Work It, Mom! (A Place Where Working Moms Connect)

Work It, Mom! (A Place Where Working Moms Connect) 1This weekend's theme is "during the day" and, for many of you, I know most of your daytime hours are spent at work. For this reason, I'm delighted to introduce you to a site where you can connect with moms just like you - moms who work in some capacity - inside the house or out. Introducing...Work It, Mom!

Work It, Mom! (A Place Where Working Moms Connect) 2To give us a tour of the site and its benefits, it is my pleasure to welcome Nataly Kogan, Co-Founder and CEO of the site, to Metropolitan Mama this afternoon. Nataly is the mother of an almost-4-year-old little girl and is the author of The Daring Female's Guide to Ecstatic Living: 30 Dares for A More Gutsy and Fulfilling Life. She also blogs on the Work It, Mom! Blog, about 2-3 times a week.

ME: How long has Work It, Mom! been around and what is the site's mission?

KOGAN: launched about a year ago, although we started with just a few pages of content. The site, with its community features, blogs, and the interactive Q&A area has been around for about 9 months.

Our mission is pretty simple: We want to be the most engaging community and helpful resource for working moms. Whether you work at home, outside the home, full or part-time, or run your own business, we want to be the place you turn to to share advice and support with moms in a similar situation, find helpful resources like quick recipes and organizing tips, and yes, when you need it, vent.

ME: How many members do you currently have?

KOGAN: We are growing very quickly and have thousands of members. The great thing about the community is that the members are extremely engaged. Most of the content on is written by our members, who contribute personal essays, how-to tips, and great advice that helps them juggle work and family.

ME: What can moms "gain" from the site? What perks/benefits will they receive?

KOGAN: The greatest thing we hope our members gain from the site is a feeling of support. I am a working mom myself and I really struggle sometimes, trying to keep it all together. To be able to connect with others in a similar situation, to know that I am not alone and not to be judged for my choices makes my life a lot easier -- and my hope is that being part of the Work It, Mom! community does the same for our members.

Beyond support and great advice from fellow working moms, we have a growing collection of extremely practical, useful, and non-preachy tips on the site to help working moms juggle a bit easier. For example, Chris Jordan authors a very popular blog called Ordering Disorder, where she shares quick and easy family recipes. We gather the best of member advice that they share in the community and create Quick Tips on topics like Finding Time to Exercise or Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

We've recently introduced some great new features, including a daily product blog, called Affordable Luxuries, and a Member Lifesavers section, where members can share quick tips that help them reduce stress, get organized, and maintain their sanity!

Thanks, Nataly. I immediately understood what you meant when you said that you struggle to "keep it all together." I think all moms can relate to that...and I'm excited to get more involved in your site. Anyone want to join me?

Work It, Mom! (A Place Where Working Moms Connect) 3Work It, Mom! has graciously offered to sponsor a contest to give one reader a $150 gift certificate to - "an online network of thousands of restaurants across the United States - including some of the hottest names in dining." You're a working mom and you deserve a break - whether you want to take the family out for dinner or you want a night out with the girls, this could be your ticket to a fabulous evening and Work It, Mom! will pick up the tab. 

WIN IT! One winner will receive a $150 gift certificate to To enter, peruse the Work It, Mom! website and leave a comment about your "experience" (what feature did you like best, what do you think of the design, why would you or wouldn't you return to the site, etc.) on this post prior to Monday, June 23 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address. 

*UPDATE* The winner is #210 Melanie. Congratulations!

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257 comments on “Work It, Mom! (A Place Where Working Moms Connect)”

  1. I am probably too late but I wanted to let you know that I had signed up with the website last year and found it to be a wonderful resource, particularly as I was preparing to go back to work. The website is easier to navigate now that it has been reworked a bit. I like their daily deal page (of course! haha). I really like their articles section. You'd think that it would be all work related but it isn't (although a majority of the articles are work related). I've found articles on crafts, hiring a nanny. adoption, financial issues and much much more!

  2. I like the discussions about mom's in the traditional workplace. It's a touchy subject, to be sure, and it's great to see the discussion going on (but more than mom's need to be involved). Thanks for the intro.

  3. I think that the site is very well balanced and has something for everyone. I especially enjoyed the "Lifesavers" section.

  4. I like the site and even signed up to be a member!! There are so many issues dealing with a working Mom , its nice to be able to talk about them . I always worked and as soon as my leave was up , I was back to work.Count me in to win

  5. I love this site! I love the recipie section, and the quick tip section. I also like that there is a discussion forum as some sites for working moms don't offer that. I've already signed up and added them to my feed reader!

  6. The layout was a little confusing at first. It looked like one of those dreaded pages that have all the ads that you never want to click on. After I got used to the format, it was a lot easier to navigate. Okay -- truth be told, I got stuck in the recipe section. Pulled pork in the crock pot and all of the comments -- crack dip and all of the comments, etc. I spent way too much time, but had a ball! Who laughs out loud while reading recipes??? I need to go back and explore some more. Thanks for a great contest!

  7. I liked the design, but honestly, the homepage seems a little busy for my taste. It actually took me a few minutes to even realize that there were quick-key tabs at the top. I probably won't be back. I hope that doesn't affect my entry in the contest! :)

  8. There is a lot to take in on Work It, Mom! All the photos make my head spin. But I want to revisit when I have more time. I feel sort of left out since the only child I have left at home is in college. I am always looking for ways to make money from home. So maybe I will find some ideas there.

  9. I really like the color scheme of that opening page, and the tabs link to lots of interesting articles--very user-friendly. I liked reading what other moms (particularly the columnists themselves) had to say.

  10. I work from home, and love the interaction w/ other moms. Love the wealth of information to make my life easier! Thank you!

  11. Great site! Variety of useful topics, I really like "your business" part - there is a lot of very useful info! Thanks for the find & giveaway :)

  12. This is a really great site. So much information, recipes, new's endless. I love that you would have a contest where you let people in on this because many wouldn't take the time to check it out and it is so worthwhile!

  13. I love it! I found it very easy to navigate and easy to find the different sections. There is some really helpful and interesting content that I discovered just in the first few minutes of browsing. I especially like that it has a lot of advice for single moms. Great site!

  14. I love all the blogs available to read. I just read the single mom at work article on dating the childless. Very interesting!

  15. I like the quick and easy recipe section, whether home all day or working in the trenches, everyone can get something from here- we're all busy in our own ways and since fast food and I don't get along this is a great section for me that I bookmarked.

  16. The site is so thorough and well-organized...I would definately recommend it to friends..

  17. i really like the daily deal feature the best im always looking for deals.i love the design it is so easy to navigate.i will definately be returning because this site has so much to offer and its very informative :)

  18. I liked the design. It was was easy to navigate. I liked the wealth of information available such as advice on starting your own business. It was not overwhelming. The articles were short. I will take advantage of all the information available by returning to the site.

  19. I lvoe this website. Love the recipes, love the discounts, love it all. I look at this daily. Thanks!

  20. Even though I'm retired (and should be able to cook for hours) I love the Quick and Easy Recipes section.

  21. Great site - a lot of interesting content - will definitely be giving the link to my wife. I think she would utilize the Working Mom Lifesavers the most.

  22. I read all the most popular Member Lifesavers. It got me motivated to do a couple of them. We have not made a menu list for the week, planning meals. Seems simple and will save us time. Thanks!

    Alyson LID 01/27/06 (IA China)

  23. Working Mom Lifesavers is my favorite part. I love it when everyday people give tips that you never even think about and then when you read them, you are like...I should have thought of that!

  24. i absolutely love the "balancing act" tips, and all the rest of tips are great too. There's too many different, it would be better of there was a pattern of complimentary colors for each tab

  25. Overall the site design seemed a little too busy--too much going on all over the place. So much vying for my attention I wasn't sure where I wanted to go. The content was good though--the Member Lifesavers were a neat idea and the summer recipes on Ordering Disorder looked great.

  26. I really like the design of the Work It, Mom! website. It is very easy to navigate. I think the information contained under the Balancing Act section is very good as well as the information contained in member discussions. Visiting the site was a positive experience and I would definitely consider visiting the site again. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  27. It's interesting that I type "overwhelmed" into the search box and 131 items come up.

    I'm not alone...We women work to darn hard.

  28. The Articles are the Best and it's laid out satisfactorily for the looks and yes I will return to the site, the content is worth looking through

  29. I wasn't sure I would find anything I would relate to since I'm now a SAHM but the recipes and parenting sections were helpful. The site is nicely laid out and easy to read. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  30. I love quick and easy recipes but really enjoyed themed weekends. I think I may incorporate themed weekend in my house especially this summer when week is so long

  31. I really liked the information on the site, my favorite was the daily deals section. I would return for sure!

  32. I enjoyed some of the Balancing Act articles. I appreciate that they were not too long. I did find the site a little confusing and cluttered. And I am not sure how often I will return, as I am a SAHM, but I might visit now and then to read some of the interesting articles.

  33. I love the recipes. I am always on the hunt for something different to serve my family and the recipes are a great resource of ideas!

  34. I really enjoyed browsing through the articles on the website. This is a great giveaway. Could really use it with an anniversary coming up. :D

  35. Thank you for giving us a chance to learn about this really great website. It is well designed and has forums for women with many different interests. Nicely done!!

  36. I'm always a big fan of blogs. It's a great way to share information. I found that the Work it, Mom! blog site was very easy to navigate. I really liked the keyword section - it helped me find the kind of blogs I wanted to read.

  37. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me this site. I fell in love with it and joined. I love the feeling that I have found a site which understands so well how hard it can be to try and juggle being a mom and having a career at the same time. It is so nice to feel so comfortable in a place where I do not need to feel embarassed about asking questions which might seem silly. It is the kind of site where you are made to feel welcome and know that after a hard day at work and being a single mom, you have a place to go to just to relax, share and feel like you are among friends. Thank you so much for showing me this site and I am so grateful for its creation!

  38. I love the concept, but found the homepage a little overwhelming. Maybe it's because I wasn't looking for anything specific, but I couldn't even figure out what I wanted to click on. I settled for the blogs, since I love blogs, and I enjoyed reading them. But I think the homepage could use some simplification.

  39. Easy to use site with some great information. It was quick to load. I really like the balancing act section!

  40. Ok - I think that the homepage is WWWAAAYYY to cluttered. It's overwhelming when you click over there and see so much stuff. It's hard to know where to begin.

    On a brighter note, once I started clicking around, I did really enjoy the recipe section.

    Just de-clutter the homepage and I think it rocks!

  41. A site that helps me get organized as a mother of 3 is a site that I appreciate. Thanks for providing this information.

  42. Wow, very cool site. I like the whole notion of them catering to women who are the breadwinners, as my mom was so many years ago. Thanks for sharing!

  43. Great new site! This was the first time that I visited the Work It Mom site. I found the recipe section to be easy to use and well organized. I also liked the Career and Money section.

  44. I'm a full-time student, full-time mom, part-time worker and I love being able to go to a nice, welcoming, friendly place, like your website. this is a place for moms like me. I loved your website and I wouldn't change a thing.

  45. The Quick and Easy Recipe section was definitely the most helpful to me and why I will return to the site as I am not the world's best cook and can use the ideas and help.

  46. What a terrific, honest site! I found "Work: The Acceptable Vice?" to be very touching, but also troubling, in that it addressed a Working Mom dilemma that has plagued American women for close to 40 years (and I wonder that it hasn't yet been solved!). I think the site can be invaluable to working moms if it continues to shine light on even the toughest questions, thereby demanding answers. Good job!

  47. I like the website, it has great information and is easy to use. The homepage is a little cluttered for my taste, and I don't like the orange!

  48. I just love the Work It! Mom web site. First time visitor and really like the quick and easy recipes, found some I haven't ever made that looked delicious, loved the Daily Deals section very helpful. If I could add one more thing I would like to see is a section devoted to stay at home mothers trying to transition back into the outside world work place. Thank-you for such a wonderful contest.

  49. Just reading your intro got me excited. Just to relate to with other moms...awesome. The site was jammed packed with polls, recipes, and a lot of other great info. I will definitely add it to my favorites.

  50. I like the Quick and Easy recipes. I don't like to serve frozen/convenience foods to the family every night but time is at a premium. Some of those recipes look "doable" on a tight schedule.

  51. I am so glad to see a site for working moms - most mom's sites are geared towards SAHMs. I would be interested in the time savers (recipes), organizational tools and affordable luxuries.

  52. I checked out the site and I thought the content was really good - lots of valuable resources!! Just to offer some constructive criticism though - I didn't find the site visually appealing at all. Now I like to think of myself as one who appreciates content over aesthetics, but I have to admit the site just didn't "appeal" to me.

  53. You know, I really tried to get into that site months ago and just couldn't. But I'm not great at social type sites like that.

  54. I'm a working mom, and I'm in PR also. Its nice to find out how someone in a similar situation handles it!

  55. Work It, Mom! is a fantastic website! I am going back to work in 2 months, I took a 6 month maternity leave when I had my baby 4 months ago, so learning about this website could not have come at a better time for me! It is going to be a huge adjustment for me to go back to work on so many levels. I am going to use Work It, Mom as my resource tool as I go through the growing pains of dealing with home life, motherhood, and career and the whole balancing act! I am not so much interested in recipes or health related type information because I have so much literature on those topics already. I would like to focus on using the website as a place where I can connect with other women who share the same lifestyle and concerns over how to handle issues and situations that arise as a result of being an overworked mother, homeowner, career woman, etc. Sections of the website that appealed most to be today were Balancing Act, Career and Money, and Just for You. I love the way the website is designed. The tabs at the top make it very easy for me to find exactly what I want and fast. Time is precious and I want information quick and efficiently and this website does deliver.

  56. Very nice site. I'm currently unemployed and boy are we feeling the pinch. I can see where working women will enjoy this site for all their needs. Great job.My children are so spaced out and constantly on the go so sometimes i still feel like a working mom. We have to make a 2500 mile round trip due to son in law getting surgery and then 8 weeks later do it again for the birth of our new grandson. We just adopted a minature poodle from animal control so we are driving both trips. With the price of gas, winning your prize means we can eat something other then fast food. So thank you for giving me the chance to win.

  57. Love the Affordable Luxuries (what IS that anyway?) and the Quick & Easy Recipes.
    I do have another idea for you though- moms of teenagers. We, are in a befuddled class of our own, wondering where is the kid that we knew?

  58. The design seemed a little too ad oriented for me...too blah. I love the variety and number of articles that were presented. They have some good writing!

  59. I really like it because most sites with cool blogs seemed to be geared more for stay at home moms. I like that this one specially caters to working moms like me. I added it to my favorite! It is so bright and cheery when you click on the site, lots of different things to see and do.

  60. I LOVE the Affordable Luxuries Blog portion of the site. It does the shopping for me - which is fantastic! The site has a stylish and organized setup. Thank you!

  61. I'm sending a link to this website to my daughter who has two babies and owns her own business. She doesn't have a lot of time to peruse the internet but I know she'll love this site.

  62. I liked the Family & Home section and I really liked all of the blogs and how there's a summary by the blog so I could tell if I wanted to look there further or not. It's pretty easily laid out and designed well.

  63. I love the quick and easy recipe section...I have 5 boys and we are running in every direction and I hate trying to think of quick and easy meal solutions!

  64. Great site that's full of resources - even if you're not a work outside the home mom! I enjoyed the Daily Deal and the Quick & Easy Recipe section. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  65. It is great to read the views/polls from other moms. The daily deals are great for a one income family like ours. Thanks!

  66. My favorite thing about the site is the quick and easy recipes; I get bored and can never have enough of them. Thank you so much!

  67. I had the most fun lingering in the "Affordable Luxuries" page. Just the word 'luxuries' made me feel a bit splurgey. I liked some of the items there and realized that some of the gadgets in my home now should be considered luxury items - and I will appreciate them now as such.
    Thanks for the fun and the mental boost of blessing counting.

  68. This is a great site. I am a full-time working mom, to top that off I commute 62 miles EACH way to work - oye... I love my family and would really love to be able to connect with others on how they make it ALL work and flow in some organized chaos.

  69. Great Site with a little of everything for working moms or not. Great contests and plenty of useful information.

  70. I love the Career & Money section and I'd definitely visit again! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome prize!

  71. Wow, there is a lot going on on that page! I did like the tips on being frugal and the chat about grocery prices. With a family of six, we are very concerned with grocery prices. Hummmm. Sure could use a giftcard to a restaurant!!!

  72. I like that this is full service website- with forums to chat with other moms, recipes for those busy summer nights, and advice on the 329449934 things that we do in a day.

  73. This is a very informative site. Lots of resources, advice, etc, but I really didn't care for how busy the pages were. It seemed confusing and overwhelming. I like the idea of this site, but I don't think I am going to use it. Thanks for contest!

  74. The site is so well set up. I can easily see a lot of what is available from the home page. It pulls me right in. Love the articles too.

  75. Such an informative and easy site to navigate...I am beginning a business in jewelry and Pampered Chef...this site has it all for support, ideas, etc...and one I will return to often. Thanks

  76. I like their Articles section and that it's a working Mom's site! You don't see many of them around. I think they could use some cool graphics on the site though and maybe some better colors. It's a nice site but as with everything, I think there's room for improvement. :)

  77. I like the polls, articles and overall concept. This is a great networking tool. The only thing that I didn't like: the colors....too bland and the pages are too full, it's distracting because there is sooooo much going on. I suck at muti tasking though so my brain doesn't like being split :)

  78. I liked the Frugal Moms area. There were some great money-saving ideas in the discussion of: "If you could share one tip to save $100 a month, what would it be?"

  79. what a great site. it was very easy to navigate and the articles were very informative. i really like the recipe section and even found a recipe i am going to try. thank you so much.

  80. I love this site. Thanks for sharing other great sites with us. The Daily Deal is a favorite. Just a wonderful site. Thank you.

  81. I've been looking for legit resources when it came to being a WAHM and this website is such a relief! Great tips , great advice, and it just goes to show that us Mom's can work at home doing what we love best , being able to spend time at home with the family! I'm definately signing up!

  82. Thank you so much for introducing me to this website. I spent all morning looking around and when I get home from work later, I'll probably devote more time. I love it!!!

  83. i loved the quick and easy recipe section. Although i am not working, I never seem to have the time to cook .

  84. Although my children are grown, I lke to see my grandchildren often and I am still working so I like this.

  85. I like many of the others likes the quick and easy recipe section. I also checked out the book review section. I would like to maybe see a section where moms could set up a book discussion.

  86. I enjoyed reading "My Telecommuting Experience". However, I haven't worked in about 14 years now since the birth of my first two children from my first marriage.

  87. The first thing that caught my eye on the blog is the article on having kids later in life. I didn't start having kids until my 30's and am very happy I waited. I think I'm much calmer with them than I would be having kids (in Utah, right out of High School is kindof expected) at 20.

  88. I was a new mom back in the "dark ages" (before the internet). I'm amazed by all the support available today. This site will be great for my daughter as she raises her family.

  89. When my kids are in school, I will be returning to the workplace. This is a wonderful site that would help mothers like me in the transition from being a stay at home mother to a working mom. It's a great site with great content that any mother can relate to. Thanks!

    kenzkween at hotmail dot com

  90. I liked the Lifesavers section. Sometimes the tips can help so much. It is an interesting site that has a lot of useful information. This a good contest because of directing busy people to the Work it Mom website.

  91. I like the blogs on the front page. I've been a big fan of Work it! since BlogHer 2007 - and I use the notepad of post-it's I got there all over town so more people can go by the site and become fans as well!

    Thanks for the contest - what I wouldn't give to be able to go on a date with my husband!

  92. Like the site. The only thing that I would suggest is to have advertised when their kids night/eat free night is. thanx for the contest.

  93. I am ALWAYS on the lookout for quick and easy recipes. I like the format/layout of the recipes. Well done! Now…..I hope I win!

  94. I like the member discussions. It's great to connect but be sort of anonymous--you can really ask the tough questions.

  95. The feature I liked best was "Members Lifesavers." What a great group of tips and ideas covering a broad spectrum of life. Great site!

  96. I like the variety of blogs offered to read as well as the giveaway section. It's also a very user-friendly website and information seemed easy to find!

  97. I liked this site a lot. I liked reading all the comments on different issues. I will definitly return when I have more time.

  98. I like the Quick and Easy Recipe section. The ice cream in a bag sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

  99. I particularly like the business section as I have been playing with the idea of going into business for myself and I like to see how other Moms balance it. Thanks!

  100. I liked the Make an Appointment with Yourself article. That is a great idea and something I will incorporate in my life. I want to accomplish more in my days and these tips will help me get organized.

  101. I like how it has a lifesaver feature, quizzes, featured is easy to navigate. Funny how just this morning I was curious about how to make ice cream without an ice cream maker, and then I find the recipe for ice cream in a bag! Wonderful!

  102. Quite a site. There is something for every type of mom who has a question about something in her life.
    It is easily navigated. The topics seem to jump out at you. What a wonderful resource. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi

  103. I perused the blogs and enjoyed the easy to implement ideas. I'm going to make icecream in a bag! How simple and teaches children a subliminal principle of working for your food!

  104. Loved the un-sick sick day blog! how true...we call them "mental health days" at my work. Take a day off, so you don't GET sick.

  105. This site is terrible - I am already hooked and will lose many hours of my precious nap time work hours to research how other moms find the time to do it all! :)

  106. Though I work with small children as a nanny, aunt, church nursery leader, and friend, I don't have children at home right now--Maybe that's why I didn't find much that piqued my interest. I did enjoy Nataly's post and comments on "Jon and Kate Plus 8", and got some great tips from the Member Lifesavers. Thanks for the offer!

  107. i love to cook. The problem is during the week there's just no time to do it. So I really appreciate te recipe section with quick, healthy, and yummy recipes that i know my family would love

  108. I found an article that I liked "Three Great Marriage Tips" I could use tips for many things in my life. Great resource.

  109. I loved the site. It's very professional and well organized and easy to navigate. I especially enjoyed the "working mom lifesavers". This is a great site for all working moms!

  110. Thanks for the link to a great site! I sure could have used that support system when my kids were young and I suffered from daycare guilt. But blogs are a new creation and my kids are all grown up. I will be glad to pass it along to the working moms in my office, though. You can never have enough support. My favorite blog today was the 36 Hour Day entry.

  111. I like this site. I loved the article of the ups and downs of working from home. I recently started a job, whereby I work from home two or three days per week, answering a phone and I love it.
    Thanks for offering this giveaway and please enter me.

  112. What a great resource for moms! I like the discussion forums. The site was user friendly and topics were relevant to motherhood.

  113. love the site..easy to navigate with wonderful only advice is to make it look a little warmer with the graphics
    3beez at bellsouth dot net

  114. I love all of the tips and information for moms (both busy and consumed). I really like the site and will continue to frequent her pages.

  115. Wow, what is there not to like? Every section I checked out was helpful. I'm a mom and grandmother now and this site helps keep me up to date and I will definitely be trying out some of the recipes. Thanks for a great site!

  116. Even though I'm a SAHM, there are still MANY different articles, blogs, forums, tips, etc. on here that I really liked. All of us moms can learn from each other whether we stay home or work full or part time.

  117. I love the amount of resources available and it is really easy to find moms' in similiar situations.

  118. What a great place for working moms to connect. I would love to see a place for the moms who take care of their child during the day and have to work when daddy gets home and sometimes travel to work away for day. Not sure what to call the type of working mom I am. Always part-time, sometimes full-time, always over-time!!

  119. I had to drag myself back here! I like the unsick day article. It will be fun to read more about being a working mom.

  120. I've been a member of Work It, Mom! for a while now - I love that it's a place for working moms because there don't seem to be very many of those. And I like the Q&A feature, as well as where you can enter in daily thoughts and happenings,as kind of a 'mini journal'. I don't have time to visit over there as much as I would like, but I always enjoy the site when I do have the time. :)

  121. I like the blogs, the list of affordable luxuries, although they really aren't that affordable... The featured members questions are fun too, a little different than polls.

  122. I really enjoyed reading the "Just for You" section of the website. There are lots of great articles to read. As a mother, it is always nice to take time just for me. I really liked the design and will return to this website!

  123. I really like the balancing act section. I work at home on my own time and do shoots on the weekend or when my husband can take off work. I think I have a crazy balancing act, I can't imagine working outside the home right now and trying to find time for it all. I do find the site a little jumbled and hard to figure out right away, but I was able to "get it" pretty quickly!

  124. The site is good. I'm a website developer and could make it better, but it works as a tool for working moms.

  125. The site is great! The design is simple and easy to use. I liked the product review section and will return often.

  126. It's nice to have a community of people who understands the same issues and has the same concerns that I do.

  127. The recipe section gets my attention. Quick and easy is always a great feature. I like the way your links are laid out in a single column that's easy to read. So many sites jumble them around and make them hard to find. Good organization.

  128. Nice site with a lot of great info! I am not a "working mom", but this site looks great for those that do!

  129. Your site has a chock full of informative reviews and fun giveaways. The layout is also very nice and easy on the eyes. Plus, your site is very easy to navigate and does'nt slow the browser which is a big +++. :)

  130. I visited the site and thought the design was user friendly. I like the Working Mom's Lifesavers quote in the Balancing Act tab, always interesting to see what works for someone else. I would defintely return to this and actually I have a few freinds who need to check this web site out so I am going to add it to my blog!

  131. I am ALWAYS on the lookout for quick and easy recipes. I like the format/layout of the recipes. Well done! Now.....I hope I win! Then I don't have to use the recipes one night.

  132. I loved this website. I was on there for about an hour. I loved all the articles on running your own business. Plus, the articles were short and to the point. I will add this to my daily reads. Thanks for the great find. Sign up was easy for newsletters.

  133. Well I will definitely go back there! My first reaction upon reading the "..where working moms connect" was that it didn't apply to me since I don't work outside of the home. I am happy to see that it does!
    I like the content on the site and I love the way it's categorized. Makes for easy searches and one can quickly find fun new articles under your interests.
    Thanks for the link and thanks again for an amazing (food is good)giveaway!

  134. As hectic as things are with a toddler I really Loved the Quick and easy recipe section. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  135. Thanks for sharing another great site! I loved browsing through the blog (obviously...I love blogs!). The most recent post about balancing everything (Jon and Kate plus 8) is so true. The last paragraph rings true for all moms, I think.

  136. Oh gosh...another GREAT resource for working moms to add to my daily reads! :) There is a wealth of information on the Workit Mom website. Sign up was easy. Great find!

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