Book Review: The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Book Review: The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers 1I loved Elizabeth Pantley's first book so I was eager to get my hands on her second book - The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers.

The issue of sleep is one of the best kept secrets of parenthood. Pre-baby, I certainly knew that those first few months would be difficult as the baby adjusted to life outside of the womb. After all, the newborn stage is notorious for that.

But after about 6 months, mum appears to be the word when it comes to sleep because I had no idea that sleepless or partially sleepless nights often continue long after infancy. In fact, Pantley tells it like it is about midway through her book, "I'd like to set the record straight on that television scene we know so well: parent tucks blanket around child, kisses child's forehead and says good night, shuts off the light, and leaves the room. Child smiles, closes eyes, and goes to sleep. You know, that scene? Pure fantasy. Unrealistic, inconceivable, la-la land. It just ain't gonna happen in real life."

She goes on to say that, "it is perfectly natural, absolutely normal, and totally expected for your toddler or preschooler to wake up in the night and need your help to fall back asleep" and gives statistics to back up that statement.

From there, Pantley offers countless solutions and ideas to help families deal with everything from monsters to bad dreams to moving from a family bed to independent sleep to dealing with an all-night nursling. Her books offers sound advice that is gentle and research-driven.

In sum, if you're looking for some helpful ideas to help your toddler or preschooler sleep longer or more peacefully at nap time or bedtime, this book is the ideal pick. I highly recommend it.

WIN IT! One winner will receive a signed copy of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers by Elizabeth Pantley. To enter, simply leave a comment and your e-mail address on this post prior to Wednesday, Jan. 23, at midnight. The winner will be announced and contacted on Thursday, Jan. 24. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

* UPDATE * The winner is #107 kathy. Congratulations!

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121 comments on “Book Review: The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers”

  1. I have a toddler (2) and a preschooler (4) who don't sleep well (which means I don't sleep well!) As a work outside the home mom, that's rough!

  2. My daughter will be 3 in March. She still wakes 1-3 times a night (usually once unless she's got a stuffy nose or is sick), but dear lord, I'm tired.

  3. Oh, I would really be so grateful to win this for my daughter. Her 5 year old still needs someone to help her to get to sleep, and awakens in the night, and her 1 year old is co-sleeping. She and hubby need a break! Thanks!

  4. We would love this! My daughter only falls asleep with us beside her and needs someone in her bed if she wakes in the night......

  5. I would so love to win this for my friend - her 4yo hasn't ever slept through the night or in her own bed and she's got a newborn at home now as well...

  6. I sooo hope that my little one is sleeping through the night before I need this book! It does sound excellent!


  7. oh, this would be a great gift, since we have been blessed with a great sleeper...
    mom2maria at hotmail dot com

  8. Oh my, this could be the answer to my prayers. I have a two year old that refuses to sleep - he's still not sleeping through the night! Count me in - sj1026 at gmail dot com

  9. I'm sitting outside my twins room on the floor right now waiting for them to fall asleep (get back in's night time...get out of your brother's bed...I sound like a broken record!!! This book would be awesome for me!

  10. My little one was a great sleeper as a baby, but she's getting worse as she gets older. Maybe this book would give me an idea of what I can do.

  11. Please! We loved her first no-cry book but now my son is getting older and has started waking up again...I need help!

  12. PLEASE pick me! I don't want to end up like some of your commenters who still have a 3-4 year old in bed with them. Two-and-a-half is bad enough!! And my boobs are sore!!

  13. How timely - I had no idea that at two and a half year old my toddler STILL wouldn't be sleeping well. Perhaps I could get some good ideas from this book. Love your header, btw.

  14. My daughter is in this situation right now. She has a five month old baby and a three year old. She is at her wit's end trying to get any kind of sleep at night.

  15. Wow, we could really use this book. We've got a toddler and a baby, and neither of them sleep well. We haven't had a good night's sleep in almost three years!

  16. My oldest didn't sleep through until she was almost two. It IS normal for sleep issues to continue looooooooong past the first three months. What a great giveaway!

  17. We really need this because my 4 year old does not like to sleep and is having a hard time at preschool from being so tired.

  18. Please enter me! My 6 yr old and 3 yr old still have trouble going and staying asleep; my patience for it with my 4 month-old added in the mix is dwindling!

  19. PLEASE enter me!!! I have a 4 yr old who sleeps good only when he sleeps with me. (which I don't mind) But now my 2 yr old daughter who used to sleep decent has been waking up crying wanting to be with us too. All I want is a full night's sleep again!

  20. Please enter me! I had a really good sleeper until he was 2.5, and now? Not a night has gone by in months where he doesn't wander. It's tiring!

    urbanmummy at gmail dot com

  21. please i need this i have a 2,1 and now a month old and they all wake up in the middle of the night

  22. Oh boy, my 3 year old still needs help with the night time sleep habits. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only parent with this issue! Please enter me!

  23. I could so use this!!! My three year old was/is a great sleeper but my 14 month old is still up anywhere from 1 to 4 times a night. I'm at my wits end!!!!

  24. I desperately need this book! My toddler turns 1 this week (on the day you're announcing the winner, in fact!) and will not sleep without us... I mean, it's 12:27 AM right now and he's asleep in my husband's arms on the couch because the crib was a no-go and I can't make him scream for half an hour! E-mail: dolphin23[at]gmail[dot]com

  25. Oh how I need this! My youngest still wakes up 5+ times a night and needs me to walk him around at 18m old..I'm so tired!!

  26. Stephanie
    Thanks for the blog comment! ;) I was pleasantly surprised to see you visited my blog.

    This book would be a godsend for us. Our 2.5 yr old is a nightowl and we can't get her to bed!

  27. Oh please choose me! I know it's random... but I really pray that I'm chosen! My 14 month old still thinks that 2:300 = PLAYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm exhausted, tired, and run down! I really hope that I win! Thank you so much for including moms of toddlers who still struggle with the sleep issue! Not many people think of us! :)

    Email me at: [email protected]

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