewhere with a yard!

    I appreciated Joy's advice and links for heirloom seeds. Someday!

  148. This looks like a great gift for Joy! Even if she already has some tools of her own, I'm sure her kids will appreciate having extras available so that they can help.

    I have a sad, empty, little planter area on my front porch. Joy's post has me thinking that it's high time to do something about it! Thanks again for introducing us to her!!

  149. Wow, those watering cans are cool. My garden is just starting to come alive this spring, I will be on my knees weeding in no time LOL

  150. Oooh...fingers crossed! I have to pick up new garden tools this spring. I just pulled mine out of storage and they're all rusty. I'm hoping to make this year's garden really work for us, and am hoping to fill the freezer and learn how to can!

  151. I'm definitely not a gardener, but I really want to be. My goal is to first start out with an herb garden and some flowers. I got a Chia herb garden kit for Christmas, and believe it or not, I killed it! My chives didn't even sprout! I am determined to make it work though, however, with 3 little ones at home, it's a little difficult to learn something new. It may not seem like a big task to those that have done it, but tending to it is my challenge. I'm not even sure where to begin...I am sure new sets of tools would help motivate me and one less expense in this gardening process! I really do want to have that herb garden!

  152. I love gardening! I've cleared what I hope will be my rose bed and have planted 7 containers of spring flowers to brighten up the rock garden in the front of the house. Right now I'm trying to motivate myself to go outside and start weeding, but the wild flowers are so pretty I keep putting it off until the HOA sends their annual ticket.

  153. I am not a good gardener, but my landscaping needs me to step up to the plate. I think these OXO tools would make it easier and more comfortable to work in the garden, so hopefully they'd turn my thumb a bit greener and make my yard look prettier.

  154. Oh wow! I didn't even know OXO made gardening tools. My gardening tools are in sad shape. Replacing them is on my list to do. Winning this would make my gardening so much nicer!

  155. We're moving from an apartment to a house which means that we don't have ANY gardening tools. I am planning on redoing the flower beds in the front of the help and starting a garden to grow herbs and vegetables. I can't wait!

  156. My husband decided this year to grow a vegetable garden after quite a few years - his tools are rather old and this set would be great for him.

  157. Just bought a new house and am just learning how to garden. This would come in handy.


  158. After many years of renting and not being able to garden, we finally dug our first real vegetable garden this year and are so excited! It really brings back memories of gardening with my dad during my childhood and watching with awe as seedlings mature into food. These tools would really help us out!

  159. Awesome prize! My daughter and I could really use it when working in the flower beds and garden this Spring.

  160. I could really use these tools, especially the weeder since I haven't weeded my gardens since the fall.

  161. There is a certain, simple poetry in gardening. A pleasant stillness; almost a meditation. It's feeling of just slowing down for a moment from the big, quick, moving world and taking time to savor and taste what is right in front of you. I've often enjoyed raising a patch of Italian vegetables and herbs out back and they have served me well over the years :)

  162. I am a HUGE gardener, that is my passion. Hand tools are awesome, anything that saves me grunt work is good.

    My problem is that I have a bad habit of using them and then leaving them to go on to the next garden chore.As a result, I have lost many tools, and yes, I mourn them all, I NEED them!

    If I am lucky enough to win a complete set, I PROMISE I will do my best to keep track of them, I need them!

  163. The gardener in our family are the men ~ hubby and little one love getting their hands dirty! Having good tools really help to get the job done so much easier.

  164. I really can;t wait to start digging and plantng again. This winter was brutal! Snow, ice, car accidents, it's time for planting.

  165. Joy will love receiving this set of gardening tools. Oxo makes some really nice stuff. While we don't do a ton of gardening here (because we don't have a huge yard), I do love it and try and do a little vegetable garden and flower garden each year!

  166. You are so creative with your award ideas! I know Joy will be so blessed! We are just starting to get our yard 'back to good'. With the warmer weather here, we are spending more time out there and this year, we are attempting to grow our own herbs. Markus actually LOVES working outside and it has been fun getting the kiddos involved in planting new things too!

  167. Ok, I really need to visit Joy's blog for gardening advice.

    I have 3 large plantar boxes in the backyard, with dirt that will grow anything, seriously.

    But what I need is the ecouragement. I really just need to get out there and do it, because when I do, and after I see results it just makes me feel so good.

    Maybe if I had all these pretty supplies!!!

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